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Show H A GOOD RECORD bH ,;" The retiring board of county commissioners B has given tho county one of tho best ndmlnlstra-H ndmlnlstra-H tluns In I'lstory of tho county, perhaps the very B best. It has been a business administration from 1 start to finish, nnd If there Is nny thanks duo pub- lie oMctalb for vnluablo services rendered tho re- B tiring Itcpubllcan administration of Cache Coun- H ty certainly Iibb such thanks coming to It. Ilancll- H capped for lack of funds It has dono moro than H could hnidly bo expected In keeping tho roads In H condition, has enlarged tho county court house, H , nnd greany decreased the Indebtedness of tho coun- H Tho ono thing that stands out as the crown- H lug net of tho administration Is Its attitude on pub- H lie Improvements and tho investment or capital In H our midst. Tho granting of tho Intcrurbnn frnn- H chlsn to tho Logan Itapld Transit Itallroad Com- K pany r.-ii: forever reflect tho good Judgment of tho comm'ss. oners, and provo a hlcsslug to tho coun. H fy at large. Opposed by tho Democratic press and by a number of citizens, tho commissioners went H boldly forward and performed tho act that began H an Improvement that will link up tho towns of tho H county with Intorurban communication and greatly -. H Increase tho holdings of tho citizens of the entire H Am' right hero wc desire to say a Word In be- H half of Commissioner Cronqulst, tho Democratic H minority of tho retiring administration. To his H everlasting credit he stood with tho majority on H this franchise question, and notwithstanding tho H apparent opposition of his party organ, and its , j B continued insinuations, Mr. Oronqulnt turned a. H t deaf car. In this particular instance ho acted wise- H Mr. Hebcr Parker retiroa after two years of H faithful porvlec and leaven a record of which he H has cause to be proud. Mr. .lames J. Molklo ro- j B mnir. mil for the next two years will conBtltuto' I HH the- Hi lublicnn minority of the board. It goes B without sr.ying that his services during the re- H malntlor of his term will be of value to tho coun- H ty James J. Mciklo Is mado of the stuff that i H makes good county commissioners. j BBBl |