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Show i CUT a THE LIONS WHELP JtUMKi NUUnt A Story of Cromwell's Time IITSB BY AMELIA E. BARR. f "The Dew ef Onaga Rlhhan, "L Thaw aad xha Other Om, Tha Maid af Malden Lena. Eta. Mead A CanpaarKotJilrK MSI, hr nrbis iwmt) TO HOLD STAIR CARPET. t f Mt 'Ftllladelphia Invantar Haa Warfaatad Ingenious Davie. Despite tha craia that during the taat taw years baa ovarrun tha east-er-a section of tha United Stataa for ollad or a tallied uncarpried stairways, a thara are till a multitude of who adhere to the coxy, atalr carpet To all auch tha Invention of an Improved form of fnataner la a matter of iulereat. A Philadelphia Inventor haa perfected s faatener that engages the carpet at tha top and bottom of both aldea of , tha riaer, the device being quickly ad easily placed In poaltlon and therefrom. It conalata of two outwardly flaring reallient arma, of wire or other material lucked together, aecured at the center by a metal-liroaette and pointed at each By preening the arma together they can be placed beneath the ledge of one of the alepo and r when releaaed the points of one pair aald arms will engage with the car . beneath the ledge and, If dealred. eater the woodwork, and similarly the other pair will engage with the atalr - CHAPTER XIV. (Continued.) street Ion. Royal splendors Lad given "I havent a doubt of It, said Doc- her nothing she cared for, and they tor Varity. "Well, Robert, did they had taken from her the constant help have nothing to any to you?" ha asked, and companionship that ,u humbler turning to Admiral Bisk. circumstances ber good, great "They aaked me to treat my men bad given bar. well, end I said, Til treat them Ilka She paused a moment before the myself. Ill give them plenty of meat door of hla room. Bhe wondered If he aad drink and plenty of fighting and waa asleep. If so, she would on no prise money, and an to thalr good account awaken him, fur In these days will we passed all through the city, ha alapt far too little. Bhe opened tho aad, as I Uva, twsa the pleasantest door softly and saw him sitting moprogress any mortal men could de- tionless by tha fire, bla eyes dosed, sire." hla massive form upright and perfectThen Doctor Verity began to talk ly at resL of the Americas Colonies, and thalr "Oliver." she aald, "dear Oliver, yon wonderful growth. And aa Cromwell ought to be in bed and asleep." listened hla face grew luminous; he Ilia great darkling soul flashed Into seemed to look through hla eyeball, hla face a look of lendareat love. rather than with them, and when Mil- "Elisabeth," he answered, "I wish that ton ceased thara waa alienee until he I could sleep. I do Indeed. I need 1L spoke. God knows 1 need It, but my heart I see, he said, "a great people, a wakes, and I do fear it will waka this vast empire, from tbe lolne of all na- night If so, there la no sleep for me. tions it shall spring. And there shall You sec, dearest, how God mingles our be no king there. But tbe desire of cup. When 1 was Mr. Cromwell. I all hearts shall be toward la, and It could alecp from night till morning. shall be a covert for tb oppressed and When I waa Gen. Cromwell, my labors bread and win aad meat for those gave me -- ext. Now tbat I am Lord Then sighing, be Protector of three Klogdums, sleep, ready to perish. seemed to realise tbe near and tha alas! la gone for from me. In my present, aad ha added, "Teae but mind I ran to end fro through nil the yesterday I wrote to that good man, land. I have a thousand plana and tha Rev. John Cotton of Boston. I anxieties, Elisabeth, my dearest; great have told him that I am truly ready to place la not worth looking after. It serve him and tha rest of tha breth- la not" ren mad the churches with him. "Wbat troubles you la particular, With these words be rose from the Oliver? table, aad Mr. Milton, the ladles Mary "On of the thing that troubled my aad Frances Cromwell and Jane 8waff-ha- Great Master, whau he wept and pray-- 1 went Into the great ball, where ed and tainted in Goihsemana. He there waa an exceedingly One organ. iknew that those whom ha loved and In a abort time