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Show ( THE r THIS WOMAN . SAVED FROM Lrdim Wi.-"- Ai Ptakham's Vegetable Compound , r"titiHi,:H.;i!:jjj l saved m tl My 10, F. S. Iun-levy- , stale road agout of Carbon By taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. RlarV River Falls. STATE NEWS AMERICANS ARE To ho effective AN OPERATION EL UTAH irom --an .A V My enougn in praiao UilU IIUUQETUUani organic troubles and mo airia hurt ma an I could hardly b up irom my dm, ana a r "i was unabi to a my hnnaawork. I had tho beit doetort la Eau Claire and they wanted me to bare an operation, but l .nJU V. Ptnkham'a "tul Ve fc Compound cured me ao 1 did not f ed the operation, and I am telling all friend, about It" Mr. A. W. bttmm. Black River Fall. Wl. experience as that of It i utt auch r tho ha miH this famous root and herb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean, ahj wuium wuv suffer from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness. imxmiariue or uie uiuvn not rest until aba has given it trial, and for special advice write Lvdla L. flnknam Meatcin vx., tjuu, ua ,'- ni county, has resigned. (lood progress Ik being nuule In equipping a regimental hull for recreation center for Utah men at Cump lewln. Students and graduates of the Utah Agricultural collcce will be eligible to make application for the fourth army officers 'training enmps which open alay 13. Following a critical operation, Mrs, F. P. Furnsworth, wife of lllxhop Franklin I. FarnswortU of Heaver, died at a Suit Ijtke hospital at the age of 40 years. John If. Cook, custodian of the state capltol, has received from Washing ton letters jiau-n- t on IiIh wifely device to protect the lives of window clean ers on tall buildings. The council of Park City has punsed an ordinance requiring dairymen to bottle all of the milk delivered to the public. Heretofore the milk bus been carried In bulk In cans. Thut a majority of the Ogden and Weber county boys who left for Camp Lewis on November 3 ore In the trenches In France, Is the Information received In Ogden by relatives. G. A, Pupnlliou, who arrived in Suit Luke a few days ago to establish lilm self there as (Jreek consul, will devote hln time during the next few weeks to the organisation of the members of the Creek colony In the Interests of the war. To enahle the boys there" to heur the latent musical "hits," the mountain division of the American Ited Cross has been oalld ujion to furnish JlTiO phonograph records, and Utah Is expected td furtdsh its quota of the number. Stephen llrown, 24 yenrs old, and each were finel $100 James Androa, and sentenced to ninety days In Jit by Judge Wtlklns at Salt Luke, within nn hour after their arrest at the O. S. U deMit, each carrying a suit cusc full of llijuor. Attorney Ceneral Shields Is back at his office after having been In Wush Ington guarding Interests of the state In a hind case involving the uppllcti tlon of the principles laid down In the noted Sweet coul land decMon b he supreme court. Iiluck Hawk Indian war veterans' chances of receiving pensions from the federal government for their service to the country In the wars of days gone by apiiear brighter as the renult of work being done by Utah's ropreMeuta Uvea at Washington. , When an Ogden man, arrested for at the drunavnneiw: wa ;y.',2d e bottles ot police station two paregoric were found In his pocket, the contents of one bottle being about gone. He had been using the paregoric s a substitute for whiskey. Instead of cultivating a war garden this year, sultnble land being difficult to obtain, the keventles of Forest Inle voted to purchase a f 100 Liberty bond. the money to com out of their fund. which Is raised by each member contributing 2 cents a month. A patent for a mechanical stoker has been granted fJustav O. J. Kleven of Salt Luke, the Invention providing for the mechanical feeding of coal Into a holler furnace and so dlstnhutlng It that better combustion may be secured and additional heat provided. Neorly lono draftees will be trained as technicians, mechanics snd machinist" this summer at the Utah Agri cultural college. These men will he "or A CARTERS f fivER For Constipation