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Show MAT HWITOA J1UMU, NUbkM . . . IITU NEWS SUMMARY. ThrM hundred cum of typhoid now reported in Watertown, N. T. unant mously elected first presldont of the republic of Panama. Two minora were killed and one is missing as the result of an explosion in the Monroe mine near fit. l'aul Glence Days, a nero. was burned at the stake near Cruint, Ark., on ths charge of murdering J. 1). Hlephena ol Ashley. An explosion at the Lafln A Hand powder mills at Wayne, N. J., caused the death of three men. The mills were unrecked. Torenee Crosby, the Mormon elder who shot hlmnolf in a sleeping car near Kansas City, has aurcuiubed to his injuries. The United 8tates protected cruisers Cincinnati and Albany of Hear Admiral Brans' fleet, have sailed from Manila for Shanghai. Lockjaw, caused by a cut on the hand from a transfer slip, caused the death of George Powers, a street car conductor of New York City. Samuel Hazard, the West Pointer ud former army officer, convicted at Minneapolis of bigamy, baa been sen fenced to two years' Imprisonment. President John Mitcholl of the United Mine Workers, spesklng before the Illinois miners at Chicago, sdvlsed the miners not to accept any reduction la It Is now n little more than two months befors the gates will open upon tha World's Fair at St. Loula and tha public will be invited to aeo tha greatest exposition that haa over been mealed. Tha vast exhibit palaces are complete and many of them have bean finished for several months. Within the next two months all of them arc to bo brightened with new coats iff paint so that, on tba opening day, the magnificent array of palaces will appear as trash aa a newly blossomed rose. No ona, no matter how vivid hla Imagination, can picture to himself the acene that will be presented when tba Exposition la complete. Tba more one ace this great eollertlon of exhibit palaces and countless other buildings, the more deeply Impressed be with the grandeur of the undertaking. Aa tha daya grow longer and tha air becomes balmy with tbs hr sexes of spring, tha Exposition will taka on far greater activity than It haa seen during tha boisterous days In spite of the severe of winter. weather, work haa not ceaeed upon the construction of the World's Fair tor more than a day or two at a time and there la every expectation and promise that it will ha complete on the opening day. The buildings and grounds, magnlfl- - been loth to believe such a statement. But such la the fact. The exhibit pel-o- f aea tba Ixiul.slana Purrbsse Ex- pos.Clon average much larger than those of Chicago and are greater in number. About 130 acres of floer pace are provided in the various palaces of the present World's Fair and more than twenty buildings will be used for exhibit purposes. The largest of these is the Palace of Agriculture, which rovers twenty acres. The next In else la tha Palace of Transpor-tation- , covering Cfleeu acres and containing four miles of railway tracks for tha exhibit of locomotives and cara. At the Chicago Exposition there were practically no outdoor exhibit. At this World's Fair about 100 acres are given up to ouldcur displays, In a most pleasing supplementing manner the hundred of thousands of indoor exhibits. At tbs Chicago Exposition one building waa used for no less than fores Important departments. At the Wor'd's Fair in St. Ixiula four buildings, covering forty-fiv- e acres, are given up to the same four departments. The tutal cost of the Worlds Fair la estimated at from forty to fifty million dollars, exclusive of the vain of tha exhibits. The Palace of Machinery mlone will contain exhibits to tha value of eight million dollars. AT THE WORLDS FAIR, ST. LOUIS. ExpoaltlonRson, thousands of birds representing many species and dims. Tha largqt betel ever built, containing 1,300 nba.s,' to within tha World's Fair grounlw 7he largest status cast will atad in tba Palace of Mines and Metallirgy as the exhibit of the Iron Industm-goBirmingham, Ala. Twelve acredare devoted to a mining gulch contalf ng all manner of mining machinery ad exhibits. A floral clock, 113 