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Show THE NEPHL UTAIL TIMES-NEW- when home.- - North of (Copyright: Little, Drown CHAPTER XIV & Continued. Fifty-Thre- e Co.) feelings. Hut Hill was blandly "You don't need to look so horrified," ho drawled. "I'm going straight to bed, little person. Scold not, nor fret. William will be himself ugaln "Tf money mount tluit we would be compelled to lend the sort of existence most of those people do," he retorted, "I'd take measures to lie broke a noon 88 possible." "You're awful !"' Iluzcl commented. Kill snorted again. "Tomorrow, you advise our hostess that we're traveling," he Instructed. "When we come buck we'll miike nt a hotel until we loente a pliiee of our own If you ure sure you want to winter here." Her mind was quite made up to spend the winter there, nnd hhc frankly said ro provided he had no other choice. They had to winter somehoud-qunrte- where. "Oh, yes, I suppose so. All right; we'll winter here," Pill acquiesced. "That's settled." And, os was his habit when he hnd come to n similar conclusion, he refused to talk further on that subject, hut fell to speculating Idly on New In which he was presently York. aided nnd abetted by Har.cl, who had never Invnded Manhattan, nor, for that matter, any of the bit: Atlantic cities. New Tnrk. she was constrained to She admit, rather overwhelmed her.world-knowtraversed Hroudwny nnd other arteries, and felt a trifle dubious nmld the unceasing crush. P.ill piloted her to famous cafes, and to equally famous theaters. She made sundry purchases In rinignlflccnt shops. The huge conglomeration of sights nnd sounds made an unforgettable Impression upon her. She sensed keenly the colossal magnitude of It nil. Kut she felt a distinct wave of relief when they were Granville hound once more. In o week they were settled comfortably In a domicile of their own-f- ive rooms In an apartment house. And since the social demands on Mr. William WiigstntTs time grew apace, a capable maid nnd a cook were added to the Wugitiiff establishment. Thus she was relieved of the onus of housework. Her time was wholly her own, at her own disposal or Hill's, as she elected. Hut by Imperceptible degrees they cme to take diverse roads In the swirl of life wbii h hud caTiWr ' There were so mnny little woman where n man wn suiwrfluou. There were others which Hill flatly refused to attend. "Hen parties," he tubbed them. More and more he remained at home with his books. Sometimes Hazel caught herself wondering If they were getting as much out of the holiday as they tdmuld have gotten, as they had planned to get when they were struggling through that Interminable winter. She was. Hut not Itlll. If she ventured to give a tea. he fled the house as If from the plague. He made acquaintances of his own, men from God only knew where. Individuals who occasionally filled the dainty apartment with malodorous tobacco fumes, and who would cheerfully sit up all night discoursing earnestly on any subject under the snn. I'.iit so long as I'.ill found Granville linliltable she did not mind. She wished fervently that It'll would take up some business lhat would keep n s ' And If he were trifle aober ho showed no sign of resentment, nor uttered any futile wishes that Khe could accompuny htm, "So long," he said from the car steps. "I'll keep lu touch all I cuu." Then he was gouo. Somehow, his ubseuce mude less difference than Iluacl hud uuticlputed. She hud secretly expected to bo very louely at first. And she wus uot. Kveu when in her hand hhe held a telegram dated at a point five hundred or a thousuud miles or double that distance iiwuy she did not experience the feelShe ing of complete bodily ubseuce. always felt as If he were near. Only at night, when there was no long arm kiss to pillow. her bead, no good-ulgh- t us idie dozed Into slumber, she missed him. realized that he wus fur away. Early In June came a brief wire from Station Six. Three weeks luter the Free Gold Mining company set up a mild rlpplo of excitement along Hroad street by exhibiting In their oIlic window a forty-pouuheup of course gold ; raw, yellow gold. Just as It hud come from the sluice. livery day knots of men stood guziug ut the treasure. Hill had forwurded the first uilo Hrooks and Paul Lorlmer and others of that group, there was no telling what might happen. His Interests might become permanently Identified with