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Show YEsyjs. .AT3 1 mu Tso M CSRECMZ ara-bu- haa worried the lithe and supple beast to death. The Acheen rebellion has ended. Dispatches from the Dutch colony, via Brussels, bring the news. Paiigli-m- a Polem and Itajah Keumala, the last of the great native leaders, are with the governor-genera- l negotiating of Sumatra for peace. They are willing to come in" and bring their followere with them. At their nod. bands of tierce cunning and brave mongrels. The cannibal Battaka are probably the original stock, but there Is a large mixture of Malay, Kllag. Chinese, Hindoo, a little Arabic, Papuan and several other nationalities. In their easy indolence, life is so care-freand money so easily come alone. by that they live In They arc- - besotted with the opium habit, given over to polygamy and the buying of wives, and for diversion they raise religious wars and fight the Dutch. Such was the land that the merchants from Holland found in 1599. when they began to exploit the eastSuch ia Acheen toern archipelago. day. When the Dutch were cast out of India by the superior energy and shrewdness of the British East India Mistress Dawn. A Utils maid tripped down tha aisle ut srsy. With a red. red rose In her hair. And the gun sa he blinked and robbed his eyes the maid wondrous (sir. Thought Bn rliw he crept as the hours passed. And nldrilnr the meld ilnod morn, Asked 'WTisi is tliy name, sweet child of the Kasif And aim answered him: Then ha kissed her till In her lisir The fsi-- of tits fair rnulden grew And duwn In meadow a com - to-da- y ' peeped With wiilr-slurleyes of blue, So when ike world from Us dream a woke. Pawn In the Sun's arms lay Uk a srxrlrt bloom that mora had dropisd heart of Asm Helen Lock hurl lit Boston Transcript. On the Good Outdoor Gome. Here is e gome which will be especially welcome to the girls, for the boy have all aorta of outdoor sports now. Any number of girls, or for that metier, boys, can play, as long as the number is even, but they hould be nil girle or nil boys. There ere two captains who choose sides, as the boys do In playing baseball. As n rule about seven on each side makes the best game. Two Unea are drawn on the ground twelve feet or four paces apart. Each side stands behind a line which Is called the out line. At the word of command from her captain, each girl stands on her right foot, lifting her left foot dear of ihe ground and keeping it there. Then the captains order their little armies to charge and both lines hup toward each other. The object of the game la for one Bide to shove the other aide hack, beyond Its own "out line. Each player singles out another and hope against her. pushing her with her shoulders and Natlva Housa In Sumatra, trying to force her backward over Acheen warriors will lower the green Company they fixed their fangs on her out" line. The hands must be kept below the flag of Mahomet and cease the red Sumatra, Java, the Celebes and Bor fool fury of religions and raclRl wap ueo. They gradually extended their waist line and not used in pushing, but fare. They will turn their Martinis. frontiers from the coast lines to the they may aid one in keeping balanced on one foot. An umpire watches the ami Remiugtous mountain fastnesses, and one by one contest, and If one player touchea her Into reaping hooks and railroad iron. they lsiught over, bribed or conan inAnd now the thrifty, penny wise ami quered the native chieftains, the local foot to the ground, if only for leave out must she is the and stant, pound fonllMh Dutch rail cultivate thn kings, the potty sultana and the contest, leaving her opponent free to plantations that yield 75 per cent divi- powerful potentates. Their sway ex- help a comrade hack some one dends on their in vest menu, lu tended and their power Increased. But else. As soon pusha ts girl has been and comfort. or war lias been there always big pushed over her side's out line, she It has cost fli'O.iniO, nun and thirty little with Arhecu. Is out" and must stop playing while The Sultan of Acheen occupied the years of valuable time, to cay nothing continue the struggle If the scores of ct thousands of the best uorthcru quarter of the island of Su- a othersbolds another with her hands player young lives of the N.thi rlantls, to matra. lie was a power who had a conquer a territory about the size of fleet of SOU vessels, a htandlng army West Virginia. The prize Is a tre- well drilled and most expert, n palmendous one, for the land of the ace that blazed with jewels and preAcbinexe Is rich with gold, and con- cious metals, and n harem filled with tains some of the finest districts for the most beautiful of llaves. He raising coffees, spices and tobacco never recognized the away of the that exist in the world. The cry of Dutch, and