Mr. Milton began to ; who ought to strengthen and comfort play and to alng, but the girls walked him, would soon forsake and flee from np and down talking to Jane of their him. I think of tbe men who have admlrere, and their new gowns, and of ; trusted me to lend them In every battore letters that had been sent them tle; who never found me wanting; the la baskets of flowers. men with whom I have taken counsel, When tho music ceased, the even- with whom I bare prayed; the men ing was far spent, and Cromwell said who were to me as Jonathan to David, aa ho drew France and Jana within and when I think of them try heart la Helds tha Stair Carpat tread. The carpet can, therefore, he his arms. "Bring me the Bible, Mary. like to burst In twain. They are be- held tnut end securely In place, and yet be readily taken up on occasion. house-keeper- hue-ban- d e . A Tar Roof. H. E. T. A ahed roof with a fall of about 3 Inches to tho foot, waa recently shingled, leaks very badly. Please publish through the columns of your valuable paper a means by which I could prevent this leakage. Would a mixture of tar, resin and pitch, applied hot, at tha same time sifting on dry sand, be advisable- - If so, please give proportions of each Ingredient to bo uaedT ' The roof referred to Is too flat for shingles. Coal tar may be applied over the shingles and answer for a .few yeara, but this Is not r satlsfao-ethod- . A flat roof, such aa this, JNre1 Vovered either with metal or a properly constructed tar roof. A tar roof made aa follows would prove satisfactory for a great many years: Lay tar paper Ilka shingles, three layers thick; cover this with hot coal tar applied with a broom, and wblls hot sift on a layer of line gravel. I j A Driven Wall In Quicksand, B. H. Q. A well fifteen feet deep, having a quicksand bottom, has nev-a-r more than twelve inrhea of water. It la curbed up. but tha curb cannot be lowered on account of the quick-lanIf n pipe were driven down kould Its point rest In the sand or penetrate the eand and outer the clay subsoil? "Oliver, dear Oliver; Plan ef Church Shod. What la the beat plan of building a shed at a country church to accommodate from 20 to 30 horses with sleighs in order to be warm in tha winter season? As a rale, church sheds are run east and west snd are open on tho Some also have wing south side. sheds at tha end extending to the south, and the horses which stand In tha wings, aa well as In the main from the shed, are thus protected west, north and east winds. It In unimportant that the walls be well and tbat no draughts can get underneath the sills. bat-tene- d Lumbar In a Log. Wbat Is tbe ralo for determining the number of feet of rich lumber in a sawlcg? G. F. 7 Following is the Doyle Rule for calculating the number of board feet In Deilurt 4 Inches from tha a sawkig: diameter of the log as allowance for of the r plab; square mainder and multiply the result by the length of (he log In feet." one-quart- Light from Bacteria. Before the Academy of Science at Vienna recently a paper waa road concerning phosphorescent bacteria. giving not only Interesting description of some experiments, but also Indicating several practical uses to whlrh they msy be placed. Tbe Investigator. M. Molesch of Prague, obtained a light from a collection of these bacteria strong enough to take a photograph, and also Introduced a bacteria lamp." consisting of a flask of about two liters rapacity, which gives a light strong enough to read a thermometer by, or to see the dial of a watch at a distance of one or two yards. The experimenter thinks that such a bacteria lamp, a It gives no perceptible heat, will be of service in powder work. magazines and in scientific When placed in suitable conditions tbe bacteria possess the phosphorescent properties for si veral weeks. Water plays an Indispensable part in both the environment and the Internal chemistry of lire. It forms mors than half the welgnt of most living things; and nil the actively living .parte of animals and planta consist-ta-g of water holding the rther Ingredient tn solution or suspension. Three hundred and elghty-tw- e yards, by