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Show f .. THE NEPH1, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- T HOME ENDORSED Such Proof as This Should ftaphi Citien and sharpen Free! cvourme Cjnrden Everybody! and Free our new Emery Power Wheel, run by nS'j Convince Any 1 i -- The public eiidorHfiiu'iit of a h ial citizen is tin1 best pruoT that can c r, mnn stroni'i' produced. None can be hud. Whet) a mm cwni's , and test itics tu hi.-- JVIIow-oi- t addrfssiH liin friends and you may be sure be is thoroubly convinced or he would not do so. Telling one'ti experience when it is far the public Rood is an net of kindness that should be appreciated. The following statement Riven by a resident of Nephi adds one mine to the many ca.-e- s of Home Kndorsenient which are beintf published about lWn's Kidney I'ilU Ki'ad it. W. A. (Barrett, Sr. retired farmer, I'illt-anKays: "I have used Ioan's Kidney benelicial. have uUvuys proven they Uoan's have given me fine relief from They have regulated kidney disorder. the passages of the kidney secretions and have also rid me id' a weak and I ime back. I know that Dean's Ki.hu v I lis are a worthy remedy." Vice ('.(V, at all dealers. Don't sonph uaU for ii kidney remedy - tret DuanV Air, Kidney Tills tin- - same that tl-Foster Milburn rett uses. ('", Crops., lUllfulo, N. Y. SI lOvt U Joes on Boynton electricity. 1 s-- Expert Horseshoer. tbe U-t- fur-war- d SIIEKifF'S -- i.i-ns- i I t 4 Hill, S. N. Cole and Uefendants. f ,M i it r Best Equipped Shop South of Salt Lake City Boynton, the Blacksmith ur a famous Hi . r For Spring Mouse Cleaning Pianos we carry a complete line of ROBERT LOMAX , Special Representative, I )aynei-HeebMusic Company Paints, Oils and Varnishes e 1 U. f on the Marine i.)(;liu$ K Sj. Also Everything In 1 HARDWARE Aeroplane Alt . - ..'clock 25(b. day of May A. at noon i f said day. at the fri.iit door in Neph' City, of the county Memlicfs of Marine Corps firing runs on Uttilcd Juab County, State of Utah, the i',.Uuv ini described real pioM riy situated in Stairs warship. Sea foldim figlit on land and ocean l;Lc nuni of atmy Juab County, Stale of I 'tali. south-wesand navs. the The east half of ipmrterof section twn. 'I 'owiu.bti thirteen uth of Kanue one west of Sail at N'ephi t'ilv, l ake Meridian: the south east quarter a new paper pnblished II HI and the eu::t lialf of the tiort b . asl Utah, in Dai. d Unqed Stales Laud Olhce, quarter of Kertinn three, T..wr..-hi- p 15. Utah Lake Salt lids City. April thirteen south of Raw one w.-i-; the GAINED !0 POUNDS COl I D I!. m.AKKI.Y. Ucfjster. nortd-ens- l tioii ten. h'ir- -t quailcr of June :t last imh, h, pub. April Kane oin Tib. LUs. Township thirte.'n Mouth west, the north-wes- t quarter l- . c.Hsrt-lioUs- "There's a Reason" Columbia Grafonola V ' Pianos and Play; at Sheriff's sale, Til be sulil Why do people come miles to get their horses shod here Edison TalKing Machine -- t II. s Ki M. Wnfner, l Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed