OCR Text |
Show described lands and shall not permit any loss, nor commit, nor cause' to be committed, any waste in, to or upon said or any part thereof, and will I'm h f.irin r. tlon't jou know. Sec 9. Parties claiming possessory premises, or ;in plant ami rnt aud lunw, not cut waste, or allow to be cut or I ran vild a who fail, neglect or refuse to wasted, lo. rights trees timber or any lu tli corn anl tutor row; lease at the rental value established, that may now be upon standing uescnoea saia it tist't awny. Ami 11 shall have sixty days to move away and and shall surrender said premi- lioaily for th MJinnmr d:iy. : 111 tv to remove their improvements, consist- premises my ruuM Wl.n es at the expiration of the 'term of! ing of houses, barns, fences, etc.; but all said lease, then the above obligation water wavs of every description and shall be void; else to remain m full force Brvezy. dams, reservoirs, ditches, Humes, etc., and virtue. to Brighton. shall not bo disturbed, removed, de-- i Witness Mny festivals are ripe. st roved, or in any way impaired in value, SKA Tomorrow will bo May !ay. And, in case such person, claiming pos-- j . . skat j sessory rights, shall neither lease, nor Lvervbody itiulsthe Kmo!:i., 10. The county court within Skp. .'vacate the premises jut give up the land, their respective counties, may make ll trior.s ran suave n Sunday. open, free, and untrammelled, but shall such rules and regulations for carrying aro beeomir.g numerous. Y:!d thu-kcontinue to use and utilize the same, this act, as are not or trade. Apply to C. either directly or indirectly, it shall be out the provisions of act. House in conllict with said Il..laue. the dutv of the county court to lmme- association of tl THE TIMES CHANGES HANDS. Literary diately take the proper legal steps to Mretiug have said party or parties removed i: Monday oeinn. such It Will be Run as an Independent authority on the West f m 4lie lands, and to recover as damages focjnesne profits may have de is M e Krcniiii Paper After May 1. "' A deal has just been closed whereby '.'--" more .reason Mr. tomorrow. A. L. Pollock, managing editor of t:.e anv thjm (m) npplieant for the The T:ah Tolonization company have other arul8 nt the established rental the Herald, will assume control of the tiled arliri. s of incorporation. value, then the lands shall be subject to 77 flies on May 1. Mr. (J. K. Ivins, who r desirable residence in Brighton lease to the inghest bidder, upon due has been connected with the Herald for . notice by letter to the parties in interest. several years in important assignments; f..r s:ih.' Apply to ( 11. .lanes. that such public leasing shall take place Mr. A. V. Phillips, for a year or more on in an inl have put appearance in me ButwuiuB advertising solicitor on the Herald, and " lir White lake and adjacent waters. tuesu.tj o l ciouk. hi me m i ice Mr. C. C. Cline, late of the Tribune, are noon, ui monin, J)eposit your surplus money in the of That the court; Provided, county the deal. Aside from the fact that sJibscription department of the IJkcokd. notice must be given the parties in in in the paper will be an aggressive one, as to the least terest made at for the are twenty days prior being Preparations may bo