Carter's Little 1 Liver Pills will set you right over night Purely Vegetable Saudi P01, Saudi Doe, Saudi Price Carter's Iron Pills Will reel ore color to b .ace of tboo w ho lack Iron In the Nood, aa most . people pale-fac- ed BLACKS : rwnsm jurat s taCKiia PIUI tr 4 Soswvs? wnll 10 eaea t)oo Ik. om-w- A t siocMei rma. It M p4. Vf. suok'as rate, 4.se ..,. M, 4 Cm loaan an . n wtMaarlM Cnra ea o II li li aaaMMk Full of Resource. congressman said the other day dinner: "Our American resourcefulness and knack of getting things done I going to shine out In the war. Look how our commanding officers deal with the FVenrh hotels that overcharge our soldiers They post sentries at the door to explain to onr men that the place Is out of bound.' That soon brings the hotel to reason." "We've a resourceful nation. An American girl In Paris once hatted her millionaire father befora a jeweler's ahop In the line de la Palx and pointed to a tiara surmounted hy a coronet. " Ta, hny me that 1 she said. 1 "Hay yon thatr her father chuck- 'Why, gtrtle, you've got to be a to wear that. "The gtrl t sowed her head. - Hou hay It." she said. I'll find the oohe." led. diM-he- The Affronted Oslleper. Rlr Frederick Smith "Galloper," as railed In England he ta eometlm got' Into difficulty now and then during the American visit on account of hts fiery and ebullient nature. "Walloper" Smith had an alterca- wKh aa lawyer at he attended In New Tort. a trial The alt.'rraUon became wry warm. FTaatly ooe of the Galloper's support-erj- t Mid, with a sneer snd a ton of : the head towards the Tot away. Rlr Frederick. R temher your rank." r "Itewternher Tm whatf" roared Smith fiercely. Irish-America- n Vl Irish-America- n f!l-btrw- TAKE UP POSITION ON FRENCH BATTLE FRONT AND WILL HELP STOP THE HUN. f PACKAGE OP Corn Food Good ToThc Last Flake Add to SEEUS. LOSE Funds That Will Forever Six End Germany's Desired d Rule. y YfWm fee Fighting Men From This Side of Ocean Face Enemy Line, Being Confl-deDUTY OF EVERYBODY TO HELP They Will Bar Germane From Parla and Amlena. Purls. American troops have taken up positions on the French buttle front. Under the French high command. In which ull runks have supreme eoufldem-e- . the American forces face the enemy on the line burring the (ier-niiifrom Purls and Atulens, where they lmve been a certain number of days. lue Americans, on catering the line, found their position In a rotting terrain. The artillery wus the first on the line, entering on a dark night, which wua made red by the continuous flashes of friendly uud hostile guns. Under a fire, wulclt lu some cases wus rather heuvy, the American gunners took up the potations of the French butteries uud completed the work of digging in. When the Infantry moved in, the firing wus Just us intense. In aome pluceti our troops, after pnswlng through villages, were ruked now uud then wlUt shrapnel. In several In Htuucvs they found the treiicbca slml low, while In other caws there were no trenches ut nil. liy this lime the positions huve been Improved greatly and the shell holes connected. The American lines generally are ubout "Jot) to 400 yards apart, and the high ground U uhout evenly divided, Whut the future holds for the American forces Is, of course, unknown, but the Americans uru confident tluit under the cfticent French direction, al though Ihe tasks ahead may be diffl cult, they will give good account of themselves uud strike the boche a blow If opHrt unity offers. It ahould be understood that this is not especially active in com purlHon with others to the north, nl though it Is more active than thotse the Auiericuiis previously bud faced. The artillery firiug Is heuvy and intermittent, the Uermiin shells whizzing over the Hoc Into towns in certain rear ureua. SENATE PASSES OVERMAN BILL. Amendments to Limit President's Authority Are Rejected. Washlngi.. Rejecting an- - ai.ie4-"tjivnt- s designed to limit the president's authority, the senate bite Monday passed the Overman bill with its gen erul grant of wmvr for the executive to and reorganise govern ment depart men Is and other aavnei,- during the war. As pussed by the the meu ore authorises the president to "make such