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Show THE BRIGHTON RECORD. C. H. JANES, Manager. UTAH. RRIGIITOX, LIFE AND DEATH. the preen, preen prass. Full of daisies and clover sweet: .And all day lonp the shadows puss To and fro where the branches meet. "Under our feet the spanpled bloom "Uurter our feet we luugh and play, with the lillthe and plad as the summer day. Over our bruits the green, preen prass. s Where the silver dews and the weep: And even the dearest step may pass. And never waken us out of sleep. Over our heads the spanpled bloom Where merry children laugh and play: Oh. the inevitable doom! Oh. the end of the summer day Shirley Wynne, in Once a Weeli. As merry-hearte- d lrunk. like the bees, rose-perfum- e, rain-drop- '. BLISSFUL IGXOIiANCE. The Story of Two Clever Sea Captalna. The splemlid steamship Adamant, of the celebrated Cross Uowline. leftXew Vork on her February trip under favor able auspices. There hail just been a storm on the ocean, so there was every chance that she would reach Liverpool before the next one was due. ("apt. 1 ice had a little social problem to solve at the outset, but he smoothed that out with the tact which is characteristic of him. Two Washington ladies official ladies were on board, and the captain, old Hritisli sea dog s he was, always had trouble in the matter of precedence with Washington ladies. Captain Kiee never had any lxther with llritish aristocracy, because precedence is all set down in the bulky volume of Murkes Peerage," which the captain kept in his cabin, and so there was no difficulty. Hut a republican country is supposed not to meddle with precedence. It wouldn't, cither, if it weren't for the women. io it happened that Mrs. Brownrig came to the steward and said that, ranking all others on board, she must sit at the right hand of the captain. Afterwards 1 Assistant-Attorney-to-the-Sena- te Mrs. Second- - Adjutant- - to-t- he Digby came to the same perplexed official and said she must -- War-Department iit at the captain's right hand because in Washington she took precedence over everyone else on board. The bewildered steward confided his woes to the captain, and the captain said he would attend to the matter. So he on his right put Mrs. hand and then walked down the deck with Mrs Assistant-Attorne- y and said to her: "I want to ask a favor, Mrs. llrown-rig- . Unfortunately I am a little deaf in the right ear. caused, I presume, by listening so much with that ear to the fog horn year in and year out. Now. I place the Ia.dy whose conversaalways tion I wish most to enjoj at my lefi hand at table. Would you oblige me by taking that seat this voyage? I have heard of you, you see, Mrs. ISrownrig, have never crossed with although -- me before." "Why, certainly, captain, " replied ZVIrs. llrownrig: "1 feel especially comWar-Departme- nt " u j-o- plimented.' "And I assure, you. madam," said the polite captain, "that I would not for the world miss a single word that." etc. And thusit was all amicably arranged between the two ladies. All this has nothing whatever to do with the stor3'. It is merely an incident given to show what a born diplomat i'apt. Rice was and is to this day. I don't know any captain more popular with the ladies than he, and besides he is as good a sailor as crosseshe ocean. As day by day went on and the good fhip plowed her way toward the east the passengers were unanimous in saying that they never had a pleasanter voyage for that time of the year. It was so warm on deck that many steamer chairs were out, and below it was so mild that a person might think he was journeying in the tropics. Yet they had left New York in a snowstorm with the thermometer away below zero. "Such," said young Spinner, who knew everything, "such is the influence of the gulf stream." Nevertheless when Capt. Rice came down to lunch the fourth day out his face was haggard and his look furtive and anxious. "Why, captain," cried Mrs. Assistant Attorney, "you look as if you hadn't a wink last night." tlept "I slept very well, thank you, madam," replied the captain. "I always do." "Well, I hope your room was more comfortable than mine. It seemed to me too hot for anything. Didn't you 4 lind it so, Mrs. Digby?" ' "I thought it very nice," replied the lady at the captain's right, who generally found it necessary to take an opposite view from the lady at the left. "You see," said the captain, "we have many delicate women and children on board, and it is necessary to keep up the temperature. Still, perhaps the man who attends to the steam rather overdoes it. I will speak to fciin.". Then the captain pushed from him his untasted food and went up on the bridge, casting his eye aloft at the ignal waving, from the masthead, si lently calling for help to all the empty bulkheads hold out. We will stand by horizon. ' her till .we reach Queenstown." "Are there many on board, do you in said Johnson?" sight, "Nothing the captain. think, captain?" cabin pas"There are thirty-seve- n "Not a speck, sir." The captain swept the circular line sengers and over eight