Trsvl. is the longest gof been giving ns Eng- ginning to forsake me, and thalr cold lish song, now we will have tho loftier looka and formal words hurt me like music of King David." a sword thrust; they do, Elisabeth, "And we shall get no grander music, they do Indeed. "If you had made yourself King, as sir," laid Doctor Owen, "than la to be found la the Bible. Sublimity la He you might have dons, as you ought to brow by birth. Wo must go to the have done, yen would have had lass beyond our opposition. John Varity aald so to me. Holy Book for word worde. la there a man living who He said Englishman were used to could have written that glorious king, but they did not know wbnt to make of a protector." hymn. Lord, Thon bast been our dwell"King! King! I am king In very ing place In nil generations; truth, call me what they like. And ware for that matter, why should I not b " Before the mountain! brought forth, or aver Thon hadat king? Doctor Owen tolls me the word formed the earth and the world; even king comes from Konlg and means from everlasting to everlasting Thon tha man that can. I am that man. art GodT Everything In Europe comes from Cromwell did not answer; ho waa soma battled old, that was their first turning tha leaves of the dear, homely title to kingship. How many bat ties kwklng volume which hla daughter have I fought and won? I never loet bad laid before him. She hung affec- a alngta field how could L the Lord tionately over hla shoulder, and when of Hosts being with me? Aa a hero of h had found what ha wanted, ho look- battle, there 1s no man to stand beed up at her and she smiled and nod- fore me. Why should I not bs king ded her approbation. Then he said: over the three countries I have con"Truly, I think no mortal pen but quered? John Verity la right Eng8l Johns could have written these lishmen think a protector la a ruler Unas; and 1 give not 8t. John the for emergency. They feel temporary honor for the Holy One muat have and uncertain with a protector. A put them Into hla heart, tad tha klneeblp Is a settled office. hi hand of hla angel guided Take the crown, Oliver. Why not?" "I have no orders tn take It. My pan." And he began to road, and the words feU Ilk a splendid vision, and angel told me when I was a boy. that I a great awe filled the room aa they should become the greatest man In dropped from Cromwell's lips, Englnnd. but he said not that I should And when he ceased there waa a be king. And I know also from One alienee that could be felt, a alienee who never lied to me. that this nation almost pelnful, ore Dr. Owens silvery will yearn after ltd old monarchy, voice penetrated It with the words of am here to do a work, to sow seeds Then tho Protector that will take generations tn ripen, tho Benediction. and Mrs. Cromwell kissed the girls but my rstgs Is only tn interregnum, and the clergymen blessed them, and I shall found no dynasty." Then taking hie wife's hand tenderthey went to their rooms aa from the ly between his own, he said with Invery presence of Ged. But Mrs. Cromwell lingered a long tense fervor, "There Is not a man ran say I sought this place not time. Bhe could not rest until aho had aaan the silver and crystal and flna a man or woman living on Englleh damask put away In safety; aud aha ground. I ran say In the rresenre of thought It no ahame to look as bar God, I would have been glad to have Lord did after the fragment of tha lived with thee under my moodxlde all the days of my life, and to have abundant dinner. "1 win not have them wasted," she kept my sheep and plowed my land said to the steward, nor given to ratber than bear the burden of this those who need them not. The l.ady government." "Do you think the Puritan govern Elizabeth hath a list of poor families, and it la my will tbat they, and tbsy ment will die with you. Oliver?" I think it will, but tb Puritan only, ara served." Then she went to her danghter prinrlples will never die. The kings Claypole's apartment, ar.d talked with of the earth banded together cannot her about her children and her health. destroy them. They will rpring up When they parted It waa very late; and