though other rulers beAtjeh Atjch Atjeh" will be heard came the vassals of the white men, he no longer In Amsterdam and The held his high estate In tho Kraton and Hague ns bulletin! of massacres and fought the unbelieving dogs and indefeats pour in. "Atjeh." the great fidels. and powerful sultanate of Acheen, is During all the years down to 1871. now but n peaceful part of a Dutch when this last war broke out In renewed fury, the Dutch seUlera were eolony. It la the land of the cruelest war- unable to make the slightest impress e on the territory of the Acheen Sultan. fare. The hostilltlea with the Opposing Play era Come Together, atWith the adrent of the last half of have consisted of the nineteenth century the wily sub or seises any part of her dress, she la tacks, brutal slaughters, cannibalism, out and must atop playing. treaties of peace broken by murder- tan. finding that power lay In having ous treachery, districts changed over a good gun in front of a good man. Playera from both sides .are connight from harry, prosperous, con- sent his spice, his pepper and his tinually getting out" and at the end tented communities to battlefields coffee to the British at Singapore and there are. as a rule, only a few left where every house gave forth a sol- in Java and traded them for guns of Several girls can combine to push dier and every spice grove a battalion. the latest and most approved type. one player over the "out" line and this The troops of little Queen Wilhelmina Hundreds of praus loaded down with gives n chance for team work, which and the govern meats that have gone coffees and spices pnt into the ports yon can safely render very effective. The game is r.ot a rough one. owing before her have had to contend with across the straits of Malacca and the fiercest and most criming foes came back equally planted with to the rules against using the hands, breach loading rides and hundreds of and dresses do not get torn nor tidied. that ever waylaid an expedition. Imagine a land of smiles; a coun- cast's of cartridges in metallic shells. It is a game of skill rather than When the fury of war broke out strength, fur a nimble girl wb. Is a try of milk and honey; an Island overflowing with plenty and sweet with between him and the Dutch there good hopper" can easily force a less pices. On our map it would stretch were thousands of expe.u lively armed skilful opponent to put her left foot from New York to Chicago, and at its natives filled with religious seal and on the ground to avoid being shoved backward. It la very exciting and a splendid exercise and tho playera do not get thrown down or Injured, for one can always save ones aelf by put-trone's foot to the ground. The game la designed especially for girls of from ten to thirteen years, for the young ladles of seventeen or so feel too grown up" to go about hopping on one foot. - Achi-nes- ib-c- p g A Hat and a Coin. A very neat I rink may bn performed with a hat and a silver quarter. The quarter may be brand new, Jnst from the mint, hut the hat had better be an old one. or at least one that Ita owner ia not very particular about, for it is likely to get n little rough handling. It must lie of the pattern known as a "stovepipe," either silk or heaver. lAy it on its side on top of a glass tumbler, nnd on the upper side of the hat place the quarter. Now, what you wish the cnmpauy to do is to knock the hat from tinder the quarter so that Hie latter will fall into the tumbler. Every cne that trb-- It will be sure to strike Hie lint on Its brim, bill that will only send it across the room, and the quarter somewhere on the 7 floor. Achinese Warriors. widest part would cover the land from Washington (o Albany. Every ciim.ib- - und'-- the sun Is represented on tbe island. On can find equatorial intensity of heal and the chill of the Canada woods by choosing the altitude of one's dwelling. And the land Is rich that if one scratches the earth with a hce it will smile back n bnrv-.t- . Birds of Lrlllhmt plumage flutter ami IVarx-kthrough the true. the gaudy pheasants strut hady walks. From lilt j ingle comes the the trumpeting of , wheeze or the rhinoceros and the husky conch of the nxer of the wild and leocnnl nnd the ass. size, Flower' of '-t some cf them six snd cross the ca'lx. rlm'iin! no every from th snlre Ids. The perfui. trees and hushes are so heavy that to 'ieni faint those nnaeciisteeied ii,r-- ' from their pewc-fThe people of Sumatra are tail, clean limbed and straight. They are r s liipisi-potamus- n YETE1H4N C2JXSPO.YStr,OrJ Thirty years of terrible warfare between the Dutch and the Achlneso in Sumatra haa emicd. Thirty yeara of blood and terror. treachery and assassination and rapine. During all that long period the bull dog Dutch have 1 ung to the throat of the Acheen panther. Stubborn patience I T p for gioiy to hundreus of Dutch sol- itvs. who were not l well ami not at all filled with tl.e furv tiu.t is by chewand npiuui. and listening having an ing to a fanatical r nrd ai'-n-- p'il- - r.tir When the feat l;as been pronounced Impossible, you make a few feints, as If you, too, were going to strike it on the brim, ami thou suddenly you give it a smart tap on tim inside of the crown, when it will jump quickly nut and let the coin fall directly down into the tumbler. fit. Mimic Senate. The young puges In the senate, It ia aid. like nothing letter than to set their rcrir..