BUY A SALE OKJUAi! Ostler, Plaintiff. BL ACKSMITHING -- 1 n i IN TIIK DISTRICT t'(;l!T i'l' J ill'' FlKTli JUDUM.VI. I'lsriii 'i' nl THK STATKIOK 1'TAII IN AND FOR THK COUNTY J.S. It ALL KINDS OF- - Cooper e nnt:-a;rsh- ip & Pyper Company to-w;- l: t We have the right sizes in cotton- Our Monuments seed cake for your cattle, sheep, hogs, horses and poultry. Just in, a car of that Redmond Rock Salt which makes good red blood in your animals. 1 !' !" Also of north-wes- beinninji fi U.-- ti corner of t the quarter of secti. n two. Tiiwii-hiteen smith 'iani'e one west; Salis i' KNTKY 1. KoKKST lo I "My wife (ra'nH tijrhftin .K pounds on two bottlt-- of Tankic and n.e.v she's tlu very pirlniv of Loalih." .said .1. , M.f.it.t . y. s i wt rl is t 42 rod.:, tl.i nie ;.-- ! ::. t'iln I'i links, theme south 17 d pieajtt iSt finin, thence wikI, so ji'n ;;i ca-- rod, theme wett. uu;h tienlo ijiien that the lami-,- Hamilton . llnlL't'at!, fi, i ; v'Vi i al Iiiiiitiril fl, thence H: ! ' sii(,.. i laii.l a. Salt Lake oil!.-.- - am ovt r Iter tab. ..a (amL'l. Any it. . Two nizo jlte w .tier v, bo ;i actually and in kooiI :'.i t!1 eiai"iiti' atiV of said lands for far. to stuff r ith .iU'ittach trou!-iducf-ruand indijrestii-.njiietilti.r.il tr.niMwi .ri.r to anuart i It iw Kiatoful s .1 .', 1 ur.ii hut niiMiicine La-- tuiiw, te.-s-- i !iv Mo.' l Kept on K't-titii- r was j,t d pounil.s, liaruly lit'-t- h-Ii xt-r- a-- j.rioe ) date li,, il.d wll a,, rt aiai . f,:i , hi V! th.- i. I l,e iai ! ' l WYl-- l .'sVi coi-e- t S'tVl-- 1 1 I ios to aid - Hr j for . all niirltt Im-atlt- i- !::. that j.t Case Outfits Are Most Dependable tt-tt- : afttr Iht - :.: Of, '! '.lis f'.l:i r-p- " : . i .!d . n . The li i . a- i c . '. i :n a'.-bi- r.- 1 . Saw nrol si t t'-- ad or anc part t rev'dafe.ns if, I, led hrehy dir-- publish.! for fri 1 t that Sys . of-).,- . r ,,(! I r,r,1wl, Ous in th ?,'e i ft ,h, I I Ur. : KI- - I.'. LV. oh , frNihr ,. I : fr. - T " U .'.': . I,..,). ,!... . i.o.n-h- . Uiehatd I II. r Mi I'hei all f , lleci-- N a. N,n m e , N'j. : .: , I .'J J - r. M, y pt. A. BOOTH J. j 10-2- n 0 Case Threshers Save the greatest emount of grain. They do it with the least power, and require least attention from the operconstruction preator. The vent rotitoc, warping and turn in 2, no common to wooden threshers. All bearing are rigioly rjiounted on frame (cot cm panels) and t nnd e lubricated while machine i i in operation. t Case threshers have fewer belts and working parts, taie less it; aim, run steady and last longest. Case as is a general purpose tractor. For (Jowinff nd other field t prration it ha.i never been equaled. It y 'U lht?e f lows easily. The short whf e'ba: e (5 it. 4 in.), extreme width (5 ft. 7 in.), and extreme height (5 ft.) males it CA.et tior r.1'7 bandy for ore' rd bf It work it can't be b' at. Yon will fmd the motor bn est ellcat steady paler without ovcihcatins. . Vov8 all-ste- el Ir M- II P P.. A : i .1 ten ;.