Granville. Hill Informed her from time to time as to tho progress of his venture. .The company wus duly Incorporated, with nn authorized capital of one hundred thousand dollars, five thousand dollars' worth of stock being taken out by each on a cush basis tho remaining seventy-five thousand lying la the company treasury, to be held or sold for development purposes us the five suw lit when work begun to show what tho claims were capable, of producing. In early March came a telegrum from Whltey Lewis saying that he had staked tho claims, both placer and lode; that he was bound out by the Telegraph Trail to file nt Hazelton. Hill showed her the measure wired from Station Six. "I wish I could have been In on It that wus some trip," he said and there was n truce of discontent lu his tone. "I don't fancy somebody elso pawing my chestnuts out of the coals for me. It wus sure a man's Job to cross the Klappan lu the dead of winter." The filing completed, there was ample work In the way of getting out nnd whlpsnwlng timber to keep the five men busy till spring the Ave who were on the ground. Lewis sent word that thirty feet of snow lay In the branch. And that was the hist they heard from him. He wns a performer. Hill said, not a correspondent. So In Granville the affairs of the Tree Gold Mining company remained nt a standstill until the spring floods should peel off the winter blanket of the North. Ultimately, spring overspread the And when the easiern provinces. snows of winter successively gave way to muddy streets and then to clean pavements In the city of Granville, a new gilt slcn was lettered across the windows of the brokerage office In which Paul Lorlmer was boused. uudls-tuihc- particular keenness. u well-define- fJ ' Sq dls-xis- ed A LEMON LOTION LEMON JUICE WHITENS SKIN AND REMOVES TAN, FRECKLES, SALLOWNESS. Squeeze the Juice of two lemous Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shako well, and you havs a quarter pint of the best freckle and tnn lotion, nud complexion whltener, at very small dost. Tour grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchurd white for a t few cents. Massage this sweetly lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes I It Is harmless. Adv. fra-glin- Seen Through. "Germany loves the little nations 011 Belgium, Houmuulu, Serbia and now It appears that she Iotos the big nations, like Russia, too." The speaker was Saburo Okobe of the Japanese embassy. "But all of us," ho went on, "see through Germany ns clenrly as the pretty Chicago heiress taw through the title fortune hunter. "'You love mo?' she said to the fortune hunter, lightly. vh, yes, of course you love me for my pelf alone.' " n'l OUR BOYS "OVER THERE" ENJOY TOASTED CIGARETTES. Through the patriotism of the eitl-seof this country thousands of smol.e kits are being distributed to American soldiers In France. Author-- ities agree that men in the trenches need cigarettes almost as much as food and munitions. Doctors, nurses, and commanding officers ail join in the demand which has awakened in this country a great movement to keep our boys supplied with smokes. Millions of the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes are "going over" all the time, There'a something about the idea of the loaiiej cigarette that appeals to the men who spend their time in cold, wet trencbsa and billows. Then, too, the real Ken tucky Burlejr tobacco of the LUCKY STRIKE ciga-rett- e gives them the solid satisfaction of a pipe; with a lot less trouble. Adv. S. "-"iJ. i t. -- g one-hors- e - A:tog"ther'-weanvi- uncon-scslons- PROYEN y. SWAMP-ROO- ly T gruli-stal.cd- u. d g ht sncr-eft!ly- e Wag-stnff.- " AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS Tbs symptom of kidney snd bladder troubles are often very distressing and Imv the system in a condition. The kidneys seem to suffer most, a ah mot every victim complains of tame back sad urinary troubles which should not be aeglected, as these danger signals oftea lead to mors dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's (swamp Boot which, so many people say, soon heals snd strengthens the kulnrys, ia a splendid kidney, liver sod bladder medicine, and, being an herbal compound, has a gentle beating effect en the kidneys, which is almost irmneifiately noticed la moat case by those who use it. A trial will convince anyone who may be in ned of it. ItcSter get a bottle from your nearest