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Show THE 1 Geo. Ilowarth came down from Garfield Saturday to visit his famMrs. Ilowarth and ily here. children returned to Garfield with on Tuesday. Considering the unusuar market conditions, when everything is going up by the hour. The Bargain Carnival that will he offered by . Frank of the Golden Rule store will ho appreciated very much this year, more than ever before. Buy your Taints, Oils, Kalso-minVarnish and Brushes at Kendali Bros. H. I). (I'otdsbrough went to Salt Lake Saturday for a short visit, and also to attend to somr business matters. Enoch Burton kaa here from Parowan Saturday, looking after his farming interests in this val-le- ,me llillll!!il!lii!luli!!il!lllilj!iltt of Ladies Silk Dresses, Skirts and Jnderskirts, Wash Dresses and Aprons, priced in most cases I-- less than you can buy the goods. A beautiful line of Ladies Silk and Lawn Waists. Priced Silk, Messaline.s.Crepedechine and Taffeta v e. Waists good styles at o rly $3.75. . Tub and Jap Siik waists $2.50. Lawn waists $1.00 to $2.50 Big range of styles conn in and see them. Bos Suits Best Style;. The all wool kind that gives service and Satisfaction. NEPH1, UTAH. S, ITEMS OF INTEREST See Our New See our mens and TIMES-NEW- Ever "shop" for Shirt Comfort? If not, it's well Because there is such a iliing as true hirt comfort worth trying. can he bought! . The sliiit jou have on now does it l "pully" across tl.e shouldeis? Do u feel like your collar was too Are your sleeves just a trill' loii or peihaps a trifle short? es. Then you were more interested in bujinj just a shiit than in buying real comfort lus a shirt, when you paid for the garment you now have on. v. and it Coming soon! To the Venice Theatre, Annette Kellerman, in "A Daughter. of the Gods." A ten reel Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank and family and Miss Edna Downs, motored to Delta Sunday returning to Nephi Monday. Mr. and I,eonChristensen and Miss Phyllis Christensen of Eureka spent Sunday with relatives in Nephi. of course. The patterns are bright anJ "nifty" aaJ every little snap with style Mr. L. Frank of the Golden detail is just riyht for appearance. That is to be expected- - certainly. Rule Store is busy getting pre But that unseen thing- - real comfort is built into these sluts. You cannot see it pared for the Annual Bargain but you can feel it. the moment you put one on your back. Carnival. It is a yearly event here and buy one Beau Brumrrcl Shirt Come that the people of Nephi ar.d just ore. Weir it get the feel uf a surrounding tow ns are waiting r another really perfect fitting shirt. Then decide whether you want "ju-- a shirt" for. Adv. Beau Brummel. Rent our Vacuum cleaner per day Kendall Bros. Mrs. Joseph Whi taker, and dauiler, are guests at the home - ' - - l 'zi : of Mrs. George vv;r-r.- -'. i i J - il : ,i Mrs. S. B. McCune. returned -- t '".lit)!:'? home Tuesday after a short visit BkMllkK . K. 1, Vi III! in Salt Like. t 1 A new shipment of Universal V " ' i i ' . Ill w.' and High Oven Ranges jut ' arrived at Kendall Bros. Samuel Broadhead is another of Burke McArthur. ediu-- of :he!g233Ct3XCCX--jSjjNVphi's prosperous farmer?! who are spirting a new car, naving Mt rleasar.t r.vramid was a'V? Times-New- s purchased a Buick this week. oihee caller Tuesday. For Sale -- My undertaking Mrs. Arthur Jenkins of Salt Lnke.is spending a few days this Bufcinc.-"-. Fixtures and stock of week with her sist r Mrs. J.N.C. gfHKls. See mt for prices. .1. II. Downs. Bextoi,. Mrs. V. M. Foctte returned Mrs. James Hawkins, is the heme from Jralt Mrs. Tuesday of her Ralph guest daughter morning. this week. Brough and matFor Saie - Child's We sell all kinds of garden B. C. Roberts. Mrs. see tress, and motors electric tools, hose, For Sale - I1oum IiM 1'urniture Kendall Bros. You've been reading a good ileal See Carl Nel.son. A layer of fine gravel over the Mr. and Mrs. Jam s ll id and lately about the German' mystery rock in the center of main, would little Clarence, returned to improve the street considerable their home at Hill Citv IIdaho, ti gun the one that shoots shells a for travel. Wenote that thetravel-innn exttend.