(..a of Ma,,; fIJ II- 'i o"ire ootneU . I mo--- . t t. ;'!"; t ;., Do . Wat :i I h U,e .;,V. i, l.e .d I f it v none. wtsi lira lion rf of the Ufi'ted States LSalt I ak C(ty, t, -f, , there harref) hy . ii Mid Statute. t t.e h .,e. V.'..-- 1. I; !; ...i ;e fr. o date day bis . 1 lerocfic-buiui- dhowrt '. ..; .ii'-nn". Case Tractors ni,, nd r Drutf'V, ! !ai'nare Y fvf . rtver TIMES-NEWSWANTADSPA- . . t! jhna.iy ' ' ' all'r , : . 1 I . nof,!o Oiiimt- - in. a ("iiTh ' ' 'itutirt i ' elh ri Mil in; Kr'd. 35 C. 1 ! !." Globe Mills, Nephi F. A. License No. in-- ar-vjM- suiFcrhHT mid crtspiti I w;. i sjsvakf td .ir'y SWLi. the Nt',1 I spring. lifnrt and !if v. ;im d up at inpl.t er-o- i i. the S the would Lifh llLtoseltli. ,juaiihid -- it. G-311- WlCl.Mt (live n.oio tlian a livimj i tin ti d in of awful htr paitis comji'aii.t ttim i.v. It .ahto-ant t" make hmnesteail .stomaoh and. v t t 'ou.. atet the prefer, nee rijjht is ever (,!! :, ,h,i.. ."I, U'Js oil WhlCl Tlie pri'5.si;re tf yr;tsn lur uti pi.-.i.i- i -- " 1 8"i- Ring us up for hay and Oats. Try a patch of SOY BEANS this i UTAH PK()"0. ftu-l- i fiwil as fniik a';d VmA Dinl fellolT until fho n!y figluJ nii ei ('r-uiiiT- tn-- cisirn.n M-- Beeslcy Marhle and Granite Works e i ate! l.a- - not ahnndonetl s:mie. !. has a pref. teii, e rifht to make a hofrn f..r the l.nds aciilftilv eis,i n t hiwh vt ere lifted ttj-,.;.-- !. t he a i' a i. a'''-tsthe ment ioi ,.vt. v i ei ha..- a ptefereiice l i;rh 'i e oiior nebT of all) such nh,. t d .ii..-ettler or np b hn Utah. Any anda-thin fniniriir iiiuiuiinetit i? pi.Ha-i'a V'n.r I ti tle lit fiiuttd.tr' n. Oiii pre e ae c. r"i tla ni Vi J.ik pi Hiiii.d. I yt-at- 1 . d.ifi tlj.it I 1 Z -t t Iji'ifiiie faded and shai.hy. l rr-i- 'ett'i-niioit SKI 1 S'.VI !, the SI - N W i I nisiit wiili In r. t NKU I SYI 1. the Wi i Nl -- Kl "Taniao lias worked on ! r SWI-1- . to tiemninir. r.nt;iiiiiii; !,.'.,r aei MVU1, the VVI Mil Itated April 24, I'JU. tiii.ro i; e a Pii ;:e,o than a tr.tdi-ci'."- , 0 e W I SKI S '.V I. t ! W ! N : !f of .Ljab Cot.i 'y, oi-Pan Martin, t S'.VI I. t'.e S I t SLCISVVi.. 'i itfif Ia Iakii, State of I'tah, J'.y 1". I', ( hrivteo,. i. tie hV.'H SWl-- i KLl t See. 17, the s .the ni.w oatn It ar; IrttU I ANVt NK1 NV1 I I, v NKi teputy. f .! .!'. p. t",:t !!y I I Ilf nt ptib. May 3rd. he t May I4th. MIINWI I, il.i VKl i S V, ! I n r a or lot Iiad MCh in I t day I. th. M I., Ni.M NV. LI a l;.i k. 'I t.Vi , li. J K. , S. L. M . It, life and Lee. aere. li ' ation oi Wofojd .1, !m.., Si e riO'A v.'i iif ioi', :. . .1 p.nd I O,. NOTK K OK AI'l'll! A l v.'i.:. f it n,.h; Jii'tual knit, of t! ( (!ft ii'i lftiihti, I'ATKNl'. SKKIAI, ', f 1 A C. M Lnn-e- , ri,; ?' "7. Sin hits int-p- r iiK'liti en of iweitid. base isUrt l ormr t'nited State, La ,.I Oi!.,-,.of the C.,t r,. 1 1 f our rouch "i some t Utah. April i ho 'li City, i.:;ip : !,'-- r Notie i hi t by ifi'.en tb .t who known nt'ifc'htKir havn't List p.ith. ri;.f put.. Aprn pi.b Msj it'L, of!" t n ':, u ("oulwon, who on fir t hsu siVht. Tnnlai' in Nephi, I'tah ii atwiul to tease sij Lt ICK ii Yn:i i S' d alth r, ri.;,LrATl!,N' . Liii: in the United .i'..i. tdsi- l.ad liuit-vl,- " tliintf tISIire, lit Salt Lake I .ity. I"t;.!l for;. ! KNT I IN ii; I'niled State Uat.