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Show SISTERS RELY F ST. JOSEPH ON PE-RU-N- TO FICHT A CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS, GRIP P&ynafiar coughs sndolds mchidren. SISTERS OrST. JOSEPH Use for La Grippe and Winter Catarrh. Pe-ru-- ATTEMPTED TO BOTTLE UP RUSSIAN FLEET AT PORT ARTHUR. der the present clmunstance. N EVERY eouniry of th civilised world tha Bisters of known. Rot only do they C'barity mlataier the spiritual nod Intellectual Baade to of too oommUtod to tbnr raw, but cuign also minister to their bodily needs.thy Whenever eiuighs or colds, In grippe r pneumonia make their appearance among tha children there Siatera are not disconcerted. but know exactly the e to apply. With no manr children to take care of and to protect from climate and disease wieo and prudent h latere have found reruns a safegnatd. POSTAL in medic (nea, and It me pleasure Elves my praise to that of thousands who have used it. For years I suffered with catarrh of the stomach, all remedies proving valueless for relief. Last spring 1 went to Colorado, hoping to be benefited by a change of climate and whlla there a friend advlard ms to try lYruna. After using two boulra 1 found luvaelf very much lm-roved. The remains of my old dlaeaae K ring now eo slight, 1 consider myaell cured, yet for a wbila I intend to con tiune tbs usa of lYruna. I am now treating another patient with your medicine. bhs baa been sick with malaria and troubled with leucbonrhiea. 1 hare no d'inbt that a cure will bo speedily rent-dir- tbo JAPS SUFFER DEFEAT Russians Exhibit. Feeling of Hostility Towards tn United Stataa A St. Petersburg able says that irritation against th Halted States on account of tba aupunad unfriendly attitude of that coun ty toward Russia, which wad slightly inlceable throughout tba negotiation, seems to hays become dally more pronounced, and, since tbe Vicksburg Incident at Chemulpo (when tbe rmuander of this American gunboat Usald to have refused to unite with th commanders of other foreign waruipa at Chemulpo to protest against tit flgbtlng which resulted In tbe lore 0f tho Russian warships Variag nnl Koileis, and tha fact that tha VlckMirg did nut take on hoard survivors if the Ruaaian ahips), American hotness men her era really concern about the possible effect on Ameitan trade. Whhin tha last An days orders for American goods haw been countermanded, tbe only kpianailon given being that proepcctlw purchaser did not desire to buy Aterlran goods un- na f ARE ON THEIR DIGNITY. narer-fallln- Platen of PL Joeeph, of the Deaf MutaYnaJtutei IStO Case Ave,6tLouU, wntH : t W appreciate Peruna vary much. ft certainly decs good work with i catarrh and also with colda and la grippe. We have fa-tIn Parana and I bava Inspired many others with tba same. Wedonot Uie to bawl-bou- t it. It has certainly kept us from being veiy sick. It did a world of good last ! winter tor our little ones. Thanking yitu tor your kindness to us and our e i. yours gratefully, I SISTERS OP ST. JOSEPH AlOaf effected. These are samples of letters received reruns has become our favorite medicine by Dr. Hartman from tba various for influenza, catarrh, cold, cough and orders of Catholic Slaters throughout bronchitis. Another recommend from a Catholic tba United States. The name and addresses to these letInstitution ofont of tba Central States have been withheld from respect written ty tba Sister Supsrlor reads aa ters to the bisters, but will bs furnished oa follows! tW-hal"A number of rears am onr attention f of diseases which s fillet wm called to Dr. Hartman's lYruna. mankind are the dun to soma catarrhal deand einre thru wa bava need It with of tlia mucous membrane linwonderful reaulta for grip, coughs, colds rangement some organ or passage of the body. and catarrhal diseases of the bead and ingA remedy that would act Immediately atnmach. Dr. Hartman receiver many lettere from Catholie Is liter from ail over tho United States. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit, hlich., reada aa followe : Or & & Hartman, Columbus, Oblot Dear Sin "The young girl who used tba Peruna was suffering from laryngitis, aad loss of voles. