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Show -food hl avin .m x OtTI MEAL r to- iMTKt MM AUAlLtAST CUMlAJLMUMt WUAT J Nephi, Juab County, Uu h, Friday, May 3, 1918 The Times. Vol. 9. No. 30 EMERGENCIES. OF NEPHI BATTLE: HUGE LEFT FOR CAMP LEWIS FORMER RESIDENT OF WFEKLY NEWS The New, Vol WILL EUMINATE THE At the age of of his son in b'.'J, at the home Texas, John 38 TEACHER S CALLED ANNUAL BANQUET FROM LEVM .2 No CONK more Seventeen of Juab County's youi'g men left for the training camp Saturday, this number being the quota for this county for the April i i alt. We 'published the names of these boys in our issue of two weeks FOR The officers of the Alumni AsNEXT YEAH sociation of the Ne.)hi High Mrs. I'earl Halverson spent the School at a meeting held at the week end at Salem. Mrs. A. P. Anderson was cat High School building Thursday, When 100,000 soldiers are in led home Friday to attend the 24th. decided not to hold Majority of Teachers Needed For April action, the wounded will num- funeral of a near relative who District Are Now Secured the annual alumni banquet this ber appropriately 20.000 and h:d lied at her home town, Kin? durofficers feel The that year. will he Hill Idaho. najors$Anor operations Juab School District has securing the time when every one is of 10.000 about neeos'sUTAiiphii .1. Elmer Jaeobson Provo of it food, ed Conserving, the most of the teachers needespecially them, while 5,000 men will re- spent the latter part of last, week would be unwise to serve a ban- ed for the district. There are a statis quire medical attention, it visiting relatives here. quet to two hundred alumni few who are still considering ed. Mrs. L. S. Harris of Binjrham members and their friends. The contract:', but the majority are Thin give-.- an ilea of the work is Mr. and her schools all over the state are tak- signed up for next season's work. visiting parents suddenly thrown upon an Arm) week. this 'rs. Jennings Nephi ing this same action. Supt, Sl",vart, gives out the Mich Medical Service in a announcements are Invitations for the annual following list this week o those Wedding as has been raving in France, out alumni dance to be held Thurs- who have signed contracts. announcing the coming marmen in only instead of K:0.U0( e Miss Williams of a uf riage day evening May 2.hd w ill be Nephi High School action, there are more than 1.000, to VI r. Leslie Christensen. sent out in the near future. It is Gl.. A. Sperry Principal. 000 engaged. The lied Cross, on of C. Christensen of Levan. expected that a short program Harry Heagley, Wilson Glazier. therefore, is not exaggerating both young people being jiopular of speeches will be given during Ellen Agren, Lillian Ulackett, Americ-Mwomen when it telf of set the members of the evening. J. J. Spendlove.Estella Jaeobson. younger that surgical drssings cannot be their respective communities. The alumni officers, on behalf Marba Cannon, and K. J. Hird. oversupplied. Mr. Christensen "has been enof the alumni association, will Levan High School The LTniteil Army Medical Serthe A. P. Anderson Principal, and student to teacher a as the honor oifer the past year gaged pin vice has now oilicially designaw ho has made the best record at Esiella Larson. iYonrie . MEET ted the lied Cross L supply the a' Mrs. William Sherwinxl of the high hchool for the year. In Nephi" Grade Schools army with surgicall dressings. Salt Lake spent the past week to scholarship, particiaddition Alo.'izo Ingrain Principal, Bermathe will iurnbh The'army On the pubbe square in Levan visiting relatives. pation in school and community tha McPherson, Mea Williams, terials and thewuJiien will do the ELECTS OFFICERS the local High Scho .1 w ill hold activities will be taken into con- Edith Sp nton, Alean who has been Iverson Peter to Sperry. specifications work, accord ing at Garfield is making athletic meet. ly sideration in selecting the honor Lucile Forrest, Lillian Condie. an inter-clas- s made by the army. It is a fine employed a brief visit home this week. that are being student. Ruby Park. Lucile Warner, Pearl A very successful Home and the preparations compliment to lied Cros workers Mrs. Cleo Jenson has returned Genie Candland, Mabel be Allen, some to fair made bids held there was School league meeting 1'revious to the active entrance