flourish like the gras that not for man' spring where nnue the palace was dark aad till sod Mrs. Cromwell, with careful economies In has sowed or planted then: spring In her mind and a candle in her band, tha wlldrrrces and in the city, ur.til want softly aloi.g the lonely, gloomy they possess tbe whole earth. This I oorrldors. Har little grandson had a know, and am sure of. After 11, ElizaSlight fever; she was not satisfied beth. thara is nothing got by thin with her daughter's health, and tbe world's kve. and nothing lost by Its car of the great household she ruled hat. Tble la the root of the matter; was a burden ehe never wholly laid my position as Protector Is either of down. In tht vast, maarcholy pile God, or of man. If I did not firmly beof nhambara, she thought of har slos-pl- e lieve It was of God. 1 would have run horn la Bt. tvea with longing and away from It many years as. U it Mr. Milton haa W. H.- - VJ called; for bead after bead of her pearl necklace had gene to her Jailor, only for a little black bread and a cop of rnlik twice a day; and thla morning for twenty-fou- r hours ehe had been without food or milk. The poor little one! What did aha to THE WEEKLY SENTINEL ' i I i j i llv-le- far-riet- b of God, he will for me np while etn la It If It W of man It win shake end tumble. T.jiat are all onr histories but God fasxlfes'Jng tbat be baa shaken an trampled epos planted?" everything he haa My dearest yon mt sow la a good aalnd. LI dowa a&4 deep In hla caist for ho does care tm yon. And ah put her arms arotgd hla neck and kissed him, aad he mxvsrsd: Thou art my coqfort, aad I thank God for thee! Wbm ha laid out my work he thight of thee ta Ilfs' A Sequel to 11 The Bow of Orange Ribbon. A LOVE STORY (Cow rich. DY IWOl hf dor AMELIA E. BARR laili i X. Barr) When In that terrible iron armchair before those bloody judges, ah lays she forgot then to be afraid. She had no drci to help her beauty, but he declares she never felt more beau-fu-l, and well I can believe It They asked hrr name, and my Lysbet, think of this child's answer! I am called Arenta Jefferson ds Tournnerre," ahe said, and at the name of 'Jefferaon' there were exclamations, and one of the Jurymen rose to hla feet and asked excitedly, 'What Is It yon mean? Jefferson! The gteat Jefferaon! The great Thomas Jefferson! Tha great American who loves France and Liberty V It is the same, she answered, and then aha sat silent, asking no luto account .while the great sweet CHAPTER XII. (Continued.) Poor little fish! anawered Annie. hep that had come to ber, flooded sweeten it" Bhe left him ttap, hoping that be "They could cot cry out, or plead with like a springtide every nook and coryou, or beg for tlie.r live, because ner of her heart. In auch a mood how ould atelier bla weariness la darkness and In sletp. Bulk did not The they were dumb and opened not their envy H was to answer Annie's letter. tnd She recollected every word she bad words bo bad x potto, though so full mouths, they were wounded written to Hyde that fateful day, and of hop and courage vtntad tbat au- strangled to death." Dont say such things, Annie. How she wrote them again with x tenfold thentication from ; try ond, without Joy. which they were asj&kllng brass to can 1 enjoy my sport If you do?" "1 dont think you ought to enjoy Oliver. He locked Els chamber door, CHAPTER XIII. retired hla soul frog all visible, aad sport which Is murder. You have your sport stood solemnly beta) God, waiting to wherry to sail, la not that The Return of Joy. hear what he woulflsay to him. Aad enough? 