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Show THE ' CHINA VIRTUALLY STERLING NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. CHARGER FAITHFUL TO THE END III HANDS OF JAPS Vl'lirn you say 'Sterling' you have Mid the la woid as to quality in iletware. Two oilier uemi style and price alto omi Talue. We thow Sterling, mad Out by th woild'a great eilverimithf. price are as low aa the market permits. IN THE TEUTON LINE NIPPONESE IN CONTROL IN FAR EAST A8 FORMER FOE ACCEDES BOYD PARK STKXET BARGAINS SALT Shanghai. The statement lit made In flie first Issue of the Shanghai that the Chlueso government has agreed to new demands made by Jtiputt, $ ?Zz"i"' v.S'c-13.-- " A.V,'t, '"i'-l- ' . Su! which are of such a nature thut the over turned hits vlrtuully been country to the Japanese. The Gazette asserts The charger of an Austrian cavalryman standing guard over the dead body It hits been Informed by a high official his rider. The Austrian wa killed on reconnoltering duty on the Italian at Peking thut the Japanese demand of are far more serious thau those In front. group V of the famous twenty-on- e (lu-fcet- Wf Bicycle and Motorcycle 1 17. bT. Acc-oriCatalogue. HOUSK OF HOPPER, MO. Third South, Salt Lake City, Utah J Jc,.lf;'- IN USED CARS ed etrs Bulckt, Oldimobll, Nty ttooiiS"."' io IHOO. UufaDld flru das terms If waattd bf ninntnt coadltioa-c- ur light pant. Writ) lot dtaitd Uh nut tcrt lion, Used Cai Dpt., RandalL-Dod- d A a to Co, Salt Lak Otr W In 1915. inailo by Japanese EXPERT KODAK Finishing "Notwithstanding the fact that the HOLLAND SUBMITS Have our profowdonal photographer do your utmost secrecy In being observed," says C tlnlnhlng-Of PRC 144 Kouth Msio Hox 7VI. Ball Lse Olty the Gazette, "it may be mated safely JHIl . Cameras Supplies MEN AND WOMEN. Waar now WAKTm I tlHil kV looted at 4.1 8. Weil Temple Street. to a Filma Wa ruarantrs- to teach muthe barber trade hort time. We n l ynu a job and fiintinh loola. Oonimlwinn paid Call or write. Molar Barber College. 4.1 8. West Temple Ht.. bait Lake Oily. WAR PROPHECY COMES TRUE Russian Banker's Prediction Sevan Year Ago Provided for Famine and the Bankruptcy of Nations. Only seven years ago M. Bloch, the great Russian banker, wrote: "That Is the future of war not fighting, but famine; not the slaying of men, but tbe bankruptcy of nations, and tbe breaking; up of tbe whole social ganlzatlun of tbe nations." Tbe future of war. as written about by M. Bloch seven years ago, Is tbe present of war today, observes Ver-oo- n Kellogg In the Atlantic. Not that fighting and the slaying of nien are lessened. Ouly tbe Nupoleoulc and tbe Thirty Years' wars approach to day's war In the terrible losses of human life; and too greut a drain on the huuiun life of any one or several of tbe nutlons engaged may be the deciding factor In the war's conclusion. But on the whole, and as matters stand today, thut part of M. Blocb's prophecy referring to the predominant Influence of tbe food problem In modern war tTuruugiiiy lkT'ub out by the fuels. Despite the fearful and fatal struggling of tin Incredible number of men. consuming Inconceivable quunllllea of munitions, and using such amazing methods of fighting as are beyond even tbe fantastic imaginings of the ro manors of a decade ago, tbe national nd International phases of the food and general economic problem are tto predominant features of tbe war situation today. ELBA'S SUPPLY OF IRON ORE Mines Have Attached a New Import- ance to the Island Napoleon Was Held Prisoner There. Tbe Island of Elba, celebrated at tbe place where Napoleon wax Imprisoned In 1814, has since Italy's entrance Into this war attracted much attention as the location of valuable iron "lines, write correspondent. In view of the scarcity of Iron mines In Italy and tbe difficulty of transporting ore or pigs frdra the United States for use In the munition factories