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Show V ' . wl .r1 i', 1 of tna I direct that this notice be published for agricultural purposes, will be reCough Curs is pleasant to take, harm- scribed in the fl,ll sou and plat Genless and good alike for young and old official survey cq tie In this ofllcs with in the Sentinel at Stockton, county of ceived and noted for report to the D. C. Sold by magnetic varlwion at 1 degrees 4i Tooele. Utah, for tha period of nine eral Land Otr.ce at Washington. within Fu.lme so to protest or contest pillows: Beginning at consecutive weeks. Mercur Meat and Qro. Co. and M. E. minutes east, considered FRANK D. HOBBA Register. corner of No. ) of Plomo No. I Lode tk time specified will be The tendency of medical science la brown, Stockton. G. W. Perks, Attorney fur Awlliant. sufficient evidence of the claim, from wtk the A W. corner of1 Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur. Utah. toward preventive measures. The best 83. 4 W, hears N. T. Tp. 4 Last First dated Jan. character of the tract, and the sc lecR. section publication thought of the world is being given to tin n thereof, being otherwise free from STOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. degree tl minutes E. 115.1M feet, and publication. March 1. the subject. It is easier and better to minutes. objection, will be recommended for aprunning thence N. 0 degree prevent than to cur. It has been fully No. 1 Plomo No. of FRANK D. HOBBS. proval. TRUSTEES demonstrated that pneumonia, one of Georgs Brands, presi- AW. 57 feetB. to7oaser 24 minutes. E. 45 NOTICE. Register. gie the most dangerous diseases that medident; W. H. Booth, Charlie Dsn ton, feetthence CEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. to corner lit. 1 of Plomo No. 7, United Lake Land Balt States Office, cal men have to co with, can be Henry Thomas, Jamas Kelley. 1410.1 27 First Pub., Jan. 20; last pub.. Mar. thence N. I fegies minute W. Utah, Jan. 18. 104. . Chamberlains CLERK A. O. Fraser. prevented by the us 88. 104. feet to corner Co. 4 of Plomo No. 7. City, reTo is Whom Notice Concern: it Pneumonia May Cough Remedy. always TREABUBEB James O. Brown. thence B Iff dwta 4 minutes E. 1441 given ihst the Btate of I'tah sults from a cold or from an attack of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND feet to corner pis-- 1 of Plomo No. S, hereby NOTICE, filed in this office a list. No. 51, ol has Inliuensa (grip), and It has been ob- NOTAHY-Bicht hence N. degrees M minutes W. Mil lands selected ard O undry. served that this remedy counteracts by the said Stats for the TO CUBE A COLD IN 0 KB LAY. of Plomo No. 1. to corner Ke. No. 51, Insane Asylum. feet list a of and eatublishnnt toward maintenance these diseases Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets any tendency of thence A iff decrees U minutes E. 100 coinial school under section 12 of tbs United States Land Office, Balt Lake AN EARLY RISER. All druggists refund the money if it pneumonia. This has been fully proven feet to cornert Ne. I of Plomo No. 11, act of (.ongreas approved A which cases constitution in of active in thousands City, Ulah. Dec. 21. 1902. July 14. ifM. many strong, healthy, cure. falls to B. 0 thgrtes M minutes E. 149 E. W. Grove's signature The following tracts embraced in Full To Whom It May Concern: Notice I this remedy has been used during the depends largely on the condition of the thence No. 11, is on each bos. 25c. 4 Plomo of cornea Ns. fset to baa list are in a township t hereby given that the Btate of51.Utah great prevalence of colds and grip In liver. The famous III lie pills known as thence B. U degrees M minutes E. It selection mineral of lands claims of record, vis: filed in tbia office a list. No. recent years, and ran be relied upon DeWltts Little Early Kisers not only feet to corner. Ns. of Plomo No. If, esthe for Nell netl Bee. 21. T. 5 8, R. I W., B. L selected by the aald State Pneumonia deanie the system, but they strength- thence N. 87 SPECIAL LAND BUYERS' with implicit confidence. degrees S3 minutes W. H. r. tablishment and maintenance of an inOften results from a slight cold, when en the action of the liver and rebuild 118.8 feet to cwser SION 8 No. of Plomo No. A copy of said list so