-n- t f r I'iN-.- ' o! I'l s it. Nt-- j l,i y )l. 1'anlat U Land O.tiee at S ,Jt. Lake SK-of SK I So, i ioii i.i. I .. . i. V V. hi I Toinlinfatn, I ts.1! 12 t. ?i,M l,: pil n. , liange J Sndtr.'!n .ioiu '.j, i.v in Liiroka ' , ' e l;o-that Meridian, c irvev. l iai I of t!,- - U; ' in Sii ,! ii.e Ka. Ciiy'Ly II f. "t N'epi.i, ;'. w l.o. .Mates known as Ibe Mmnt-.i- ! M'rr,-it.til-!. ,', Li:. made !e.m. ,t, 1 li.trv, Salt work. ',m r . cia'ro co'it.:i N V, j 4, S.VV1 No f,.. INi' ;., MatnirotSi ar.d in V by Mamtn' Hi a v cre rmliiii''!'i pro y t. V'.VI l i l I. ; Li ptVI t. ,1 : Co. A'h f I n 'ei h a , from the v.atei Supldy v- u . fornmerna! arto if ' n'A ea.r he n ,'; :i 1, ' ' ' , .i - ,: J,'.' o I' '.': t t l eit;jf :i.a, 'a. i ' I hied ;,ee of )nli ,, i 'Vh" said .'mnir.j; 'a:.n tn on re. on) a Mttt...(ir--"' ; He t, ,'y v i. to ee(. . I the Offiie of ;).e ( Kemniero' 't I ke The hfMif I .U-rib ,' ;e '" a).vi w at Li. Juab, County, Nephi, I':..') mi ) ,:,: i ',', . r. ! ' .". rf Immik N't. II, ai i H e tt.l.i mi I'i '" SforeN"a. ;e,t - t 1. u ant ( , aril field Notes) ,.f t ,r:i',. o '--l t f.re Cp ('hiV of TO LV : D Vi.LL li-,- . i survey ar of re. ii !!." t ,i- .. L'oiO-t. tn Land t io . l' N ,e.i. bt :! I , !, - to 6:1 tlrirrvn XM ;Iip k. rl an the nfvvri mi I la t. .vid llir hniJi i itiriic and pii .jmii.'. end ar: Vi m.i! ri ii- - Our Designs HotihU-n- Strt't't, a. ire' Lsl acre.- -. below, fnitfint-ifor tin1 CotvMlhoi the .'.taeii National Ui.rest, Utah, ton Oil Co, will be iil)eei to and entry "I tv.n't (i'lil vvni'ii. " fftitiinu'il undo! lb" pro.. i;i . oi the iuitne:-teaa !av. oltia tate-- . and the a ! Mr. Mi(;in:iy. "1 tt X'la'.e .'. oa all T.u-ii ll Stat , :."o!l HI the ".ttitie II, Las ili in' for my wife-- at ii i ib.-- . t rtI. (UiS ol ri.-- . I'lenee ruiminu n.e ' degrees eu-- l up the soutii ii.le .lb County Koad In.-"- ' feet, thence feet, thence south 71 decrees tsi feet !. Ii.J.1 feet of lt'Kliiniii;. Al beejiaiiiie; n' the imili ea-qu.-ucorner of the two, Towiisbip thuti-- . i? of Kanue one west of Salt Lake I i,od , i titan, thence ruriiiinj: east thence ibmth S3 ro.Is. V link-- , then, i MHith W degrees riL '12 link.-thence nin th 1. rods L'Ohnkjt, t..!.u, of beginning Kx. iq.tinn therefrom lha: to ll, certain parcel ! land deed.-Juab County Wmd-- i oa t rs AsxH-iai.r, a eororati.ii, and ilesetibe-.- as follow.-- , It to wit: !c;itimiif: ! rods miuth ef ll three. Tow nsl.tp center of S. L. M ap' south, Itange one 1 '.' 71 w.uth thence running II.: rods, 7 link, thi ln e east .'I tin nee north !.' d'Kre'H north 'Jm 1 hi iilToi;.TIoN IN LAM .! ii . le4 'e nr'y rf are v. oi. tl c p 1 71e Lr;- Coin Plaster I) i - i in mnJ gt m Cmtmkg G. R. JUDD 0 Puref natural d 'f .t el Gypuir i in the wcrlX tt I-- -- x:r:t |