drug store, and start treatment at once. this However, if yoa wish first to great preparation send tea cents to Dr. Kilmer A. f'o., ltmhamtnn. N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and menUon this paper. Adv. run-dow- n tH Weary. Actress (to her Dance) Please don't ask me to kiss you for a week or so, darling. You must romemlxT 1trtok over 2fi0 yesterday sf?!ni: kisses for the lied Cross." Passing Show. Important to Mother bottle of carefully every CA8TOK1A. that famous old remedy t.v,. tftf.nl, Bun .hll.lMn ' ... .n.,1. m.,n' f ) ,.i I 1ftiui.Ni. a.n.1 kit Beam the Signature cif( In Us for Over r ited - lis, J Years. Children Cry for Fletcher'1 Castoria Appropriate View. "What do you think of hanging as capital punishment?" . "I think it la belter to let the subject drop." sim-crity- The cycle of weeks hrmicM them to Jntmnry. They had dropped Into something of a routine in their daily lives, l'.iils Interest and parlb Ipntlon In social affair became negligible. When hook or he was nf absorbed In magazine, he spent his time In some downtown taunt, hating acquired membership In a Hub as a concession to tb'ir me.r.rM r of life, Once he came mm with flTiabed face nnd overbrtehf g ft a odor of whi-kye. rnlifi; H ? liii I r ,"v r seen him drlr.k to es- was "o l I slid ! . k r.o pubis to hide her -- e. The critic seemed struck with tha picture. "This snowstorm painting Is very fine Indeed," he said to the artist. "It almost makes me feel cold to look at It." "Yes, It must be realistic." admitted the other. "A fellow got Into my studio one day In my absence, looked at the picture, and put my fur overcoat on before be went out!" stock-Jobbin- p ls GIRLS! MAKE UP d hni. C'rical Work AboutT She Inquired. Mm In touch with civilization. V hnd the capita!, she considered, and there as fin qu!!on of his ability. Iler tj j i h In his power to encompnss whatever he set a"ont was strong. Osher ien, e gifted, had acquired wen'th, s'wer, even a measure of fnm. fmm aupic1ou beginning. Why riot he? Hut she could never quite bring herself to put It In so many words to Hill. ut gold-hearin- fleh-scnrin- AH tH comfortably ere yet the morrow's sun shall clear the horizon. Let us avoid recrimination. Good night." A week or no later he became suddenly and unexpectedly active. He left the house us soon as his breakfast wus eaten, nnd he did not come home to luncheon a clrcumstuuce which Irritated Hazel, since it was one of those rare duys when she herself lunched nt home. Late In the afternoon ho telephoned briefly that he would dine downtown. And when he did return, at nine or thereabouts In the evening, ho clamped a cigar between his teeth, and fell to work covering a nheet of paper with Interminable rows of figures, "What Is all the clerlcnl work about?" she Inquired. "Reckoning your assets and liabilities?" Hill tuniled nnd pushed aside the paper. "I'm going to promote a mining company." he told her, quite casually. "It has been put up to me as a business ?? cleanup. V proposliion and I've got to the atago And close on the heels of this ten 7 where I have to do something, or I'll duys later, to be exact he came home. sure hnve the Willies." "You great bear," Hazel laughed. In She overlooked the latter statement; tho shelter of his encircling arms. It conveyed no special significance at "My, It's good to see you agulu." the time. (tut his first statement She pushed herself buck a Uttle and opened up possibilities such as of late surveyed htiu admiringly, with a gratishe had sincerely hoped would come The fied sense of proprietorship. to pass, mid she was all Interest. cheeks of him were tunned to a healthy "1'romote a mining company?" she brown, his eyes eleur and shining. The "That sounds extremely repented. offending flesh had fallen uwuy on the businesslike. How when where?" strenuous paths of the Klappun. He "Now hero In GranVllle," he rerudluted boundless vitality, strength, warmplied. "You see," he continued, of alertness, thut perfect ing up a bit to the subject, "when I mind and body that Is bred of faring was prospecting that crock where we resourcefully along rude ways. She made the clean-ulast summer, I thrilled at the touch of his hand, was ran across n lend. quartz content to lay her head on his shoulI packed out a few Able Man, Your Husband, But In my samples and forget everything la the Joy "Very der as ths Deuce." pockets, and I happened to show them Headstrong of tils physical nearness. us well as one or two of the nugon listed to elected the Change. A good bit was They spend evening gets to some of these fellows at the of privately. We now Lave a quietly at home, as they used to do. club a while back. Lorlmer took a To Hazel It seemed quite like old large fund In the treasury. It's a piece of the quartz and had It assayed. rnr.K ooi.n minivo company times. Hill told her of the Klappan cinch. We've got the property, and It looms up as something pretty big. P. II. Sc.