tbe new Immines of Elba have given portance to the Island. Travelers oo the Genoa-RomErpres, which skirts the seashore of the mainland, permitting view on a clear day of tike bine Island rising ont of the water sit miles distant, think rather of the tall foundry stacks In tbe foreground at I1on tilno than of the great soldier of other e warm. In the days before tbe war this ex- press stopped at Camplglla to put off tourists for riomhlno and Elba, Today It stops to put off business men, skilled Iron workers, Italian sol. Hers and their Austrian prisoners Interned n the Island. The side track at Co nipt gl I a has been enlarged since tbe war, too. for the purpose of handling the large quantity of Iron freight brought "ver from Elba. Napoleon's name has almost 5Vn forgotten on the Island, ao war bay are the Inhabitants with work. "How ran I get to the Villa Ran Martlnor" a visitor arriving on tbe tone wharf of Ihe harbor Inquired of a workman. The wnrkmsa looked at the visitor Mankty, when the visitor added: "Tou know, the place where Napoleon used lo live." The man ahook bis head, a newcomer here. Never beard of the place." Tn Conjugal Felicity. "My wife and I never argue, so we get along beaatlfnlly." "How in yon "When anything gos manage ItT" wrrnijj I Always figure that It wss my fault and she never disagrees with me." ItotnB Transcript Soldiers' Superstition. Cavalrymen hae a superstition of thHr own. A minted man firmly Mint ri will come through Ihw deadliest charge oneathed If he rsr tie on Ms person tb tooth of a war horse, th only condition hclng thai tbp horse Itsrlf hna, at soma !ms be"0 thr"ijcti charge nnhnrL Unremitting Industry. s t too mn'ti store by nrra milting Industry. Tbe ant hS Yn and li!y for working to still so souCapper's Weekly, rint f.o yrs Biggest Effort Yet Made by Hun Lead-er- a in Flandera Offensive Faila, Attacking Forces Being Thrown Back With Terrible Losses. Demonstrationa of Serious Character Occur in Jugo.Slav Provinces. Prebisclte Being Held Among Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. t M y-- Arsenals and Dockyards, Command Chinese Soldiers and Police and Work Mines In All Parts of China. Will Control China's Japan LAU CITY M pleadU W"7T UNMISTAKABLE SIGNS OF AN APPROACHING CRISIS MORE EVIDENT DAILY. ARMY RESERVE HALTED BY FRENCH AND BRITISH FORCES. TO DEMANDS. MAKERS OF JEWELRY MAIN GAINING STRENGTH IS GERMAN IDVNHb I0M KVO ALLIES SMASH HO LE REVOLT IN AUSTRIA thut tho following is not far from the true terms of the agreement : TO 1R E IN ADDED DEMANDS TO DRAFTING LIST "Chinese expeditionary forces sent to Siberia shall be commanded by a Japanese. "Chinese police shall be organised by CRISIS IS BELIEVED TO HAVE YOUTHS WHO HAVE RECENTLY PASSED AS RESULT OF THE BECOME 21 WILL BE ELIGIBLE Japanese officers. SUBMISSION OF DUTCH. FOR SERVICE IN ARMY. "Japan shall control all of China's arsenals and dockyards. "Japan shall have the privilege of Relations Between Holland and Ger- Will Be Put at Foot of the List, in working mines In all parts of China. Their Classes, and Called Only many Have Been Almost at BreakWhen Available Men Under Last "Special privileges sliull. be granted ing Point for Some Time Because to Japan In outer anil inner Mongolia of Demands of Teutons. Registration Are Taken. and the whole of Manchuria." Paris. entente allied line has been advanced between Ln Clytte and Ketnmel. The Franco-Britisforces also have made some progress south of that region. French forces Tuesday held the whole of tho town of Ixcre west of Keuimel, Including tho hotly contested The ullleil line also mudu Hospice. some progress, slightly Improving the position uround Vlllers Bretonueux. Tuesday's attack was the biggest effort tho Germans huve yet ninde ln the Flunders offensive, the enemy employing uliout thirty fresh battalions of reserves, lit addition to the lurge number of divisions