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Show THE RECORD. A ! " AM!B FOK lTAH- - the LANDS. THE SCHOOL Uui: interesting contemporary, J The Brighton Real Estate and Investment Company. mertran Sitlc Journal, aptnkH very hopefully of the outlook for silks. The home manufacturers, after passing through a long period People Settling Tpon This Portion of PuMiY Domain. of depressed trade, are now being well employed, and have made great progress in the production of novelties hitherto unattempted in THE LAW ON THK SlTIUE(T. the States. The American silk mills now have, a reputation for making stronger and more honest riiu.ism:i i:vi:uv s.vitupay Lands Can le IcasMl for goods than foreigners; this reputaTIK IMihlic liiiiro'iiicut. tion is even extending abroad, and compax nhconn rritLtsmxG be we not should should I '. IL J nks. Klitir. surprised, 'the dnv of reciprocity in manu ,. t.. n.. iaiM'r.fH ,r t:.i- .t ,.f factured goods dawn upon us, to now Considerable attention siiIt i.:ik.- ( x:. silks sold largely in g'iven to the school lands Su the being American see terriis :i"k:vwl'i4!l auwiority :i w.st siiii J A j j EDWIN W. SENIOR, Manager. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OE AX D I PROPERTY LYIM WEST OF THE JORDAN RIVER. Si-lio- Y "in - li you Want I . ; :v.tl ' l"kl to by Im.i ititir".!iil in v aiiailcl. n;ttr!. , , l:i:ni ami r.,, li. i:.:.!:is a J aoovo IS iHKeil e rOIIl IIIC it has a :i ..f n.l lar.ri;irstint; citvulat in, Hint Cmuulian Journal of Fabrics. is rapidly cainim; puMic favor, sini. lt is vorV sjj,njtfcnnt. Now, here r.5rfitl'S'n ;rr-iv.rtisin ni;.is an opportunity for Utali. Push :uijiH.".ti..:i. t t:i - i. nil.li.-oti:iio!- v ti-- j ! ! ou-ta- n! j iTioe.si.:-M-ryi- r. A j -i SSouM Jlarlv. r. j ll.f Kk'ki fail noti.-.l - tin ;!.. Thk Kr rlii- - ..ni -- f i.i .ki. Hiw!if!.. A I. li. f A. I. rivicli a ! !' t.. t?.. nt s-- Cf., In . Sprnof thk in:roKi, I'riKi.t"!), Suit I rfk t!..- - i tiv-t- l'tah. n uty. matter, as r.rj'.n'.-.- l j pul.li.-:-- j Y.rk l its at. - N..! nlwcriln'r j tory, and under the recent act'of the territorial legislature provision has been made for the leasing of these lauds. The school lands adjoining Brighton are being occupied; many people heretofore doubt as to the right of setu 1111 U.S. 1 llt'lO IS expressing torwanl till SlIK tlement uion school hinds are now oc11' "i. i vinw-i- i i""cupying this portion of the public States for the cultivation and domain. For the benefit of those interested the manufacture of silk than hen in tllO Valley of till (Jroat Salt LnlvO. following is published? 111 j 18' iij 1 1 1 It lias l)eon exporimentoil j ; -- Date It..' ! ' 1 ! . ! j Tiess-Jik- , 1;,-h- i - v n-s- j ! ; s ; j i j L(-lls- , .!,-,!,.- Th- - ,: tr..., l.av, Vu- - Vu,.,,rt the of the people; and the people will attorneys jnvjetjeing United States Laud otnc, but ini now lum mattiMs ii; is th junior in the tenitorv. : member of Brighton's board of , 'I. . i HI. ext raortliuaty rusli oL mi- truste.-s- . And sav he is as ... miLrranrs lo ins colintrv' is ...v..:.. .: e i' t.IV 111 ..I MI fl most striking ieatlire oi the day. wl-e.jM n?eiin; htiel Never liefore lias tliere heen sneli of in i .. pi-opl- 1 . ft einie-inoIKl- l i I I I 1 - "N n r den .hum- wooi i.ili is n ilJI ;m exotlns Irom halt a shi-;"armi'is. j; an euni rics at otice of men ami to n;in .im"."i-;j' . .An;. riean v.m, nian-- 1 women anxious l liiul homes and to eneTrura'- tlie im- - some measure of fortune liere. ufaeturr. por.ation .i si oddy. to ive aid It seems almost a il the poor Jirliish wool manu-- : levoml tin? sea lial heard some of ami comfort. . .. , , , , , . i i M, i. iaeturer.