-TrHrooks. Lorlmer. P. J. U country, and their prospects at the It'a rich enough to pay dividends on So he and Hrooks and a couple of William WagaUiT. Manager. a million. The decision of the stock- mine. In eg abeild. ' lex fellows wiiiif.-ro- o - "'tailing to he fii6rs. IrrJ WsoCJ (Wiftiof-s"-! unanimously P.lll was commlieeJV v. Ko It mn. ii nd organize nnd locate a group of In ment of the capital stock. Tou underbe declared. at last. business of the otmjr claims In there. Twenty or thirty stand? You follow me?" Tm ao glad," said IlateL thousand dollars capital might make XV. "Certainly." Hazel answered. "But a "We've CHAPTER ten claims, got group of 'em all rich. Of course, the placer Whltey Lewis and the original stakers what la the difficulty. BUI?" end of It will be the big thing while T:il Is opposed to the whole plan." hold an Interest In their clnlms. I, A Businsss Journey. the lode Is being developed. Getting RM acting as agent for these other fel- he said, pursing up his lips with evithe to "I to have Klappan." go the start Is easy. These fellows I've "Want lows In the Company, staked five more. dent disapproval of Bill Wags faff and talked to are dead anxious to get In." apprised his wife one eveulns. I took In eight more men and, be- all his works. "He seems to feel that come a to long?" "Hut" her knowledge of business lieve tne, things were humming when we should not have taken this step. Instlnc first Her Hazel hesitated methods suggested a difficulty "you reluctance to I left. And. say, I went In by the He declares that no more stock must can't sell stock In a business that has tlve feeling was one of trail. But ranch. Old Jake has a fine garden, be sold ; that there must be no enlarge.nerve-tryinretrace the no real foundation yet. I hurt 'ou ment of capital. In fact, that we to be wish neither did she separated lie's still tieggtng away with the mule must have to locate those claims first?" peg along In the little I offered hlin und Gretchen, der cow hitiu from we started. And thnt would be "Wise old head; you have the Idea, way at a a Uttle stake to chance make fat "I see you don't." he observed dryall risht." He smiled. "Hut this Is I blame the mine, but he didn't want to leave a shame. We could make the Free I ly. "Well, I can't say that not a proposition. Great old feller, Jake. Gobi Mining company the biggest the ranch. a stiff It's you. trip." wouldn't be In on It If It were, believe thing on the nap. and put ourselves a of philosopher In his way. on Something enthusi"I'm sorry I can t feel any me. It's to be a corporation, where Easy street." make He'll old bead. wise Pretty not to exc 1 six men will own all the asm for such a Journey," she remarked gisxl, alt right." He spread his hands In a gesture of Mock that's Issued. And so far as candidly. "I could go as far as the In the morning. Bill ate his break- real regret. there meet and coast with yon you, the claims are concerned, I've got "Bill's a fine fellow." he said, "snd come out. How long do you fast and started downtown. one of my best friends. But he's a busia Whltcy IovU bicated In Fort George, when you of the dickeus "That's being and I've been burning the wires and expect to be in there?" ness man," he complained to Haxcl, hard man to do business with. lis "I don't know exactly," he replied. in spending a bundle of real money getthe hallway. "It rides a man, once takes a very peculiar view of the mat. He has got four "I'm not going In from the coast, It gets hold of bira. Adlos, little per-so- ter. I'm sfrnld hell queer the comting him men besides himself all ready to hit though. I'm taking the Ashcroft Fort I'll get out for lunch, business pany If he stirs up trouble over this. the trail us soon an I give the word." George Trail. I have to take In a pack or lio business." Thsfs why I hope you'll use whatever work "You