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Show . '''. f' .'" OEV. , '. 4, ' s. GREAT SIEVES CASE HAS TAKES HEW MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. Toung university, and to hear the opera. "Priadlln,' which was given by the choir of the B. Y. U. Principal Van Hooac left fur Salt Laka City laat Friday. Senator Thomas Kearns has introduced a bill into the United States SenJ. Helnnun vent to ths city on Fri- ate increasing the pension of Mr. Frank day to attend to aonie business. Hoffmeyer to 130 a month. Mr. is a veteran of the Civil war and E. C. Farley, with hla family, have a man who is well respected by his left thin city to reaide in Salt Lake. er Half-mey- fellow- -citizen. a young man well known On Sunday evening the Y. M. and Y. In thin city, left Monday for Helena, and Strand L. M. 1. A. Mont., to accept a good position in that wards held aof the First conjoint meeting in the city. Mr. Lyon Tabernacle. A splendid programme was Mr. O. H. Pierce, an old hand at the rendered by the member of the First Golden Gate mine, has been discharged ward associations. owing to the scarcity of work at that The City- Council nut in special sesmine. sion on Saturday night, when It was derided to put a new floor in the city Washington exercises were held in and to thoroughly repair and the schoolhouse last Friday. An inter- pavilion renovate the luivilion for the raining In each was esting programme given season's amusements. - room. Miss Katie Isom Is on tha sick list. She contracted a severe cold a few days ago w ilch seems to have developed into a more serious IlinessL P. H. Doyle of this city has gone to Butte, Mont., owing to the sickness of his brother. He will In all probability remain there until hla brother has recovered. Lehl, instead of being a city of empty homes, is going to see several new homes erected this coming season. The following gentlemen are each going to build a nice residence: Joseph Roberts. David Peterson, James Roberts and John 8. Willis. Johnson, the liveryman, was suddenly U ken down with croup Bunday evening. but at last accounts was getting along nicely. City Marshal Abe Crawford, formerly editor of the Miner, gave us a very pleaaant call at the otiico laK Baturday. Thank you. Marshal, for the cordial welcome extended. . old-tim- er nt ram-nan- . : e, quick-temper- ed 5 ,jlr. Henry Evans has returned Oarland after ten days' visit with to his frienda. Relatives and Mr. Chase FMthemone has Just got the roof on a fine addition to his residence on Main street. The many friends of Mrs. C. A. Blade will he pleased to hear that she is recovering from her recent illness. n-- on Saturdny the teachers and some of larger pupils of the Lehl district :: schools went out on a rabbit hunt. i a- 'Mi t Superintendent James Goff of the Idaho Falls Sugar factory andIn hla fhm- ay are spending a few days lehl. basement of the city hall has been fitted up repaired, cleaned and nlrely as a library and reading room for the Bremen. Engineer U B. Gaddle of the .oLldaho Sugar company and his son Stanley, are visiting with restive and nda here. rWhe families of Mr. John F. Brad and Austin Bennett will leave in .vifuv ' J about ten days for their homes In Ma- flgrath, Alberta, Canada. m - ; i 1 The baby of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Eng- llsh. which has been very sick for the Mat ten days, suffering from bronchial pneumonia, I much better. of Sunday afternoon shout fifty the teachers from the Amerf0ur wards of Lehl went over to ican Fork to attend the meeting of the union board. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klrkham. who have spent a month In Lehl visiting, returned to their home In Magrath, Alberta. Can., accompanied by Mra. Emma Klrkham. The name of our postofflee has been to take changed from Lehl City to Lehl, effect on and after April lat. 8. W. Run, the present Incumbent, has been reappointed post master. On Sunday afternoon the speakers at N the Tabernacle service were G. Jr. Child. Janies Allred. John Itolieris. and James Peterson, the h!ahoirlc of the Second ward presiding. Eddie Austin was arraigned before Justice Kendall, charged with disturbby the Home ing the matinee given e Dramatic company In the Opera-housSentence was sus Wednesday Mat. pended. Mite fisdle Davie went to Provo last Friday to vlalt her Hater. Miss Ruby Davis, who is attending ths Brigham Ot) Sunday-scho- ol One i 'J D AT , ..Utah suh w.r ... . .; year 1 5R .... Editor Mrs. W. K. GunSryg.. James T. Jakemaa- - l Messrs. IMIiMe ami Patten Wednesday In uur town In the Interestr NOT';: of the Balt laike Herald. They succeedany business ed In iilituliiing fifteen new subscribers During our transacted with 1 jeW. N. Gundry to that ncwsiMier. They are ''rustler'' rill re and deserting of success. K. 3ft lady will be office, will take cflpt for money dt orders