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Show I . ; TUT. ONLY I'.M'I'.i: I KVOT I'.O I'.XCl.VSU KIA TO THK UT.SI' BRIGHTON, UTAH, SATUKDA Vol. III. PROTECT WOOL. WHITE FLAGS FLYING V, H J3 slDK OF SALT HKT CITY. APRIL. :i0, ISltt. No. 18 GIRLS OX STARTING ALL RIGHT. A L VUKl BY THE GAS ROUTE. 1 8 The Lark It is Ono of Utah's Ureal and Voting Man Missing:. drowinjr Industries. LIM.(i THi: LINE "If wool should ever be placed on the free list, in a short time the duty would he removed from Woolen goods," said ex Gov. Chnrles II. Sawyer, of New The ex governor is a large Hampshire. manufacturer of woolen goods and has given the tarifl'guestion careful practi- WELL. to the Straight as an Arrow H" .luiiitiiic IMsw. White flags tioating on Broadway to the western extremity of the town. Nobody hr.B surrendered Broadway, ami vet tings were flying. Colonel Wilkes said they were merely tugnals. and that they belonged to the surveying corps lie tKik oat to the West Side oil Monday. Then it wag learned that Colonel Wilkes's corps f surveyors, with bags, baggage and Hags, were completing the survey for the line of the West Side llapid Transit company. They started surveying on J J road way at the A. big. intersection of Main street. white a Hag ioi.u planted in the middle of the street. The Hag remained as a signal, and then the surveying corps proceeded a few blocks west until drove street was reached. The entire outfit were almost lost eight of when they arrived at the trenches ex Road Supervisor Spitz made at thie point. There was greater detention at this place than elsewhere on the street. The corps climbed the ramparts and then planted another white ttag. The colonel said it was rather dizzy work, but as tho corps had breakfasted on trout and mushrooms, he thought they would succeed in getting through all j s iv n. : i j The Eoulevarcl. When the sun climbed the oaks of the Wasatch range the other morning and crims ned the roy dawn, a colony of white tents were brought into view in the south end of the town. The tents were not there when the same sun dropped languidly behind the Oquirrh mountains the preceding day. They had grown up during the night. COl d . 1. t ' For Sweet Charity. On tho 11th of next month the Brighton meetifu; house will he thrown open to the pub! if, on which occasion a ball The obje t of the will take place. is the for raising of money for gathering tho missionary fund. Dunford !c Cook are city agents for Brighton property. Rooms 7, 8 and', No. 7G West Second South street. (Ol t short distance from the tented name of William McMilleu apieared in town. He said he was pronpeeting. Later he went to a hotel in the city, where he remained a few days. During the interval he telegraphed to some one in Omaha, although wrt!d by a friend that the m.n to whc.a he wired might be a croei. The same night McMillan leit. Vosterday McMilhn's friend received a letter from McMillcn wri'len at Omaha, in w hich the w riter said he had loen "steered"' tt Omaha by "pilot. of green In Omaha he paid c ."'. for goods, and got in return a box of mall blocks. Now McMillen 'vants his Salt Lake friend to assist him, ami the Omaha iolice t') arrest the man who he claims has swindled him. TY t lony a corps of surveyors are at work laying out a route lor the new Peep Creek railway. The uien apparently are provided with all necessities for an short time ago a man giving the IT'S HYDE - Surveyors Marking Out Lines Over A d j The New Deep Creek IJoad Goes t West Side Man Taken in by a Nebraska Crook. - d e 1 pixmxg pi:;s. A ia-ten- d g It is stated they will extended pero follow tl e main boulevard direct west to the foothills of the Oquirrh mouna curve north tains, at which poi-iwill be made to the point of the mountain, and thence rdon.g the shore of the lake west to the I Jeep Creek country. The placing of tho stakes through Brighton's boulevard has every '.ipiear-anc- e that we will also have railway facilities on the south sido of tlx town; with the completion ot tins road Brighton wiil then have no less than three distinct lines in active operation. The West Sido is a magnet. WHAT JAYS THESE MORTALS BE. d I the engine' w ilToHcACas so JTi lis l.t gei the stakes driven. TIirui:!i IJriuii Kiiliject of The Kaiser Tries To Shuttle Off hi Brighton. e g good-lookin- A Mamie Colohan ai Pretty, dark-eyepetite Lizzie Ahem, left their homes in !A GOOD SCHOOL HOARD. Zion the other day. and were discovered THE MACHINE TOO SLOW. tramping through the meadows nejir Brighton. The girls said they did not away, but that they vef-The Cuildin- Will be the Finest simplyrunning out for a little fun, and they Discovered, by a Sheep Herder On the Wi'st Side. He Closes the Itox. cal study. thought they could lind it on the Wet "Would not free wool be far better for Side. - They left home during tljie the manufacturers of woolen goods?" absence of their parents, who occupy No. It is not the cost of raw