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Show I MISCELLANEOUS. the "Are asked S putts, as he took his seat in the chair. "Yes sir: replied the artist; "you don't see a chiropodist's sign hanging up in the shop, do you?" - S. G. & Co.'a U head-barber- lucky People ?" Monthly. Are those who seize a good thing when they see it and profit by wisdom. The best is thing in this country real estate. It cannot burn, y The Way of a Woman. "Only love me a little bit and I will be your faithful, willing slave." "But where is the neither can it run away. As fuu in that? What a girl really enjoys Intime passes it increases in is managing an unwilling slave." Sentinel. dianapolis value. You need go no fur"Do I have to stick this stamp on myself?' asked a dude of the clerk at ther than Brighton to find the post ofticc. "O, no," replied the money making investments. clerk; "you couldn't go in the mail-bag- And when you arrive there you and besides, this is a letter stamp, s and you are not male mat- will open your eyes in astonishto-da- MEN AND WOMEN YOUNG AND OLD s, first-clas- ter." X. Y. Sun. No people in the world arc more You will see what is ment. dependent upon boats than arc the na- conceded the most prosperous, tives of southeast Alaska. They live the most thriving and the livein a region where the coast line is liest part of Salt Lake City. broken into many channels, straits and and harbors by the numerous islands ol It is the place of all places for the Sitkan Archipelago. homes, and it is the only cortc New York trains from ner in zion where every purChicago are promised by an enterpris- - j ing railroad for the world's fair season. chaser is a traveling agent. And with seventeen complete hotel We tell you these things in kitchens, one thousand waiters, cooks and scullions, five acres of dining the hope that you will come rooms, and numberless restaurants in and personally visit Brighton. connection with the principal buildings, If you cannot come, then write there would seera to be no lack of provision for all who may chooso to join the to Edwin W. Senior, Brighton, Salt Lake City, Utah. He will great western pilgrimage in 1893. ' .There is a lake in Missouri called be pleased in making your acDevil's Lake, which is fifteen hundred feet above the sea. It is on the top oi quaintance. a mountain, about seventy feet below the earth surrounding it, and has nc visible inlet and no outlet, yet it rises periodically several feet, and there is no apparent reason for this rise. It is ALL KINDS Or supposed that the lake is fed by a subterranean river, or is a part of an un- House, Sign and Ornamental derground river. and in It was not until 17.2 that the adPainting dono promptly manner. justment of the calendar, on the plan devised by Pope Gregory in the sixteenth century, was adopted in England. Even after the change wtys made the common people were very THE" PAINTER. slow to adjust their holidays and anniversaries to agree with it, and many foi Broadway and County Road, a long time kept Christmas on the day corresponding with that formerly 9E9timates given on application. the 12th day after the Christmas of the new calendar. A Character Study. B. WHIPPLE, "Did you ever of in a the faces barber's shop study Local Agent for the men waiting to be shaved?" "Yes." "Did you ever try to distinguish the pessimistic from the optimistic?" "Yes; and there is very little difficulty in assigning them to their respective classes. "Indeed" "Yes; the pessimist is the Office in the Record Building. last man that comes in and who has to take pleasure In showing property, wait until six other men are shaved be- to allll interested. fore his turn comes, and the optimist is the man distinguished by the appellation of next." X. Y. Press. THE A young man of Uuena Vista, Col., decided to try his fortune at Crede, the new El Dorado, and as the first part of his outfit he bought an immense revolver. While fooling with it he accidentally shot himself. The Leadville Chronicle remarks that "the revolver, the bowie knife, the dirk, and the slungshot have no place in the Colorado of 189:2. 