redistribution of functions among executive agencies as he may deem necesaary," and to "utilize, and consolidate any executive or administrative cominlftMlotiK. bureaus. agencies, offices or officers now ex- Ming by law, to transfer any duties or power from one existing deart ment or to transfer the personnel thereof." These isiwora. however, "shall be exercised only In matters re lating to the conduct of the pritM-ti- t war." The measure also provides that If Uie president believe any agency trained in three period. ahouid be abolished he shall report beginning May 5. About 300 men will to congress, and eongrin will arrange attend the first aeries of courses. for transfer of appropriations In any d fifty-fivaliens who npiesr-eOf the reorgunlxatlon, limiting their before Paul Armstrong, naturalis- ture to the purpot- - specified expend! by con- ation agent at Salt Lake during the groMa. week for examination as to their NAMES WAR FINANCE BOARD. qualifications for cUijtemhlp, fifty-onwere found to have purchased Ulwrty President Select Four Men to Head bonds and scored well on patrlotlom. S60.0O0.UO0 Project John Sakellarls, native of 5reece Washington. President Wilson on and citlsen of Pdngham, has Invested bis entire savings, amounting to f'JOOf). Monday appointed four dlmrtors of r nnanr In Liberty bonds of the third Issue. He the new srssiotiri.orwi Is the first Oreck citizen In I'.lnehsm corporation and a new cnpltnl Issues to Invest such targe sum In Utterly committee provided for In the war bonds, and It Is believed his action finance corporation act. I l rectors of the corporation are will encourage other Greek citizens of William P. O. Harding rf Alabama, Utah to buy bonds. To assist In furthering the develop Allen II. For1.c of New fork, Kngene ment of the !lvctock Industry In the Meyer, Jr, of New Vork. and Angus . llrLemi of orth firollna. Intermountaln region, the Salt crested the Union Stock Yards h Shipbuilders Speeding Up. position of field agent and ha apAmerican shipbuilders Washlngtoa E. W. Stephpointed to that poa tlon ens for the part two years assistant have responded to the shlnlng board's demand for iqr-eIn production. state leader In bora' and girls' club argent 2S, they April work for Ihe Utah Agricultural college. In the week ending launched 41. 10.- -, tons, making a total "Knowing Ihe frame of mind of the of l,4a",tl tons since the building American people, it did not snrprl program got under wsy. I wss nevertheless. deeply me; with the calm and steadily Gooiper Stricken. to forceful nnnnlmlty of the Ssimml fkmfer. presi- Montreal. the call of the notion for financial pup-po- defit of the Fefleratiirti of In this ar crisis," tovejnr I'.sm- was taken snddenty III while IaIiot, a from return his own berger said Mrcdpg a mass meeting of lolMr liberty loan eoeaking tour covering a reprewntatlves here Mnndny nUid. month. soror Equal Suffrage for Prussians. The girls of the Oil Oraee Amsterdam. The pnilnn conrress ity of the University of i'lah av of the National I i hern I prrty, acconl. pledged themselves to do all they can to help win the wsr. O.lel Ing to a lierlln dipatrh. has adopted a will lie nnnece-ssrresolution In favor among the "nit-ontsequsl suffrage In In dres ami dain- Prussia within the llndls precrlled expenditures by the government reform bill. ties, such as candy and parties. Thirteen Utah men. graduates of the Shorn Appointed Irtah Secretary. tltlid officers training erhoH which; London Ilwsrd Fliortf. memter of a ago. wek ended at Camp Kenmy Ill not be ssignet to the rg!men! the house of commons for Newrssfla hss been appointed chief ace as wss first ordered, but will be sent Ireland to sncefwl Henry retary an with for duty artillery orgsnlwi Iwike, whn has held tht post tlon at Camp Jackson, 8. C, U th Edward since Aogut, ISUfl. near future. two-ounc- two-mont- h e e lke d " POSTTOflSTIES OB Iron-Han- Am'-rica- IN BUYUBERTYBONDS ON THE FIRING LINE rt NO WASTE NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, fr Question Is Not Whether W Feel Llk Subscribing, but Our People Must Spend or Be Spent 81t-eriand- Steadies nerves 2 Allays thirst Aids appetite 3 By ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Of the Vigilantes. Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the Inhabitants thereof ao runs the legend on the Liberty bell, which by a favorite tradition penled out to the world the tidings of the birth of the United States of America on that famous July 4, 1770. We thought that message had gone out once for all ; that freedom In the United States was a rock of Gibraltar that could not be scaled nor penetrated nor moved. We have thought that the old days of national sacrifice and anxiety were forever passed. Whut so strong, so permanent so vigorous, so dominant as government of the people In these United State! If the American Revolution had been only bell tinging and the passage of resolutions, we should not now be the foremost republic of the world nor any other kind of a republic. The Declaration of Independence was a bold statement of liberty which had still to be mnde good. The heroes of the Revolution knew how to watch as well as to pray, how to march as well as to resolute. The Declaration of Independence Is a mighty force In the world because when the country called soldiers sprang Into the ranks. Liberty hud to he spelled out by such big capital letters as Lexington, Illinois. Pennington, Kutaw, Rocky Mount, Trenton and Torktown. We Are Better Fortified. The hard lighting In the field 'won only half the buttle. Out forefathers were able to "proclaim liberty throughout the land" because they found the sinews of war. It was one thing to raise the flag, another to raise troops and still another to "raise the wind." There was not a bank In the United State till the Revolution was nearly over and few were the people who had money enough to lend to anybody, yet that 3.000.000, of whom a fourth were slavea who could have no property," somehow Induced the people of the country to turn in their small surplus of provisions, clothing and military supplies and take for it the obligations of the government which toward the end of the dark period of the Revolution seemed little likely ever to be paid. They furnUhed about $CV 000.000 In taxes, contributions and supplies and at the end of the war the na tional debt Incurred In behalf of the Revolution were. Including arrears of Interest. $70,000,000. which was then about $20 a head on the population, man, woman and child, whites, In dians and negroes, seamen, farmers, plantation slave a they ran. Must Spend or Be Spent Make no mistake; this Is not ques tion of whether we feel like subscribing to a loan any more than question of whether we feel like receiving news of a break on the war front and the capture or retreat of the American tawps. The nation Is compelled to choose either to spend or to be spent. There I only one possible way to end the war to the honor and safety of the United 8tate and that I to fight for It Our sons fight In the army, our daughter fight In the Red Cross, we elders must fight with ssfe deposit boxes and mortgage deeds and sheets f securities. In the dsys when Ihe French wer In , the habit of recruiting troops In there wa a saying. "No money, no Swiss t" Nowadays It Is, "No money, no Tank!" for unless yon subscribe to the loan your son cannot he trained or eqnlpped or fed or trans ported over seas or carried to the front or protected by a barrage of artillery fire or put where he can attack tbe enemy. Remember the Liberty Bell. Tbe battle Is going on from day to day In the national banks and the sav ings banks and the trust companies and the treasuries of the fraternities end the dubs and the churches and the restaurants Just as much as In northern France or P.elglnm. No one soldier csn win at tbe front nor a hundred thousand together. It would tak a million, but If every one of that mil lion hangs bsck. there Is no army, bo wsr. nothing but shame snd misery for the nation. Just so, you rnnnol ssve your ronrwry all alone by your subscription to the third Liberty loan; bnf you can unite with a million oth era. Io your duty and mpecf and org others to do theirs. That mekes a vic torious army of people pouring In fhcli rattlieg dollars as tbe boys at the front hurl hand grenade. "All the Inhabitants thereof." that