material In response to the call of the school adjoining houses on the east side of tfie Since the carbolic acid factory has that makes the difference in price beblonde. Sljie been converted into an observatory for tween this country and Kurope. It is trustees for a public meeting on Monday city. Lizzie is a the ctst of labor. In Europe pauper night, there assembled a large number sahi that a young man named "Wattcsr star ga.ing, people have been at a loss labor is employed, and the result is the of tho citizens of the town, who mani 8 u was in the habit of Coming to ,tie m knowing what to do with the grounds manufacturers can sell cheaper than we fested their interests in school West to Side matters, gather mushrooms, and surrounding the institution. Some endo. And yet, in proportion to the price had Watterson to tajte terprising man went out there the other that paid for labor, we seil jnst as cheap as and by their presence assisted in pro them over to the VTestpromised but Side, failing and calmly lay down to die. He they do in Europe. Free wool means moting the desired object, and activity engagement tho gitls day disaster to the woolen industries of this ;n all matters tending to promote the in- to fulfill his would come alone. Miss said he understood that the factory was thought they J country. terests of the Ahern .stated further that it was their closed and the proprietor had moved place. "The working of the tariff is curious, to intention mushrooms and sell elsewhere, but he thought no objection of was gather and the minute that free trade begins opinion I'namiuity prevalent them. Watterson them told they could would be made if he shuffled off on the in certain industries that have been pro- on nearly all subjects, and when the cents a twenty-fivfor ijill get pound t tected for years he levelling processing meeting opened there was a general ground. Ho had provided himself with could thev lhe pick. girls brought other ami. independent branches will desire to push forward all enterprises, wit h them a- mssrkel biisket. Thev Mid a box containing natural gas; a tube commence. But our workingmen will especially the new public school buildwas auaeneu to ine oox. vvnen me tramped the lields all day, but did not man not profit in the least, the specious ing. was discovered he had one end of tind mushrooms. The shades of night argument of the Cobden fanatics to the in his mouth. He was grindtube the occuSchool Commissioner were around the peaks of the closing Sudbury contrary, if free trade is inaugurated. pied the chair. He called in small quantities, and at out when the mountains ing were gas the dijsmeeting girls Absolute free trade for this country-woul- to order and then calle w as manipulating the box jhe rate the he Trustee on a covered upon log crying, i hey sitting work a wonderful revolution and E. W. Senior to staM the object of the said they were 15 years old, that thfy thought he would fill up in about three bring about a change for the worso. moeting. would not run away from home agafoi. hours. Free wool would be the entering wedge, Air. He gave his name as Phillip Coetky. said that Stnior in conformity out ii tney lounu watterson they woujlu and I do not believe it will be put on with the He said he was some thirty years of age; of desire board the out. his scratdh j expressed there, So, eyes just the free list' had been to A farmer driving towards t he cit y to(k that he had been drinking Utah lightconsider called, the meeting and decide upon the size and kind of the girls with him, transferring themjto ning ever since he had been in the territNOW WILL YOU STOP. building it may be thought best to erect an east; bound car, and in a short time ory- about three years. He was formerand also to devise means for the pay- they were again under parental care. ly a soldier in the. ier'nian army, and The Deputy County Sheriff Goes for. ment of the structure. A loan of &!,000 came to this country six 'years' ago. A sheep herder discovered Goetzky in had been tendered by one of the banks. Unruly Sheep Herders. A KICK THAT DID'NT WORK. taxact of inflating his balloon prior to a the trustees wanted The the resident I noticed in the Herald a communicato the undiscovered country, and cruise to of action the sustain board the tion from Sugar House ward, in relation payers Not Want Railroads reported the Who do People occurrence. Goetzky was is which the drawn note, by endorsing On the btreet they Live On. to sheep herders who nt infrequently for taken to the city and placid in charge two years. In addition to the loan indulge in (to them a seeming pastime) school bonds to the amount of 2,000 are Property owners on Second West ' of friends. These bonds are payable street are protesting against the grantof tearing down fences and doing dama- to be issued. in fifteen and live, ten, twenty years, and ing of a franchise to the Deep Crejek ges to cros. otherwise destroying draw