-- . jt :s a ooi nui io im mnuerins oi inose who would like to restrict mmiitrrtit ion. iiinl piLjetm noie. Sleep m M I'rif'hut'. have resolved to o;et in lefre tin Jh1ril are (dosed. Tur. M':ion the iaxpaveis of iatos tie- - town in takii.-u- ' steps in the School commissioner Cok is ; .... lP-f house eiod of the 4.v..,.U,iit reoresen1?iive building i .it the rio;ht time. was a rivrht inpeojle in scdiool matters. He is f tie- lovxn reipiire a careful in till Tle- ne.-dthings tendin- - lo . .......... : . I i i .r .1 iif lw. Mill1' ..t i in-- iu.v in ii ii" lilt" . u iv ...... in i'"uji.m- me i .....t. 1 If so, give j Hi: Snii-e- j diS(-inr-e,'- o I - t- - - t eiVrt ii.i- I I 'tic hoard in.- ir " ii ;,""""s ;t eertal.'ltv. of an ei:.i i -- . i- - of .... 4 i . - "-- " , ie ine ri'nt i ! i ! V 1 1 11 I 1 IV." 1 i.-.- hr i j j , . . : - islands a coaling stations. i Park and lrijhton. description i t i i ; AC'RIEA the! of ? HO, j 9 o 20, 40 and 80 Acre Tracts OW . 1 1 r j J THE WEST SIDE. DKY GOOD . , r CHIIJP EISY THUMS W-ZITEI? ; 1 CITV ACtEXTS FOK j , i Brighton, Garden City, Parkdale, Eldorado and Haynes Additions. - ! ; j ) Special Inducements for Cash to Buyers in Plat A, Garden City, Brighton, for 30 Days. j i Call or irritc for' further fHrrticuhu' i Ski.:, i. I he rental value shall he five per centum per annum of the ascer- taiiied and appraised value of lands, and sill fractional narfw of a year shall he paid for at tho renin! value as for awhole year. f'foriitel. That the imany settler or oe- provements placedi... hy .1...., m Miiiii. phii.iii i.n ii. if, if i.iivi.ii ill linn irn tion in tixintr the appraised value of i I I I,llLd.". St.e. 4 ; Of&CCS I 7, 3 and 9. . . . . twniciihrr . - The. resident or occupant pos- - i - -- LAKK SMr ... oil of the .. CITY, CTA1I. . . rff is on !i,- hue of Ihe new al,rc oojx blleelric Line to the Hull I,(f!:e - ffITV rLAI 'lc - I . i 76 WEST SBC01TD SOUTH STREET. Ut3 land skall have the preference rijjht to UHtlUElSli Banner Addition of Brighton I lease at the rental value, which shall he I'hilx. A Beautiful hut of Grooit. One. mile of Railroad front. Size of Lois . . ...... ... ... ... ...... ..... established I ' I J 1 'Mill Jl lri.l.. Ski-- l. In eases where more than one htn'It on thr Installment plan. Eor majts, prices, terms, etc., call on or address or living on.. the sec- - J. G. JACOUS, IS and Jo East Eirst South street, Salt Lake City, Utah. person are1. settled U,. ..i. ..11 l ih ii, CilCU nilrtll lllclir.. vlJL" llilC lilt1 right to the quarter faction subdivision, more or lesn, on which he is residing prior to7.the taking etTect of this act. In cases where legal sub Skc. division lines could not apply in determining the prior rights of settlers on in section, or any . ... all cases of conflicting irneresis on me same, it snau t;e ir.e Hit com ty court as a .U,t hoard, or appoint three persons, who fhall be absolutely disinterested, to act define the rigls ng ft U)urd U) an i interests vt all the settlors who may desire to lease. The board may require the services of the county surveyor in all such cases, and the decisions of tbe i board of arbitrators shall be final, after of in office the the I Pg tiling the proceedings county clerk. Skc. 8. In case the occupant, resi- dent, or person controlling the land, WEST LAKE fails, refuses or neglects to leae, ac- cording t) the rental value established, then such laud shall be placed on the i'jwshiib same levy with those lands unoccupied or unclaimed hy possessory right. i t lo , .1 W in any way, me sessintf or eouiromnr. . r . V , 1 : i ! ' ' i I - j i ; i full ! . man m .the ri.uriit ei.me The confidence peoplehave ' Jplace ' . . , il-liIv until kcii iiini' t Ami hi. m Tut io:eMi of those thiwerv lit n 'iiimm.'