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Show THE CRUSADE AGAINST NOI8E. Tho Lodl Sentinel prints tho following follow-ing vigorous protest of a Japanese who objects to loud nolso: Not a million miles from tho Lodl post office lives u man who raises a few geese. Nearby lives a Japanese his wlfo nnd his child. Tho geese bother tho child, and tho father penned pen-ned the following to tho owner of the gceso. In passing It might bo well to mention that tho writer Is an educated edu-cated Oriental: "Dear Sir: Wo have already twice written of your hateful gceso. Your hateful gceso cry with very lnaccept-able, lnaccept-able, unbearable, uncommon, uncouth unquiet nnd very loud volco. Your hateful gceso cry from morning very early nnd constantly. Your geese cry In ugly nnd stormy manner. Therefore, There-fore, whenever your hateful gceso cry our chllds arc afraid and troubled and tremble with wonder. In that consequence the healthy of our child Is very Injured. At the samo time wo nro all awakened from very early morning nnd must heard of tho volco of your uninteresting geese. Whenever When-ever your geese cry tinquletly wo all can think no thought. It Is frequent that the thought makes 113 partly havo trampled down by your hnteful and unquiet volco of your geese. Since you have bought the geese we all havo no causo to think thought except In the night. "Wc nnd our chllds nro extraor-Inarlly extraor-Inarlly Injured, material nnd abstract "Kill your hateful geese! Kill your geese or carry them away to tho distant placo and do to mak us to not bo Injured by tholr hatoful and unqulot volco. If you do not to satisfy our want, we all shall Injurq you In return, tci. Yours faithful, "ALL. NEIQHDOnS," |