far aa It relate, sane asylum, under section 13 of the no danger la apprehended until It Is the tissues supporting that organ. Ut- 17, thence N. B 84 minutes W. July IA Will run to the new lands of Greer suddenly discovered that there is fever ile Early Risers are easy to act; they 100 feet to cornsrdegrees No. S, in said tracts, by descriptive subdivis- act of Congress approved Plomo of No. I said county, Ok la., and other sections of the end difficulty In bresthlng end pains In never grips and yet they are absolute- theooe N. 57 dwreea 24 minutes W. 1407 ions, has been conspicuously posted In following tracts embraced in mingreat Southwest In November and Da the chest; then It Is ennounced that the ly certain to produce results that era feet to cornerTNo. 4 of Plomo No. A this office for inspection by any person list arc in a township containing eember, via the Frisco system. Interested, and by the public generally, ing claims of record, vlx.: patient has pneumonia. Be on the safe satisfactory In all cases. Bold by thence degree. u minutes W. 55A , wulln the net ilxt Are you looking for rich and fertile side Southeast quarter of the northeast and take Chamberlain's Cough Mercur Meat and Oro. Co. and M. .following feel menial instruction of November 27. quarter of Section 21. township 5 south, farming lands in the Southwest which Remedy is soon as the cold Is con- Hmwn. Stockton. .1 meridian. 1 h to can D.. contests from 1.V1J. 459), protests or you buy for L Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. range 8 west. Balt Lake tracted. It always cures. For sale by ehiimik A copy of said list, ao far aa It relates I Main.! the cost of lands In the East and Mercur'Drug Co. lhe the Btate to any North? They produce as much acre for uMivl.ion.lmrelnbe-oo- n to said tracts, by descriptive subdivi! M. K. Brown. Stockton, Utah. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. m whih acre. Hera la a chance to better your on the ground that tb sions. has been conspicuously posted fore described, flirt with MK of section lA Tp. same if more valuable for mineral than In this offtca tor Inspection by any per- M. A. Notice No. 3753. condition and add a liberal amount to for a sample copy Bend a poatal-rar- d H. 5 W, fc expressly excepted and Unlied States Land Oflica, Halt Lakt 4 your pocketbook. Ball Tribune. of Lake The excluded, leaving a net area of ltt.082 For full particulars and special rall- - Then you will be sure to accept Its lity, Utah. Jan. 22. 104. Plomo Mi- arm hereby palmed and applied for. is Notice that given hereby to send offer the remarkable course and length of paper you ning and Milling company, by Its agent The presume, twice a week for almost a year nnd vein or Mse I as shown upon the and iittnrney in fact. M. T. (Unborn, each of half for $1.19. surveg. From corner No. 1 of whose potanfllce address la Balt Lake plat : 8. W. corner of eecllon DR. F. M. DAVIS, baa made application for a IMotno 4No. liah. fity, W., bears N. 3 degrees ItELIEF IN ONE MINUTE. United Slates patent for 1'Uniio No. 5, 7, Tp H., R.J 5M.1 feet. From corner One Minute Cough Cure gives relief In Ploino No. A Plomo No. 7. Ploino No. A il minutes Egti I 7 one minute, because it kllla the microbe l'lomn No. 8. Plomo No. 1A Ploino No. No. I of Uloma.Jio. 27said section corner W. which tickles the mucous membrane, 11, Plomo No, 14 and Plomo No. bears N. 9 digress No. minutes 1 of Plomo No. feet. From aorvr causing the cough, and at the same 17, Consolidated lode mining toner bears N 22 degree Rush in time clears the phlegm, draws nut the situate Valley Mining 5 aid section w. 444 From corner feet. minutes AMERICA. Tooele Utah, Inflammation and heals and soothes the district. county. 1 of Plomo No. A said section coraffected parts One Minute Cough Cure consisting of 147, 147, 1410.1. 1410.5, No. 22 minutes W. and 14t linear ner bears N. 53 degrees Ininre yourself Bffainit sickness and pneu 1410.5, 140, 14. 14 strengthens the lungs, warda off never-falliNo. 1 of Plomo feet resiectivey of aald lodes and nur- 1(170.1 10feet. Fans corner mania and la a harmless and accidents. ... Also life Insurance. 