.m"iii.i x.wi'i. ' IM'tlUM IKin Lllllli 111 C known to ytherean irraphv ami navigators lv the' Thkkk are 1,02J Americans in i uwwicn prosaic name oi rhimi and H0,0(M) Chinamen in dan-c- r. ami it is ieared tliat lmr Amt.ri(.a. Thp (:lliueso sond a armv oi ttttv men will not m ,;ii;,.,. h.-- l m,;,.., enouo-found stroinr i., protect: every year as the result of their herUevolt is at grates, and interfeience viith Amencan laboi. sin; mav at anv moment he forced tothrowl ''llE executive committee of the herself into the arms of Uncle Utah commissionersof the World's Sam. This bit of news is not en-- ! Ffth. hnyv issuo,i au al)1K.al to the tirelv unplHasin- - to 1. S., since. l).i)Vv (,f lTtali for a jnoper rep-h- e has for s..me lime been op- - n.st.ntation of the territory at the pressed with the idea that in case Columbian exhibition. ef trouble on any part of the' 'I'm; West Side seems to hold its I'acilic coast England, Cienuany or France might seize, tin Sandwich own very nicely- Look at Hyde - - i ' 1.;.,, 1,; -- . a etc., ou section diagram. springs, If the information tfivon herein s'.iall not b satisfactory to the county court. n nyp mill h ; Liifv Hiia;i nau ini" ,oani f appraisers, or in anv other manner io ascertain me iiue i 'vi... . .,;.,.li .i ... such ;iS(.ertaininont of the true value, to Oebo iai(.l iy the applicant, who tiu liis with posit with the coimlx court, dollars. of sum the twenty jl,1I,iiralion. cover siu-- expenses, but in ease the infonnat'.on shall he ileemed 8ulli'ient. tllf,n tnw tuenty dollars shall he re- i.fundetl if the applicant shall perfeet the lease within thirtv uavH after notice of acc,planCe of application; hut a failure to perfect the lease within the thirty davH siiall work a forfeiture of the hwer dollars to the school fund of the v s f 38th Year! land, locate buildings, fences and other; ; i - And, under tlie mma gement of the Hon. CARTER HARRISON, is liaviny an increase in circulation entirely unprscedented in th his. cry of Chicago daily papers. ' ' j uTZZZiW$i j : - Democracy, j j 1H,rtiou of it.n.lturnl hay )ami "any If so, how manv acres and on what s SnMoni. It Preaches Sound ! e ZTTI i i:,.w,N W. I j ! Chi.-ago'- 891 j ' ays ! .18.. e ! 1 R-jvis- - ' J Its Market Reports. Financial and Commercial vNewo oi Ui-Railroads, its Vorid's Fair Articles its thorough presentation of all matters pcrtaimrarr to woman, its Waslaington news and oi tne TJniieJ States general as well a:; of foreign countries, mike i. THE ChicaTO dailv pJpor iiOJT TO BE DESIRED. . i 3., E--I Contains Everything of Interest to Be Found in a Daily Newspaper. 