in positiou at Uie beginning of the buttle. A satisfactory feature of the struggle Is thut the British and French employed relatively small forces to defeat tho enemy. At one point the French were forced to yield a little ground, but supports promptly arrived and drove back the Germans. By 11 ::i0 o'clock In the morning the Germans hud forced their way through neur Locre as far as II do Fark turner, between and Mont Seherpenberg Thl wus one of the critical Rouge. moments of the day, but the French counter-attacfiercely, and an hour later had pressed back the enemy on the Dank and held him In the center. me t runco-uritistroops took large number of prisoners during the fighting, but there were fewer than the magnitude of the struggle would lead one to expect, owing to the deg' hand encounters en Iterate huiid-tgaged In. The prisoners show considerable dejection at the failure of Von Arnlm's heavy thrust and admit thut the task ahead of the German army threatens to bleed the fatherland . of Its muu Loudon. lay by A dispatch sent out Tue Renter's Limited says ' : "It has been learned from Serbian sources (hut unmistakable signs of an approaching revolution In Austria-Hungartire becoming daily more evident. prcblscite Is being held among ilio Serbs, Croats and Slovene In favor of their union with Serbia und Montenegro in one national Independent sluto under the sceptre of King Peter of Serbia. The prime archbishop of !, is m ti. of this movement. Pcmonst rat Ions of a very serious character ure taking place in the Jugoslav provinces. Now comes news that at the request of the Austriau government, und with the sanction of tho pope, the nuncio tit Vienna has opened u disciplinary inquiry against the archbishop of Ciiruiolu for placing himself at the bend of this revolutionary movement. Greaf developments ure Cur-uiol- lu-u- PERSEVERE UNTIL VICTORY. Field Marshal Haig Tells of Aims in Message to Queen Mary. London. Holland has yielded lo GerWashington. Pruning of melt who RESERVES WILL DECIDE WAR. London. Field Marshal Ihtig, reply-lu- g many's demiiieU concerning transporta- have become Hi sitice last June 5 was to tjuecn Mury's message to tho Men Alone Will Tell In Final Contest, tion and the supply of sand und gravel, approved on April 25 by the bouse. British army Tuesday, telegraphed as ullbotigh It Is understood that lliu I'nder an amendment by RepresentaSays British Expert. follows : amount of hand ami gravel will be tive Hull of Iowa they will be put at London. "In the end It would be a "The message which your majesty instead of limited, unlimited, the foot according of the in their list, classes, question of who hs tbe lust reserves." to a dispatch from The Hague to the and sent to the army und uir force ln the culled only when available men unsaid General Pelmu Uadcllffe, chief di name of women of the British empire, Mull, dated Sunday. der last year's registration have been rector of military operations at the Pally will Inspire with new Is added that a general undertakIt sirngth aud taken into the service. western war office, in a review of the fresh determination will the bruve men be from ing Germany on This required and another provision which front situation. "These reserves from every part of Uie empire, who on the western front are now In the bands that the sund und gravel will not be docs uway with military exemption for the btittletields of Franco and Flandivinity students, will necessitate a of General Foch. In whom bo.h armies used for military purposes. Humors ure fighting so gallantly for all ders In are lutch current the fco conference He with far the ncnute. have the fullest confidence. they hold most dear. Chairman Pent of the military comhim elnployed only a small proportion capital, the dispatch adds, that Hr. John Loudon, minister of foreign af- mittee announced that the war "They who with their own