won't hnve to gnV she put In train nnd more men and get KU veti thirty brought home, Influence yog have, to Induce hlia to him slurted on a decent scale." And be withdraw his opposition." quickly. preoccupied and frowning. "Hut you won t have to stay there carried "But," Hazel murmured. In some per"No," he murmured, "It Isn't necesand his frown bis preoccupawill plexity, "from what little I know of sary, at this particular stage of the nil summer and utcrsce the work, tion to the table. how he can set game. Hut I wouldn't mind (Kipping youf she inquired auxlously. "Whatever Is the matter, Hilll Ha- corporation. I don't see I should," he said up any difficulty. How can he stop a whip over a gox! string of dogs. zel anxiously Inquired. from taking any line of action Tor a second or two he drummed Just the aume." 1th. I've got a nasty bunch that you T" whatever on the table top. she shivered Involuntarbe there's a nigger In the woodpile," not "Oh. that nt all." Brooks hastily for Is across real "Hut that there any necessity ily. "Four hundred miles replied. you to stay on the ground?" Ifhe pur-suAnd that was all he vouchsafed, assured. "Of course, we can outvote deep snow, through that steady, "1 and put It through. But we want cold. I don't envy thorn the her. own line of thought. lie finished bis luncheon and left the him. him with ns, don't yon see? We've a this of an should think of undertaking out was He Journey.' sight scarcely t of his ability. Ile'a the to ex,-ran high opinion size would She enme over and stood by h'm. Justify hiring when Jiminle Brooks' runabout drew man who gels results; prnc sort playfully r umpling his brown b..ir with take charge of the actual mining ope- up at the curb. A half minute later tlcnt. of ynn know; knows mining to a T. ration. Won't you have this cud of it he was ushered Into the living room. her fingers. he shies nt our financial method. Only "I'm Kind you've found something to look after?" InT" was his first query. "Hill And If he began any foolish litigation, "Lorlmer and Hrooks are eminently to Iikwp that pent-u"No, he left Just a few minutes or rticrjy of yours silly rumors got started about and rdie said "You'll make capable of upholding the dignity on. Hilly-boy,ago." Hazel told hint. trouble among the company officers. It's neatsuccess of It. I know. I don't see Importance of that sign they've got Mr. Brooks, a short, heavy-set- , Irfirmd to hurt the stock. It's all right, why you shouldn't make a success of smeared across the windows downly dressed gentleman, whose rather I ssure We're not foisting a chief "The observed he I Hut town," didn't business. curtiy. weak blue eyes loomed preternaturally wildcat on you. any kind of We've got the market. the will set z office lalior of the You they've tip think you'd ever tackle business. large and protulicrafTI behind pince-ne- goods. Bill admits that. It's the reg. . The work have such peculiar view alxiut busl-- i be to divide the proce-dsthat straddled nn Insignificant snub trlar method, not only legitimate, bnt will be done and the money limde lu Iioih", took off his glasses and twiddled ss and business practice." good finance. Kvery dollar's worth of business "I despise the ordinary ttje Klappan Range. You sa Ire that, them In Ms white, well kept fingers. stock sold has the value behind It. don't I murmured. your he "Ah, too had! clitic," he returned sharply. "Hut iHstrlbntes the risk s little more, that's "Piii stupid," she pouted. can exploit the resources of nature. "Thought I'd cntth him. all, snd give the company a fund to ""Pin going tomorrow," he sold. "1 Ami that is my plan. If we make P.y the way," he continued, after , operate I as h a he It'll nn whole. a the lilihed Just It coin well, won't frankly, think, pause, "youmoney by Bill mentions It, yon mlzht sng. "If from the other fellow's well If you don't go. Slay here and have reason to believe that you bsve ple proccs, that he look Into the matter s Ill transfer some a good deal of Influence with your hus- get torkers; It wo.r'l be wealth created by enjoy yourself. little more fully before he take any shearing lambs in the market, by more money to your account. I thiuk band In business matters, Mrs. definite action." Brooks concluded, rissweatshop labor, or adulterated f'ssl. I'll drop down to the club." "I tntit get down to the office. She follow ed him out Into the hall. "Well. I