six per ent interest. PA UK. Then there Ninand Th:s South between been business has property. Jlo;er is the v.. school fund from the ter- railway, . carried on year after year, and few have ritory general and county, and m addition to streets, because said street at that point ever been brought to justice. However, this are the monies to bo raised by the is only four roils wide; because tho West The Improvements Made at that Deputy County Sheriff W. C. A. Smoot, imposing of a special school tax upon all Side Rapid Transit company has a franIMaee Show Enterprise. Jr., recently made some of these inso-leu- t property in the district. By this means chise ami is operat ing a track along said herders feel that the farmers have it is thought that the town can erect a street; the building of the proposed line, Forward at a Rapid Pace it rights which the sheepmen must respect. that will be suitably adapter! they allege, would be detrinntai j'io Coming Several arrests were made last week, building to become Popular. Is Bound for school purposes, and stand out their interests. and if parties being injured will only re- the alb a very lively nature most imposing monument of Brighof Something port their grievances to the justice and ton's advancement and prosperity. of Board The Underwriters. iloated over the West Side the other secure the proper papers, and give them F. M. Ulmer, the architect, submitted A board of underwriters has been day, and on aiming at Hyde i'ark it to me. I will see that they are brought the plans. The building is t wo stories before his honor and dealt with. in height, 40x(I0 feet, has four rooms, formed, composed of all the legitimate dropped. Then Manager liogan put in W. C. A. Smoot, Jij., each 22x28 feet, and is to be constructed insurance agents in the city. The! in- an appearance, and following him came Deputy County Sheriff. of briok with rock foundation, ami stont surance companies demand that collec- an army of workmen. Then came wagons trimmings. There are front and rear tions shall be made the first of the mojnth loaded with pipe .and machinery for entrances. From the center rises a the issuing of the policy, and sinking artesian wells, followed by a KT. bell tower. Mr. Ulmer following devised neatly in shall no case premiums be allowed to train of wagons loaded with trees and said the building linished will cost run over from date of pojicy. day's thirty of other. insurance must be shrubbery. The men tookotl" their coats amount The Guardians ol "the Comity Take 7,000. Mr. Tavey favored immediate action, well drivers slatid on all policies in order to Void and went to work. Oil" Their Spectacles. and offered the following resolution, excessive i in The ranee. man "su hammer charge of away. which was adopted : "said: "We'll strike a big machine the That this meeting representflow here." Considering School Taxes and Dis- ingHcxolverf, Can Get There Now. of the Fifty-thirthe taxpayers On every block men are planting trees of Bonds. the cussing Subject A new inveut'on that will doubtless; school district, do hereby endorse the and constructing irrigating ditches. of At Ihe session the county court held action of the school trustees of said diswhen summer the next swimujiing jo" Water is responding everywhere to the this week Messrs. Bartdi and Butter, trict in providing means for lhe erection season in is a of the rod of enterprise, and along webbed sets rubber. touch again the committee appointed to investigate of a anew school build:ng, and in obtainstreets of llyle J'ark their is more for use in the water. Voting the ing loan of SJ2,0x). said loan to le se- glove than in almost the transacted business the question of refunding of school tax, cured at as low a rate of interest as pos- swimmers find one of the most diflipult entire of the bloomportion is remaining to to learn keep their finders points reported tnat they were of the opinion sible. Side. With the ing West that the county was not liable for any On motion of Mr. Kendall the plans together in the water. The shade trees Manager liogan is be will not this webbed toof taxes to the be necessary, glove percentage paid submitted by the architect were acas the swimmer will then be web ling planting are beautiful. There is no ward the expense of conducting suits cepted. Park will be a Against the validity of the special school Remarks then followed by Trustees ered and can safely compete with the doubtin but what Hyde Thousands of every particular. park tax. the big school ball Newfoundland dog. Cook and dollars are being expended in improveThe opinion of the county attorney to was given Sudbury, a kick of Brighton's prosKightv acres cheap On line of West ments. the effect that the county can issue perity, and the meeting having accomSide People riding over the line of the Rapid Transit. Dunford fc Cltxk, londs, upon election duly held for that plished the object sought, then ad- 7, 8 and 70 No. Side