feet lag diameter, the bands of which welflf more than a ton each, will tell thWfice of day upon the elope north of the false of Agrkmltura. A map at the Dff ted Statee, aix scree la extant, plesfwl with cereal and other plants eomeoi to the various tales, la an lnterawftg display by the United Staten Bar 4u of Plant Industry. Forty aerfe ire devoted to tho Philippine exh;m and thirty acrea era devoted to thQadlan display. Six scree m f are devotefK tie garden of roast. Twenty arqs ire net apart for the a commodat of airships, which will participate (fi, ths content for prlaea ! nlal01ymp!f Woi Fair upon the athletlo lng the field of the .A position Grounds. An railway, having fourteen mil of track will convey the visitor! to any parted tha Exposition. Some forty restaiuta will feed the mulU- Intra-mur- ' Fourteen employee of a celluloid comb factory In Paris lost their lives la n fire which was started by an explosion of gas. Twenty othera were o Bddle the California Hanlon, has boxer, been matched to meet George Decker before tha National Athletic club on March 1st. .Decker la considered the beat featherweight of Philadelphia. The Busslans explain that the wholesale arrests of Japanese at Harbin and elsewhere was due to the discovery that Japanese hid In those districts upwards of 100 spies, of whom sixty belonged to the Japanese general staff. aaestK: cent though they ha, are but the setting for a far more Interesting display. In nil tha buildings tha beat products that tha world can offer will he arranged In the most attractive order and will convey to the mind a better Idea of what tba wide world to doing than would years of study and Inquiry. Flfty-onnations of th world and all of foe states of the American Union will ba represented in this extensive portrayal of the world's present-da- Claetrlcky - ' distance. tude, and an amusement street a mile long, containing the most novel and wonderful entertakiments, will furnish diversion to the gaceta of the Exposition. All 8L Louis to preparing for tea Worid'a Fair, which will open on April 30 next and contin ua for seven month. Hundreds of tmlldlnge have been remodeled Into hotels, and thousands of homes have been listed, upon Invitation of the World's Fair manage-manto help care for th visitor. Every preparation haa bean made tor a period of unusual foativlty, and BL Loula expect! to give her visitor a g aad delightful action of To mention the big thing of tee World's Fair of 1904 wonld be to give a catalogue of tee greatest achievement of man In many lines of endeavor. For example: We shall see tea largest locomotive ever built, tone and having weighing ninety-fiv- e twelve driving wheels We shall hear tha largest organ in tba world in ths most beautiful festival ball aver built. Wa shall tee some of ths greatest defense guns manufactured for effort. the United Stntse government la tee Those who are familiar with tha Government Building, which to the Columbian Exposition at Chicago hava largest exhibit building ever erected often naked If the Louisiana Pur- by federal authority at aa Exposition, chase Exposition would equal in ex- there will ba a modal of a half of a tent or grandaur tea celebrated Ex- battleship for tha Navy display. Th entertainment position of 1893. Whan told teat It United Statee Government hue also would be twice as large In extent of erected a bird caga so large that tall Thirty-fivmiles of roadway have grounds and 60 per cent larger la trees grow within the Ineloaure, in been constructed within tee World's axbiblt apace In buildings, they have which win be held captive during tee Fair grounds a sea-coa- y sight-seein- e at the eel grass required for the sea HE DID NOT UNDERSTAND. cow's food, sometimes through lea tea H la Necessary Now to Cut Through Inchaa In thlcknees and often through Amusing Error of Frenchman glut Ice of flvs or aiz Inchaa. Ice to Get at th Eal Grass. Cost Him II. Tha maa who does the marketing Sometimes when tha lea had moved A French 'visitor to New York, an for the Aquarium's sea cow baa had to out with a shift of the wind. leaving enthusiastic iitomoblllst, haa