is what the Liberty bell sroused. Not the soldier only, not merely the Red the T. M. C. A. snd the other i"Me and with the troops. Ton plain farmer, yon banker. lnvetor, manufacturer von doctor, lawyer, teacher, scientific man. man, railroad man, engineer, hnlne mechanic, wording man ; jou schoolboy arl scaootirtrl. listen to the liberty tx!L, ao.Htcrlbe to the L !m ty loan. 1 4 Helps digestion Keeps teeth clean Cts economical 5 6 f tecpt J . x aod sailors supplied 1 MSs$m ffisf Chew It after every meal The Flavor Lasts! Waited to Hear Him Howl. A Held Back. "How old are you. little man?" I would have lieeo "I'm eleven. twelve only I was sick for a year." Jennings county teacher suys he crltlclaed a pupil who was lute In getting to school and demanded an explanation, The boy Informed !a. .that In passing the home of Ids playmate he saw the boy undergoing several applications with a sllpiM-- r In the baud of hi playmate's mother. "Rut why should thut cause you to be late 7" asked the tenecher. "Well, you see. It waa this way. I wanted to hear him howl," was the reply. Indlunapolla News, i tlx Ti- -a t Crf KU f TWm Ugly SyaU Tarrv'a a Miaer tb alUhtnt aenl at filing th4 of onr t atnplr frrvku. fuarulr4 aa la soar sa Otbhi nam of tUrmm Oihlcw dinblo aaaMlr mi a rnaiplf-stna- rlr it. T"lairv-- - Clni? f aVAal roo Cleanerl op llroor wa rrllot. hone B rvia ar 10 ana aiaoaa, aaaamaa. ObMonettt ROe. BErow PATRIOTIC!a tmpnato bf AaaoOaa aa Soow Allloa f Saaoa tbo raaioaurof roar Aotoaovbllat. aaoflnut. rraarbaoS alllo Saa: alnbot plawa aiof aaa BoMor, tnuil t auaaplota (I M aaweooa Boa vll alriol pla4 a tat ana aol4 U t Sa aaa Sorvtoa ram oo aaam boiaoo. pmioa atog. L, S or I atans SI av Taoaa Saaa aaa aaa aa aomr atoofi If aui aauaraaaurr aill rofaa amo y. ab-ao- lanlat IKB. IIS CaaaaroW U AafaW. CaU. The Hereford Corporation . ... r --J Vt'vnmlnrl FIAXI Hla Horn. Friend Why do you put the servlco flag on the car Instead of your home? Wife of Soldier Itecause, you know, Jim lived In his car before he went to war. IJfe. $100 t Soaal tlM Prarrtral Haaae Tuaiaaaiaia tm S ano a0M ao a, lit, tm ooo 2lc Raet anul.l tmictb fro roar Hiutl,t, a4 apolr a Intlo 4 r Bkornlnf o oaooU anoa albt f sad bo womt Irwh l a . ag-nthai to d eeosr, wall tb ngbif oaoa aaa ao:b4 rm eirotr. It la aoMnai foal mm tkaa aao anaro h ai1 ta enaipiotir ta sola aa4 gala . a toaatlfal cloar no oara ta aak for tko ovihto airoajtfe Oth id. aa tklo Is aoM aaxlor anaraatoo nt ranarj bark If It falie ta roawoa of II Cow r mM Fill lott tKtMllUuSl roam.l. eVUaVDLVeal 1 Boys and Girls Clear Your Skin With Cuticura 21 and New Is apMa. TblB fJOATM r.ltts) oaatrtt' M. ta, FRECKLES Mnragtk Do Your Cowi Hereford n good, eeioro4 tmHa far aai. WRITS ' Reward. $100 Catarrh Is a local Okaoaaa froatlr by constitutional condition. It traat-mon- t. tnerafora raqulrae constitutional HALL'S CATAHKH MKDIC1.VC ts taken Internally and acts through the Blood on tba Mimmi 8urf-of th Pya-taHAtX'H CATARHH MEDICINE dtortroya tha foundation of the dlooaao. tha patlant strength ar Improving gl'aa ua gfiaral health ana assists nature la ontng Its worh. t'" f"r any caaa nf HAIJ8 CATARRH Mr.rlCTNB falls to rura tnOu-snra- a "IfFartaielvalv (.t-.r- - C. PAftsiCw'A !T7Fn xt a G'r!!,Jh, Iriggiota Wc F. J. Chaoay A fiWEEKS' t rvm oocaa a , 25o Twtlmnnlala fro. Co- - Toledo, Ohio. Think of Factory frloa som rrtra ai btfoaiUia at. too- aatlaoo. oiarr4tatoas AMEB.lt AM fUU MIU.CH, lama, - a--a W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No, 1I MORGAN'S SONS CO. ENOCH LcndHim For v3 WHEN YOU THISK FUGS Specialized In Athlete. "Jones was educated at Harvard, wasn't heT" "No; merely went there." ttnr xj .Vrif la Mart J Buy DCTNJDS For PATRIOTISM SAPOLIO ECONOMY "Actions speak louder than - D it word s Ac t fro, o n Talk Buy Now STRANGLES Or Txttnp la eia'Unaa. ronl fnerea. roite a -- 4 all t on'at The ern tta aoa ,'rT1l.. from af too aaimai. Te prrraat t th tbe aame moot rt'.w -- rao-wr- olr Witt 4 koto POH tort a bp rh KI'OHN'H COMPOUND nra) Vth tyte v a4 arovooit tmi p4"IK too tta't anl tl a tt a4 t 1mn1nn-"arae baroa t.noa r,-- o , -- MICLllCAX m t, fco-- T Maaafaetarevw, Daaafa, Ia4, r.BJU |