-:Up a miniature donate just after an adjournment or w hen the senators are Can Do. What late In assembling. One of the older . s. liri'ii'.iii-r'nBGoM-- l evi'-can In the chair of the seats hlir.t-elso thin that 287.000 boys l'i presiding officer, while the others take other to nizl lie 'pun the seats of the members, and a surof rr inch, yet !! on tha senaprisingly clever b;ir.-qu-e ; rrr'ct snd free from n eh !'"? torial doings follows. One morning, ' f i " hid upon any th'i an especially noisy session of in s: rlu. ' r'v the appear during s bright-eyethis mock eoere-ii' 'bt-am no thin page, who ws then posing as Tha r'i; a that if uiii, l.mk l.ninl would gentleman from Kaii:as," pulled n five Ti.o of a s'ngle leaf dollar bill from his niilv ixickut, mounted sml in octavo vol- a of coiiiiii'iu , . chair, and, waving it. yelled. "The ume ,of so 'mb thick would have as gentleman front Arkansas wishes to tniri' g'-- a ti e books of e Introduce this bill." Nn sooner had !i' ran of 1.500 volumes with he made this speech then the boys ?no I sees It: rich made a wild break for him, vaulting Bill in spite or this th Dutch with have won. Gold-Beater- red-i- ce pro-dir- e I ie- f . d ! in. o;-r- i.- - s f. 1 . The Saiior'e Song. mg the whole of the campaign, was tun down a good deal physically, and I thought if I could get n change of food It would help keep me upi "1 went over to Gen. Sherman's headquarters aud asked him to allow me to send by Lieut. Bailey (who had HanAkwchlef Bag. been detailed from my command la charge of the malls running from Nashville to the fronts), to bring me down, some dried fruits and vegetable. 1 told Sherman that I was running down: that I had a very bad have klMfd, but you wound In the side, and it seemed Into Wl liivt if would nut slv Hi mure: I must win wliai w mused on some possible to keep it from sapping away oilier, farther shore. my strength. You niter hold the gray suit that 8bernisn looked at me end said: in ins nIhiui I hi mml. And Ihe null grind with In water 'Dodge, all you want la some good I Hi I Hunt. whisky,' and tuck me to bis tent Good thought of. You a III mourn, you will male, but twin or had whisky just then was entirely The 8ense of Smell, niter be null uie: That we have not entirely lost the 1 am off lu my fate, and It llee acroea the different to me 1from what It IIs now, submitted. urged animal basis of judgmerl, the sense For ii'a tint nloiti that knowa where my hut, of course, my necessities upon the general, but mil I 1111, of smell, is proved by ihe fact we do And anchor llie ni:i ciii.nut grind with tha water ha said it waa impossible to eilqw. me toll ourselves very much of other peollmt l I Mill If he Dodge Davkam lu BcrllHier a. to bring forward anything; that JowjiIiiii often the nose, unconsciously, ple by to do It one would for It he did have distinblind Court The This Is one ' wSf to use rings for says Open for others; and I went away e good Sheridan's Horse. their friends by the smell of n handkerchief hag Yon can use more guish This repeated question a to the deal disappointed, which Sherman handkerchiefs or coats. We know far color of Ihe hone ridden to Cedar saw. There waa no way to get anyrings than shown la the illustration, more by sinull than Is supposed. shows thing without hit permission. It Is prettier only keep thaUffepe. Those who have hud their senses Creek by Gen. Sheridan sharply than the sqtiarf how very careful we ought to be about it 'was not more than a day or so oblong once. accustomed to are educated keenly of e comrade after that that Col. Dayton, hie adjunines truthf the doubting Australian judge of persons by odors. we do not tant, happened to he at my headquaroor Young Man. Confusion of children possess tho dogllke sense of who tells of something (hat One of the lust amusing stories remember. It affords Indisputable evi- ters, snd asked one of the staff dote and experipeople scent, by trailing I not always tors If I bad sent to Nashville for told of the tact kindliness of Misment reveals this Is to some de- dence that our memory and the tress Dully Mai it of a country gree present Inthatevery one. very anything. The staff officer Informed the very best authority