surmised, nothing has been .lune festival by the Salt Lake Choral public leasing. heard of its future policy. Skc. 11. It shall be the duty of the One hundred and twenty acres of gas Pin", ford A Took, investment brokers, respective county courts, upon receipt of well property, west of the Union stock T ru,tw ifK"inoiit. ioi meir k' ,.' ! No 70 West Seennil ernment in the leasing of the school vards, for sale. Dunford fc Cook, 7, S South lands, to immediately advertise in some and i No. 70 West Second South purchased to attend the con ,1A"sPal,er having general circulation in street.'a vej.t.on oi axuemen are k.hi u.uu uie the countv once each week for four con. Put in a few leisure moments and e:gntn ot .uu. secutive weeks that all the school lands obtain subscriptions for this paper. For sale cheap, a house and lot in n their respective counties will bo Ask your neighbor to suscribe and subAddress b.'8 Main street, leased by them upon application; and Urighton. scribe yourself. 'the board will furnish all necessary i;. use City. Idaho. The spring time tables of the various blanks All applications must be tiled it Cook bin and sell acreage court on or before 12 onDunford West. Side. Ollices 7, 8 and 0, companies will take effect to- - with the county the 'o'clock, noon, on the Hrst- - Monday in No. 70 West Second South street. iii'rrov Mav 1st. month, and bo by the board con-i.-lh.. Sund'.v schools of the Kvangel- - eJcn dered acted upon as soon as the ehurches'will . hold a Mav festival on rental nd Ijist of J.ols HcmuiniiHj for Sale in v;i n shnl hnvn hoen 1t erm ne wWu-lu atur.ay. tne isi pro.x. iritihfou ;ttwMit. ct:.iiicliU,l 'j'iv. SJ'tO rach. Cor- The Women's Keiief corps have been unnecessary delav thereiifter. Si'.l e.rtni, unless purchaser to conduct a booth i.-. ir sn.uii oe tiu dutv of the ,,rrs i i i granted permission Kt. crms c- - ix r month 0x :..ii i vTe in liberty rark . . be cause to courts to respective county v r S(,l- ''.' Pe'.-..n-s out of employment can tind a printed immediately the rules ami regu- - Prr ,n J" . Senior. nvin Kthrm to lations governing the leasing of the lucrative by writing school lands and immediately have such W. r, Itrighton. I'tah. BLOilK 1. -, G 7 6 Inns have broken win- rules and regulations conspicuously ( j ots 10 u jo V u ' j ' osted up in at least three prominent k;"i7 is l'.' 'Jo 21 ;i; the building const met ed for .u mr s 'S on I aiK street. " o"t school " boards .... purp' of furnish the PLO( K 'J. respective : or the I.rother-ne Lake ait lodge t , , , at school least with each . district three .. .. ,. r .IIH-.. i ll.lt Pots :;, l, o, 7. k, ;t, p. i:i I, I.'.. 10. 17, ... I'lHMI Oir H lli'Ain lU i to ui , biiiii- ruiew ami i.t ellows irui ui Jl IS, 1'.), "JO, !, '22, copies , , Odd at ball . social ... a grand ... oe ifi.eti iiii ui;iL ieeii iniee u oniwieiii. i . . ' PLOCK ::. in each school district. places "Sunor lies warm and unsightly on a Sko. Pi. In case anv person claiming r,ots p 2, p r. o. 7, s, k, u, 12, i;i, kr.o l adjoining the premises ol lawyer 1ossessory rights over an v school lands. 11, P". 