1 ; Flr.t. & LEADING DEMOCKATIC XEWSrAmil OF THK NOUTUWEST, To the Honorable Count v Court of County: tientlemen I desire to lease the land described in this application, and agree to pay the sum of live per centum of the value established by the board as annual rental in advance. Applicant wijll answer briefly the fol will lowing questions, and the answers r. 00 consiuoreu a pari in ini ajijiiifauoii: is the land wanted? Yranywhal P,lri;oo on the land .' persun If su,"wh; and how len ? cf anv ,ieAr0 here imi)n),elmMlts S .' scription on the land If ncr an,! ,1,scri!1 vjllue (f on eav, K(lvorn. Stateforiv-acrment tract, and des-rilthpm Is triero any timber on tin lanu : if so, what kind and iiaht '! If it can bo irrigated, state source and contiition If so, hew manv acres, and on what j rBmrnmrnmrmmmmmmm Times, . j 1 1. Hut no lease is to be made for a period exceeding three years. Skc. 2. Leases will bo divided into two classes, namely: Agricultural and grazing. Skc. . Tho value of lands to be leased shall be ascertained as set forth in the following application for lease: County, Territory of Utah postotlice of applicant - 1 The Chicago That the county court, of each county of the territory of L'tah is constituted a board and is empowered to lease, upon the giving of a bond, for the benefit of tho public schools of said territory, the lands which, under section 15 of the organic act of the territory of of the revised .Utah and section statutes of the United States, have been reserved for the purpose of being applied for tho schools of said territory. Section J i 1 1 i f No. - j 1h-i- your Orders with Us. are always ready to show West Side property listed with us. -- j - to Buy or Sell, place f" Offices in Brighton, where wo have conveyance on hand, and 1 with anil so sturessftilly, that a company is . now considering tho ostahlishmcnt Thk pivstMit congress is a of a factory hero. Utah silk pos- joko. sossos manv oxcollont qualities in tin that is on It tlry Sundays tiuem,ss 0f finish stron-t- Ii, etc., Salt l.ako man has his heart in his aml th(so fnmiliar witli tliis article throarclaim for it many advantages over Cot"Nrii.M.x Wanti.am) is still isilkmml in other l)laces i" this after the scalp of tho Salt Lakeand mntry. Silk culture in Utah not(1 development. It is an in- Jordan canal. dustry that promises large returns Inmana business men are look- - for the capital invested. in: to Salt Laki Citv as tin com- SlIIOOI rillu NI-Iing manufacturinc: district in the: West. lirighton is tc have another school. The school trusti es, into What a world this would wllOM. rnn. has Wl,n V(tnMo(i thv awoinanhad as much conl.dcnco ,.(iu.ati011al interests of the town, m her hnshand's word ns have shown themselves to be men . r 4i a .,. worn 01 ii;i i.4 in usual uie " ami iiul;iih'iu, uiov uiwuiit ,111,,r' have svstematicallv and in a busi- e wav conceived measures! Indians out West who aretrymg p ace the town on a sti 111 a oor and feeole fashion of that f prosJ)tr,ty; and their own t.. execute attractive! tlu'--,;r Imv' sn,m"11 lhnm-- h lnmpt- -- o to Chica-- o and should .lanes, and at the same time careful-- ; join tin citv' iang. ness, that whatever mav be of pub- basin" her claim oil ''(' tntcrcst is individual gain; and St. th- - new directory, she lias (Iwv lnv. Kom 1,1 .oik in niMt.wl .r)(HM) popuHt i n If she keeps' ofTorts to make the educational , ....inm-M- . . t'hU ran.l,.r ,,n,l rat, it will initios of .1,,- ,,la,-not bo loii" be fore it will ! worth moro elevated and more in liar- wl.il. to annex J,e,-- . mmiy with the sj.irit ami pro-re- ss of this thrivimr eommunitv. '' WUIL SXTl'KDW WE DO XO T fAXDLE AXV OTflF.li. - . - HSU j ,' iiiia to-ac- i i . ; ! i ; ; ; ' j j JJ j Continued on Eifth l'ae. i !ST3Ssc.ftaii'4fitii i I I ..... aSaQ ITI IT |