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. Shs found free t relief, and after farther use of the madldaa wa hops to ha ab a In aay aba fa entirely cured. Slaters of CONSPIIATORS VICTS). CON- Jury Returns a Vgrcict ef Guilty aa Indicts. "Guilty as IndWtet," was the verdict announced by itbtjuiy In the e conspiracy trta at Washington shortly after 8 oeluk Friday night, stating at the aarau line that this waa tbe verdict aa to a I four defendants, Aug. W. Marhen, li it general superintendent of tha run I free delivery esna-clall- v Pe-ru-- 111 WESTERN SEEDS fj: BARTELDES & COMPANY 1 HU Ip mi TfOt-frl- i . ii ( . re p m Pay Whsn Cured Veak Men fl u 1 ' 111 Mo-Nti- ii n au u. , eiya; onc-hai- tr J K - i and-lift- a-- i f , j. w. currie. gs:v,ai Cf-rU- rtni f Blb.;ii nr'. IIIB.C. to-da- i i e 'b?.!!?.T . A dispatch from St. Petersburg, say that on February 23 tlio Japanese attempted to send four steumers tilled with explosives among the Russian fleet In Fort Arthur harbor. These did no damage amt were themselves destroyed, the two being sunk and two going ashore. Two Japanese boats the fireship were destroyed by Russian guns. Tlia Fort Arthur rnrreeiMindent of flre-ehlp- a the Novovtl telegraph that at Port Arthur the Japanese lnat atnamera (number not slated) and one torpedo boat. "At the moment of writing," the correspondent continued, "twenty-threJapanese vessels are visible on the horizon, and cross firing has begun tn which the Russian cruisers Dayan. Novlk and Askold are participating." e TOOK TO THE WOODS. Shat and Shall Cams to Fast for San Domingans. Rirhard Tha report of Captain Watnwrtght. commanding the Newark, regarding his recent rccounolssanca about Santo Domingo has bean made public by the navy department. Speak; George E. fkrcni of Toledo, ing of tbe shelling of Santo Domingo Samuel A. Groff aflf Tllller B. Groff City, Captain Walnwrlght saya: "After consultation with Captain of Washington. Jury had been out nlno hours. The verdict apnea red Sillier, and by hla direction, I moved tn coma as a great surprise to the de- to a position directly opposite the river fendants, who bad impacted to bo ac- and shelled the east bank of the river f quitted. In order to drive back Into the Interior 11 Insurgents In that neighborhood, KOREA WILL ASSIST JAPAN. preparing tbe way for landing a batLittle Army of Hermit. Kingdom Will talion composed of the landing force Wage War Wltk Ruaalana of the Columbia and Newark. The A cable from SuoiR under date of battalion landed at about 4:30. At a February 28. aaya: Ihe Korean gov- small town In the Interior the Insurernment has decided' to order the Ko- gents wero found In some force, unrean troops to Join thsJspaneso In tho der the command of General Jobs Held. Tiburzler. The general was warned Tho port of Wlju wm opened to to remove hla forces at once back Into foreign trade last niidL Tha limita- the Interior away from tlie east bank tions to be placed on trade and other of the river, and that he should not fire on the town ngiln from that side. Incidental matters wil ha discussed agreement later. Thla action neewsltates a har- Ho signed another written to that effect and at once collected hla bor, so Yongampho hw been decided forces end marched hla men Into tho Interior." upon. ineti-tntlo- Mi. Themselves. post-offic- upon the eongnetod mnenue membrane For grip and winter catarrh ill normal state, would It lias 1ren of great service to tba restoring it tocure all these diseases. consequently Thle young gill waa under the care of Inmate of this institution. " Catarrh is catarrh wherever located, tho Blateri of Charity and uard lHnina for I tbe in whether it bead, throat, lungs, catarrh of the throat, with good raeulla ae stomach, kidneys or peivlo organs. A SISTERS CF CHARITY the above letter testifies. cure it in ons location will that remedy From a Catholic Institution In Cenwill cure it in all lorn Iona reruns cures tral Ohio comet tba following recom- All Over tha United Statei Use catarrh wherever located. mend from tba Slater Superior t If you do not derive prompt and satislor Catarrh. n Soma yrare ago a frlrud of nor factory result from the ttsa of lYruna, Valley Underwater. recommended to us Dr. Hartman's A recommend recently received from a writs at otike to Dr. Hartman, givings Peruna aa aa excellent remedy fur the Catholic institution in the Bout barest reads full statement of your