10, 17, 18, P.t. '20, 21, 22, !o, L'P 1 he old I homus. on the school section. f.,, refUse or neglect to lease the sn;,i I'.LOCK 1. boss should be removed.binds at the established rental value, he oi bonds b l e amount of $"j.tM, shall have the right to rent Ids improve- - Lots I, 2, :i, I, ", 0, 7, S, '., 10, 13, 11, lo, 10. 17, 18. P). 2i , 121. '22. 2:', 121. otV. red for sale, .these bonds are nientstothe person leasing such lauds, . PLOCK :. pnai'i- - la live, in, inieee ami within the sixty days given for removing .verity years, ami draw six per cent such property. Put in case suck person Lots P 2, :5, 1. o, 0, 7, s. ., Id, 11. PJ, P'i, claiming possessory rights, shall neither i2d. Jl, 22, 'S.l, 121. 11, lo. 10. 17, 18, Yo;: can command a profitable salary remove his property nor sell to the party PLOCK 0. a:. taak' m ny Kv selling property. leasing them, it shall be the duty of the b n, 12. 1.0,, 2. o, 7. s, Lots p i, 'I hi-- investments are sale, sound and county court to proceed by law to dis ID. said 1, such and collect H0, . t8. p;, 17, 21, 22, 2:, 21. ir, party W. Senior. possess Write to pioiitabi.-nave as been suffered, may damages LOCK 7. ;. ghton. I'tali. hecome a lien and costs to said damages X I. 1, 2, Tie- l.'r.ion Slock yards are meeting on , 0, 7, S, .K 10. 11, 12, PJ, the houses, barns, fences, etc.. on the Lots 1, If,. 10. .v .th are 17, IS, l'.t, 2 21, 22, 2:i. 21. success, lieceipts daily lands. been have scales placed large PLOCK 8 Sec. 14. At the expiration of any .n position, and artesian wells give lease, the less shall have the Pots P f, 0. 7. 8. '.). 10. 11. 12, PJ. preference or water. ; 1 1, If,. 10, 17, 18, l'., 2c. 21, 22, 2:;, 21. release to at the established then right poof your houses with gum elastic value; Provided, he shall have lived up PI2OCK ' ..(iing feit. Instruct your architect to to all the obligations and requirements r,. 0. 7. s, 1. 10. 11, 12. i:t, 2. 1, Lots :', iit'iis material. Por particulars send of the expiring lease. 18, p.. 17, 21, h 10, 22, 2:j. 21. 20, '.''. U, P.m. ting Company. t.. i i u in Hiast Skc. ,". All lease shall be made in in. N'ew 11 PLOCK York. West Proadway, c duplicate, one to be kept on tile in the Failure from seeding frequently oc- office of the County clerk and one to be Lots 1, 2, :t. p 5. 0, 7. 8, , lo, 11, 12, j:'.. IP If. 10. 17, 18, Pi. 2,', 21, 22, 2:i. 2i. .I.-- from sowing too much seed without furnished the lessee. PI. of court each in The Skc. condition. county the PLOCK 11. proper ground tliiig T:?e more kinds of grasses sown lor ' county snail Keep a record or all the pro lo. 11. 12. 1:1, 2. :;. h o. 0. 7,8. e the belter, so that some are eoedings connected wit h the leasing of Lots 11.P lo, 10. 17, 18, 10. 2d. 21. 22. 2:?, 2P of the year. the school lands, separate and apart g:'. n all seasons PLOCK 12. t .V C ordinary proceedings of the M. have reorgo prepared fim the hhall and records such tie at lo. ii, 12, i. Lots o, ;. 7. s p 2, open mmeiis.' oil lank for the use ofIi the court; exauuna18. an 17, 10, I'J, me. to If. IP 21, ami w it I... times an inspection 2, 22, 2:J. 21, ,r! rat Gi-- " oi lion CK any taxpayer. PL at once. .n increas l.tiie Sko. 17. All money received under rce on the crews has beeu ma'de. r,. o. 7. s. .. in.'n. 12, 1:;, :C p Lots 2, i, act shall become a part of the terri :th a view oi running a night and nay this 1. if., lo, IT. 18, lf.K 2d, 21. 