eyes dally of his available reserves. depart see the women and children mudu "In this long drawn out test of en fairs, will resign. These. It Is said, are ment VWII order the registration of the homeless in the peuceful and prosperdurance of the nations It Is Imperative bused on the supposition that he could men by this bill June S, the ous villages and towns now ruined by to get every mau possible to support n.t retain office now that his under- utinlversury of the first enrollment. All hood. flumes, are resolved, come what may, the battle front, for men alone will tell taking respecting the gravel must be men who have reached 21 by that date that their own loved ones snail not In the end." General Hadcllff tald he revoked. !"" jorUter: . they will be Classed, FOCH BUILDS BARRIER. share this sintering. InTU i i.lng the situation, the dis urter answering itfii'iiirri in. reminded th'c" Si'minnm at ""lIUii i.r. "No peril Is too great, no sacriOf patch continues. It Is felt that the crisis nctly the same terms us men enrolled tonneux as very satisfactory. fice too extreme lo save the country ttlili Germany has puswd, although the a Trenches tA PrnMJ1Ws-- " year ago. fate. solution Is In no wise nu Ideal one CLARK TURNS DOWN TOGA. from Under an agreement proposed nl- for Holland. Washington. General Foch. general"Side by side wiTii to register men from 21 issimo of the allied armies, la Relations betwer-- Holland and Ger- amendments taking Speaker of House Declines Senatorship lies, whose wrong we felt as ours aud to 41 were HstHincd, to prevent com- nothing for breakgranted as to the ability of ore determined to set rlgut, we will Believing He la in Right Place. at almost many have biH-und deluyliig the principal the Franco-Americaplicating to line hold. The deM.lnt some to has Clark for the ing Washington. Speaker days owing ln this fight against all odds measure. crumpling up of the British fifth army, lersevcre clined Governor Gardner's proffer of German demands that Holland permit until victory Is achieved. students lose their iHvlnlty exempofwhich at the outset of the Germun the Missouri senatorship to fill the va- the transmission over her canals and "We ure heartened by the love and tion, military committer members said, fensive guarded the gateway to the cancy caused by Senator Stone's railways of sand und gravel from Gerconfidence of the British empire, to Inthere has been abnormal of lesson to carried its The Picurdy, death. plains many iiclglum. controversy crease In tbe number of which your majesty's message has givpious young home. one, as Greot Bri- men Speaker Clark In hi letter of de- was a thret-cirneren such a moving expression." the last year. While the people of two continents tain had warned Holland to take steps clination said : been have "In this awful crisis of onr country's to make certain that the sand and as to speculating anxiously GERMANS ADMIT HEAVY LOSS. MeAdoo Says Line Will Hold. the whereabouts of Foch and the Interaffalrs Indeed, of the whole world's gravel would not be used for military William G. McA!ih. Chicago. Of fairs It Is the Imperative duty of purposcH. allied army of maneuver, it was General Von Rlaberg Says 664,104 Were of the treasury, declared that Ieurnd authoritatively Tuesday that every nuin to serve the people and upMissing on March 31. allies' line the France in will hold, Foch has not been idle. ALLIES ASK FOR MORE MEN. hold the government to the best of Amsterdam. n mnss Speaking before the at meeting here Sunday nlghl Twenty-sevehis ability and In the positiou where he lines of trenches, It main committee of the German relch-sta- g fellow-coti- o "We not are Additional Given Reserves Be Must Is daunted, I believe that can do tbe most good. was disclosed, have been constructed on Friday, according to Vorwacrts, Word That ff omes From Europe. tryrnen, by what la hnpienltig