for Job prln The niNMiueruile ball given by the nt'. T, Jakenmn. school lift Friday was a very enjoyable Manager. etent mid waa largely attended. Florence Jt'cFurliine as an old woman was fTS. unaided second prize Leland Connor nr ii darkey dude secured llrcd ABcr ull exienes were paid In every count) .this State (and prise-C- t. which sum will be defrom a point of vhn) Htlii there is a dearth vpusoine ainure-llitle- s voted to llic interests uf the sehool. Th Mrtiilnlng incuts. parrA A card arly was given at the home to the guidance uMMllrol or suns unil Thursday. February daughters have btfi.fvfr since hnuu-- r of Jai.n-In honor of I ho tldriy-fourf- h our be anllms. Dili. to a fsckwlthln begun and dc7lk.d to the ex- niversary of Him nvgli birthday. and iguities of labor', twr livelihood. The The guests iitiintnrnl twenty-livresult has been. IftNany cases, a sad aiier a serif: of ten go nicy a most was one for the fulherg kM. nuithcis uf our served, after which repast land. The youthLUour State have a time siicnt with vocal anil instrubeen, for many ytflpart, brought up mental muele. l'rlzes were awarded to those winning and losing the most through the And their game Mrs. W. X. Gundry secured the ht, they have Indies' liiet prize and W. C. Reynolds, t hindrance or gentlemen's first prize. The Imuliy" grew up (these prizes were won by Mrs. ii. M. Edjfi) they have had munds and W. 1. M Itehener. A most her had, but In enjoyable evening was spent and nil ind with the wished Mr. iiitiwu many happy return and all thereof imply, ELECTRICITY KILLED HIM. lty of them, so (nvenlionalittc as tj)i law unto them-o- r From Meriur Miner. At the Gulden Gale mine at l:M city in this o'clock Thursday evening William P. will find raw Walters lust his life, it appears that . boy and girl Walters In s spirit of daring took hold who know m more ofttie duties of life of is live wire running from the seventh drift to the engine-rooto and sai InIts pleasure than those pertuifcln and only the plegsu-f- t of flirtation or stantly killed. Hia companion, Herbert the dance. What doe this mean to the Cooley, narrowly escaped with hla life. State? How does .It reflect uiwn the Cooley, whose duty It Is to attend In ihe lathers and mothers .Do they have no signal wire, made th usual signal to responsibility in th latter? Are ws to the engineer at the top of the drift. He of pool players received a shock of electricity. Young rear a Statehood grot and painted pets, - am let the mosaic Walters laughed al him, stepid foror mural law be asa Asm that's died? ward and took hold of th wire with The moral suhsloR tiat means all that both hand standing In front of Cooley, life holds worth ) ill Its benign re- who still had hla hand on the wire. Insults not the auashn that would stantly Walters doubled up and pitched lead to sin, bnt tbs sorality that has violently toward Cooley. The latter exmade us a part of. tk earth's highest tricated himself from the wire and with civilisation. For w, a nation, claim difficulty lousaned the hold which young to be th survival at the fittest tlie Walters had nn the wire. Hr. beet that God dealgnedua fur and with was called, but before he arrived Thayer young our aspiration thai A what we pre- Walter wa dead. The young man tend to be and to whs we endeavor to waa th years old, unmarried, and lived attain. The more'afctne to us, there- at Wellavllle with hi parent fore, when we allow our children to Walter had Juat recently returned revel In the ways ovlce, when at a from a mission to southern Illinol. He hold be word the authority wa well liked; In fuot, a general famight Th and exercised. Borrow rglneas duly vorite. A large body of profile followed which wayward tost and daughter the remains to the depot. bring to homes whsrepa rents lull their Saturday an Inquest waa held before love with carrle sin eg and' sloth are Coroner A. H. Dunlavy as to Ihe esuee not alone a punlsfeiwnt to them, but of Wllllem Walters' death. The Juare around. 'all Tgkt rors, Fred Gable, Fred Elmeodorff and American Fork, and Sery boy and girl Gay Boloyntre, viewed ths remains In who has departed fiwf the path of duty parlors and then and rectitude has laftvlie Impress of the Watt's undertaking Inspected th place where the accident act on th. minds of. those who know. occurred. The following witnesses were a fur good, nor sumiftonsd: Fred McFarland, Fred thing .Manager siw-n- a Jv 12-- and a td e, ABOUT .. 