22. 2:!. 21. torial school fund kimi shall paid into i.ilt and pushing t lie work systemati-PLOCK 11. the territorial treasury for that purpose, 1H. form of 1, bond 2. The following L .ts Skc. o. i, 5, 0, 7. 8, o lO.iil. 12. :, per bead Tor; shall be executed in double the amount Poultry that s lis for IP If,, 10, 17. is. P.,.2b. 21, 22, 2:i. 21. bri-dinpurposes is worth it if the. of the annual rental value, and be Hied PLOCK If.- - l.o!s 1. r o. 7, 8. 2. .v., cone from poultry men. with and become a part of the leases: b"., 17, 1, 1, 20, Id i:i. 12, 10, bred ha.ve their ip T'i'.:e that carefully KONP OF KKsSKK OK S( IIOoK I.AM. 21.22. 2:;, 21. '! i' Us for years have established the did. on the PLOCK 10.- Lots i. 2 J. horougld-redsThere are Whereas, 0, , 8, o iDi!" ai A. IS. be of make 10, IP 12. l:i, IP If 10, 17, is, pi, 2, rd that will easily command and day HIA , OO , , c i worth such prices and many that, application to "the cat lv court" t.f Ptah. to lease, for ct i .rV i - i ... i j s o are not worth a third of it. (Jo to the couiii, men benefit school of ami th fund best known said the r:. ol s 17 lit "O experienced jn , p ir, ' p; I ., .r:d get the .est. ountv, the following described land, ,, 0 ituatVdin 5 county, territory b' hvellings on th line of the West; P ' until Jamii.ry 1st, IS'j. .at ami .V, i ."' .V' S de Papid Transit company's new elec- - of Utah, of (T for trie rental veariv Pit suni ' i iad for sale or for rent. Apply to .8 1, !. (k ars rer annum, parable PLOCK P. Pols 1.2 i. .lanes, Pi ightoji. 1, 12, PJ, 11, 10, 17, 18, P). 20, Id, less If, in not than tne "that advance, being Postmaster Penton has received word per cent of tiie appraised value thereof," 21. 21, 2:5, 2b from the postmaster general that there PLOCK 20. Lots f . 0, 7, S.'.i. 10. 12, 13, would be no further reduction made m to United the 11, If, .10, 17, 18. 2d, 21. 22. Containing, according iox rents lor this Hice. Mr. Penton,' States bo the acres, 1. Mirvey f. 0. 7, S, 0, 10, PLOCK 21. Lots':;. who is jil'.vavs lMking after the interests tame more or less; now therefore, know 2d. 10., 17, P', stollii.-IS, solicited had II, of th p. patrons, all men by these presents, that we.... PLOCK 2.1. Lots 3, P 2, 0, 7. , 0, 10, the d "part merit to make a further reas and 20, 18, duction of box rent, but the department as suretit F, ofprincipal, P, the county of H 15, 10, replied that S dt Lake already enjoed and territory of Utah, are held and PLOCK 20.- - Lots f, 0, 7, 8, exceed ngiy low rates ai d it would be firmly find bound unto the county of 17, 18, P 2d, 21, 22. imiios.-ibi- e to reduce the rent without 10. 0 PPOCK 28. Lot s ' i. establishing a meceoent. I here are fewwf (j jaufu, ,nonev 11. h( .12, Hi, H, V. HI, 17, 1H, l'j, 21, .., ,v )! cnes.n the l in ed States of the pron pai1 (jnl- tho CoUnt y aforo t h:d have such or Lake Salt to well and truly portions hi(.h p.jvmcnt, 15 LOCK Lots 1, "J, 'X 1, T, i), 7, 8, 0, cheap rent and excellent service as this mR(ks (HirsohoSi ur anii 10, 11, 1'2, lo, 15. 