learned do soma lively huetllng this winter to open spaces, accezz to tee eel grass a lesson as to how things are done keep that big animal supplied with would be easy, but frequently tha Ice In America On sevaral occasions food. would have dozed In, and then It when speeding a machine through Th sea eow to eight foot tong, would be necessary to rnt holes In it Central park ha haa aean policeman hold up a htxd. Th result was au velghe 300 pounds, and hne a healthy to get nt the eel grate below. So the work of supplyirg tee sea Increase of steed and a wave of tea appetite. In tha first eighteen weeks after Its arrival hare from Florida, on cow'a table baa been so far thla win- hand In return. The police have bam In tee hopes of catching him, and BepL I last. It ate ninety bushels of ter attended by more or leu difficulty, but there haa never been a day on finally one of them did eo by planing eel grass, six bushel of fennel-leafeThe trial of Senator Burton of Kan pond weed end two bushelz of ulvz, which tba cow haa had to go hunhie horse In the auto's track, compellass, charged with accepting money or sea lettuce, making ninety-eigh- t gry. New York Sun. ing It to com to a standstill. In court for using his Influence In preventing bushels of aquatic plants In all In the Frenchman was amazed at the z Brain Growth. cause of bis irresL II took the the issuance of a fraud order against eighteen week, or an average of Drain development to found by Prof, of tb off cars as commendations the Rialto Grain and Securities com- about five and one half bushels a turned on week, which to about Its present rate fieggd of Munich to have two periods and congratulitlor pany of St. has been set fur at of acceleration from 10 to 11 and more power to show them what he consumption. March IS. The eel grate end other things for from 17 to II in girls, and from 12 to could da Tht lesson coat him li. At Santa Fc, N. Hit- - territorial tee sea row's table ere gathered in IS and 19 to 20 In boys. At the period Democratic central Gravesend Day or the waters there- of most rapid Increase In height from French Tosco Increase. adopt ed resolutions favoring Jolat state with connected. Daymen sty that tee 12 to If years the growth of the Returns of .ha revenue from ludk to that rect taxes in franca in 1903 atow teat kod with Arizona. A resolution en- present has been the hardest winter brain leu than dorsing W. R. Hearst for the presi- harenbonts on the water In twenty-fiv- aac-,r- of the body, bat at 17 to 19 It grows receipts animated to 85C8.S80.S80. aa y as fast, aad at 20 reaches incress of 316,867.510 over th aatk dential nomination was voted down years. On many day it ba been of the body growth. to cut through the Ice to get mates, and 311,175,860 over 1902. unanimously. m m i.iLfi M Lieutenant accrue and six privates runjrwi Wholesale Marriage. How ths Starfish Feeds. Swiss Industrial Schools. of the constabulary have been killei1 No fewer than forty-twA starfish rxn neither see nor hear. couple Thar are industrial schools for by n Bolo rush of five hundred fnm'-lie- a Neither ba it th aena of amen. In while patrolling the cast coast nt clock and watch making In Geneva, war married simultaneously at (Lowar Brittany) on morning etc.; theie era Loci. Samar. Private Salmon of the Fourschools in recently. Work in th village and Iff nevertheless, k seek teenth raraliy has also been killed by art and Industrial working for women, all tea aurrnundlng hamlet was en- prey as neatly gg an ordinary fish. Th Zurich tad other cltlst Bolomen. starflxh Ilea upon Its pray acd folds and there are Industrial schools for tirely suspended for th day, for th The supreme court of Illlnuls has th hand trades In must of tha cities excellent reason that tiers was scarce- Its "arms" or rays completely about invalidated the act of July it towns of the country. The sub- ly a living soul In th neighborhood it Then It pushes Ua stomach out j, ipoi, not related to one or other of the through Its month and will wrap even which provides for the payment of jects taught In these schools are drawwages In lawful money, and