to her home at Tooele after an and Walter Sells. FriSchool Sperry. in The J'JJODOCXOOOODCXDOOOOOOOOOOO the the into building High Sophomore exciting sport. of the United States extended visit here with her sisGrade Schools Iwan which new time dressat that confident are class evening, day Cross lied feeling surgical war, Mrs. Alma Dalby. ter Ivan C. w Dalby to for elected officers Principa .Stephre serve LIVE ITEMS they will make the re?t of the ings were sent to the Allies. Wilks llofheins of Gunnison another en Ora Packard, and Stephenson, Mrs. Lunt. Florence in of course ye ir. the One surgeon, boys go some, at d predict some OCX XXXXXXXX3COOCOOOOOCOOCXX3 Leon a Sumsion. s, ent Monday at Levan with was for v. illume unanamously hours, The stwris will wvt'ii or t ight lively events. relatives. Mona Schools 0 and 400 packets of President. Harry Deagley for commence i.t 2:o0 p. m. There between SatMiss Delores Daiby New ton Principal, Loon spent The Ray Day Program Liberty Walter 1'rom Vice President, 1,800 Sells, will be a refre.-hmesurgical dresings, or stand on iriven last Fridav evening was New ton, and Ma ' ; Frand.en. and Saturday and Satururday Mrs.Grace and individual Sowby, dressings. Secretary. to o.500 the grounds where Ice Cream al t(.n(t.ti uv a large and enthusi-an- d M, day at Provo. for Treasurer. Multiply thb by the hundreds K. Taylor returned home Joel bo sei ved. will Miss McCn? Leota cold e. drinks crmv,j need Tne closer of The jionor flag given astje and thousands of surgeons work- from Spriugville Monday.but has the and oversiibthe between for Government parents !v the ""iT' h' ', ri ing at top speed in a jrreat battle inm ' Word was received from techmical operation for teeth scrunng the quota to the bird and it will be the aim of the RECR01TINC0FFICER HERE L. H. Evans who has been .iiven to the statement that an trouble. was and Ixan Liberty presented to bring almut this co league is stationed A fine at Camp Kearney the was born to improbable. oversupply baby loy received with a patriotic demonto the fullest extent. operation ' home wounded Mr. Marthe recover Mrs. that he had been and of all the winter, past Nearly Sergeant Harry T. Clark, of stration. Addresses were made moved and which can only be done week to Virgina. tlm S. arThe percentage of wounded wl.t tin C. Stephenson Sutiday. U. the by J. F. New ton. A. E. Fow ler where he will through an organization of this rived in Recruiting Service, attend the offic rs Vaughn, the young Son of Mr. charac.er. and recover in this w.tr is hijrht Nephi Wednesday, and Chairman F. H. Kay and all The officers asks the W. and for thrcm mliis. Mrs. Geo Kofod has been training w beeau.ar than in any other aid of all parents to assist in this will remain in this city for a lew had the proper patriotic ring to has been atForrest Sjencer aid is given promptly rii?ht he suffering for some time with a work. days. Mr. Clark ha headquar- them. The program was inter- tached to the had case of bl o l poisoning but Corps at flying hind the trenches, at a First After the meeting a tnjst de- ters at Provo. but is now taking spersed w ith patriotic songs and San Diego, as a Cadet, flying in a dugout, then nt tht at present H getting along very lightful social was given at the a trip around to the several towns readings and the hrge crowd and is now making daily flights Evacuation Hospital ami fsnai! nicly. Kmro Hall, at which a large in this section of the state. Ibby a pi lot. He writes present caught tin spirit and Faiday was officially observed crowd at a Base Hospital. wire present. located is and Hotel theForrest at c is it nthusia.-tithat seemed coita'nlv a a some thrilling all. and Kchoo. The t how proud holiday by The alve figures show tie will to anv to in theclouds. to clnldren the a as pleased clean explain in usel had of up get the that day fact Mna everv experience is lowu gone necessary it br v t ho tu sliced till in Red up day and aiareful survey of Miss Vabel Downs entertained young man the advantages of the "over the top." Crw work. Wi.hi b.is Jn;u!e i their work was made by the tie u. i. t,ju, e inesxiay at ner several branches of the servic-.