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Show A Broken Window I i ! Wj I Is an eyesore to both thos: J fi inside and those outside f the house. A phone mes- fl sage will bring our glass ! man to replace the old 1 with a new and sightly j I glass. We have all sizes I I of window glass. J I' I ' j Everton &. Sons j We Sell' The Earth 7lSt Loan Money on It TV 1 KHbf yw. a..flPlVRf Farm and Guy Property, ths choicest tar nt ana ccnj.igt Commercial blfcckt bi uunt anc told, Plenty c,' money to loan on Cll and farm o'or rty talrM rx-iir '" r irtn lui r titatc ana cornit.erial Invatt fa H.' A. PEDERSEN !;' And Company j Over J si National Bank LAND TOR SALE I Three quarters of a section i of dry farm land In Blue Crook 5 J About 30u acres under cultlvn- j ' Hon, 200 acres planted and J j growing. Write or call on 5 j W. H. ROSKELLEY, S : Smithficld, Utah HINTS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS Keep Foloy's Honoy and Tar Compound Com-pound always on hand, and you can quickly hend off a cold by Its prompt ueo. It contains no opiates, heals nnd soothes the Inflamed air passages, stopB tho cough, and may save a big doctor's bill. In the yellow package. W, R. Fox, 19G V. Washington .street, Noblesvlllo, ltd., says: "Af-; "Af-; tcr suffering many months with kid-; kid-; noy trouble, after trying other rorao-! rorao-! dies and prescriptions, I purchased a ' box of Foley Kldnoy Pills, which not ; only did mo moro good than any oth-I oth-I or remedies I ever 'ised, but have ! positively sot my kMueys right, Oth-! Oth-! or members of my family havo used j them with similar results." Tako nt ; tho first sign of kidney troublo. Co-i Co-i op Drug Co. (Advrrtlpemont) For nny pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr. Thomas' Electric Elec-tric Oil. Pain can't stay where It Is used. (Advertisement). Doau's negulcts euro constipation without grlplnj, nausea, nor any wenkonlng effet. Ask your dtirgglst for them, 25 cents per Ik (Advor-tlsement) (Advor-tlsement) . Start The I New Year Right Subscribe For H ijH The ' I m Republican And get in Touch with the World H i'fl . I iH I All The News I 'i All The Time For All The People : ! H I btsiii Send 1 j M $3.00 Today I ill I !And We'll Enter Your Name For JH j YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION 1 1mmymWmmmmmfmm'IX 1 JSsBIWsEBMiMHHBMBMsWBMiWBBBBHBBiBBBMBBlHilMililBBHBHBBBBMBHBBHi ifjiliil |