don't kno; perhaps I ing. or exorbitant rental of filthy dealing Ms own Interests I'm thinking of. It's I she his rid. as into lie to set hnve. coat, wricgicd Why?" with. I'm not overly anxious as mneti ns own. Of coure, he he hec.in rath- couldn't blockrny a "Well sh you Into it wiih them. Hut it promises lu:d mi Impulse to throv her arms reorganization but in all er lemely. "The fact Is I hope you'll we action of some sort and I have to around his neck snd want to satisfy him It every par, that she would go to the regard this as strictly confidential. Mrs. ticular, do something till spring." time, carry I wouldn't want Hill to oot theseand. at thf same In the spring! That brief phrase Klappan or to the north pole or sny WsestnfT. It's a big thing for all him. wanted If he wiih I. or With think set llaxel to sober thinking. any of us, was trying to of us. A plans. place onejirth 1 assure big thing. yon." feminine bring pressure on hbn. But the fact April or May Hill would spread his her. Hut by some (TO UK CONTTNfF.Dj inIs. Bill's got a mistaken Impression wings for the North. There would be reasoning she reflected in the same h'-about the wsy we're conducting the no more staying him than the flight stant that If Pill were away from First Use ef Oars. of the wild goose to the reedy nesting In a few weeks be would lie all the finnncbil end of this mining proposiThe Ides of propelling ships Inde. closed sumto That more a Ton f.ak. understand? tion. get glad Very side pendent ly of the wind first led to the grounds could be stayed. Well, mer In the North would not be so bad, her mouth. It was not wise to tie too man, your husband, but headstrong as ue of onrs. The discovery of land veshe reflected. Hut she hated to think meek r obedient where a husband the deiirB. pm sfraid to swnk fran- hicles snd the means of propulof the Isolation. It grieved her to was concerned. That was another mite klyhe'll create a lot of tsnplessstit-f- n sion fif land vehicles Soon led to of w l'loio she bad garnered from the . Might disrupt the company, In contemplate exchanging her beautifulto utilize It on bchstf ef vesfact. If he sticks to the position he sels. If is claimed that the fl.st atly furnished apartment for a log cabin t ves of her circle. Hill ithe So the In the wrw.'ls. too!; this morning. Thought I d run In tempt st this g(wd by et wns mide t nnd t!k It ovr itl hi in. I'Mlow's by Hlssco de propulsion Still she bad hopes. If he plunged s'ation fieTt day w iih perfect Gamy, at Harcvlota, Irt Into business associations with Jiuj- - rnof and no parting cuio'i.n of any generally la s g"o 1 humor, yoa know. " "What's lunched "I'm quite In the dark," Ouzel confessed. "Hill seemed a trifle put out about something. He didn't auy wbut It was about.' "Slmll I explain?" Mr. Brooks suggested. "You'd understand and you might be uble to help. I don't as a rule believe In bringing business Into the home, but this bothers me. I lutte to see a good thing go wrong." "Kiplaln, by all means,"' Huzel promptly replied. "If I cun help, I'll bo glud to." "Thuuk you." Mr. Hrooks polished his glusses industriously for a second und replaced them with pulnstaklug exactitude. "Now uh this Is the : When tho compuny was formed, five of us. Including your husband, took up enough stock to flnunce the preliminary work of the undertaking. The remaining stock, seventy-liv- e thousand dollars in amount, was left In the treasury, to be held or put on the market as the situation warranted. With the first clean-up- . Bill forwarded facts and figures to show thut we hnd a property fur beyond our greatest expectations. And, of course, we suw at once thut the thing was ridiculously undercapitalized. "So we held a meeting and authorized the secretary to sell stock. Naturally, your husband wasn't cognizant of this move, for the simple reuson that there was no way of reachlny him and his Interests were thorough ly protected, anyway. The stock wm By BERTRAND W. SINCLAIR 13 he's Soothe Baby Rashes That Itch and burn with hot baths of Cutlmra Soap followed hy gentle of Cutlmra Ointment. anointings Nothing better. For free sample address, "Cutlcura. Trept. X, Boston." Sold by druggist and by mall. Koap 2., Ointment 25 an1 fiO. Adv. Intellectnal Improveraent woman's shnpo. Is apt to Ws rp a When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Cye Remedy j"-r- ff '" iw.it. fm f..f Frf mtn H"'- - |