hundred steerof sea and sky with his glasses, then age passengers," answered the captain. laid them down with a sigh. to raise something this "We ought "Why don't you take them on board, afternoon, sir," said Johnson; "we are out of danger, captain?" "Ah, madam, there is no need to do right in their track, sir. The Fulda that. It would delay us, and time is ought to be somewhere about." "We are too far north for the Fulda, everything in a case like this. Besides, they will have ample warning if she is I am afraid," answered the captain. will have time to "Well, sir, we should see the Vulcan going down, andinthey boats. We will the before night, sir. She's had good get everybody know." them. stand 3'ou by weather from Queenstown." "Oh, the poor creatures," cried the "Yes. Keep a sharp lookout, sympathetic Mrs. "Think of their awful position. May "Yes, sir." be engulfed at any moment. I suppose The captain moodily paced the bridge they are all on their knees in the cabin. with his head down. How thankful they must have been to New to to turned back have "I ought see the Adamant." to himself. said he York," On all sides there was the profound-es- t Then he went down to his own room, sympathy for the unfortunate pasavoiding the passengers as much as he him steward had the and sengers of the Vulcan. Cheeks paled could, bring some beef tea. Even a captain cannot at the very thought of the catastrophe that might take place at any moment live on anxiety. "Steamer oiY the port bow, sir," rang within their own sight. It was a realout the voice of the lookout at the prow. istic object lesson of the The man had sharp eyes, for a lands- dangers of the sea. While those on deck looked with new interest at the man could have seen nothing. tell the cried and steamship plunging along within a "Run captain," Johnson to the sailor at his elbow, but mile of them, the captain slipped away as the sailor turned the captain's head to his room. As he sat there there was at his door. appeared up the stairway. He seized a tap "Come in," shouted the captain. the glass and looked long at a single The silent Englishman slowly enpoint in the horizon. "It must be the Vulcan," he said at tered. "What's wrong, captain?" he asked. last. "Oh. the Vulcan has had a hole stove "I thiuk so, sir." in her and I signal " "Turn your wheel a few points to "Yes, I know all that, of course, but port and bear down on her." Johnson gave the necessary order what's wrong icith .?" "With us?" echoed the captain, and the great ship veered around. "Hello!" cried Spinner, on deck. blankly. "Yes, with the Adamant? What has "Here's a steamer. 1 found her. She's amiss for the last two or three been mine." tire of side Then there was a rush to days. I'm not a talker, nor am I afraid the ship. "A steamer in sight," was any more than you are, but I want to the cry, and all books and magazines know." at once lost interest. Even the placid, captain. "Certainly," said the dignified Englishman who was so un- "Please shut the door. Sir John." communicative rose from his chair and Meanwhile there was a lively row on sent his servant for his binoculars. board the Vulcan. In the saloon Capt. Children were held up and told to be Flint was standing at bay with his careful while they tried to see the dim knuckles on the table. line of smoke so far ahead. "Now what the deuce's the meaning "Talk about lane routes at sea," cried of all this?" cried Adam K.jVincent, young Spinner, the knowing. "Jtosh, I member of congress. say. See! we're going directly for her. A crowd of frightened women were Think what it might be in a fog! Lane standing around, many of them on the routes! Pure luck, I call it."' of hysterics. Children clung "Will we signal to her, Mr. Spin- verge with pale faces to their mother's skirts, ner?" gently asked the young lady from fearing they knew not what Men Boston. were grouped with anxious faces, and "Oh, certainly," answered young the bluff old captain fronted them all. Spinner. "See, there's our signal fly"The meaning of all what, sir?" ing from the masthead now. That "You know very well. What is the shows them what line we belong to." of our turning round?" "Dear me, how interesting," said the meaning "It means, sir, that the Adamant has young lady. "You have crossed many eighty-tiv- e saloon passengers and neartimes, I suppose, Mr. Spinner." live hundred intermediate and steerly "Oh, I knffw my way about," an- age passengers who are in the most swered the modest Spinner. danger. The cotton in the hold The captain kept the glasses glued deadly is on fire, and they have been fighting to his eyes. Suddenly he almost let it night and day. It may break out at them drop. It means, then, sir, any moment. "My Uod! Johnson," he cried. is going to stand by Vulcau the that "What is it, sir?" Adamant." the "7!f"j tVying a signal of distress, too!" A wail of anguish burst from the The two steamers slowly approached each other and when nearly alongside frightened women at the awful fate in store for so man3' and about a mile apart the belLof the that might be so