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 22. "dy' acli of our heirs, executors and admin- Sometiiuert a magazine aries its plan iterators, jointly and severally, tirmly bv BLOCK :i0. Lots 1, 2, 'A. 4, T, ',, 7, 8, !). Id. 17, IS, 20, 21, 22. for a single number, in a way these nresents. Sealed with our seals of make-ua. 7, 8, 0, 10, 14, Lots 1. that makes that issue unique. The on , one BLOCK :$1. txii day of one number thousand eight hundred and Cosmopolitan published 1, II, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, 22. with tilled some mouths ago entirely The condition of the above obligation, is BLOCK 32. Lots X X 7, 8, X 10, 11, 12, contributions from women. In the same slu:h that if the above bounden L 10, 1(5, IS, 10, 20, 21, 2:), 21. , executors, administrators or BLOCK way the May issue of the. Cosmopolitan 7. H, 12, 14, V,, 1C, IS, 19 Ijts will be noteworthy on account oPthe aHsigns,shall in aM things stand to and Lots 1; 2, .5, 1, .", (J, 0. 10, abido by, and well and truly keep and BLOCK change in the style of illustration. isWith IX 10, 20, 21.22. IX 14, en perforivt the covenants, conditions and i:j, hardly an exception, the numl.er -Lots 1:$. u, x u;, 17, 18, tirely made up of original works of rt nt;reoments, ond each andeeryone of block 10, 20, 21, 22. and all by the best artists that could be u,om auc every part thereof, on found. There has never been a number ..part to be performed, BLOCK :i7. Lots 1. 2. X 1, X X 7. 8, of any magazine that contained so high which are contained in a certain inden-- a 0, lit. class of illustration, and the namesA or ture of lease, bearing even date with the BLOCK 10. Lots 2. :;, 1, X X 7, 8, 0. 10, . Walter Crane, the English decorator, above application, entered into between 11, 12, 10 17, IS, 10, 20, 21, 22. F. K. W. M. Chase, Pemble, Pemington,- the county court of the county of BLOCK iX - Lots M, 4, X X 7, 8, X 10, C. S. lleinhart, etc., are enough to dis- p , Utah, paVty' of the tirst part, 11 17 18 10, 20, 22. and the said. party Cliquish the issue alone. of the second part, covering the above BLOCK 10. Lots 1, Suisrili for Thk Uujoud. THE SCHOOL LANDS. 1 I;T.-l- y 1 I 'I'H-rii- lMoni-ti.i-hn- y. -n " The Markets. West Side Rapid Transit Company The past week shows steady trading in all branches, and while supplies aro TIME TABLE. not over large, they are sufficient to satisfy the demand. In dairy offerings the home consumption is large and prices are steady. Following are the current wholesale quotations: j j I OB UN. " " t I- " cwt. j s;u-k'd- , ' ! ro ving feed I j d Til.-standar- ''"' '''"a'chha.,. , , t ; .. ti.j.-i,.;-- :" - Tii-net- s . j . ! j ! ra-.iroa- cracked rn. d ai I i i 1 h I , i- m , ! ; .' ' - 00 1 'JO 1 chopped " and Outs. Pop e rn KI.OCK. cwl ... Hitfh patent, Si rtUKlit radp " " " Family, Pearline Meal, " " " " ... Corn " (irahain, " " ltje, " Buckwheat, Oatmeal. " ..... llran, 2 I " " ShortM. HAY. " " " 8tr;uv, wheal, out. " ' 05 i; 12 (0 10 00 10 00 10 00 . CO . 6 00 9 10 8 00 8 00 15-1- is .;. " ' Onion, Lueeru sx'd new FULLY ABREAST OF THE TIMES. 1 Cental wicks, each for every Family and School. 7 Tlie Authentic Webster's Unfthrirignd couiprisinB issues tif 1KU4, Dictionary. 