1 have heard you say nothNow It Is very noticeable that when favor, so wise was she, and Fouqnler-Tlnvilling that floats on fresh water, can bent unuiual events In a moment nil theiroublo of outward begin to happen In any looked at the President and things grew at peas with tbat within, a Norfolk wherry. such la succession of a there said, 'Among my friends 1 count thla Then Hyde and Mary had a game of life, for he stood motlesless oa that daw arevents, and not they and a Juryman great American! and Immortal battledore, and she watched them toss- rive in similar unfrequently sling line where mg-ta-l ways. At any rate, 'When 1 was poor and hungry verge that line where all la lost la ing the gayly painted corks, until amid about ten days after the receipt of added, and helped me. and he bowed loro for God, and beggar Balt for- their light laughter and merry talk she Annie's letter, Cornelia was almost he fed as he spoke. When questo Arenta awakened she fell And when for Tbe austere axk to asleep. anygdag. gets amaxed by the receipt of an- tioned further she answered, I adore weetneaa of sserge filled hla aouL ft was aunset, and there waa no one In equally of twisted a lotter other paper Liberty, I believe In France, I married. Toe divine Hymn d Renunciation waa ber room but her maid. She had slept carelessly but piece containing these few Frenchmen, for Thomas Jefferson on hla llpa. U long, but In spite of ita refreshment, pregnant words: told me 1 we coming to a great nation Do as thon wlltartth me," ho cried, she had a aeuse of something uneasy. 'Cornelia, dear, come to me. Bring and might trust both Its government 'but. oh, that X taew where to find Then she recalled the story Mary me something to wear. I have Just because she and had told Damer come her, that I thee! lata Oh, might saved by the skin of my arrived, inwas she the truth, comprehended 4 thy presents!" and I have not a decent garteeth, was secret whole Then there was suddenly granted to stantly at rest The ment of any kind to put on. Arenta." hla longing that open vision, open clear ax daylight to her. Ehe waa posA thunderbolt from a clear sky the himself was Aliens Van Rem itive eviwondrous to tha that spirit, only could hardly have caused such surr about us lies thief of her cousin's love and happi- prise, but dence that very Cornelia did not wait to talk the realm of spiritual mysterian, end ness, and the brlnger of grief almost about tbe wonder. She loaded a maid to She said of Cornelia. to death the strong man bovsd and wapt great with clothing of every description, and And after herself, "I shall not be long here, and ran across tears of Joy and asrrow. the street to her friend. that reace peace unspeakable and before I go away I muat put right Arenta saw her coming, and met her full of gladness, sal ha slept like a love's wrong." with a cry of joy, and as Van Ariena Bhe would write to Cornelia. Her was sinless child while k angel came la a sick and trembling with the sight Then would word be ao Indisputable. and For comforted him. dream of hla daughter, end the tale of her from dismiss be would the subject God giveth to hla btlovsd while they sufferings, Cornelia persuaded him to her conversations with Mary, until go ! . sleep. to and leave Arenta to her Cornelia's answer arrived; nor until care. sleep, (To be csutlnuod.) Poor Arenta, she waa 111 with that time would she say a word of her the privations she had suffered, she DOG BROUGHT A BASKET. suspicions to Hyde. In pursuance of was and nearly without these resolutions the following letter but she did not complain clothing, New for Manor to Cornelia left Hyde Story Is True, BgtNo Affidavit Ga much until she had been fed, end York the next mall: With K. bathed, end dressed, as she aald, Dr. Murray of Carrollton tells the "To Miss Cornelia Moran: like a Naw York woman ought to to one are Repudear Because very to you tho remarkable story following be." I end because feel of ct-- Carrollton, dear blican-Record kindred, my Kan, "Yon know what trunks and trunk! about bta dog. X laslsta the atory that yon are worthy of his greet love, full of beautiful things I took away me trust Will also love you. tram you la true, but wisely refrains with me, Cornelia," aha complained; now? There hue been a sad mistake. throwing In an aldavlt with it: "well, I have not a rag left X have "A short while ago soma boys from I believe I can put It right. You must "Arenta Jefferson de Tournnerre." nothing left at all. Mr. Murray's neighborhood wont to recollect the day on which George "Your husband, Arenta? end its generosity. They were all exfix an wrote hour to folyou tho mineral aprinp, and tha dog Hyde asking "He waa guiltatined " tremely polite to her, and gave her at lowed them. Near tb spring tho dog when he could call on Doctor Moran Arenta!" dear once the paper which permitted her "Oh, my discovered three tittle dead plga ly- about your marriage. Did any other "Guillotined. 