human beings near to them, Adamant rang to stop. to their children and closer clung they "There, you see," said young Spin Ood that no such danger ner to the Iloston girl, "she is flying thanked threatened them and those dour to the same flag at her masthead that we them. are." "And, curse it, sir." cried the con"Then she belongs to the same line gressman, "do you mean to tell us that as this boat?" we have to our will with"Oh, certainty," answered Mr. Coek- - out even go against back to consulted being Sure Spinner. Queenstown?" "Oh, look! look! look!" cried the en "I mean to tell .you so, sir." thusiastic Indianapolis girl who was "Well, by the gods, that's an outgoing to take music in Germany. and 1 won't stand it, sir. I must rage Everyone looked aloft and saw run be in New York by the twenty-seventning up to the masthead a long line of I won't stand it, sir." d flags. They fluttering, "I am very sorry, sir, that anybody remained in place for a few moments should be delayed." and then fluttered down again, only to Hang it all, why don't give place to a different string. The you"Delayed? the take people on board and take same thing was going on on the other New to York? I protest against 'em steamer. a lawsuit against the this. I'll bring "How just too interesting for any sir. company, Mrs. Assistant. "I am thing," said ,"Mr. Vincent," said the captain, to know what it all means. dying just I have read of it so often but never sternly, "permit me to remind you that am captain of this ship. Good after saw it betore. l wonder wnen the noon, sir. come down. What does it captain will The all mean? she asked the deck steward. congressman departed from the saloon exceeding wroth, breathing "They are signaling to each other, dire threats of legal proceedings madam." the line and the captain per"Oh, I know that. Rut what are they against of the passengers most but sonally, signaling?" be an inhuman would it that agreed "I don't know, madam." to leave the Adamant alone in "Oh, see! see!" cried the Indianapo thing n in such terrible straits. lis girl, clapping her hands with de"Why didn't they turn back, Capt. light. "The other steamer is turning Flint?" asked airs. Gen. WTeller. round." "Because, madam, every moment is It was indeed so. The great ship was thrashing the water with her of value in such a case, and we are screw, and gradually the masts came nearer Queenstown than we are New in line and then her prow faced the York." And so the two steamships, side by east again. When this had been slow worried their way toward the Adaside, on the bell the ly accomplished mant rang full speed ahead, and then east, always within sight of each other the captain came slowly down the lad- and with the rows of lights in each visible at night to the sympathetic der that led from the bridge. on the other. The sweltering souls "Oh, captain, what does it all mean?" men "Is she going back, captain? Noth one poured water into the hold of the and the pounding pumps poured ing wrong, I hope." water out of the hold of the other and "What ship is it, captain?" "She belongs to our line, doesn't thus they reached Queenstown. she?" On board the tender that took the "Why is she going back?" "The ship," said the captain, slowly. passengers ashore at Queenstown from is the Vulcan, of the Black Bowling both steamers two astonished women line,which left Queenstown shortly af- met each other. ter we left New York. She has met with "Why! Mrs. Gen. Wei.ler!!! You Ran into some wreck- don't mean to say you were on board an accident. age, it is thought, from the recent that unfortunate Vulcan." "For the land's sake, Mrs. Assistant storm. Anyhow there is a hole in her, and. whether she sees Queenstown or Brownrig. Is that really you? Will not will depend a great deal on what wonders never cease? Unfortunate, weather we have and whether her did you say? Mighty fortunate for you, 1 Second-Adjutan- t. ever-prese- nt h. many-colore- mid-ocea- -- BM Yao I think. Why! weren't you just frightened to death?" "1 was, but I had no idea anyone I knew was on board." "Well, you were on board yourself. That would have been enough to have Ever visit Brighton? If not,, killed me." make this day a red letter day "On board myself? Why, what do you mean? I wasn't on board the Vul- fay buying" a homesite there. can. Did you get any sleep at all after If you locate at Brighton you you knew you might go down at any will be, able to boast of living moment?" "My sakos, Jane, what are you talk- !in the finest, most picturesque ing about? JJoicn at any moment? It and healthiest portion of zion,. was you that might have gone down at any moment, or, worse still, have been right on electric car lines and burned to death if the fire had got rapid transit lines, and only ahead of thein. You don't mean fifteen minutes ride from to say you didn't know the. Adamant ithe citv, and at a five-cen- t: was 011 fire most of the way across?" "Mrs. General Weller! There's some fare. horrible, mistake. It was the Vulcan. The lots in Brighton are Everything depended on her bulkand