to pro- ing. arithmetic, geography, bookkeep- brides or bridegrooms, for th good a large oyst-- r and shell within th hibit ths truck system, and prevent ing, German, French and practical in- people of Plougastel never marry out- -' folds of th stomach. Th mouth of tha trad chosen by tha side their own commune. Loudon the starfish u in th center of Its any deduction from wages except for struction ia Mail. pupU. ray. advanced. money Mrs. Jacob Antonsi and five chilAmerican Railroad Travel. Esta Wrapping Paper. Hera Used to Paying Toll. dren were burned to death In a fire feat The average American makes twenty-nTh habit nf paying toll la a hard A remarkahlr gastronomies! that destroyed their home near Cro- was trips on a railroad la a year. on for Brewer, Me., people to for-geperformed In tha square at Bel- ine ton, N. Y. The husband, two boardlows Falls. A horse attached to a de- Soma of thee trips are exceedingly and almost ovary day aomeon ers and the oldest son, aged 13 years, livery wagon was eaon to cat three short, yet tho average American gets pull np at the tellhous and trie to scaped. The explosion of an oil lamp sheet of heavy wrapping paper with- on th train ten times oftener than pay th Bangor policeman who henga caused the fire. does his English cousin. out aronnd therm out a change of features. The Stoughton Wagon company Sharks In European Water. Horn With Many Cleeete. of Minneapolis Banka Increase. which recently Fair-fielmansion of Th old Sherman Th shark hat returned to European Ten years sg-- there waa one hank 800 shipped army wagons In several Conn., haa enough closet room waters. In th Bailie, wher shark for every 7130 Inhabitant of tha lots to Russian ports on the Pacific housekeeper. There era had been unknown alnc 1759. they United States, i five years ago tear has been notified from St. Petersburg to aattoftr any ba no lasa than alzty closets have mad their appaaranr la eoneid-ara- waa ona bank for every 4,197; now that the lust shipment fell Into the toaid to haul olossts wlthla akwata numbers. tho tear to a bank for avery 4.410. bands of tha Japanese feather-weigh- t MARKETING FOR THE SEA COW. ! ia elg-ral- ud lit Winter Uee Allene Fest-EasYear feet led ancomlort-bl-e, aarvoaa eed eitu eoid and damp. have sweating, tore fast er tight If Sold by shoe, try Alisa's all druggist aad shea stores, 35 cents S. OlmSample seat free ACdrasa Alin sted. L Roy, N. Y. A powder. nt Foot-Eas- HARKS IN TCRFEDO WORK. Oct the Right Kind. Gaines .'lit, i'oxaa, sob. 22nd. Miu U K. Burton of COT Glad street, this city, writs th following letter: I have awfully troubled with my Kidney: 1 waa la a bad lx and bad been doctoring with tba Doctors, but wa getting no batter. I triad a remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills and I found they did mo lots or good. I had a alight return of my trouble and I went to th Drug Eton and called for Dodd's Kidney Pills. They eald then was no such pills. I told them there They said they had the best pills that were mad end persuaded me to try a box of another kind, not Dodd's. As I nended some medicine, I bought n box, but they did me no good ao I went elsewhere and got the reel Dodd's Kidney Finn and very noon waa completely cured. I took a box up to the Drug Store and showed them that then wee such pills end asked them to order uaaa, but as I haven't needed nay more I havent called to sea whether or not they got them." t, 10.000 riaats for This la a remarkable He offer th John Co., La Crosse, WIs, a. Seller Seed wm makeL Thijr Mng you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow LOM fine, solid Cabbage 2,04 delicious Carrots. 1,400 blanching, nutty Celery. 2.440 rich, buttery Lettuce. 1.404 splendid Onions. LOO rare, luscious Radishes. 1.404 gloriously brilliant Flowers. , This great offer Is mads In order to Induct you to try their wanwMenBP for when you once plant them you ! grow no others, and von bdt 16o rosTAes, providing you will return this notice. and if you will send them 20e In poetess, they will add to the above a pate are of th famous Berliner Cauliflower. 