1 of Plocorner No. with identimi No, curs In all curable esses of ture ground, aa shown upon the plat of mo No. 17. aaM section corner bedra N. Installment Plan. ... Ton pay a Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute survey, being Murrey No. 5072. and de- - 72 1524.7 feet, and degrees II ninutes W. little each month. from corner Bo. 1 of Ploino No. 11 identical with corner No. 1 of Plomo luiimsauuassiUUiSSSMsaauusuuuuusssusuuaussiiMasuBMc non No. IA said potion corner bears N. 71 degrees 44 m elites W. 2100 feet. situated are claims Bald conaolktited H. A. NELSON, 6imral Agent, R. M. EDMUND. Prow In and form a portion each of sections 7 and IA Tp. 4 A, R. 4 W and section T09, 211, 232 Desarsi New BI4. ULT LAKE CITY, UTAH. II, Tp. 4 B R I W A L Baa and Meridian. Utah- - mid lodes locations mining claims tang of record In the office of the Cbmty Recorder at Tooele Firsi-ClaCity, In TOoab county, Utah, in Bonk Fart. ))7?7 Beal ia Ikis Section. "M" of locatiou, at pages 483. 484. 48A 48A 457. 488. 4H. 494 and 49A record! of i ' aid county. EXT TO POSTOmCE. gTOCKTOM. Thera are gv'known near locations ar shown by the plut of survey. I direct that this notice be published in the Stockton Sentinel. Stockton Utah, the newspaper published nearest the Mid mildng claim, for the period ol nine weeks. . FRANK D. HOBU8, t Register. HATS (he matter with ERATO'S STORE; R. E. Rosa Claimants Attorney. 20; last pub.. Mar. First Pub, Jan. all the tfanef filled HAVE TOU INDIGESTION? Kodol Dyspep-al- a Cur will cur you. It has cured 1 thousands. It curing people every day every hour. You owe It to your-M- lf to live it trial. You will continue to suiter until you do try it. There la no other combination of dlgestants that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, sire n(t hens and rebuilds ftold by Mercur Meat A Ora. Co Stockton. Utah. Mercur Drue Co Mercur. Utah. M. K. Brown, Blocklon, Utah. If I t p- iron have Indigestion. road rates apply at once to R. Lemon, secretary Frlseo System Immigration Bureau, St. Loula Mo tf 'nd MB-Th- one-four- th ?" one-tent- e ! if ttil.rei.Tn tf!.?! 42-- L v-- ; -- 'V4 . A n son Intoraatod and by tha public . i, gfuar-all- y. Within alxty day following th data of this notlr. under departmental of November 27. 184, (23 L. D., 450). protea la or eonteala againat tbe claim of the Btata to any of tha tracts or subdivision hereinbefore described, on the ground that the same to more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to tbe General Land office at Washington, D. C. Failure ao to protest or contest within the timo Iiecifled will be considered sufficient character evidence of th of the tracts, and th selection thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for approval. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. George A. Ilmlth, Receiver. First publication December 28, 1908. Last publication February 20, 1904. al NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Crtate of David H. Crosby, deceased. Creditor will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at hi res- idence in St. John. Tooele county, Utah, on or before the 30th day of May, A. D. NEPHI DRAPER. J904. Administrator nf the Estate nf David H Crosby, Deceased. Dote of tint publication, Jan. 10, A. D. 1904. Wm. 8. Marks, Attorney for Estate. Semi-Week- ly I I li $ I I Phoenix 5.l Indemnity Company, PKVERAL PERSONS WANTED of character and good reputation In each State (one in tbla county required) to represent and advertise old d wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 n.kv ly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head o (Ticca. Hora and earring fur. nlahed when necessary. Reference Enclose envelop. Goto, nial Co, 134 Dearborn at, Chicago, antab-llahe- XXXXXX Zbe flDitcbcner tonse. ss it if to overflowing the reason it plain, he keeps the best Why, selected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by alL X His business ia increasing daily and lih. to so do ad X X X X X promises M, M. A. NO. S77T. N THE UfilTED STATES LANr Office, Balt Lak City, Utah, Jan. 12 t M. EDMUNDS, Froprtotor- - Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. Billlsrd Boom la Coo sect (os. Everybody Harclves Good Treatment at tha Kurktos Club. Stockton. 