-t- l H after Wedneday, public fight thy of the center visit with Mrs. Keid s parent i distance of seventy miles. of the street. Dr. IVterson, Eye Strain SociYou can do longer distance shoot(iOii .Mowir tI .M.'Tl.u.e III il alist, will be at the Forrest Mo- R.ike sale. S Wa!t r I'ax-matel .'17. Saturday May llh " ing than that. By saving the things from 12 to o'clock p. m. Among the paKsenier.H on a the army needs you will incronfe the Miss Clara Bob) left Monday troili v ear was a r'rnmrt . r v itb t to thelfci but five mint. tes to frr Eureka, where sin will vi-(Jit- - fA fighting strength of the men at the fcs; for a week w ith her sister Mrs. station to catch bis lriim fa!'snian Y'i ting very fidc'y fci A. N. Wallace. front and you'll help to decide batiinpn'n d of t he ciid.ic1..r ; ( 'a i t H fc Ict us sharien your lawn you thi-go fast r than "YpsJa tles five thousand miles awav. mower, Kendall Bros. caid tlx1 conductor, but I bae toir Word was received this week stay with my car.. relatives of Seymour What we're trying to do is to U Vu rv by the WturnhtUtt . i Ifi A n.n in B vvtll in this city, that lie had ..viral nS Hl.riui ' fTttn to i f.;i y f. show you how to save in clothes; w,,'V suffered a severe attack' of '5 rfv mc !'f :r art nri't l.iiifii ..i.rl, t Hr was getting along ti it n sis hri'J fr. n r:il.li if you buy the kind that last, you as w ell as could lie expected at it.r.ot ft !v nrc 3 f l! f J.n Tl ill w the date of ritir g. Mr, Howell i' is tii ;it!y a! av? nnri( f 2r-- A i the soldiers, labor for save wool stationed at the present time d in r,f f t fi'l.l f Tst !' I t' Prti J C w ith the United Sates 'Army in war work and money for Liberty a!! that i sn ff g'i) io ti p t ' f Vi New Jersey. it. M Bonds. C. K. Mar.ager of r..('fit Try Co. in was the Mines Metals town the early part of the week arc the only kind of clothes from their Dog Valley prerty. Schaffner Be rer.orts everything moving a we sell at this store;. , IiiKh-neyMr. out there. fine long rJ, a- & Marx make them. They're all Salt Lake Wedr.es-day- . left v. w rnficia to confer ith the wool and carefully tailored for long, p. of the company on transporta tion matters, rela'ive tothe shiphard service; they re priced to .give Clara Kimball Young V ping of the or? from this properand hrr own Company in ty. you strong values. (',. W. Lunt motored to Salt Like Wednesday on a short business. Mr. and Mr. Ivan Bills of Black foot Idaho are spending a Untveml Currr-- Lrnls h-r- hn.-h- ? ECONOMY BASEMENT Visit the Basement Store. Always some greatly Underpticed Standard good, and Househould Utensils At Money Saving Prices. I & ONE PRICE TO Al l. -- NFAT.R UNDERSOLD super-featur- e. Beau Brummel Shirts -- t CHAS. FOOTE & SONS H Get Our Grocery f-- 1 Nephi Mercantile Co. Prices and Save 10 to 20 per cent l V , 3 'I J ' - ft 1 ! i COMING- - OUR ANNUAI Bargain Carnival 3 "$ Watch for Sueci.d Announcement Shoes Slippers, Oxfords, Pumps i r a Making the "mystery gun" look like a toy 8 h L-iK-e b-- d I 1 -- For Men, Boys, Ladies Misses and Children and low heels High hech.medium Blacks, Brown, Gray, White and all the latest shades. New shipment of Scout Shos for N'ten and Boys from $1.49 and up. White Rubber sole Shoes and Slippers. For Men, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children. Lvery pair Guaranteed by United States Rub- - htl, 1 ber Co. Coja Shoes from 1.93 up Misses Shoes from 1.98 up Children Shoes from .93 up t .V 39c up ft 'e can save you from 25c $2 on each pair of Shoes V I it 'member m c carry piarnnicriJ Shoes only Our pakev ate Uuiit'Iv rijjht compare our Shoes and price befcrc you decide to buy Shoes $ Golden L. I'ia-ik- , Mana.'-- r 8 8 it u V Men Shoes from $2.49 up Ladies Shoes from 2 93 up & n. ; From 69c and up i8 b-- r i 1 n . . ! ) . i ( . (T I I I ' i VENICE fr Hart j Admission 5 and The TOGGERY I I Marionettes" C. Stephenson this week. I lliose SATURDAY NIGHT "The ale Store I i Jor V-- f-- l'.-il- 1 0c ??f Tf vC -- Trx-f -- rf vrfy. wi xVfU. v4 -- , vC v vC |