1 Emmett Robinson, brother of Mr. Ed of this city, who was hurt on the cage while going down the mine in which he was working at Bingham, la reported to be recovering slowly but satisfactorily. He. with others, was goring down the shaft to get off at the level on which he waa to begin work, when the cage, through some miscalculation or other reason, stopped a little below the elation. Mr. Robinson started to get out, hut while in the act the engineer raised the cage to tha proper level, and Robinson was in consequence crushed between the cage and wall, severely Injuring his back and thigh. His friends in American Fork are gratified to learn of bis assured recovery. The A. O. U. W.s annual picnic and ball for their married members and guests, last Wednesday evening, waa of this city, given in the Ppera-houand was participated In by a large and Jovial crowd. It was one of the moat ths enjoyable events of the season, decommutes of arrangements being se nnlclt IWr UlW iMfgW n It duties. Picnic supplies were furnished by the participants in rich abundance, tee, coffee and cocoa were supplied by the hosts, and the supper so contrived gave opportunity for a refreshing interval during a long and lively evening, which was spent iu the pleasures of the U. W. in this city dance. The A. is a flourishing Institution, and Its spirit of fraternity was well exemplified laat Wednesday night. MINING MEN. thing. x aura-cyanid- es From The Tribune. Active work on I lie properties of the Dluiimnd Milling company at Btocklon will lie next month, w hile In saya Manager April William Aiixamlcr will arrive from to take personal charge of the campaign., it is Hie Intention, said Manager Iiedcrichs yesterday, to continue the sinking of the main incline with the next station to be cut out at SM (et. from which point a cross-cwill be extended to the ledge In which considerable ore Is now exitom-- almve. A soon as a flume Is constructed In II oner I lie tunnel, added Mr. Dedcrichs. drifting on the bnlge from that avenue will begin and It made the outlet for the lllack IHiimurnl'a wealth. The cuiniiniiy Is now- provided wllli means with which In tarry out g It shnll midi rlakc mid the of the sharcholdera should in ii short lime. The new that chlorination was to ho introduced in Tintic was received with many manifestations of approval during the day. The largest chlorination plant in lb world, which le operated by the United Htates Reduction and Refining rompany at Colorado City, ha achieved lie proportions on ore of the aine character, and what the method has done for Cripple Creek It promises to repeat in Tintic. Cluck ii ut The alluiea plant, which promises to add materially to (ton. Merrur earning If it does not entirely obviate tha iosae will go into commission tha inlireaent Meek, wilh George Moor ventor of the prucea who has bpen' detained In town, to be present at th event. While the delays have been many anj provoking to Hie shareholder they have been Incurred by the manufacturer of certain fitting, but Ihl Mill have soon been forgotten. d - nuy-Ihln- THE HOXKIUNK MILL The Bacretnenlo received teal week tor a carload of quicksilver, which muses rejoicing silk to management and stockholder The carload a as made up of about 250 flask and th shipment has not taken all the metal on hand, as It ia understood that nearly half a carload ia still In th loreronm. There I no apparent indication of the weakening of the quicksilver vein In the mine, and in addition to thl the usual amount of gold ores are coming forth, eo that tha beginning of the year at the Sacramento la encouraging. The Mining World. While the active crushing of ore and l lie did not production uf begin at the llnncrlne's new Du.OuO mill out of Brockton yesterday, ltnddiux talking from the diggings tuy the machinery Is gradually limbcnd up and that the whole will be In eunmiissUiii wltliln the few IbidilHts, aldays. Buperliilcndcnt though somewhat disiipiKiluietl, Is not the lrast uiwct by Ihe that have InleriNsk-d- , for he tuts witnessed ihe troubles uf Ills neighbors who nre wondering why a new machine Insists on warmed up before settling down to s graduate's work. Not many days will lie required, however, to get at results for whtrh the plant waa designed. 115,050 i m-x- l In the new channel of or being developed by Superintendent Arthur Itrown of the (ton. Mercur, In th Exnel Is huger chequer ground, la showing very fine value. For a distance of 75 feet along points to llic its iiromotcrs Ihe incline an average value of H.00 In mlneinl sonr gold is aiiuwn, while for a eonaldsrabla tiielance on each side the rock discloses Stockton I surely on the eve of greut a margin. It la estimated mining activity and ninny of uur most that about 100,000 Iona of milling ore la r ousel vuilie men have the greatest in sight. At tha Mercur mill about 500 faith In Its future prosperity. tons of ore per day la being treated now. At this writing the Moore allme Is The Honerlnc mill, which Ihe finest plant ia still out of oomirlialon, but it hereabouts, win is- - ready for operation la hoped by the management to have It utwiut March 1st. In full operation within a short time. THE CON. MERCUR. UTAH'S OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1908-180George Dern, manager of the Con. Mercur company's