1 told him to he quiet to leave France. Tho next day a little to on lover ask that tn n ha them marry you day aad brought ditch, ing I begged him to go over to Marat hut money she got from Minister Morris, up to tho level gipusd aad laid them him? Was that other lover Mr. Van no! hla nobility obliged him to stand but a very bard passage ahe had out 1a a row. Hi triad several ways Ariena? Did you write to both about by his order and hla king. So for home. to gat hold of all Erse pigs, so that he tha same time? If ao, you misdirected them he died. Poor Athanase! He After all, It waa n lie ahe told, could carry them boms, but failed ta your letters, and the one Intended for me to follow him, but I could Joris." expected each effort. He Mt them lying on the Lord Hyde went to Mr. Van Ariena, not make np my mind to the knife (To be continued.) hank and waa gong gulta a while, and and the one intended for Mr. Van Oh, how terrible It waa! Then she whan ho cam bask ha had a bucket Ariena went to Lord Hyde. Now you WA8 NOT MAKING MUCH. began to sob bitterly, and Cornelia let ta hla month. Dqxwltlsg the bucket will understand many things. her talk of her sufferings until ahe send Lord to "Can for me, on the ground, k,plcked the plga np Hyde, fell into x you York Statesmen Told a Story sleep a sleep, easy to see; on at a time, dripped them lata the a copy of tho letter yon Intended for still hunted and terror the furies With a Moral. by conand him. When I receive It, you may bucket, picked tha bucket up which she had passed. Gov. Odell's declaration concerning trotted home with an air ef triumph. tent your heart. Delay not to answer through For a week Cornelia remained with the of the preaent Several of the nelAbors say they saw this; why should you delay your hap- her friend and Madame Jacobus Joined stateIncorruptibility led Assistant Corporlegislature 1 aa love feta send In bucket wire my a yon the dog passing gifts piness? them aa often ns possible, and gradu- ation Counsel "Charlie Whitman, who mouth, hut admjtRhey did not knew thoughts, desires, prayers, all that is ally the woman recov- Is looking after the Interests of the one I confklaei In to all r that give heat me, what it high ered something of her natural spirit city In Albany, to tell this: In my esteem, and whom I wish to and resolution. Of courae with many A certain New York city "tate British Captain, Organ Grinder. place high In my affection. This to differences. She could not be the same man came to Mr. Whitman after hla A piano-orgahas lately been going your hand and heart, with all sincerArenta, she had outlived manyxof ber pernicious activity had defeated n Annie Hyde.1 Its rounds ta the West End of London ity. Illusions. She took but little Interest certain measure of doubtful character She calculated her letter would bearing an Inscription which explains for a while In the life around her. and asked: of Cornelia end about the Sep- Rem tbat the grinder la Mr. Arthur Kings- reach she did talk about, but chiefly Say, Whitman, what are yon makton, formerly captain In tha Fourth tember, and she thought how pleasant- because he was going to marry an Eng- ing out of all thla? Royal Dublin fusllaers, lately Lieuten- ly tha hope it brought would brighten lish girl, an Intention ahe angrily deMy salary and enemies good and ant of the Middlesex regiment, at- her life. And without permitting Hyde plored. plenty, replied Whitman grimly. tached to tho West African regiment, to suspect any change in hia love afIn"1 am aura," she aald, "Rem might Nothin doin on the side? an officer ta the British Honduras eon fair, she very often led the conversa- have learned a lesson from my sad quired the politician. circumto tion and to tbe Cornelia, tabulary, etc, aud that he has takoa fortnna What decs be want to marry "Nothin doin, answered Whitman to organ grinding by way of