case and be will Tha most disastrous I area break advice of valuable Influence be pleased to give you his which wa then baa eevoral ae follows : that has been known fir several years eases which threatened to be of a aerioue gratis. A Prominent Mother Superior Says: Addreea Dr. Hartman, President of In this part tit tbe Sacramento valley character. Wa began to nee it and experienced I can leatlfv from experience to the Tha Hartman Sanitarium. Calumbu occurred Friday at a jnlnt three mllea results that lines then efficiency of Prruna as one of tba vary beet Ohla from Sacramento, Cal. The break waa caused by the aeepga of water hah Knlta Stockings. through a gopher hole, the water soon Tha shah of Persia la one of the getting beyond control Tbe crevasse ILLVSTRATES CATALOGVE moat expert knlltara in tba world and. Is about 160 feet lon ind the rolumn when last In England, presented tba of water la high, pouring thirty d of Wales with beautifully-knittea prince ellk pair of stockings, which through the break lihq ta Niagara. The roar of the water tn be heard for tba royal giver bad worked hlmeelL Sand for it It tells you all about nur nearly a mile na It mshea through the "WESTER.N WESTERN PLANTERS FOR. SEEDS break. It ia estlmsicd that at least To Core a Gold In One day. In Wa era tha only axtanaiva growera tbe Middle West. Our Spw-oiTaka Laxaitva Bra mo Quinine Tablets. AB 10.000 acres of valmble land will be cure. K6p oatalogne for Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, Fruit Packages are submerged. druggiata refund money if it falls to free. Ask for them all. if Into tvs ted. House Passes th Naval Bill. TO DEVELOP LEO MUSCLES. The house passed the naval approThe Old ILeUable Celerade Seed House-133Simple Exaralia, WKhaut Apparatus priation bill Friday, after having had 13th STREET. DENVER. COLORADO. Will Produce tha RaeuH. It under eonalderaUon for a week. Tt la very naceaaary to poasaas auffi-- ! There waa a party contest on a numdent development of tha muaclee of ber of proposals during the day. and tbe lege. One of tba beat exerdaee especially on an effort by different miRE U ED Y HALLS BANK EB AHD DIPHT HE looking to this and la accomplished as follows: Stand erect, with tba nority members to veure an amendfeat spread apart and arms hangiag ment to fix the price, of armor plate ron THB MOUTH, THROAT. "1111111 VCVF9 Fill C. eon aaLB BV ALL DROaetSTa lAILd AMR OSNkAAL TOS. YOfOMAOH ANB aOWBkB.... limply at tbe ddaa. Bead doareward at the figure lild by the Midvale Steel to a squatting position, allowing tke company. Several intendments were NildiQ-Jndso- B Loko Salt Utsh. Siniral Go., City, Drug Agints. bandi to touch tha floor It possible. ruled out on point of order, and the Tba squatting position should bo one Repnbllran leaders by parliamentary In which tho atndant aa nearly aa tactics left tho question of armor possible slta upon tha heels, bat bead In the discretion of the secretaryplate WE TREAT of and trunk should bo erect or nearly the navy. GiTAlmS-pxihTlrflii When this position baa bean tab aa VqnuI Lvt.g BmrtlATDiiiiin. BrfMk)aNb4 an bring tha arms up horixontally Mighty Army to Invade Korea. TroaM. lkMfe.Ufr bM Ktebay IMmun. :s40r 1'NM.k'cs Ymm forward, clasping tha banda for a mo to information received Ckraili DImmw of WHmuOCkk i- According OH HHlflfl CWM. meat only. Next throw tha arms aa ItM, Hft L'flflM, well Informed military men. the Viriost fmtft.a. by Pi. ! ffoaroi, Aloft aa a ear tclaU ui NiviiCHOtiaa. gfclN IH him g bacxward as poailbla and Ruaaian army which!" intended to NNg ROOCOI 9t IM tfOWO.O. n.M. V aomontal as you can. partormlag ttcilra 90 llo big ma., Trokk operate In Korea will consist of an adNow isoTtmant fmpm Woia. Hmr fa r. Hmin, Bpltow. last slowly. D3 InODVOlRaO Mi Bli BfTOM Mi LfcftfkM hand-eiasvance vanguard of two regiments of ana raaums tho j mawgr lli Wrtli for fr the beads In this poslUon. Siberian sharpshooters, a vanguard of I Boo Trtwtant Cirw.ICMb a. a w. iioim Fror. (Man gradually to a standing pad sixteen regiments at Infantry, with NM. Three of these exercises are qufrk-flrlnguns, throe bat lories of enough for tha beginner, and la Js mounted guns and a rr-oit- - j o o fl ft A BOK A HLA or IT n flm uw corrcximuding wuknooo frnw of for ooiLa i oi hf ItDurM