lad who chanced to be present at one which to rely when him that I had applied and eould not best upon thing so ideal not are attachments Strong of the White tymse receptions, nnd get permission, aud that under the as we like to suppose. There Is a we write or correct history. was surprised il tie midst of his enBorne comrades positively declare circumstances 1 would not aend. Day-to- n and disto our basis likes all physical Sheridan did not told tha staff officer if they could joyment of a cig of ccffee by the likes. It is this which underlies the that they know that of hie hfriesa. In hla confusride a black bur"' thr.t 19th at Octo-beget It through by Bailey, to do so, of refined that their demand people ion the poor boy dropped his saucer 1SG4, because they saw him on a that Gen. Sherman, he knew, would frlenda shall be cloauly. and thrust the uy into his pocket. gray. He perhaps changed horses, and not object, but says he 'You don't Mistress Dolly, who, although her the comrades saw him on only one of want to say anything to Dodge and A Few More Conundrums, rode? Borne say they do nut the first thing I knew there came to eyes were keen'Ill searching, never What should you do If you split yonr those he to ever have seen Sheridan siw anything that a was not intended sides with a box of supplies. remember laughter! Run till you get on a black horse. That may be true, myIt headquarters she should see, cbdted away with her was a long time afterward before them. in n stitch and yet they may have seen him on n I knew bow they had been brought guest so pleasantly of the weather, the Why is s field of grass like person blaek horse. crowd, and, finally ,of the young man there. It Is the only caso In my exBecause it's than older past yourself? Let us take the general's word for it perience where Sherman relaxed one mother, whom ale had . known or heard of, and was soon at ease and your age (pasturage). and let It go at that I have no doubt of his orders. Washington Star. Why la a bridegroom often more ex- that he had ready to accept tin fresh cup of cofmemory, affection nnd Because the a bride? than a Southern Woman, pensive by Praytr fee which his hoelws ordered, despite to rely upon when he wrote While the Third Indiana cavalry bride Is given away, but the groom la documents curious and unexplained In June, 1862, while his Memoirs. t certain often sold. and I he rested at Lookout, Companieson G scout. bulge In hla pocket When does t man impose on him- colonel of Second Michigan cavalry, went out one afternoon In Miss. his was at stationed Riensi, self? When he taxes hla memory. After dark three of us rode in advance , How Children Can Help. Vol. 1, Chap. 10, pp. What is Ihe difference between n Memoirs. of the advance squad of which I had Tha children oi the Princess of late for a train and a school bn says: charge to make inquiries at a cabin ArchWales are much fderested in n sort person affair this after Capt. Shortly One misses the train, the la which we sew a lighL As we apof charity which night engage the mistress? ibald T. Campbell of the Second Michother trains the missel. proached we heard e women praying, attention of Amerlan children. igan cavalry presented me with the nnd soon we could hear her words. She block home called Rlenzl, since made They belong to 'The Happy EvenFour New Year Resolutions. was evidently very devout, nnd soon Association ridden 4 been the from London, historical ings by we learned having pur thnt she was loyal to the me In many battles, conspicuously in pose of which is b provide pleasant She did not hear our apthe ride from Winchester to Cedar Confederacy. playrooms In dlffeent parts of the and we stood silent, sot inter slums,, wisre the unhappy Creek, which has been celebrated in proach, her. little ones who ha no homes worth the poem by T. Buchanan Reed. Thla rupting Whew! You ought to have heard a the name may play at will with no one bone waa of Morgan stock, nnd then prayer! She tdgged the to say Hush! or dherwlse ciirb their about three year old. He wee Jet part of thnt loose Hie lightning to let Almighty 18 merriment. white feet, blaek, excepting three to sink the bottom nf the deepest see A great many toys nnd dolls are hands high, and strongly built, with every ship that the terrible barbarian given for their anssement, and numgreat powers of endurance, I rodn. him almost .. continuously lh 'Abe IJnkln' rules;" that the blockade bers of these arAient by the little be raised, ohes of EnglanuWnyalYamlly; There b'itarpta every "campaign end battle In which a might' God who are fight In Thy battles are Indian dohs, dolls from Ireland, took part, without once finding him of be to able procure the necessaries overcome by fatigue, though on many rany dolls in Russian costumes, nnd In occasions his strength