dry, and are heads, the captain said. There was a situated hole as big as a barn door in the Vul- isold on monthly payments ofcan. The pumps were going night and live and ten dollars. day." Mrs. General looked at Mrs. AssistThis property is bound to ant as the light began to dawn on both in value. i I hih - increase greatly The great Utah Normal Col "Then it wasn't the engines, but the she said. pumps," and Conservatory of And it wasn't the steam, but the lege fire," screamed Mrs. Assistant. "Oh, Music, costing $100,000 is dear, how that captain lied, and I being built in Brighton. thought him such a nice man, too. Oh, Do not let this opportunity I shall go into hysterics, 1 know I shall." (pass without taking advantage "I wouldn't if I were you," said the bf it. sensible Mrs. General, who was a . Other people have made woman; "besides, it is I too late. We're all safe now. think m oney in Brighton. You can. sensible were both of them. strong-minded- captains pretty Evidently married, both of em. Which was quite true. Luke Sharp, in Detroit Free Press. men. A THE BABY SEAL. l"ev Till nes Not According to It 00 VOM BAHT to sell your lots In No- tion The World Not Kij;M. The ideas passing through the poor mind of that baby seal, pitifully passing away at the scene of his birth in Central park, if put into articulate speech, might run something this way: I am glad to go. If I had been on hand when this world was made I think I could have offered some suggestions. I'd have made a big Arctic ocean for seals, instead of a seven by nine tank. I'd have put icebergs in it for them to play on, instead of stone banks. I'd have filled it with live fish for seals to catch, instead of having them fed dead ones. I'd have made real polar bears to eat up bad, selfish seals, and I'd tell stories about them and frighten big, nasty seals that steal my fish. I'd have set aurora borealises flaming in the sky in place of bulbs of electric light hanging from a pole. I'd make the tvonJH wfto wear poor, Brighton or Garden City? J. B. Whipple, Local Agent, 13 Office in Record uildiiir. JOHN MERKEL, Superintendent of Parks in Brighton, is prepared to furnish orders for all kinds of Fruit, Siafle and Ornamental Trees. Private grounds fenced. Trees nlauted property cared for oa.reasHufile term. ajnd murdered seals' skins freeze to death, and havetoxes come and eat them. THE JOBBING DEPARTMENT Superintendent Conklin may be a good min, but I'd like to know who OF made him any better than me. Crea tures will be free and equal in my world. I'd makchim catch fish for me with a hook and line, if I had my way, sitting on a rock. Establishment Why wasn't I born a whale? I'd have all seals born Is well supplied with every varioty of whales. Now I've got consumption. Is that material for executing my fault, I'd like to know? If it isn't, then what sort of a world is this for !P jST IE seals? , Man is only a split seal, anyhow, and looks ridiculous. If I could grow up IjYom the smallest Label to a Double and get him in the water I could lick Sheet Poster. The Record down-trodde- n I AYO RK him. Girls come and look at me and say: Some girls are most as nice as seals, but they must swim awful. What did I come here for? That's the question, and I want man, who pretends he knows so much, to answer WORK It's all a muddle, but I could die easier if I could bite a man first. N. WHEN YOU WANT "Poor little thing!" , it, Y. Sun. C'oireetinjf Royalty. It is said of John Kerable, the celebrated tragedian, that he was not afraid to speak his mind to anyone when he deemed it necessary. Kings and princes had no more terrors for him than persons of humble rank or of no rank at all. At one time he had the honor of giving lessons in elocution to the prince of Wales, who afterward became King George IV., and his patience was much tried, for his royal pupil was far from being a brilliant scholar. At last one day, when the prince, according to the vitiated pronunciation of the time, had been saying "obleege" instead of "oblige," Kemble, with great disgust depicted on his countenance said, firmly: "Sire. I must beseech your royal highness to open your royal jaws and say 'oblige'!" Manchester Examiner. Dull of Comprehension. Old Gent (who knows the young man's salary) "If you and my daughter could live respectably and comfortably on twenty dollars a week, I should not object to the match. But you can't." Young Man "No-no- ; but my salary is twenty dollars a week, and that added to the twenty dollars a week you are talking N. Y. about would make forty." Weekly. In Love and the Soup. Le Martin 'I haf ze consomme here called ze lof." Bond "The love?" Le Martin "Oui. " Bond "Isn't that a queer name for a soup?" Le Martin "Oui. It eez for ze man vat eez in bof at ze Y. Herald. lame time."--K- . AND PRICES TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. Note Heads, Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Dodgers, Hangres, Posters, . Tags, OK ANYTHING IN , THE Send Your Order to The Record Wo Have One of the Best Equipped Offices-i9 n tha Wostr |