79, and (all still copyrighted) hM been thoroughly revised and enlarged the supervision of Noah I'orter, underL.I.. University, and as !.. of Valo I.I)., a distinguisbint; title, hears the name 4 50 45 1 r,o 30 00 60 8 (0 1 GRAND INVESTMENT A 22' i 4 10 e P" CWt " and Beset from Cover to Cover. Kc-edit- 20 , Potflt(M8, (labbiifio. DICTIONARY 12 00 12 00 12 00 11 CO ihoii:ce. Hurler, Jx'sl, 1 B roll .... Utah f'ream'-ryeastern tub. E's, V eai-- " 6.15 INTERNATIONAL 00 11 9 00 7 50 . 4.00 "WEBSTER'S 1 0J 1 10 9) . V. M 2 V5 2 50 4 75 i 00 . .30 THE NEVJ VJEBSTER 2 5) 3 00 ta. l.iu-eni- " 1 M. 2 50 2 30 :n 2 . Timothy, M might, p mixed, " " Ked Top, " " Upland, " Wild, , " - i' Cily Statical: Corner of Seventh South and Second West streets. ,1. ii. J.VC'OIIS, iiural 3Isui!x 45 1 5 r.w 7 2 10 .' -- I1- " " I0.45 " 3.15 5.00 j 7.0c, A. M. 9.CXJ " 1.30 I 25 20 30 1 10 new ; : 1 A. M. ' lOAXi no f,o 1 1 I I C 35 cracks!.. s f. m 1 mixed.-!.- . Hurloy I 10 65 ; Jo, lS!fl Leave Salt Ltko. El.loraiio. 6.00 S.oo' f SKI.I.INO. HTJVINU new No. 2 $ no rral.. whito. Wheat V ban, Taking Effect December ; 10 8 WEBSTER'S L,ead, Zi:22.. Silver, 8GfK. When a business man discovers that his business is decreasing then there is music in the air, and he is apt to "make Pome howl," so to speak. Put the best way to boom business is by advertising in the which is read by everybody. Dunford & Cook are city agents for (Jarden Citv propertv. Rooms 7,8 and , Xo. 7 West Second South street. aily papers at Tavey's drug store. International Dictionary.over The work of revision occupiededitomore than a hundred ear. and over rial laborers ten belnjr employed, 300,000 expended before the first cony was printed. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Pamphlet sent tree by the publishers. Cautioners needed in purehasinti a dictionary, as photographic reprints of nn obsolete and comparatively worthless edition of Webster are beinir marketed under various names and often by misrepresentation. Pf-coki)-, GET THE BEST, The International, which bears imprint of G. & C. MKKKIAM & CO.. 1'uhlUbrs, 1 Springfield, Mass., I". S. A. lu.-ine- ss - s 1 ; ( I g-'v- ! 1 ' ! : i- i -- i . : i -- i i ' n-- ad I a. i ' : ! 1 ! 1 5 j in-Tan- 1 g, : CENEKAL lino of Copi.' Land and Minins Blanks foi sale at the Hkcoud otliee. Sent pot paid to any add rest.. Send in' your ctders. covering the west tide natural as 11U PERTV and sold. L ind in tracts or bought . Ch-atitlf. Address for partichiiilding sit.'-!ulars, 1kki. J. Skniok, Brighton, Utah. - AlMII'Sof land situated on the west side i of rfalt l ake 1'itj an- - wanted on L asts or and Investwill buy- - The Brighton heal 1 ment Company, BriRltou. Sa'.t ake Co., Utah. on the 1 EST and most derdrah!" Iaihlin siteson west side of Sail Lak City for sale easy ) monthly oayments. No1 interest. A few choice or A. S. avks, Brighton, lots are lTred. box 71'., Salt L 'ke City. 8 potjt-olti- UTAH WOOLS- ce MdDODFIdS i:i.t costs ct i:oori; souai.- f't. Makes a on. years, and anone can put A SPECIALTY. ! i BACH, BECKER & CO., only trood $. rrf - UK) GHICAUO. Correspondence. Solicited. j i( Send stamp for sample and full jmrtieulars. CUM ELASTIC KOOF1NC CO., :V.i Nkw .iik. m 11 Wt:st Biiouv(v, IW i l i - OFFICIAL GrUIDE priCfASX(! TO Till? i pt.-'.ii- S.