'Bad men are at a discount, and the chap with a knife in his boot and a brace of pistols in his belt will contains the best news perfind his occupation gone." to the west side of At 4 o'clock a Portuguese maiden, taining IT years old, named Conception Sylva, Salt Lake City of any paper became a bride at West Berkley, CeX Four hours later she was a widow. The published. Make a note of it. bride escorted and groom wedding party to the station, where the happy couple Watch the progress the were to take the cars for San Francisco. While awaiting the arrival of the train west side is making, and keep the groom, Frank Bispo, placed his little nephew on his shoulder and amused up with the times. himself by running up and down the track. A train unexpectedly came The careful attention oiven upon them, instantly killing Bispo and slightly injuring his wife and nephew. to current events transpiring Fowl and Bice Croquettes. Put one-hapound rice into one quart of on the west side is a feature stock and boil gently for about half an hour, then add three tablespoonfuls of of great importance, and its butter and let it simmer till quite dry and soft. When cold make into balls, news is a complete compenhollow out the inside and fill with minced fowl (which should be rather dium of all that is most valuthick, if too much gravy has been added it will spoil the croquettes.) Cover over able in west side happenings. the top with rice, dip the balls into a beaten egg, sprinkle them with bread It is the only paper devoted crumbs, and fry to a nice brown. Serve very hot and garnish with fried parsley. exclusively to the west side of painting! iJrst-clas- s T. R. Jackson, ob-feerve- BriglitOzi. d, J. , Brighton Realty. 49-Wi- ii'i lf Housekeeper. The following story is told of Mr. Barnum: A friend once wrote to him that a certain Mr. Tourgie, of Pennsylvania, "had a nose seven inches in Mr. Barnum immediately length. wrote to Mr. Tourgie to come to New York, and he would pay his expenses. Mr. Tourgie obeyed. One look satisfied the distinguished showman that he was the victim of a practical joke. Without a word he ascertained what his ex penses were, and handed him the amount. Mr. Tourgie saw the sights of the eity, and went home admiring the liberality of showmen. Galapagos tortoises are the only survivors of an ancient race of huge turtles which lived so long ago as the Tertiary epoch. Speciearly part of thefrom 600 to 700 pounds mens weighing have been captured, and there is authentic record of one individual taken which tipped the scales at 870 pounds. However, nearly all of the very big ones have been caught and devoured, and it will not be very long before the race is exterminated literally "eaten off the face of the earth by gluttonous man." It is reckoned that 10,000,000 of these turtles hare been taken from the inlands since their duco very. Salt Lake City. Subscribe for the Record and get your friends to subscribe for it. It is the people's paper. The subscription price is only $1.50 per year. Remittances should be made by post office money" order or registered letter, or express money order, to The Record, Brighton, Utah. to help build a Large and Prosperous City in the Center of Th fflhs (SraiMost On the UodBi 1889, the first plat of what is now an lth of October, town was filed with the Recorder of the enterprising and thriving County of Salt Lake, and from that time to the present thousands oi dollars have been expended in Artesian Wells, Parks, Churches, Schools, Factories, Stores, a Theater, Pavilions, a Newspaper plant, Printing establishment, numerous residences costing from $500 to $10,000 respectively, together with many other improvements; and there is now in course of construction the Iltnli U 111 II HTnnmn 111M i it al of which we This building will cost about $150,000, one-thipay in addition to donating a site of teri acres of ground for this magnificent structure. (A photograph from the plans of this building furnished free on application to the undersigned.) All of the above has been accomplished by platting into building sites what now covers an area of one thousand acres, and disposing of these choice lots in installments of only Fd P DO rd sure IPoir iraM All of the money, in addition to thousands of dollars, having been placed directly upon the improvements of the property; and we have to our credit the fact that no person has ever lost one dollar in not being able, on account of sickness or by being out of employment, as many can testify. We have always extended time without interest. We are not general real estate agents or brokers. We are building a beautiful town and making it a grand success. The location, just west of the city limits of Salt Lake, traversed by railroads, and with the very best facilities and advantages, makes the property not only valuable, but the most desirable i)lace for homes. We are indebted, to a considerable extent, to our purchasers for what has been accomplished, and we ask all who desire to make a good, safe arid profitable investment, or who want to obtain homes, to assist in this enterprise by investing from $5 to $10 per month. If you purchase two or more lots and at any time desire to apply all payments on one lot you can do so without extra charge. Call and see us at our office and let us. show you around the busy town of Brighton; or address, for particulars, EDWIN W. SENIOR, Manager,, Brighton, Salt Lake County, Utah. |