1W. N. U.) I au Keeping Down th Blit old man waa stricken with Illness soma time ago, not Hla chances of racovory war many, and to hla knowledge of this was added a dire anticipation of the cost of the numerous visits of tea io tor. Suddenly th old man dlad, aad Bis little granddaughter, who seemed to share tho latter sentiment, railed to tha doctor she aaw him apIts all over, doctor; you proach: needn't com la.' A very parsimonious d -; I j I j ; 0f Lillj dale, N.Y., Grand Worthy .'.m.r0Um. Wise Temple, 8Rd MefflbCT Of For yeqrs the editor has brn urging Iwlij DOW SEC reCOV farmera to sow Alfalfa clover, and bring forward evidence to the con - tY.L-l.lJ.-, of wide- - trary. If they took the case of the vred fcv the g:sJ he to that thousands tlfi r cf Lvdla P awake farmers scattered all over Amer- - tinker's ass, which was born and Ira, are doing this now. to their great Ffokban's Vcgctctls Cccpouiid. reared In hardehlp, ha found It hard benefit and satisfac tlun. I am one Deab Kh Pixehaus A Walfnrd. Westlure Firms. Fa., to think that a merciful Crcsior writes: I have 40 acres In Kaisers Al- - formed that animal merely to suffer of the many of your grateM friends falfa Clover. It Is Immense. I cut i . .. hands of ms without recelv- - who have been cured thronwh the use of I.ydia IL iinhhasii Vegetable three crops this season and hava Iota of pasture besides.' lng oma compensation In tba next Compound, and who cut Hon. H. F. Hunter. B. D.. says, "Ba- life, if cot In the present." thank you for the fine health I enjoy. lter's Northern Grown Alfalfa clover Yi'hra I was thirty-fiv- e yean ola, I cannot be beat. I have solve i h I Hsw Much 8lp Buffered severe backache and freqnent Necessary? question of stock raising here. Balter's A proper amount of slerp Is, of bearing-dowpains; in fact, I had Alfalfa Is good for I rousing crops of womb trouble I waa very anxious to grain course, absolutely essential to cons-rtsve- s and reading of thacuree your tinued geod health, but. If dietetic get well, Wheat for tt bu. feet hog fattening habits era correct, It to a matter Compound had made, I decided to try it. I took only six bottles, but it built ma wheat, and Balser'a Hanna Parley, for arid, dry land, to good for 70 bu per j which will regulate Itself. If a rule la up andcured me entirely of my troubles. follow will are on These all naturally sire. great hog. sheep needed, My family and relatives wars and last but not and rattle fatten gj,, fgct ,Ut aimolt everyone naturally aa gratified aa I waa. My least, fialser'e Victoria Rape for ehetp. niece had heart trouble and nervona languid on waking and to d.aand fialxer'a Troslnle, good for 44 tons f green food for rattle, and fialxera i posed to tak another nap, no matter prostration, and waa considered incurable. Ska took your Vegetable Com2'llllon Dollar Grass Uroinus Inermls gow nng b has been sleeping. Tht lot Theso j and lots of good hay. for pound and it cured her la a short Urns, to a morbid sensation which It would mo to It for msks grow and aha became well end strong, and possible things to here. to too It take explain Uvo stock by ths thousands. long her homo to liar great joy and bar husof Have you heard of Earliest cantf enough to say that lack sleep band's delight waa blessed with a baby. e. Gives six mowings a year, and hould be made up. If possible, nt tb I know of a number of othera who the 14 ton per acre fodder wonder? not at tha end. Th have been cured of different kinds of luir sixd van sorica hxd IOo in beginning andrule fomale trouble, and am satisfied that to to rise at a givbest general iTxars to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. Ia en hour every morning, whether tired Jour Compound ia tha beat madlein women." Mrs Ui uasitx H. Crosse. Wle., and receive their big cator not, and go to bed when sleepy. Tnnwraotf, Ikx 105, Liilvdale, N.Y. alog and lots of farm aced aampica ever. , 0B- cLnuld,ULPtrtst0th. - i. j to-de- y o I Can You Spell 7 Try This. If you think you an well up in spelling, just try to spell the word la the following aentqnco: "It Is agreeable to witness the unparalleled eictsey of two harassed