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Show Addition yde Pat A HVDK I 'A UK Ul'SlNESS HiU Si: SRliT liAKE CITY. EDUCATIONAL LETTING CONTRACTS. urmxa caXTitAcrs for kxtkssive IMPROVEMENTS of uyif park, axd active work will VELLS A X CM HEIt OF AltTKSIAX BEG IS IIV A PHIL 1st. H7-- ; .14-- ; EKf ELECTRON ADVANTAGES. NATURAL IBAS .ARID OIL. LOME. PROSPECTING FOR OIL AND NATURAL 1,'AS NEAR HYDE IT IS THE PARK IS NOW BEING PUSHED WITH VIGOR. GENERAL IMPRESSION THAT BOTH OAS AND OIL WILL RE STRUCK IN THIS LOCALITY, AND IT IS II Hi II LY PRO HA. RLE 77417' WJTHJN THE NEXT SIXTY DA )'S WE CAN ANNOUNCE ITS DISCOVERY. IF OIL OR NATURAL GAS IS DISCOVERED IN LARGE QUANTITIES IN THE VICINITY OF HYDE PARK, PROPERTY WELL DOUBLE IN VALUE IN THIRTY DAYS. NOW IS THE TIM: TO BUY BEFORE PRICES APE ADVANCED. TIIK WEST S1DK RAPID TRAXST STREET CAR LINE WHICH PASSES HYDE PARK, WILL liE EXTENDED TO THE FAMOUS P,ATHING RESOKT AT GREAT SALT LAKE, A DISTANCE OF IS MILES, AND WILL P.E IN OPERATION PY JULY 1st. THIS LINE AVILL P.E THE LATEST IMPROVED EDISON SYSTEM STOP AGE BATTERY CARS OF THE TWO STORY PATTERN, AND INVOLVES THIS WILL GIVE THE ENORMOUS EXPENDITURE OF jSMKMXM). HYDE PARK RESIDENTS THE REST STREET CAR SERVICE IN SALT LAKE CITY AT A ;V FARE. HYDE UN"K S -- TJ A HYDE I'AKK RES1 THE UTAH NORMAL COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC LOCATED SO NEAR HYDE PARK GIVES RESIDENTS OF THIS ADDITION THE BEST EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IX" THE WEST. THIS MAMMOTH SEAT OF SCIENCE AXD MUSIC WTLL COST SloOOOO AND ACCOMMODATE 1,500 PUPILS. ONE OF' THE MOST IN DISPENSABLE FEATURES OF A FIRST-CLASADDITION IS TO HAVE A GOOD EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION IX ITS NEIGHBORHOOD. IN ADDITION TO ITS MANY OTHER ADVANTAGES HYDE PARK HAS THIS 'GREAT' INDUCEMENT TO OFFER THE HOMESEEKER. .voir M'ILL HE Si'XK. SIAELAL JIUXDRED MORE' SHADE TREES SET OCT, A XI) OTHER OFXFRAL IMPROVEMENTS MADE THAT WILL PLACE HYDE PARK IX THE FliOXT RAXK OF WEST SIDE ADDEJIOXS. A FORCE OF MEX WILL BE KEPT COX STAXTEY EMPLOYED HE A I rTI FVlXi! THE ADDITION. WATCH THE O RAN D IMPROVEMENTS' TIAT WILL RE MADE ON HYDE PARK AND ITS RAPID GROWTH THIS SUMMER. THE I :PJIK WTGO., 64 W. SECOND SOUTH STREET, A IIYDK PAKK MEETING A SALT LAKE .CITY, UTAH. MiSlDKNCIl CINNAMON. PHOJKClEl HKHIDENCE OF J. IIOCAN W. HYDE I'AKK. WILLING TO BE SALTED. While Gathering Mineral Specimens Coming to The Bi Inland Sea for Points on Bathing. Hopkirk Faces a Bear Denver is an enterprising village, and On Monday David Hopkirk, while stamlinj in Halfway jrulch, uanu uiKn a the villagers have made the most of their natural advantages, and yet do not seem bear. IIo;kirk had with liim a hutt-bet- , with which he had been breaking speci- to be satisiied. A gentleman who is mens of 10 k, and bad just start ed down known in Denver as "Blue Bird'' Jones a scheme on foot to erect a summer a sharp incline near the creek, when a has hotel there, and one of the attractions is rushing and series of grunts caused him to be a "circular depression covering to turn quickb?. only to see a huge cin- four or five acres, which is to be filled namon bear, "with open mouth and with fresh water after the bottom has . fallen ears, cKarninjr upon him. Hop- first been carpeted with thick layers of kirk yelled, ami thought his end had salt, brought from Great Salt lake by ' come, and as the brute, sprang ujon him, the Union Paciric." "This," it is gravely struck out with the, hatchet and was announced, "w ill atTprd all the advantaknocked Hying down the bill. He ges of a bath in the Great Salt Lake!" Mr. Jones writes that he will visit thought he would be torn 10 pieces, and meant to sell life dearly by blushing into Brighton and the Great Salt lake in a Mr. Bruin with bis pocket knife, but