plant and properties Kam at Mercur, says that fittings by which United Rtnte Senator, Thomas Term expires March 4, 1105. the slime plant has been delayed are now on the way to camp, and that ths States Benator, Reed Smoot. machine which promise to add so ma- United Term expires March 4, 1100. terially to the dally earning will go Of Into full commission next Week. Joseph Howell, Term their adaptability to the needs of the Representative, expire March 4, 1905. proposition, the management says there is not a particle of doubt, and th earnExecutive Officer ing for March should show a material twin. Meantime development ia pro- Htber M. Wall Governor. of the James T. Hammond, Secretary of But gressing as usual In all property, while the assays returned by (?. B. Tlngey, Htate Auditor. tor Brown the John De O. Dixon, State Treasurer. speak Buperintendent The flow of from Ihe drain tunthan ever ami everything realization of the Iioik-- of the draining of llie great by which It Is surroumlel. wab-- r well-defin- 4. ' im-tlnn- a &AJSS!ASSV. .... Inst" ya ? The 'acratch of a pm may eaoae tha los of a limb or even death when blood Appointlv polionlng result from ths injury. All danger at this may be avoided, how- A. F. Dnretnu State Engineer. , Chamberever, by promptly applying Gomer Thoms (tool Mine Inspector. lain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic Waller J. ilealle, Bank Examiner. g liniment tor cut and Moioni Helner, Food and Dairy ComFor sal by bruise and burn mie loner. Co. Churh-Merct Drug Commissioner Bureau of Ktailstk-s- . A GREAT CAMP. John Sharp, Flah and Game Commla- loner. n A mining man who has icnt much time in American Fork canGovernors Staff. yon and proeiwctcd a gnat deal In a Charles B. Burton, Aujutant General. direction from anuthweatern Park ('lly's W. Clayton, Quartermaster Genbig mlnea Htatt-- that there to no ques- Nephl eral. tion but that the canyon In In the Klieuh-y- , Commisrary General.. holt. Tills mineral bell la broken Win. J. II. Pinkerton, Burgeon General, creek at of the head and Snake al up X. Smith, Judge Advocate GenBenner llie heads of the Cottonwood, spread eral. out nlMHit three miles wide from the Moral L. Kltrlil Inspector General, cuat of Dry Fork tn Alta, paseeri through urge A. Beaman, General Inspector of hill and Hiller hill, the Plttfburg Practice. . Target Evarnfs guli h and Silver Eds-urthrough B. Ferry, Aide da Camp. liinre hill, croNM-- the head at Deer John I). Aide de Camp. reek and goes through Copper mounQ. Cannon, Brigadier General, N. tain. where It conies In contact wilh the Joint G. V. sranlle. He utr Hint there are apure Indication all down nd good mini-niJudicial. Dry creek tn within a short distance of N. Baskin, Chief Juatlce Supreme e Alpine, where (hey have some Court. ore In right in neveral at the Ini ms that have been and are now forge W. Uurtch. Justice. W. M. McCarty. Justice, being worked. hurles H. Hart, Judge First District' From the Park to Copper mountain, self. Court. he say there are twelve mile of Ihr never In slows a kind on biggert mineral belt in Utah. If it were Frank K. Nebcker. Attorney First Dis"ho I hose trict. her In position, and who away off In Nevada, Montana. Idaho or as nn-i- machines rnmltrials sen-artvrn In aoii.e riialant corner of Utah It Henry II. Roiapp, Judge Second DisIn execute her eoiiiinunds. trict. would be. he alive with miner Who never, alsive nil, could love or unit rapitalirt.allege, He nialnlnlna It tz the George Halverson, Attorney First District. consider the comfort of any only cloe-l- n mineral bell it tor mile around where good ground William O. Hall, Judge Third District. pcimn hut herself. can lie got tor a reanonable price. There Kuinuel W, Stewart, Judge Third District. and 1 ' have used Chamberlain's Cough haveliebeen many prospectors . W. Morse, Judge Third District. o much aay. as there ha th-Remedy tor a number of years and go. T. I). Lett is, Judge Third District. In have no hesitancy In saying that It la ground takenIf ahere and that prorpectnr find some- D. (I, Elchttor. Attorney Third District. Hie best remedy for cough raids and come body clninix the ground and John E. Booth, Judge Fourth District. roup 1 have ever used in my family. thing the pronpectnr goer. Thl I lillml work A. C. Hatch, Attorney Fourth District. 