pedlars endeavoring to gauge the symmetry at two peeled pozra." Read it over to your friends and sea how many mis' takes they make. Be-Uo- ni j.prtin.n vu i storm-battere- b Plou-gaat- bn tin e Chaux-de-Fond- m nta yf M-- , mmmmmm Ward Off Winter's Rigan by Carrying Hand Furnace. Tb contented smile of the "heath Chin" may ba partially aoaonated to th oold-b- s for by thlr Indlffcron of the winter months. Far ! the north of Chlca they ear whether they be Indoors r ant; they always bava a stove with them la the shape of e head furnace. Instead at th fire being placed la the boaaa It la carried about the parson. beneath the thickly padded cotton garment or ia th haxd; at time It la plaoad beneath tha chair on which tha Celestial Is seated. Tie dlsoovery of this unique method of avoiding winter's rigors wa mad by a traveler in Fukien province, whose n'.teetioa waa attracted to tka universal aad peculiar deformities of Its inhabitants. Strange acswellings projected ia tha moat countable places on tha anatomy ad the villagers. Speculations were eat at rest by aa old gentleman, who removed hie coat acd disclosed n email oopper furnace secured around hla walat with a bead and neatly covered Thin artificial with banket work. mod of warming tha body la only resorted to in time of eztrems cold, aa on ordinary occasions tha people deem their thick clothing a eufflciaat protection during winter. Chines Bey's Writing Shewed He Had Decpiy Studfad the Subject A schoolboy la Jewel City, Kan., waa assigned to prepare aa assay on the subject of "Ducks," and this I what ha wrote: "The feck la a low. heavy-sa- t girl, eoeponi mostly of meat aad feathers. Ha la a mighty voles poor alager, having a hoar caused by getting two many frogs la He like the water end hla sack. carries a toy balloon In kin stomach to keep him from slnklag. Tba duck haa only two legs and they ere sat ao far baek oa his ruaaleg gears by nature that aha came purty sear minting kia body. Soma dueks whan they get big have eurln oa thalr tails sad are eallad drakes. Drakes dont have to set or hatch, but uat loaf, gc swimming and nt. If I waa a dusk I'd rather be a draka every time Suggestion That the Orest Fish B Utilized In ths Naval Service. All sorts of queer devices er offered the army board of ordnance and fortifications at casinos of destruction. One of the strangest suggestion! of this kind yet presented to the consideration of the board contemplates the usa of large fish, preferably sharks, for the propulsion of submarine torpedoes According to tho plan propond a shark Is to ba Imprisoned In a tube at the retr end of the projectile, end Is fo be controlled In Iti movements by tha active application of wireless telegraphy. Ia can tha shark became restless aad attempted to nwim away on hla own account it wee to be given an elactrie shock, and In that way kept on 1U course until the torpedo had reached Its target Another remarkably ingenious proposition emanated from the same fertile brain, and contemplated tba employment of war balloons In any desired direction. In this case also tha birds, harnessed to the aerial vehicles, were to be controlled In thalr movements by a system of wireless telegraphy. These balloons were to be provided with torpedoes, or bomba, which could ba dropped at any desired point by tha First Strike by Unionists. Tha English tailors have the credit us of wireless telegraphy. for being tho first to offer organized COLOR JUNE TINT .BUTTER resistance to industrial oppression, butter. market of ths makes top modand bane were tho pioneer of ern trade unionism. As sarly aa 1721, BLOOD IN THE BEARINGS. In the days of tha handicrafts, there was a union of tailor In London num- Hindoo Thieve Would Not Steal the bering 16,000, and they went on strike Oil In American Machinery. for better conditions of employment, The prejudice against blood that li of parliament a notwithstanding tha acts of the religion of tba Hindoos part that outlawed sunk combinations, made to serve a useful pur made strikes a criminal act and limit- has been pose. When the American engineers ed wages by law. wen building aa