In Eu recently between the battle front in I can render more service In the speakvon Rlsberg stated that on General said. he "We are not dlscotii Flunders and the President Wilson has rope." er's chulr than In the senate. Thera-fore- . Washington city of Paris. March 31 last, the number tif Germans I feel constrained to decline your received strong Intimations from Greot aged s beruuae the lines of our gallant Foch, It was stated, determined, de- missing had reached a total of 004,104. BssM-lati-have bent. We ore tio tender of the senatorship, heartily Britain recently that the suggested adspite the Impatience of onlookers, to Of this number, he said. 2.WI.CT0 were that can afraid break cM they through attempt limiting In the wuy of a dition of l"ts).(KKI to the ex sting thanking you and the many prisoners In France, llil.OtiO In Engensive lans who have urged me to accept." American army of S.tstO.tsiO will not that western front." until assured beyond land. lfjr.OirO in Russia and Rumania, tho demands for men In franc. itiwt doubt that there existed between the and the remainder could be Pledges Help to Greece. regmded BRIG GEN. C. McK. SALTZMAN This means that the schedule of inenemy end Purls an Impenetrable line as dead. President Wilson has Washington. creases worked out by the war departof attack defenses, every against assured the Greek that the eopl ment will If further expanded if ships Princess Marie Banished. from the Prussians United States Is determined to give which would take to trnnsNrt the soldier tan be obfrightful toll In blood. Paris. The Prince Marie Antoinfullest Itienstire of siKrt lo its tained. The president Is giving the Grew and that the mother of Empress Zlta, has been ette, country's rights HUN SPY8 CONVICTED. matter his H"rsoiml attention and In- shall he ordered to leave within twenty-fou- r preserved in any fitiul pence stead of resenting the "plain talk" negotiations. hours and not that counPrison Term for Band Who Tried Long from abroad, has sent out a new order try until the termination of the war, to Foment Revolt in India. to comb the sens f.,r (iwn tmuM.ris- MAJ. GEN. CUMBERLAND according to a dispatch from Geneva. Kan Francisco. One lurid chapter In lloll. Empress Zita has been blamed by tho the history of Germany's Intrigue to pro German, party In b.cr husband s win mnaterv of tji world wn.s cioei DUTCH TO DEFEND NEUTRALITY reiKHisild'e for Etnieror as when United States TMsirlcl Charles' now famous letter to Prince April Has Half Million Men Under Arms and Judge William C. Van Fleet sentenced Sixtus of IUiurhon. his brother-in-law.- " Will Use Them. twenty-ninGermans, Americana and In which he made overtures for peace Hindus convicted of having conspired to France. I'srts. Holland will defend the to overthrow P.rltlsh rule In India. Scheldt river against the designs of the Tbe trial of tbe principal In the Holland's Army Makes Ready. Oriimns and will tunreli against any world wide conspiracy was assailant of her neutrality, a high I Hitch aeries of Rotterdam. The I Mi tcli sensation exoscs of criminal Ger- authorities have withdrawn allmilitary authority dlarel in an Interof the view Saturday. man diplomacy and the shooting to army leave and have taken other predeath of two Hindu defendants In the cautionary measure following; a sn,,. have five hundred thousand trsrs under anus." he courtroom a week ago. den demonstration of German cavalry said. The total of the prison term Im- along the Dutch frontiers. T, f ...... f "Some of the upier classy of the (. posed by Judge Van Fleet waa twenty-thre- e s Tornado Sweeps Over Kansas. and but the country may In" year and the f " . ..t:-fine fGI.OOO. Kan. Two person are are pro-all; liberal and denus-ra- t Pittsburg, h . V "Nothing can make Holland abandon rrjNirted killed, several families homeFive Million Increase Asked. her hetitrsiiiy, for sn-less and several thousand dollars dama atr would Washington. Measures lo add mil- age done by a torpedo that swept terminate our Independence, eoperially lion of men to the American army across Crawford county. Kan., if Germany should be vlclorlons," early " were Introduced In the senate Tuesday Saturday morning. 