1 hiive not words to express my confir of course could Thnntaa Murioneuux, Judge Fifth Dig- -. proxim-todence In this remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, for him. Thehut Irlct. he hiiRn't the money, buy rheap. Xurih Btar. Mich. For sale by le nturh of the Joshua Greenwood, Attorney Fifth Disand the cnneiUf-ro-Merrur Drug Co. trict. property In tile canyon haw lain idle John M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. B. Cliiih-stei Judge Sixth District. year, with only the yiarnt after II. Erickson, Attorney Blxth District. ufiW-- l done hnn-lnt to h'dd the Jacob Johnson, Judge Beventh District. foi iiiim and wall. liaiiil.rs- fill nil urc Is st clean, d wilh W. D. Livingston, Attorney Beventh ein.i'.l hiairh dipped in Marin Mater xnnieihlng to turn up. District. to the time He cininir. that however, and sail, bir Ihe sail pnvcnla it turning at hand when all will want ft J. Walcott Thompson. Reporter Supreme Tlte sain- - treatment may be giv-- n (km-Court. hunk of American Fork canyon. There tn Indian and Japanese nun ling used . I. Calmer, Clerk Supreme Court and are n.ore tut.nelx being run to tap the Id- lluor eliverillgs. Klate Librarian. nuiiK mu viItik Ht greater depth, and he predict that by the ti.iddle of sumThe Utah County Light and Power will mer th y rein h a depth where largo company of Lehl, American Fork and ore todies, will be found. Pleasant Grove are making extensive improvements at their plant at the BIG COM PAN V FORMED. mouth of Amerlcen Fork canyon. An to being built to double the addition For a tong time there ha been some of the plant. Intalk uf a company being formed In the generating it capacity to power, two East, tn be rhnrtered tor (..Ofln.OM. fur creasing power Pelton water TIMECARD. wheels ihe purjiroir of operating mine In Anur-icnabout to be installed. The com-puTOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. Fork canyon. It to now understood being la also rebuilding their Un using Read Down. Read Up. from authoritative sources that m few Station pounds of No. 0 wire, instead of Dally. Dally. days ago deeds were acknowledged be- 44.000 0. No. and will furnish power M A. M. Lv. Ar. P. fore a notary here for claim 1:11 snil forsa ril'd to the company, with pumps to the Jordan Canal company. 1:00.. Balt Lake City This will be done 15th. The by April I l:10..!iuena Vial fi:2t .... arrnngi ment are on foot to start has about 4000 lights connected 10:20.. idler f 1:11 about May Iftth. the with amount the inveeted eystem, S:00 I 1:40. .Garfield f ft was expected the work would have being between 128,000 end $30,000, the 1:53. .Half Hay Spur f 4:59 In en on these claims over a year I.- 00. .Krda (4:45 ago. but a few knockera are alleged th threein the company being10owned by cities, cent holding they per 4 M to have rout'd the delay to the evident 0:15. .Tooele of the capital Invested. The manage-ii.tr- .l 4:2! detriment of the camp, and the m Is tinner the able direction of Mr. 4:20 0:25. . Stock! in farmers for. of nnd the valley, J. II. Wnnlon. and the future to bright r M0.. St. John (4:01 npHrt from the question of supplies am tor the company's expansion and r 1:55. .Ajax f 1:51 the npiMritinltlee for labor such work H0:10.. Faust t 14! opens up, i very long tunnel run into tin f 1:J hill mean more aster tor Irrigation n0:2S..Vernog 0 1 04000 0040 I 54M 5 040 OX (10.40. .Lofgreen f 3:15 b ing added to th present supply. 11 ot.. Boulter Summit f 1:00 : 1:41 MINES AND MINERS. ll:lS..TIntic Junction :: 11:11. .Mammoth Jet. . 1:44 President Dern of Has Consolidated ;; TNI 11:27.. Mammoth .... UAaiNo ToaaoatoutVto 11:45.. Eureka 2:40 Merrur ls expected to renrh home next MgROtMI. 2:22 week. A letter front him. dated at Mammoth .. ., 11:52. .Silver City 2:05 Havana. Cuba, stated that he would A. M. Ar. P. M leave there last Tuesday tor New OrTflaql h tea way Trains at B It Lake make direct con- leans nection for all point north and east. Arthur Murphy, manager of the S. W. GILLETT. Paiscnrcr Agent. Daisy mines and mill at West Dip. to B alsa Mar. Ob. J. L. MOOR S, In toMti again. Mr. Murphy to not doCommercial Agent ing much talking at this time ho hat 44t444404HtmO44OIO4 Walters rame to hla death by accident, with no one to blame. The remains were shipped to Balt Lake City, where Ihe of the deceased awaited responsibility, vhat yours Mr. Bishop their parents arrival. The body of the deceased and Mr. Balntf W are all of ua our waa accompanied by Joseph Branchley. brothers keeper, and all of us our too. Why do w not do somesister thing for our boys and1 girls? Why do AVOID THE GI Ki we not offer to then something beyond the dance and pool? la hell approaching Who never thinks of any one hut her-I- f. or heaven departing, or are we Insensate to sin and goat as saints? If we Who never makes nn effort to oblige are Insensate to sur best Interest cir- others, and yet to tie waited on our cumscribed in efforts in the train- haml ami foot heraelf. to our of tnd let everyprone yuung. ing Who never will own that another girl thing rii, as In the wild and woolly la pretty, but who endeavors. Instead. West, we shall sot only go down to In find some defect In her to Mlnt nut posterity as superlative sinners, but our to others. sons and daughters shall give us curds Who does a stroke of houseand spades and get there ahead. Let work. but selfishly Indulges In us provide some other entertainment for ;i nd amusement while her mother gnyety slaves the young thaVi what we have, even If It to keep alfairM In order. he only to make an attractive place of Who never N happy unless she la Home. the nr the only man worih looking at In the room. Who net er taken noib-- of ehlltlren. When you feel blue and that everything goes wrong, lake a dose of Cham- but considers them little iiiilsanmi." berlain' Btomoch nd Liver Tablets. 