electric power sta. tloa In tb Myeon territory in southtrsvs or Osra. City or Toudo, I I LffC.f COOBTT. , ern India they found that aomathlni sufe iferi ht Is Malar J. Chi v it Suing was wrong with tha lubrication of the HIUI l Ito Ins ofatV. J. ClHHir a Co., SuImm la Iks CIV Cunr sad (ia:a i Iku a:e flra will pay machinery. Th oil disappeared. They ItineM, nt OSS HI'WikEU DOLLARS fr by hii iiiiiii tkMuaM ksearsi kfu! Ss2 discovered thata a Hindoo mnst. Mfa'sat "aVHF periodical bate in plL cV,mw ' religion, take yjixxx 9. cnwXT; To him oli Is oiL The workman had Sows to tofora m nl mkecrlM to mj yn MS, tkli ItS Asf f iMsinkcr. A. D. ISM. drained the baaringi for bathing pup . . A. W. ULSASOX, poses. 1 gOTABT PVSUOL How to stop tea thieving waa a Bsiri Cttonfe Cue is takse tatoraslly se4 mis ailMtlf M Iks hat lit SIMMS aUrfACHi II t Ik puzzling problem until someone solved Ow. Ititm. SseA tar (wUnwlsn. r. i. chesbt a co.,Ns,a it Tba Hindoo does not eat meat aMkrsn DnnlM,TI. and ha will not touch anything that feu's Xuillr Pile tor sossUpedsa. bus blood ia it Two or three aalmali Loves Tribute. wars killed, therefore, and blood waa There to In Galloway, Scotland, aa into tea bearings. Thar waa andent rain known as Sweetheart ab- dripped ao more stealing of oil, however many Its Wlthla bey. other things war stolen. walla 11m buried tee affecwith tionate and devoted Dergorvlll. Kvs. WUn'i iMtUaff Syrey. Ah U!M. rMM TeraMMrae to tee heart of bar husband, John " . aUai feta, slM hum rlMMi. embalmed upon bar breasL Lovekatehas of Saint. ly In thalr lives, in death they are not divided. Th crumbling mneonry to Tb itone eareophngna recently distill and must ever be a romance in covered under tb floor of BL Mark'e its symbols of death and decay, talk church, Venice, measures seven feet tag every day, aa It has for 600 yearn by six. A croae to cut on the lid tea thrilling story of a woman's tea-ta- r and a Roman album carved on tb love aad flemrinti front where there was aa Inscription, which to now effaced. The Are Children leheol Sickly. Many ess solemnly opened In tee Mother Gray's Sweet powder for Children, used by Mother Gray, a anrse in Children's presence of Marches Cassis, tb preHome, New York, break ap Colds ini hear fect; tee architect Signor Manfred!; i care Feverishness, Headache, Stomach tee royal procurator, tba director of Troubles, Teethiag Disorders aad Destroy tee academy, Commeudator Cantala-mssWorms Atall druggists', 25c. Sample mailed j and Commendatora Bsrroxsl. It (tea Address Alton S.01tnitad.LaRoy.N.Y. waa found to contain four skeletons j It All Ineido of a Minute, probably those of earn saints. Wa do a good many things la a min- near marks of flra, as It waa lu tea ute; for instance, wa era whirled oa eighth century church which was tha outside of tha earth juste thirteen buqned down In tho time of tho Dogo Kllet and have gone around tea sun Platro Caadlana 1.019 miles; a ray of light has trav-- , Tht Future Life of Animal. led li. 100,000 miles: lb lowest sound William Blunden, a doctor aad Sir 980 vk ear can mad catch he your ' brattons, tha loudest ton. 2,228 000 baronet has just favored a meeting vibration; 24 berrela of beer have of th Bodety for tb Prevention of gone down 12.016 throats; 6,673 cigars Cruelty to Animals with soma views bare been made; ICO tors of coal oa the future state of animals. He bar bean mined and 336 worth of ' "certainly believed." ha said, "ia the of animals, and gold has bean extracted from Mother future existence ; rth. though ha could not Srin forward fun - 8TCVE IN THE POCKET. SCHOOL ESSAY ON DUCKS. LAND. k wages,. Injured. The federal assembly of San Juan, P. It, by a vote of 60 to 16, demanded that Porto Rico be admitted to statehood, or that the island be granted independence. No new casea of bubonic plague have developed at Paacaamayo, Peru, lug the last seven days and It is hoped that the outbreak haa been tamped out Flour exports from the United States in 190S were larger than In any preceding year in the hlatory of our commerce and aggregated practically 20,000,000 barrels. It is authoritatively stated that