enlighten- stances of her life. Hyde was always a foreigner for? Ho ought to have sadly. ing the public ns to hla treatment by willing to talk on this subject, and prevented me from doing so. Instead "Say, Interpolated the statesman, thus she learned so much about Aren-ta- , tha military authorities. The of following my foolish example." the game yon are stacked up against and Rem Madame aad Jacobus, out handle aad turns the grinds "No one could have prevented yon, reminds me of the story of the conn--, tho popular tunes of tho day; a hoy Van Ariena, that the people became Arenta. You would not listen even tryman who drove to market the familiar. her wheels the lustruaant Into and out of to your father. largest bnnch of hogs his county had Certainly the letter sent to Cornelia action, and while tha captain la grind"Oh, Indeed, It was my fata Ws ever seen. When he got to the village more on -, Ita all the conway aped rapidly leaflets distributes the boy ing must all submit to fata Why did you pork was plenty and he couldn't get talnlng a statemmt of tha eaptaln'o and Joyfully for the good wishes and refuse Rem? bla price, ao ho drove hla pigs home in unselfish It. The prayers accompanying a ease to anybody who shows disposi"He was not ny fate, Arenta." disgust was known it have the tion to accept one. If military men very ship might " Silas, Inquired hi wife sarcas"Well, then, neither la George Hyde thla bearer of good tidings, for if there your fate. Aunt Jacobus has told me who have grievance taka to 'what did yer make out o' yer tically, one of the mighty angels method of airing them, a new terror had been him. She says he trudge? whose charge la on the great deep at some things about will be added to tbe London streets hla cousin. You ought to Nothin much, I cerate, growled the helm of the Good Intent ehe could Is to marry London Truth. Silas, ceptln only the sasilety of not have gone more swiftly and surely marry Rem. As she said the words Van Ariena, the durned hogs. haven. a One to her morning, nearly Deserved the Money. accompanied by Juris Van Heemskirk, And yon, Mr. Whitman, how do yon Tho usual crowd waa seated ta the week In advance of Annie's calculv entered the room, and Cornelia waa enjoy your 'saxslcty'?" New Tork Amen corner of Do Fifth Avonna horenA She knew that glad to escape. Times. tel one night recently when an Indits would again relate all her experiof vidual with an appearance ehabby ences, and she disliked to mingle them IT WAS HIS LAST "MASH. gentility Joined the party, and, after with her renewed dreams of love and a somewhat verbena and grandiloquent her lover. Young Ladys Remark Too Much for recital of hie woes cum to the point "8he will talk and talk, said CorElderly Gallant and asked for a quarter. Impressed nelia to her mother, and then there A handsome gentleman of SO, who flow unusual with the meedicinte will be tea and chocolate and more looks much younger and still retains to of language, "Abs Gruber said talk, and I have heard all I wish to an eye for the beautiful In the fair him: hear about that dreadful city, and the sex and a tender fluttering of the Say, wbat part of the country do demon who walk In blood. Senator heart when the ladle glance hla way, you hall from?" Van HgpmsklrU came in with her got Into a street car In company with "Sir," aald the shabby one, T first lather as I left" bla ion, a grown young man. A saw the light of dxy In the groat city I h"pc he treated yon more civilly striking feature of the elderly gallant cf Pittsburg." than madams did.' la an extremely long and full goats Well," said "Ale," "any man who He was delightful. I courtcsied to and big. flowing mustaches. Tbe gen could do that tht first day he waa and kissed lifted ar.d hand he him, my tleman found a scat directly oppoalive ran levy trikito from me pass lovelier 1;, and raid. 