on few days. gathering himseif up and getting on his The Cedar Post Superseded. feet, he saw the bear about twenty yards down the gulch, and turning to look at to the barb-wirfence in usefulTwin him. A yell now caused the bear to move away tpjite lively, but be went ness, if not in birth, is a recently pattowards the camp. Hopkirk wjis pretty ented fence post. It is made of steel sore from the encounter, but was glad and promises to entirely supersede the o e;.ip. h j eily. old fashioned Manufacturer of Fine Hand Made THE SALT LAKE PICKLE . IMOKPOK4Ti;i. 13 R I O I I TO N T MANUFACTURERS OF W O R ICS Havana Cigars, Chow-Choi- r, fl ft SourMu; Sour Plain, Sweet Mix. Sweet . , Plain, Ptctdlilli, Horseradish, Worcestershire Sauce, Chili Sauce. O.K. I'tckles, Martyuan, Sweet Mangoes, Pepper Manyoes, Me.rican JIbl, 6SST77e Tomato Soy, etc., etc. OX. bottles. above are jmt up in packages of C or. to jmckayes of 1 gallon to i gallons. Also, in Wvf'len of 'Housewife" formulae. material and j goods made from UgjyOur goods' are warranted as good as the bent, and are of siu-- jtialty Uiut we do not propose to compete with cheap firms in prices. ALL ARE INVITED TO COME AND SEE OUR FACTORY. B. H. ANDSRS61T, CQ-A- ll the-bes- tirst-clas- ' Kar. e Before the Register. in one's stock. method of keeping It is conical in shape, being smaller at The docket at the United States land the top than at the bottom, and enoffice during the week is as follows: with malleable iron barbs, precircled Ruben vs. Davis, homestead; Coouib6 vs. for attaching wire or other depared Laws, homestead; Taylor vs. Casady, of fencing. It is seven inches desert entry; Knapton vs. Heer, desert scriptions feet Jong, with an open seven and wide claim. slot extending the entire length. Sam. Lievy i now making a superioi Do not that Tavey sells everybrand 6f smoking tobacco in connection thing in forget confectionary, stationary and with his cigar factory. Try it; you will drugs. be 6ure to like it. Bids Wanted. Dunford .t Cook have ojened ollices Bids for the construction of a public at 7, 8 and ., Xo. TG West Second South street, for the buying and selling of real school at Brighton in accordance with estate, negotiating in loans, invest- the plans and specifications, will be received by the trustees of said school ments, etc. district, at their office in Brighton, on or before May 1st, 1892. The building Playing for Ducats." The West Side Dramatic and Comedy is to be of brick, with rock foundation. The plans and specifications can be seen company gave an entertainment in the on to tin' school trustees Ward assembly rooms last M. application Twenty-thirD. Cook, S. C. Sudbury, K. W. Senior. night. The entertainment opened with an olio, the closing piece being "Handy Dunford& Cook make a specialty of d Andy." Thehail was crowded. (iarden seeds of all kinds at low prices at T. C Armstrong's seed headquarters, 478 West Second South street. West Side property. Ollices 7, 8 and 9, No. 7J West Second South street. Smoke "Famous'' and read the Rkcokd Read the Rkcoki and smoke "Famous." AMI 1IKECT IMPORTER OK Havana Tobacco. 171 and 173 Main jmm Sir Stkf.et, SALT LAKE CITY. MORGAN & CLEM, mm I All Kinds ef DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, -- Portraits and Yiews Taken. OUR WORK SATISFACTORY OR MONEY HE FUNDED. Xo. 212 Slate Sired Salt Lake City rJEDER & CLELArJD, MannfactiirorH of and Dwtlf-r- s io and Carriages, Wagons EN tilt AL UL.U KSMITHING. (J Rejmiriny of Wagons and Buggies. PAINTING AND 'HUMMING. 158 W. First South, Salt Lake City. Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL. USE ONLY. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. MAIN STREET. BRIGHTON, UTAH. CAR LINE PASSES THE DOOR. For Bargains&in West Side Property go to Dunford Cook, 76 W. Second So. 4 |