'plagues, who ought never to leave the They will cleanse and Invigorate your liureery. Wlin never eonferses she la in the stomach, regulate your bowel, give you a relish for yur food and make wrong, hut sticks to her point through you feel that In this old world la a good everything. Who never gives away ft penny In place to live. For axle by hnrlty, Siieiuling ill her money on Mercur Drug Oo. i dress, xui'cts nr some luxury for herH. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. Pool Is regnant. The saloon la supreme. Let all the worty go round. But what, Mr. Father and Mr.' Mother, Is your PLEASANT GROVE. 1 surrendered Ihe floor to th now coming from the mill. -- a 'fli 1 MINES. MINING AND DIAMOND TO It KB I 'ME. K w.-i-s D. Itobinson 3l T'kvv: NO. 33. Mrs. W. J. Bhdton went to the capital Mm. day to secure the services uf an oculist. She Is now undergoing treatment by Dr. M. A. Hughe and tls feared she will lure the sight uf one eye. i-- Six months Three months Mr. Ben Bennett, late of Bennett A Bona of this city, expects 'to leave for Balt Lake, where he will engage In ftfflfiftor 1R PUBl Stockton 8120.-(tu- quick-healin- piwn Why don'a you get your hnrneas fixed up by Ole Anderson? E. A. White, representing the Peters Shoe company of St. Louis, Mo., was a visitor lost week. Guy Robison ia making a number of Improvements on his residence, which la a step in the right direction. s eoiivi-rsutlo- returned from the capital on Thursday evening after un enjoyable visit with her daughter. Mrs. John A. Adams The Home Dramatic company, since return from American Fork, had Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dunkley's baby an enjoyable card party in Clarks hall. hoy. who has been ill with bronchitis, is John Smith'a daughter came home on piogressing rapidly toward recovery. Thursday evening from Balt Lake City. Next Monday, February !9th, a leap It was an agreeable surprise to the year party will be given in the Apollo family. hall, the ladlea having the privilege of B. E. Hinckley of Provo was In Pleasbuying the ticket!. ant Grove laat week In the Intereat of A marriage license was issued at Balt B. D. Knapp A Co., a publishing house Lake City last week to William J. of Kansas City, Mo. Jacklln of American Fork and lilandi A party wa given In Clark's hall on Uecksted of Salt Lake. Monday evening In behalf of Wllfurd Dr. Eghlnn returned on Thursday Pnulson. who has been called on a misfrom Provo after a few daya sojourn sion. The worthy purpose was liberally thsre, being In attendance on hla niece, supported. who is ill with pneumonia. It was Old Folks' day at Llndon on Several of our school teachers went Monday and a rousing time was hod. to Provo last Saturday morning to In the evening the Llndon Dramatic pend a brief reason In intellectual company entertained the old folks and festivity and to celebrate Wariiington'e others with the sensational drama. Foiled, nr a Struggle for Life. in the birthday. Llndon hall. It was a great success. AlNext Saturdny and Sunday the Mr. Rulon 8. On Friday evening pine. Utah. Wasatch, Juab and Nebo conWell one of the eeven presidents of stakes will have a Sunday-schovention in Provo, and it Is expected a the seventies, and President S. L Chip-ma- n held a meeting In Manila wnrd. large throng will be in attendance. Excellent which was well attended. D. D. Shepherd of Mapleton has been remarks were made and were much enjoyed by those present. appointed by the County Commissioners an agnt to cut timber for Utah W.nuO G. F. Rigby has been In hurine to cut and deliver only county. He is feet at KO per thousand to Provo City. four months in his present location, but during that time he has shown himself Justice Kelly procured a marriage li- In he a pharmacist upon whom the cense for Robert Curson and Lizzie people could depend. Mr. Rigby has Stewart both of American Fork, last n stock of drugs and medicines sufficient Friday evening. The young couple were to meet the most urgent demands, and married In this city yesterday. Con- nowhere In the county can lie filled with more exactitude than by gratulations. Mr. Rigby. And- you can save money Sheriff Jesse Harmon of Provo visited by having him fill them, too. us last week. He was at Lehl on busiMrs. K. M. Jensen, mother of Mr ness and drove over on his way to Provo. The Sheriff has many frienda Ole Anderson, died at Pleasant Grove in this section who would be glad to of general