Rapid Transit are attracted 'West West Second 'J, South purpose, was referred to Messrs. Bartch, journed. street. the scene, and all are wondering by Hardy and Murphy. what great stroke of enterprise will next SHOULD GO FURTHER. New The Building. County drop into the place. Personal. Icon ...That Hyde Park deserves prosperity-ai-l matters to order In the expedite A. J. Woodbury, of Denver, was in And Do Something for The Benefit admit. It is a pretty p!ic'. Of the Public. tractors of the new county building have town this week. At the meeting of the city council on asked permission to lay a standard guage 0. B. Pierson, of Helena, Montana, THE STARCH FACTORY. railroad through West Eighth south is a recent arrival. Tuesday evening, tlie committee on street from the Rio Grande tracks to the S. M. Redfield, of Maryville, Missouri, municipal laws reported an ordinance site of the structure, for the purpose of Its Establishment Ayain Agitated by was a Brighton caller this week. Business Men. prohibiting the driving of teams across hauling rock and other building material United States onnnissioner Norrell w.ter ditches, canals, etc., except at The building of a starch factory is and finest goodsj has gone outh on a pleasure trip. prices Popular recommended its and regular crossings, again agitated among business men, and and medicinal purposes at Tavey's Mis "Burton,-a' accomplished young passage. The ordinance was passed and toilet it is said that strong efforts are to be Main street. ladv from Idaho, is a guest of Mm is now a law. made to have an establishment of this If the council will now turn their atWde. Plenty of Water. to and and roads the tention kind bridges put s' art od. Growcs and shippers of William G. Thompson, of Denver, and well on the school artesian The big see and in then condition, them proper that a large percentage of A. B. Davis', of San Francisco, made is an attraction for West Bide potatoes say grounds in the are is wasted that good repair, the kept they week. through carelessness, visits at the Record this The well continues to pour and crop will accomplish some good. people. fathers citv that enough potatoes are left to F. M. Ulmer, architect of the forth an enormous volume of water. deciy on the fields to supply three or been ditches school, was in town this week have constructed, Irrigating four factories. carefully compounded and the water has been making preparations for construction atPrescriptions put to good use. store. Main street. drug Tavey's work. A Coming Event. A tine farm of 120 acres on the West on Beach. Both the Eyes Dunford A: Cook negotiate loans. Preparations are in progress for a for sale, id acres m lucerri, 15 Union Pacific officials- visited Garfield Side, OHices 7, 8 and 9, No. 7(5 West Second acres in fall wheat,, division fence. night of enjoyment at the residence of Beach this weak and inspected the im- rmsturage. Dunford- vt Mr. and Mrs. Cook, on South street. A. bargain.. 8 7" West 0. No. Second the guests will profoundly polish the Cook. made and 7, at that place. provements being The Light of Asia. General Passenger Agent D. E. Hurley, South street. framework of a quilting bee. On the 10th and 11th of June the stated that the company is making preThe Marshal's Report. for a very active season, and Choral society will render Dudley parations Coming to the Great and Only. of dollars are being exThe thousands that report of the city marshal fpr the The Bucg's magnificent cantata "The Liight pended in altering and beautifying the quarter telegraph says that Bill Nye is ending 3larcn .Jlst, shows an of Asia.' The cantata will be produced place. coming to Great Salt lake in search of expenditure of ?13,11G.00. in the Salt Eako theatre, as tho tabercodfish. fane hundred and sixty acres for sale nacle cannot hereafter be used for other . He's Modest, You Know. Dunford A- Cook handle West than church puriKses. Thefull strength on the West Side. A bargain. 7. DunWest Offices 7. S and 8, No. 7d West Salt Lake's tire inspector wants ?d00 of the society, numbering 750 voices, ford &, Cook, 7, 8 and 'J, No. a venr for his services. Second South street. Second South street. will take part in the June festival. red-haire- right. The surveying corps are now a considerable distance out from town, and when to.se teen the big A j Wise People Adopt Wise Plans Siirw vini: Corps Moving An Eastern Manufacturer Tells Why They Left Home Without Sayiiig For a New School. Wrshtanl 1o the Lake. It Should Not be Free. Whither They Were Drifting. Tin good-iooksn- Didn't Siny ami Their . j t fr i i ! new-publi- c - which.-occasio- ; ; vA - Always buy your drugs, stationary and confectionary at Tavey's. Main f?t. New Seed and Garden Peas and Beans at T. C. Armstrongs, 478 West Second So, Buv your Garden Seeds of T. C. rm-- " strong, seedsman, ITS West Second' Su Side-acreage- Buv your Hay. irain and Feed of T. C West Second South. Ariiistj n ,". |