1 ( , v :? f ,. i ,4 , ; y frymmt. afternoon by Individual senators. SenMillionaire Charged with Espionage. Vakum mMMm ator Hoke Smith of Georgia Introduced Observe Canadian Treaty Anniversary. mi t MMWWMWMHf New Urhftn. Williams Kdentm. a resolution calling upon the senate Washington. The hooe paused In of the Iiiiisiarta Railway A president Satti-msn- , Ccn. Charles Brig. McKinley It war legislation Saturday to celeaffair to committee a a and military nafiiralir.erl prepare rnmpany. Nv!gtin SMiatant to the chief ef the Unitbill for an army of 5.0,noo. Senator brate tbe lKlh anniversary of the sssiSa, a .aSa?3 X ' ed Ststes air service. Is ene ef the citizen f German birlh. was arrested Reed of Missouri Introduced a bill call- treaty between the Uafted State arid yeungett men t hold that rank In the !y detriment of Jfttl-- stent Jintidsy MaJ. Cen. i. L. Chamberland, ing for 3.f0.OJr. Pomerene of Wash- Canada, which agree thut wnrvhip United States army. He i an expert at Shrewsbury, Ii.. on an affidavit tbnil be abolished on the Great Lakes. general ef the United States. ington would call lr4M),orai to colors. charging violation of the epionee art. in aeronautical matters. k b o - tit.s. Con.trtT,X!!lL'ne n iNM-uu- bi-c- n I counter-off- Au-tr- ln .', e fs) o s - it two-third- n, A ' e Barker.tine Bwrned at tea. bnrkentine Franclsm. The Koko Hesd. ixiiind for Manila frm mile wtown, burned at otithwest of Java Hsds and tbe crew of fourteen men landed at Sumnfra after having been at ea si j ilajs. Sun Income Tase le Add Three Billion. and excess Washington . Income: American writer, tearing credentials profit taxes are now expected lo bring Into the treasury from tbe IVdsbevikl as ronsnl gericral about at New York, was detainer! aboard a In Jane or a half million dollar more Scandinavian steamer iirwjrn Ms arrival than hnd been estimated before returns Were filed. here Sunday. Writer Denied Admission. An American I'ort. John Reed, an .l.fsifi,f-io.fs-t- ' Fur Bring Great 8uma. Hun Tactica Banned. St. Ixmis.f titer and mink pell Hncoln, Neb. fngt-1n2- , of cuftjrif l.iiir, solitary confinenient and the ne were the only offerings Thursday str up and r,lwd an Aroeriesn Eiprer t!o aririTiul April f ir s!tle ron- a .f shsifkl' on ififls In tbe Genets company wsgon enrly Hund:y on on Hs trip to ii'fd hire. Ten lho':nnd otter pelt j ferry 'tio.. ha im fl fitp.iJ J, tlty. rel ll.i row choj,to m annfiur'-eTnt t.y the .roi)i.ht capturing twenty (,(,. sr iriirik pelts sold for I c,j,ji.i. value wns 'rt reve1el. state bowrd of rnti'rol. Bandits Rob Esprest en Ferrjr. New Tofk. Aufonmliilf l.)iri(tia he'd t- -t Jrr.j cf,r-1in- isnsi New Japanese Ambassador Arrives. the Washington. Viscount new ambassador from Japan, presented his credentials to President Wilson on He was accompanied to April .TO. the White House by Secretary Lansing. Still Have Money for Furs. St, liOiii. With the sale Tuesday of r02.",(iifi worth of fur, the total sale for the eight day of the annual April fur auction, which bn been held here, reached a totnl of , pst.fswi. Bidding was brisk Tuesday. f-- German Teacher Under Arrest. Car Skidded, Driver Drowned. . New Tork. Joel tl. Feeler of SpringMiS Wilhel- Ppughkeepsle, N. mina Ilichrath, professor of German field Garden, I I., wa drowned w hen Tues- Ids automobile skidded while crossing' at Vaar college, wa am-sieday by department of Justice egenf the WIIIntTibtirg bridge early Tneipy on a presidential ml hurled Mm Into the Lit river, warrnnf. , charged with being a dangerous elien enemy. 10 feet below. |