'I grew every site two unusually attractive young York e half-starve- - your hat Timas. New Little Hope In That Quarter; Assistant Secretary of tho Interior Ryan, at on time a sheriff In hla a tv state, relate low ha wee at one time ordered to arrest an Indian who bal been selling whisky to hi rad friends on ths nsevatlon. After the sheriff had raptuted "Poor Lo" ho gave him a sound lecture oa tho depravity of hia coiducL The Indian llatened stolidly to tb reprimand, aad finally asked: "No way It gun f.t outer this?" "No one car. hc'yyou now bat God." wm the reply. Fvily tb priecstr shook his head. Then he murmured: "God heap like Uncle Sam; Injun never see Him!" New York Time. More in Prospect certain prof-wyoung wife lately trie-- to make aa Impression ox urate heart of bar husband by the of tear. Ipto a She did not get auch by It, however, for, kballrg hi head. be obierved: "Coir now, crying; tear nr r.ot good for murk. I have teited them rhemica'ly. They merely con-1s- t of a little phwphate or lime and chloride of soda for the moat part nothing but insipid water." "That mar bn. joined the wife; "bat 1 she. old ll'.e to know whose tears you havt here experimenting with." Pearson's Weekly A or I luir-Fiin- e n; i i THE AAID af MAIDEN UANE LA 4 day.' ami I kissed hla cheek and said, T wished always to he lovely in hia sight.' Then I came home, because I would net, just yet, speak of George tj him, "Arenta would hardly have given you any opportunity. I wonder at what hour she will release Jorls Van j With clothing of every description, non, the wonderful letter was put Into Cornelias hand. The handwriting waa strange. It was an English letter, what could it mean? Let any one who has loved and been parted from the bekned by fume mis-try to realize what It meant to Cornelia. She read it through In an Indescribable hurry an.l emu-- ! Mon, and then In the mi.rt r.au.al and womanly way, began (u cry. There was only one wonderful thought rlto could enteriain It was not tli fault of Joris. This was the annul wu e that turned her joyful tears Into gladder fti-miles, and that made light as n bird on the wing, a he -- aa down tha atalr to find her rixthcr; for bur t'll she happiness was nut p- ' had hared It with the h.cr.rt i her borne her sorrow, ami grief through many wrnry ng'::iis aith ber. In the first hours of h- -r gladness she did nn ir-- s Rem's grsi fault, i or vet lo-- own TI:e.-caretcure.-:;i: only nor nrn-ihtn h taken accidental Ifeemsklrk! j I i ' o Indeed It was so late that Madame sn Heemaklrk had locked up her 'houe for the night, and was troubled j 'r husband' j n ,n ' j ' j i hr - "II will be later than it ought to I delay even n little man like you. Joris," ahe tone ,,f vexation "sitting 'cfor Ith runaway M ladies. Immediately beside whom tha son found hi seat In a few momenta the girls were glancing often at the old gentleman and chattering together In great glea. The gentleman hugged himself mentally, but restrained hla emotions in the presence of his son. On leaving the car tbe son aald: Say, Governor, I've got a good one on you. Well, what la It, my son?" Why, one of those girls next to me said: 'What a funny looking thing that old man la over there. To which the other replied: 'Yea, ha? He looks like a goat!' That was the old man's "mash. ini w " Paris; already, yu all for a girl tbat threw her senses Progress! vs. behind her, to marry a Frenchman." Giles By the way, what became ef "Much sho has suffered, that follow Skinncm who waa In the "Much she ought to suffer. And coal business here last winter?" believe cot In Arenta Van Ariena sufMiles "Oh. he sold out about a fering." month ago and went to Arizona. Last I will alt a little by the fire, Ly I heard of him he was in jail for robbet. Sit down by me. My mind la full bing a stage coach." of :ory. Hitter fears and suffer-ih.i- t Giles "In other words, ho evoluted lnr slip has come through. Her hus- from a light welghman to a highwayband was guillotined last May, and man. from her home she was taken no to a friend no time to time lo wri Pay High Pries for Drawings. ave anything she had. except a string The extraordinary price of 1,354 of pearl, which round her waist for guineas was paid recently at Christie many wpeka she had worn. Hungry In London for a of twelve nnd sick upon the floor of ber prison In charcoal and wash by Fr she ws sitting, when ber name was gonard. h-- ri-i- j n |