-ot- ; size, lxl."i incle's. Kh'antb Handsome.'y boutid in ilk cloth, iti jjold. Superbly illustrated with ri'pTesentat ions of all the mammoth World's Fair Huildins. Kah building a full colored plat, t'Xt'Ciited in ciyht oil colors, at a c..t of nearly Nearly I'd paijes 1 1 ; j j j . r 1 1 j . 1 j 1 . . - i j j 1 I ; j ! i 1 T i 1 iTf ; I id I I I to-wi- t: ; e ; i 1 J. -- . , IS The Chance of a a ltmrin inmTrrn ur A llPiW II A I I Pi in 1 1 are s Life-tim- sec. intc. .V; Kx.-lusiv- . very aiT'-n- t : 1 IIIGGIXS' '! Scidt-Auc- bacli lln'tUHna. i Lakk City. can mak e Imn drrils of- d , ,dD0D e wr-ck- SCHOOL BONDS - ly. FOR SALE. PACIFIC PCKLISII !N(i co.,1236 Market at. San rrana&o Cat. Divided into 4 bonds of $500 It! each, payable in 5, 70, 75 ana 20 years ; interest 6 per cent OWNS THIS. For further par Go lo The (icitl, lt West Seeoml per annum. E QE w Snath, street, dial Sec H hat If is. IPs Then: xa- - mm N. I Scientific American Agency for T. ' I i ticulars address Trustees 53d School District, j BRIGHTON, file Record and UTAH. W OUGHT TO PULL TOGRTIIEU. CAVEATS. PIS ADC V W W V MARKS. COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to Ml'XN & CO.. 361 Broadway, New Yokk. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Kverv patent taken out by us is broiisrbt before the public by a notice (riven free of charge In tne 1 EMBROIDERY SILK Factory F.na vA half pri-- , tnr oaact la bos all (jowl Silk nt zw4 color. Svnf by mail od receipt of 40 cent. 100 Cr.ny SUlotie lo each fuckm. Pornl rot or bump to THK RRAINEI AKBSTIIOINO SltH)L Pa. SILK C.,-.- ' Market or 6 Broadway, New York. rhlladelphla, P-- 8lrp, j - Jro.'ulway, Now "irk. Salt j j 1 '. ; , tiwl s j j i ' mJLm 2L Act , p s, Over 1.1)00 Ti'slinwnials. e late tld town . to We want n in iriv-nIt fell- - ill book. territory are nuetiiii.' with untiiinilh led dfrlit. Ag'-ntsucceK-;- . One aent c eaict si. u in nays ; an the first o'Iht reiiortis T20 .Tderu Hooks on :!b dys' credit. Iji'ietiJl tern Write for fall pftrlicumrs. or to s- cureth ftferic.y send onlv ent. for tin eh :tlif ;uid compl.'te cnnvaHsinn outfit. Address the s.df lie agents for lh St,d", - Non-Poisonou- Dip. ATTORNEY AT LAW, I fli'-hd- t'hw. E. V. e, sire to know just what their Cal. Fernoline Chemical Company Many photographic views ff 'hic:tro, includititc a ti:pirb bird's eye view of the entire city, Kix'J'i iiiches. ThcrowtiinK feature is a a rand cyciorama picture. B'rd"s je view of the kxposi-tio- n Oronnus and Hni Id inrs, in eijht colors, si.e Us IX inches, positively da.lii R im matrniti-cencrevealing what will cost over js'Ju.i'O'V o '. The book is for tiie millions h coutcmpLi!'.' visititiir i 'hic'atfo in 15.. It will be pure! used b the m lions who cannot iro. but who will dei inn! 1'L.'0 DOLLARS. s -- kh I FORTY THOUSAND j u.-h- Absolutely Safe and i em-b.iss- man-nitie.-- tit - i Peep Fernoline NOW HEADY. printed. t. I t. lb CoiiNiK'iiiiiciils .Solicited. i i ; BROKER. San Francisc '; Battery st. J World's Fair and Chicago i SCHLESINGER A. C. Vant d. Local Agent i ' He; MICH IC AX ST. 1 per for Const it ui ion Block, SALT LAKE CITY j i - . J0in( il j Kt-ta- 1 I A r ' ::ty Alive! Record isYEAH. The ONLY 1.')0 ! ; M.-huMou- Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, f.'t.OO a MUNN Si CO., year; 1 jO six361months. Address Broadway, New VorW VdiLisHEBS, THE BRAINS!) X. ARMSTRONG SILKCi |