-Harvey Kay of the U. S. M.'Jrd Field Artillery. stationed at Camp FOUNTAIN GREEN NOTES home The time was siient in splendid showing so far in this teachers A very creditable showing has work, but the grcut nn-- on tl t Kearney i home on a furlough. sewing and musical games, and Attorney W. A. C. it ya... He Western front demands that t refreshments were served went over to Eureka Tuesday on reports t he boys at that camp here in the thrift and War ere e! apter m.'i'dain the r1'1 Born April 21. 1918. to the and anxious to do their fit u as s Miss Hazel thU. official business for the county. S. 't'""'ng: mum efficiency in '.umingout sur- - ing plan of ' Ixar.ord Oldroydji girl. wife Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Worthing- part at the front. Monday evening at 8 o'clock Orme. Viola Worthington, Mabel tricfil dressings and oilier medi The students of the Junior Mrs. Mr. and Edward Kaj, tiie tow n of Levan turned I'itt, Pearl Jones. Delia Orme, ton and family, come over from cal needs. School very tactfully surHigh -. Mr.Charles Wilson, Harvey out en masse to do honor lo the Aella l ark, Ulivet IJowIes. P.el e Wales Tucsda. for a short visit prised their principal J. S. Chri-ter- .st Third LiU-rtLan Honor Flag.Ord. Edna Downs, and the hos- - with relatives in Nephi. Kay, and Lloyd Kay, visited at n at his home Monday eve-niaided to this town for its sup- tM Miss Maliel Downs. Lyle P.igler, returned borne Enrol; a Wed nesd ay. APR. 6TK (Junes a. el refreshments WQULQ por; nunc nations can K,r mon- The Mutual Improvement As- were enjoyed. left to day for Monday from the mission field. prof. Nel.-o-n cent ot the paywn. where he has been cho Ml. Bigler, has laliored most o! sociations have gone into the ey. uver n.nety A MIHHL HOLIDAY Lnural. the five daughthe time in the California Miss- War Saving Stamp business arid ter of Mr. and Mrsyearold John the at Aagard singing . . ion, to which he was set apart are making a collection as '"'ei. . . the M. I they suffered a wry painful accident coniens in utan about A excellent program was ren- two years ago. He return think these SiM'llor lieed Snvot, believe.valuwill Oountv. be Tuesday by getting her arm stamps should he mar'e ier d in front of the District home looking well and glad to b liat Apr. crushed and broken in tw o places Miss future is date. some at able Jessie here th's hack in Nephi again. Stanley tlie schotd an ording-Iv'ha- s seh'H.I bi.ililin a national holiday, by an electric wrinirer. from week Wells Nevada visitintroduced a bid in tl e a nimber of patriotic Mrs. Angus Haynes went P A larne crowd of the -- friends relatives in Nephi. IJ. S. Senate to this e;T t. Ti e song numliers. Garfield Wednsday where sb Pp Janies L. ing Mr. and Mrs. David Cook met of PART OF Charles Sells returned home will tqiend a few days with M'. TRANSFER bill was rend t .. ai d r fomd Taj lor, A. V. Anderson, tlx i i home Wednesday evenIjrin?o at to the committee on .Judiciary. Mang l.n and Ivan C. and Mrs. Geo. Howarth. vesterday from Salt Lake. RESERVE ing to have another enjoyable FOREST Dalby a text of t he delivered Mrs. Ernest Brough is visit ii g The f The concert given by the South time before Mr. and Mrs. Cook short addresses. bill. in Fillmore this week. Ward relatives Sunilav on school, Sur day and Lrif k Peterson one of the laM family leave Ftn Green. ReThat For of the st part it enacted by th Sep.at? Grover G'les, County Attorn", evening - was a success, and the leave soon to make their They men of class in one the se. south and young serve East of Nephi of .mil House of donations given were greatly of Millard County visited l is hon e in Lgan. futre iective has in draft voiunteeml has been administered which Mrs. Ray Itrough, Tuesd-ithe United Stat". of America in by the offict rs of the appreciated have contracted Many people the Manti office, was through the tjunrtermasters CVrp of the Sunday school. That the Concress returning to Fillmore Wednes- Cra a severe cold. It has been named U. few a He to S. tiffined to days ago Army. exjx'cU A card received this morning day. (Ih. day of Anil in t reh and the t'it tah Reserve, and the bus by some the 'Kaiser Gripp' and Mrs. childIlel!i?ton and Ralph from Ix-every .vc;i r after ti e pa- ;'." of called to tie- colors within P.urton, the conveyed iness will now be attended to by by others the 'Ford Fever' Nevthis Act. 1m inK tl e day of the next few da vs. information that he had arrived ren left