the question of the annexation of San to tha United States haa never received the slightest const1. eratUm on tha part of tha United Slates. Japanese fugitives who were at. Port. Arthur have.arr vad. at Chemulpo, aud the report Of their has caused great excitement among the soldiers there. It was thought not a life waa lost In the Ire at Baltimore, but a charred body haa been found la the water at Bower's wharf. The body was so badly burned aa to he unrorognlsabl. A Paris paper affirms that at the last ministerial round! It waa decided definitely to put off Presilient Loubet'a visit to Italy, but the reason for the postponement of the president's trip haa not been announced. The senate committee on mines and mining has favorably reported the senate bill to establish mining experiment stations for the development of the mineral resource of the United States and for other purposes. PRAIRIE A XlltertaJ CemspeniCBce.) Moose Jaw, Azalalboia. Farmers' Review, Chicago, July 13, 1603. Most of tha prairies in tho United Staten have ceased to ezlat. Maa haa broken them ap with orchards, forests sad farm buildings. But la Wasters Canada tha yrairlaa still stretch grandly from horixoa to hort-boaa yat nnmarred by tho bead of maa. aavo where tha Iron road haa been laid. To a city maa there ia something deliciously restful about Ua vast grany solitudes. Numerous clumps of tress mark tha aouraa at tha Aanlnlbolna river, wbleh koopa in sight of tha railroad for some distance. "Grass ia one of iho aotablo things about all tha landscape of Was tarn Canada. It la a remarkable feet that tha entire length of the Canadian Pacific railway from its castors terminus to tho Rocky Mountains la over plains where graes grows. The lag brush appears nt noma points, but never to tho exclusion of grass Thors is thus not n mile of this country that cannot ba used for noma agricultural purpose either for tilling or ranching. "Moon Jaw la a town of over 3,000 Inhabitant, and oca of the most important places In Asslnlbola, being the center at a very good farming country and n great grata and stock ship- pln P,nt-J"Near Moose Jaw agriculture and j ranching go hand In band; for near tho town waa seen n herd of beef cattle several hundred in number. On another side was seen a good sized herd of dairy cows, the property of the citizens In the town. "In riding over the prairies wo saw many good fields of alfalfa. Tha grant seed of tha rountry la timber, which grows readily where planted, as was demonstrated by the shelter belte on ions of the forma, and tha trees on tho residence lots In tho town. "Stories were told the writer of men who last year cleared from their wheat crop more than tha land on which it was grown originally cost them. This Is easy to believe. In view at the large crop ud high price for wheat last year." Henry F. Thurston. By sending your addrese to any agent of the Canadian Government fou will hava mailed to you a ropy of an atlaa, railway rates, etc., giving fullest Information regarding W astern Canada. Estimated Cost, Exclusive of the Value of the Exhibits, Is Forty to Fifty Million Dollars Miles of Wonderful Displays in More Than Twenty Building. Cow are Dr. Manuel Amador haa been IN ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION WILL BE GREATEST EVER HELD ofi EARTH THE WEEKLY SENTINEL n ! I ssstta - , Ten-lnt- fra. (W. N. U.) Contest Teetotaler's Will. The relatives of a Frenchman who left 3300.090 for tb building of hospitals for teetotalers era contesting th will, principally on th ground that there ire not sufficient teetotalers la the neighborhood to mako the hospital uswtiry Century. Purs Is Ike best medlaln weaver nerd Hr all afsMloas at IM threat sad Iniz-- Wa (X JtaBBLir, Vaabursa, lad., Feb. IA UM Ftae1 Amsriean Wealth in Korea. Americans hava between fifteen and twenty million dollar! Invested la Korea. Five mlUlosi are to vary rich gold mines. 64040 ftrft't If rrMnl of aSwt Mtor j fMMMMM CMMt to WwaZ UTAH JUNK GO. ra itt ani.pvr.hnH. ate. flail lAkaCIw. CM II am aw .Tiltepsars Eys Water When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thia Papaav ' |