was severely of life of which the Northern fiends quaint Welsh high hats, baby dolls and mother dolls, nurse dolls in cap tested by long marches snd short ra- have despoiled nnd deprived them; that "the Yankee barbarians, who and apron. Indeed, every Imaginable tions. Although be was several limes wonnded, this horse es- knuw not God end serve only the derO,-b- ' description of doll la represented and effaced from th earth with nil the forms the delight of the little ones caped death in action nnd. living to hordes of their vandals. , to In n attended old died 1878, age, during ripe happy evening. I wrote several sentences of thnt In our own country nnd In Philatha last with all the care and surIn n letter the next morning, rounded with every comfort due the prayer delphia there are enterprises Just like which was Sunday, and It was hot do There are four New Year resolu- faithful service be bad rendered. this. There are se many opportunities votbin! When she sold Amen I rapped for fortunate children to help the tions bidden away In our neat draw- National Tribune. nn her door with the muxsle of my reing, nnd we want our clevqr readers unfortunate. Gen. Howard's Bravery. volver, snd mads inquiries, but did not to discover them and always bear In the corridor of the Senate wing of learn anything. Jlin Cowell and I took In mind. them Names. Thinking Up the capltol a day or two ago Senator breakfast with Ler the next morning, This game rcqtirea nothing except Daniel of Virginia ran across MaJ. and Jim a terrible man for outbreaks A Snake Story. pencils and paper, and it ia one In The much talked of ferocity of trop- Ocn. O. O. Howard, U. 8. A., retired. of language asked a blessing. We which young and old can join. The first thing to do Is to write n list of ical snakes is discredited by William As the story was told In print after- told her we were Methodists, and she was greatly surprised to find out that names down oud side of n piece of C. Agle, who has spent a number of ward. Gen. Howard asked Senator who served si ehlef of staff to there really were believers among In South America. To Daniel, begin years n blank opposite space paper, leaving with, he found very few, nnd those the Confederate general. Julial A. Ear- the Yankees! Martin Dmablell, In No each. retlonal Tribune. The names may be something like were slow of movement and almost ly, In what battle It was that be He lind ceived the wound which made him a the following: Atthor, actor, general, sffurtionnte in disposition. Urged Prayer for Bread. The senator told the general "Gen. Gordon," said tho Major, told river, statesman, color, town, painter, heard much of hissing and spilling cripple. was at shot the that he Wilderness, monsters who habitually crushed and a story well, and he had many good flower, fruit, etc. solOne of the player chouses n letter swallowed men. Hut after much ques- and then, pointing to the Union stories to tell. Long before be took Where of the alphabet, sad every one must tioning of the natives be found few dier's empty sleeve, asked: the lecture field I heard him toll a In write n name beginning with this who bad even seen an anaconda or a did you leave your arm, general? story In Washington which went the said the the newspapers story two himprinting wliirh Mr. Agle initial opposite each of the chosen boa. Of the rounds of the newspapers at that time he had told Howard Dsnkl left that words. If the letter wore 0 the list self encountered, one was killed Inand brought him closer to the men In a arm whlrh at his fight Gettysburg, who wore the blue in the civil war. might commence as follows: Gold stantly by a shot from his revolver had taken he knew the senator also feat and smith. Garrick. Gordon. Uuadslquiver, and the other, twenty-fou- r Gordon was speaking of the deGladstone, green, ' Godaliulng, gilly- half in length, became so tame about part. Then the senator and the gen- pression of the men in the ranks of next to eral so 0 Gettysburg agreed flower, greengage. (It does rot matter the c.mp that it proved a nuisance, tree's army between thn fall of Richwhether the celebrities are alive or and had to be csgeil to keep it from May to look over the field. mond and the surrender at Appomatnot tell Daniel Howard did Gen. that under the workmen's feet. dead.) tox. Th men did not lose courage, he bad lost his ann at Gettysburg, for blit were not as they bad been. One He to Is truth. Gen. Howard given A CALENDAR TO PAINT. ssld he lost It at Fair Oaks, and day. riding along the road, the gencame upon a regimental prayer (urther than thnt he said nothing. But eral meetlug, which waa very impressive. bad he so chosen, and had he rot hc-the modest soldier that he is. be could Tbs men were kneeling or standing that per- with bowed heads about the chaphave told a story of who was praying In a voice of JULY haps was greater hun that shown In lain, his leadership of thn charge which wonderful compass. "The general checked his horse end cost him his arm. Gen. O. O. Howard never drank a removed Ms hat and waited for the 10'lll2!l3jl4iis!l6 drop In his life, never smoked a cigar etui of the rreycr. The chaplain naked to give the men of Lees ;7i8;i9.3oai aalas and nnver swore, exn.