4444444444444'4m4444444 : rail cion vim G M ( OoBfiptets GROCERIES AND MEATS to S Easy to iak and easy to act Is that fa mam llttla pill DsWltt'a Ultls Early Rseri. This la due to the fact that they tonlo tha liver Instead of purging it. They never grip nor sicken, not evan iha most delicate lady, and yet they ar so cartain In results that no one who uses them ia disappointed. They cur torpid liver, biliousness, jaundice, constipation, headache, malaria and ward elf pneumonia and fevers. rairaaia esur ar B. C. SaWITT A CO., CHICAGO OTn street, Stockfcft v fgo C5R and Largest Meat '' jeoela B County Vi Don't Forgit tha Rama, a Early Risers ; AW4WWWW444 .Ffesh Meats, 4--ff SADDLE HORSES OR Z LIVERY RIGS f n Easy Pill BEEF, HUTTON, PORK, VEAL! V TV Qlenvood Springe, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, SL Louis, Chicago, and all points east i i I APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 8779. United State Land Office. Salt Like City. UtaL January IA 1804. Notice Is hereby given thnl George R. Rogers cf Boise City. Idaho, by hi agent nnd irtomey in fact. E. J. D ilr of Balt Lab City. Utah, hue made application f.g a United Staten patent Rathe Gray Haund Amended lode mining claim, aituate In the Kurh Valley MiTooele Onnnty. Utah, ning DlMrl-t- . conxlntlng tf U47 linear feet of the lo.le nnd surface ground 4T4.8 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 5o1A ami described in the Held note and plat of the official lurvey on file in thin office, with mngiMilr variation nt 18 deg. Ju min. east, ae follows, to wit: Commencing at post No. 1. a corner nf the rlnia from which the e. 4 turner. section 24. township 4 couth, range 5 weet. Hal: Lake base nnd meridian, beam n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 31S.3 feet distant; thence running from raid corner No. 1. a 41 deg. 08 min. e. 474.8 feet to corner N. 2: thence n. 59 deg. 14 min. w. 1347 fra to corner No. 3; thence south 41 dg. 08 min. w. 474.8 feet to corner No. 4; thence aouth 59 deg. 14 min. e. 121 feet to corner No. 1, being the place of beginning. Bald claiti being bicated in the nw. I, and aw. 4 of section 19. township 4 routli. rang- - 4 west, and ne. li and re. it of aeetloi 24. township 4 south, range 5 west. Balt Lake bare and meridian. nd containing a total area of 14.438 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area conflict with the Bullion No. A lot 44, Sandwich and Parrot, sur. 1748; Gulch West Extension, eur. 4982, and lllaik Diamond, lot 133. Such area containing 8.178 acme. Net area claimed and applied for be11.240 arm. Bald Drag Hound Amended lode V - ivVi haatad waiaw glased wilMaraaakaf all loca-'lo- n Sanitarium Baths dtp 0. c-3'f- aPLBxoiDi,T ! I j FAST TMIM Was BaAhw toe aeraa Uu W Via j ; Tkw aspat wa Dlatlaaf Ball a toUltoa :cr CtoaMaa kaallS sal vWllmg UMaa WUl Laka. Ogaa 4ay Through Far ratal, faldaiw. fmaUluatrwtadbaoklato, .. lmqativ af yoar ttokalacaat, apsaUiaa tha 81 Grand mala, ar aiHraaa aaa L A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D israagb al ai l0444OHfff W( IH899C Dining Oars, service a la Carte on all through trains. ! Val to ACa DENVER assMa Mawtoa. Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Can to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, BL Louis and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair, cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. i Ka Ita giAtoa Buka to Pandito mt Mato Ha TaH Nnk Kma aid La.,. .Wtomlrg Pari. 4-- cgoiniD 00DEN AND DAILY BETWEEN c- Sak Lata I g, rg tatha la thaaato oral Blaaral HEALTHFUL! Csmacflnf l 04aa Unlea Depel with all leu th fra Pm 18c m Orojea Ifeori Una Traiaa. Tbs only TraaKoaUaantal Lbm panln Dlracltj Ursaih Sail Labs City. ! mlr.lngwalm being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele ffty. Tuaefc County. Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claim being the aforesaid conflicting claim. 1. JitysoU Soils UTergStaftiSsJ THE 8CENIO LINE TO' , one-four- th First-cla- ss CSRIftS Notice ia hewby given that the Ga ana King Miilng company, by Dun an McVichk. Its manager and author- ted agent, whoa pos toffies addrers to (alt Lake City. Utah, has made ap llcatlon for a United States patent lo he Galena King lode mining claim ltuato In Ra;k Valley mining dlatrht rooele county. Utah, conatotlng o 487.1 linear feet of aald lode and aur- ace ground's! shown by the plat o urvey, being survey No. 4947, ant1 'escribed In. the Held notes and ptai f tha official survey on file in this ol 'ce, with mtanetlc variation at 17 deg f aat, aa folio va: Commend at corner No. L whepce on eCctlon tu he corner, aat boundan of sec. 19. T. 4 S., HL V., bears B. K deg. IS min. E. 144.1 feet W. 555.1 fret hence N. 87 deg. 61 o comer No. t; thence 8. 