debility Baturday morning. February 13th, In her Mrd year. The see him more frequently. funeral took place yesterday at 1 p. m. William Thornton has been making from the city hall, where meetings are Mrs. some excellent Improvements In his at now being held by the church. horn In Denmark and emitractive drug store premises the past Jensen was to this about county grated eighteen week, the windows to the north of the entrance having been enlarged and years ago. She was a faithful latter-daSaint and will be mourned by a other alterations effected. host of friend Scandinavian papers Mr. Eheneser Hunter was celebrating please copy. birthin a quiet way his seventy-secon- d day iHSt Monday. Horn Just 100 years Since Rockefeller tolled to find a after the Illustrious Gram Washington, taker for his mllllrm-dolloffer for a hs was entitled, his frlmds say, to at row sloiruch the Emperor of dim any least 100 per rent more time than came Ima given up hopes of finding a new to him. throat. Prof. Allen of the State University The scum of Europe are angels comdelivered a most enjoyable lecture here List Sunday evening and illustrated It pared with the titled nlnrotnpoops who with stereoptlcon. Th room was not marry American girls tor their money adequate to receive half th people who came with Intent of listening to Pome people say time la money. That the Instructive lecture, the subject of may be true, but you can't buy was The Pioneers. which bushel of potatoes with it tht-l- r one-and-- hAlf FOR ONE a s o ffe- - aver made by a The greatest Western metropolitan news; taper is that just announced by The Bull Lake Tribune. The Mg ten or twelve-jtag- e Tribune, containing all the news of the intermountaln region and the cream of tl, news of lh world, will be sent from now until May 31. HMIG. for 31. . Tills la h Inirce you Bend The Tricannot afford to nils bune tl.50 amt gel the best newspaper In the West for nearly a year and a half. ol preK-rlptinn- y 8g-nre- l high-grad- S - te-i-- re e A CUKE FOR ECZEMA. The best physic. fOnce tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach nd Liver Tablet? say William A. Girard, Peas Vt.,. These Tablets are the most rromrt. most pleasant and most reliable cathartic In use. For sale J by M.-iJ- In-- r Beml-Werk- ly - Mercur Drug Co..' Mercur. Utah. M. E. Brown. Stockton, Utah. arot-r-m- - . 1 LOCAL STOCKTON BRIEFS. W. T. Mefarlane visited Salt Lake City last sre. k. Miss Annie Rmi'lon and mother have gone to Kuivk.i. Edmund spent several days ot the metropolis ikla week. R. M. Miss Gertrude Lampshlre Is visiting relatives at Ball Iatke City. Of late the vi ."her has been delightwe'll soon have dry ful. If ii roads. 1). W, (ini !I1 has moved hi family into the small re.ddero-- owned liy Dr F. M. Iwvl. The home of F. Ihidd-.it- z wax glad-d'ne- Bataidiy.by the arrival of All d it M'-l- Mr. G. II. Il.iirmnnd went to Kureka rhituid.iy and 'pent Sunday with hi . Monday afternoon. . ul of Provo la now Mr. Elmer I,) the Juno Mining company and Mill n main lie re for some lime. Mnnderful ehanae occurred In ill uf one et our rills' ns Iasi their color waa changed from blue to black. Tim change wa effected by a fistic encounter. A (I ny t auc-i-i-- sa. M. lathy !ny. hijillielilg 1000-hor- se ii Hi FRED. WITTICH, " . iasm I i 1 -- l 132 SEE US QBOWI , 1M4. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, Mrs. AUx Krnzer and children and Miss Cl.ii a Reynold have gone to Beaver to visit relatives. STOCKTON ENTINEL. W-Ou- ar " - v '' ' v- t' ?.,. vVVi-Cd Republican weekly. ; Robert E. Lee returned on Wednesday from Bingham, whither he went to Visit hia nephews, George and John Leo. He reports having had a splendid time: and thinks Bingham is a banner little burg. He also visited Georg Mitchell, an old American Fork boy. who is working for Mr. Foreman, and his reception waa not a dry one. he says, by any means. In last week's Times It was stated inadvertently that the Utah County Light and Power company's plant represented an investment of 83S.U00 to This w-- i only the cost of the improvements now being made, the money invested In the plant being about and of this amount American Fork, Lehl and Pleasant Grove are Interested to the extent of CO per cent. James R. Lowe of Hooper, Utah, a brother of Mr. and Miss Lowe and Mra. Lowe McCoy of Lowe A Co., druggists and confectioners of this city, was In the city for a couple of day tills wek. ths Watkins Houselie is repress-ntinhold Remedies company In the counties of Sanpete, Kevier and Juab, and had not seen his brother or sisters fur fully two years. The reunion aus both pleasure and surprise. business. Ben. as he is familiarly called. Is one of American Forks moH papular and efflrlent citizens, and all who know him regret his dissociation with the business he has been connectCharles Earl, who is superintending ed with and his departure