for Manti Tuesday, w h re Forest it is quite severe upon Ranger Christensen, of ertheless Gerdeclaration of was they will i.it with relatives fo in France. victim. the safely Nephi. Forest Ranger Set h many, lie, and the i an.e is. Tit; de Jack Cole, came in this rnnrt-- . a short time. , who has been handling t be Wm Pai!ey w as a passenger t a legal National Holiday, GETS DISLOCATED SHOOLDER head- KILL POT with the this of art range BRIDGES ; Provided. Lake on Salt afternoon-cilled Liberty Day: Monday Tor been has at two the Moroni, there (Working past quarters train. That this Act shad rot l con, to Ml Pleasant, aid wid Charles Stevenson, met with years or more. Mrs. W. I. P.rown returned to moved si rued to effect jndi' ial procecde-- . lave charge of the wasForest Ranger Christensen Mr. a painful accident Friday at hi? P.irney Farns worth her home in Salt Lake Saturday probably ing r the iHuam e t r ervic.' of getting material the early Northern part of the Manti Forranch r ear Juab. It apt ars that Monday with his sister Mrs, afternoon after a visit of this week to put in bridgs pleasant process on that dnv in anv man- in part fF d ct by this and attempting to stop a runawav Kalph Prelli.ton. Mr. Farnsworth with her daughter Mrs. las. L. est The range i culverts ner." on the road leading the was country to the Forest Reserve formerly team the sudden jerk, whn be has change teaching school at Krf Bclliston. Station at covered bv ti e old NeU Reserve. caught hold of the lines dislocat- terprise the past winter, and back of Nel, Mr. ChristenMr, and Mrs. J. N. C. I'extot the Mis lono Itnne returned ed his shoulder. He was brought stopped off on his way home to and Iwike to family were visiting in Salt home yesterday from Hal McCune, w ho recently was sen states that the mall creeks tov n w here Dr. N. J. Lets, Manti. and ditches will be Iake and s Saturday. Friday '''itoshaje after a ph aant vi it with Miss Geneva Park and Miss released from duty at Camp IiOw for auto travel thi-- ; after considerable difficulty pot I Kerrick is who r. and Fervng, is underwent an operation a few the injured limb ba'-- into place, Marion Park, left Saturday for v. am at i amp i i..s campthe which uncie popularity is, John Mcl'l" 'r"n.ha-1- " ni very and Mr. Stephenson is eettiro? Salt Iake where they will be r nays ago in can ikc. iir. .ic ing ground has attained the past Nephi visitor Saturday. Week, bl,t a on i? nicely, (hough having t employed for some time. furiously ill the .; Karrick was formerly en ploe Cune will also undergo further few years will Ik? further en iderabk" pain at tie fered A fine baby girl was brn Mon- ai me iNrt'lii master Works at this writintr is rei o d t. in treatment, for the deafness with hanced by a l e tter midw ay than time. somewhat day to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foole, the Chemistry depart merit. ever. j which he is troubled with DRESSINGS El-Pas- DEiii o Morehouse, one of the best known mining men of Utah, and a former resident of Nephi passed away. Mr. Morehouse, will be weit remembered by the older residents of this city, behaving ago.. There was only one from Nephi lived here for a long time with his family. He has been a resi- in tins' "mtiniMirt. be being dent of Utah for the past fifty Adrian Jenkins, sou of James years, and was one of the first Jenkins. He was a alternate, ut mining men to become interested one of the regular draft not bein Fish Springs, Juab County, ing abie t'i go be w as chosen to lie also built a railroad at that fill the place. camp, in what is known as Three Quite a lumber of people came Mile Canyon. He is survived by over from Euroka and Tintic, to seven children, three sons and seethe boys ill' ami to attend tour daughters. Mr. Morehouse the dane given by the High was a typical western mining School Seiii.-class in honor of man, and during his residence in the bovs wiio were leaving. Nephi was known for his genial disKsition and kindly manner. He was brought to Salt Lake for HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES burial, w hich took place W. I ; b;-ttl- Klsi-nor- r i . TG-Q- AY to-da- y 1NA nt j 1 Ser-gey- nt I d - . i - m g. - ,K-- r ...... - fur-nishiii- sir,K i si--t- rcpc--r.ta!ie- A?-f,r'b'- i - I . 011-ert- oi INJP fjnt ln-e- r.'a-tive- H 1 le-if-- g |