-p- t once, and tnat the 34;aj26ja7l3fl;a9;30 was at f'htincellonarlllt-- , where some array surreine courage to meet the , SIU..I..I..U foreign-bortroop nf his ran. aud he groat crisis that had come upon them, fortitude to bear new privations end has been quoted us lu:; cn that ocDamn the Dutch. " Gen- trouble, strength to fight against the casion: Just then n tall tobacco and pursuing enemy. Howard not only liquor to he bad, but ha believes the private rose from bis knees nnd shoutuse of anodynes which deaden the ed to the chaplain: Pray for brand, We have senses Is bail snd nnmai'ly. chaplain, pray for bread. In the chargi at lair Oaks a bullet urage to burn, but to fight we must shattered his arm Mow the elbow. have something to eat Pray for This broke up the prayer He kept on leading. Another bullet bread.' came aud abettcred the hone in the meeting." Chirago Inter Ocean. same arm aliove (be elbow. He kept A Veteran's Reminiscence. on leading. When the charge was Thirty-ninyears ago said a vet- over and suez-es- s was assured Gen. man, I started on my last raid oa Howard walked over to a hospital tent Richmond. I wa in the Fourth Wiswhere a eurgeon In attendance, after consin artillery at that time in ButIt must lers army looking at tho arm, said: of the James. On the 29th come off." of September two corps of Butlers SCFTCnBER Take it off," said Gen. Howard. Including Gen. Kauts's division, rtTT.wrT ,TTT The hospital attendants began pre- army. of cavalry, were to cross to the north 3 TV--f-t parations to give the wounded soldier side rf the James, capture the rebel 4 S 8 7 j 9,1C ether. Hons, and attempt n rush into i!i::i3i4'is;:'i7 "None of that. said tha general pos. Richmond. The rebel positions were i! w;ao;2: ir&p. "Cut it off and i ll look nn." captured am', held, but wo didn't get The surgeon orders end Into Richmond, and 1 was put out of Howard chatted with Mm to smother action. the sound of the saw. We took four guns of our battery into the fight nnd lost them. We lost When Sherman Relaxed. "The only esse in my experience also a good many men. nnd I came Here are three mere months of nn colors and you will have as pretty a out with n bullet hole through the artistic calendar that yon may have caii-nir as one rot; Id win'i to tee It where Sherman relaxed one nf his on your wall during the coming year. would be aril to pinto lh prdm" asld Gen. Dodye. "was during shoulder. Yes, it disabled me then, The letters of each month pslnt n dif- calendar on to pnstohour-- or s'.outet' thn march from Chattanooga to At- and was a good deal in my way for ferent color. The border around each paper Wnru beginning to paint It. The lanta We wore very short of all some yeara. The wound waa a sever kinds at pruvlrlots. canned fruits, veg- one, hut here I am as active In bosk j month should be of the same eolor as first six have given, auJ lived nn breed, bonne mm as my old comrades who Now paint us remaining meths " f' , the letters of the month. siren ip etable eta. We I tad been suffering dur- - not winded-- 1 the flowers nnd lesves In thalA natural succeeding issuer over ueska In Ih't mad pursuit after The gentleman (bra Arkansas," who had made his eeeqte out of the senate chamber and wut peed in g down the I corridor. At ihe end of ten mlnutm one of the players reads the list rJond, tad one mark Is sllowed for eaih name which is common to more than ere list, and two murks for a name which only one person has thought of. The person who wins the game chooses the list of titles Air the next, and also the letter of the alphabet. If very little children are playing It is best to choose tilings which are easy to think of, sueh as vegetable, flower, servant, animal, a piece of fur nlture, and the like. C would he aa list like easy letter to select for this, as cucumber, cowslip, cook, eat and chair are words which are easily Oh. the wind's to the west and tho sails r Mims 1 rev! Taks your irom my brsast; you to ins. must say g.xil-l-You'd my hmri in IhiIIi yuur bands, but you did n.-- l liul.l ll fast. And tin mill csniioi grind with tho water tlisi Is post 0 Its I must urnsy, and It's you must bid ut Ilium! as 1 am sped lik tlis spray, I am fk-k-l III f oh in; sweet. my dsr. tw swost. but it wh I wan nil 10 sweet tn lnt. For the mill cannot grind with tbs water that Is 111. h r, 1' 3 177-84- ut 1 u hri-nis- Ut e m oh-ye- ut 1 'J |