87 deg. I m:n ft. 170.1 feet to comer No. 8; theme B S deg. 80 mis. W. 27S.8 feet to corns 4o. 4: thence I. 78 deg. 11 min. E. 854.8 eet to comer No. I; thence N. 4 dec 8 min. E. 551.8 feet to comer No. S' hence N. 11 deg. 80 min. S. 240.3 fee to comer No. 1, the place of begln-ilncontaining a net area of 8.33. icrea, expressly excepting and exclud-n- g the follawlng mnfllcta: Lot No. 45. Oliver King No. 2 Went Extension lode 1.101 f acres; lot No. 51. Silver King 10. 2 West Extension B. lode of .23 icrea; lot No. 8A Theresa lode of 1.87: icrea; bit Xa 71, Bllvrr King No. 2 ode of 2 .52L acres; lot No. 84, Cygnet lode of .015 seres ; lot No. 8A Lcnnnre ode of .100 tears; lot No. 117, Julia lode it .311 acres The presumed course and length of the vein or lode is shown Bald Galena upon the official plat. King lode is located In the N. E. one- of esc. 'ourth and the R. E. 11, T. 4 B L 4 W.. Balt Lake meridian, of to office the claim record of in (aid the County Recorder of Tooele county. Utah, In Book G. at page 250. The ad- lolnlng and conflicting claims, aa shown by tha plat of survey, are aa follows: Lot No. 121 Blanche; lot No. Ill, Tip Top; lot Kau4i, Silver King No. 2 Weal Fix tension; lot No. 41 FI ret Extension West of Hllvar King No. 2; lot No. 84. Cygnet; lot No. is, Bt. Louie No. 2; lot No. l:A (Diver Prince; lot Nu. 44. Leon ore: lot No. 71. Silver King No. 2; lot No. 51. Silver King No. 2 West Ex tension R.; lot No. 12A Prixe: lot No. 117. Julia; lot No. ISA Stockton: lot No. I1A Blue ReD No. 2; lot No. CA Thereaa. 1 direct thnt this notice be riuhllriieil In The Hentinel. at Stockton. Toele county, Utal, the newspaper published nearest the nald claim, for a period of nine con reel live week. FRANK D. HOURS. Register. L R. Rort and Willard Hanson, Attorneys Nr Applicant. First pub. Jan. II; last pub.. Mar. 12. one-tou- m 444444444H444444H4 THE STOCKTON CLUB UNIQUE! ENJOYABLE! SALT LAKE HOY SPRINGS ; 1RD4. Is superior to the Roual and has no equal In this county. Street. 151 AP7LI CATION FOB PATENT. ...FRANK ERATHS BREAD... A 1904. IM0IHM sr Service ST. LOLIS EAST SALT LAKE CITY AND THE VIA REMEMBER, IN FICUR1NC YOUR TRIP EAST .THAT THE Oregon Short Line ; j ; i RAILROAD B THE DOBCT A. C.P.T. UNION PACIFIC A THROUGH SCENIC WITH THE CONNECTION AF.tT.A IL S. SPENCER. RAILWAY COLORADO i D. E. BVRLET. Missouri Pacific. u&s&sKissGaRi s PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, THE OVERLAND ROUTE VIECM B THE COttllMKC rcrtSAI VOLTS c SPEED i! 201 i ; MAIN ravncaav e Electric Lights, electric fans. Reclining chain Cars iacara raai), Nr Ivlli.TIOiti, FBNri, its., TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled 1 rogressive ST. SALT LAKE CITY, VTAS. ( . day Coacmu. COMFORT SAFETY CRT TICKET CfHGE ; TO AU OBSERVATION DINING CARS. uiria I TOWNtCND, Tl IE OVERLAND ROUTE ) Theres no Eetter Service Than that via th Upioc Pacific 6bicho, AQd AilwbUKee & 5t. P&ul Ry. From Kansu City, Saint Louia Memphis to point in th South, cast and Southareat THROUGH LINE The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Panl Hallways are now running flrst-cla- u Sleepers, Tourist Bleepers and Pres Reclining Chair Can through to Chicago. F.or tickets, sleeping car reservations and farther information, apply to Tha Ssntotern Limited Leaving Kansai City at C:30 p. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mfm-phiBirmingham, Atlanta, Jackson villa and nil points in tha Southeast For detailed information apply fn j. a, G. Wj MARTIN F. A. MILLER, ! I Ocnaral Piaacofar Agent Cbicag CXAUDE S. WILLIAMS, Commartiai Agrol IK V, Second South St, Sail Lafca QENERAL WESTERN AQElrr 1106. 17TH 8t. DENVER. COLO. To Cure a Cold in One Day Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Seven MESon baca soU b past 13 montha. This cinotlire( t js (VL& 1 Carm CHp TwroDeyn, on every box. 25c. |