from thie the new line to be constructed from the place, but they wish him abundant sucpower plant in American Fork canyon cess wherever he may go. to the pumpe at the head of the Jordun river, was a Lehl visitor on Friday. One of the poser Peltnn waWork will be commenced this coming ter wheels which the light and power week on the new line. at is installing Its plant at the cotniiany mouth of Amt, an Fork canyon arrived here last viineisiny and was Retribution, or the Inherited Curse, a melodrama In four acts, was played hauled to the plant on Thursday. A carload of poles and a carload of wire, in Wednesday afternoon and evening to large and apprecia- about 47,000 iiounds, with other matethe Opera-hous- e tive audiences. It was a financial and rial, arrived at the same time, and artistic success. There Is a general de- Messrs. Wootton and Karl have been sire that our talented Home Dramatic busy getting it into place. The other rompany may be seen again in the near water wheel and mechanical appurtenance will be received this week. future. Dr. G. L. Btookey, who has been absent for three weeks, has returned, is wife W. W. Mr. rapidly Wright's with him his bride of a week. recovered from her recent severe Ill- bringing Mr Btookey was formerly Miss Anna ness, under the watchful care of het M. Marshall, one of Tooele's most sister. Mr. Wright expects to have his harming society young ladies. Doctor, wife with him again in the near future, the Times your frienda Join in a wish that is hoped in this city by all wishing youand and your new wife a Joywho knew her. ous and prosperous life as you sail o'er the matrimonial sea. rean here, T. H. Jackson, turned to this city last week, and exT. H. Culler, Jr., formerly superin-tnilepects to make his horns hers with forof the sugar factory at Waver-y- . mer acquaintances. He is working foi Warh., arrived home Monday. Mr. the Sacramento Gold Mining company. Cutler has accepted the position of suMr. Jackson informs us that h will y with the Idaho Sugar bring his wife here from Bt. Anthony, perintendent of the new and will take Ida., where he has been residing for the factory to be erectedcharge this summer at past four years. ugar City, Ida. Mr. Cutler is the son of for the T. R. Hon. Cutler, manager A dance was given in the meetlng- -' Idaho Sugar company and one of the house Friday night for the benefit of nost expert men West. in the sugar the .'the ward. The committee having Lee. affair in charge were Mesdsmes On Monday evening the Y. M. and T. Jones, Edler, Davis and McKellar. Sup- L. M. I. A. gave a shadow ball in the per was served during the evening. Opera-houswhich was a great suc, Every one unites in saying that tha re a After dancing some time the la' rhol affair waa a grand success. dles were taken up on the stage, where a large curtain, was arranged, sp that Titty B. Hooper- n when and twin'd in front oftne'chr-tal- n married were last of this Jarman city she cast a shadow upon it. The Wednesday evening at 5:20 o'clock at gentlemen then bid for the shadow, the home of the bride's parent. Bishop which waa sold to the highest bidder, ceremony. After and entitled him to a delicious supper, Bryan performed thewas served at the which was furnished by the ladies of the wedding supper home of the groom. The happy young the associations. The ball, which caused couple left last Thursday for an ex- no end of merriment, was well attended tended trip through the southern part and a great success. of Utah. They will be at home after March 1st. What might have proved a very serl-ou- a atnbblng affray occurred at the Central achoolhouse last Thursday. Jay LEHI. Smuln, who waa passing water around Mr. P. N. Peterson is in Manning on the school for the purpose of mixing the puplle' paints. accidentally spilled business. some of the water over Elgin Bone, youth, Mrs. G. L. Culllnan waa visiting with who la s very and he, having a knife in his hand at this her mother, Mrs. P. Peterson, at a made the Smuln, young time, lunge week. striking one of his ribs: thus preventing Mrs. A. O. Crisinan of Salt Lake Is what might otherwise have proven a Mrs. fatal blow. Dr. Steele waa Immediately visiting with her mother. called, and dressed the wounds, which are not considered dangerous. Mr. William Simmons la confined to of la severe attack ;Jiis bed by a very AHERICAH FORK. grippe- Three boys arrived last week at the Prof. A. B. Anderson, principal of the "Beaver stake academy, arrived in Lehl homes of. Thomas Hunter, Iteno Vance and Lewis Patterion. Saturday. i.s ' - -- Little Jenette, the daughter of Henry . :, 5!" STOCKTON, UTAH, SAT01 )XY, FEMiUAUY 27, VOL. IV. , lfche THE PXOHKEB . ' ' MXVIHQ DISTRICT IS RIYIYRD. THE TOOELE COUN Washingtons birthday was fittingly observed in this city. Flags were flying in commemoration of our first President. . '. Tli W OOnOK ?: ' 1 . fc. & |