iij . ikaoioolioo opouut- - JFA wbwB jon ia ci.rrd. Yvo o pan taa veteran of jlujitsu rarely forre of oi 090a uti cavalry. Th main body will YOU AABTRI T&IT FlhkUII WM WAjT wet. iti BMbCfi? mUn'j M0 UiOrro 8L of thsm ten mors than Bto- performs VOW. WM WaKV Vu i ChK YOP wUB t To talk to. consist of forty regiments, including wo will Not ionani o soMRrsioiOmv Wo kovo orovM tor In oorlof CfiMA'SHC Nicholas. Tft.flSMJM vLdi ilaoo oOrnMIafelng tko soy TO.oswrf iotl- Cossack cavalry, with 300 guns. wornrsyoti. WmKuwm Vt- ooma owinioo froai hoaw ono. g;vi poraitortbo. uryin:' uf t wvcoio !! Mi Oii on. fnupaU w sr.O. I hsoiurol Theory Rtgirdlng Electricity. , -ri.r. wa cant rt HLtvn om Warships at Isthmas Recalled. Tba theory la gaining ground steadU(.vi.a M.wiJ Vu.Kt. aaa at, WBAAKXaaKs ef 1ft raitAig litoXAKga Mass we ia Indissolubly B Satiay abaad.iuM. M vea aaaaa that electricity Ratification nf the! Panama canal ily na. fa a. Kvaalaa j Sava la aievaeiir .kilt id tat. aiaa. af irwdb.M la i.rriraada--unf a with T lef. tha connected w. w iZ. component laa parts In th famedlsle recall TSIt K :a: resulted auf treaty aaaUntesy. aaoeae aeuvw ar. of an atom of matter, or, that atom of the Unfled States and DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Socialists. as w. B.LV UT1H. ClTV. l.. are composed of electricity or are about f of tbe niArlnes from the d'.ilurbancea of ether corresponding Irtbmus. The MarMthead. Petrel, to minute electric cLarrer. Wyoming and two torpedo boats will remain on the Paciflr .de. The New TIMELY CALLING. York, Boston and lleknington will A WJITIVC wi MiPUKUUfT proceed to Callao. Of the Atlantic jg FOR How the Pastor Saved a Ufa MLMKNUtf side all the warships txrcpt two will A man near W. made Fort 7 Va., Oay. MB MIM ADCTIONB 7 -j-' fXiliiy bitnrjTt an entire failure in getting strength proceed north for the lianciivcr. Four All WthTUVIlSl AJ LaHl OTT. UtAlt. from tha kind of food he ate and not hundred miflnes will leave knowing that tha trouble waa with Thursday fi.r Gnanlanno. the food kept on loslrg health until Town Sinks Inte Earth. the doctors gave him up to die. d Miners It was supposed to be consumption Ono of the most extensive cave-in- s hacauss he was watting away stead- that the northern Frts 2:t jrs anttyaeitn real secU.s minister tion baa ever ily and alowly dying. baa ocexperienced called from lime to time and one day MOT NOW ONIAba BUT MOW BOOB curred in West Sciayton. Pa. The a of Grapw along package brought cavo-lOtnm iM snd Norwmv Bmr Ir affected an an-- of about forty Ukl Nuts, thinking from what ho know Whitaker & Dallas, Maki:s BAIT s..d Hwr.jr Btoli Irk eiTTaUToH acres. When the first break occurred food famous It of OaL, 'fn si'd V.r Lw(br HalU the that parhapa Rrlii.er Mdi.isis Wi u ln: i the became panic stricken. man The sick him. took residents help might mrrna Mx:mim r ' Iin4 ssd to It at once and from that day bsgu There are almut 20"' lueses In the disbw bi.-- .i frH BIimpI b(e.; Ktiiipr Fsifel i to get well. In writing be says: I ul't-trict affected. Sonic e completely 70 W. Third Satdh $1. VkoPlp; i ivha sm Minfa j -- 1 In1 Knliliwr walked to town I mllea. wrecked, others art- - nut of tit- plumb, I UTAH P. 0. BOX S6S. LT LAKE CITY. hop; Miii; ri i lUmmprsi Have gained over 40 pound In about whllo i.lsi'kiisiib Hii nihlf hones Is twisted tn every nearly ItiWn. months and I my neighbor don't such an extent that fog doors HrlR,irf; and Vlorh I)p A sbd Ik ei 'r r KsH,lipillf, RELIABLE ASSAYS. know what to say. I frequently am windows cannot be nnefleu. . .n 6o i RRi W'.TCkr....1.W tot HuritlCs i'wr IklHbsslM; told It was aa If I am raised from twoii Bi.v r.rupr.. I W Li.... rroMpt rttNruTb abun.d wild i'nlaFi; I binI; Bkpp tolisf tha dead. Everybody here knows of Steal Magnate Mast FlghL I Ispk'U itiiil G'i!tahi-fBri Olden Amy Co. k'w anta rUaldutl my case, you van 'ell people to writ Charles M. Schwab, (who has Just firilnit.wer" fitPri'U CM to the Puatmasier or Rev. L. D. Bryan. arrived In rPMr.ti.i. nt V lii'tb.X Paris, may be railed upon I a statement swum make will that MORRIS FLORAL CO. Msi.tT2LiL Orape-NutName to light n duel with Hafon do Kngnlat, eared my Ufa.1 sat ytffal Daaliaa Far 1 Octai.au. who waa Interested In the French unAttaatiaa Bhaa la Hut OrJ.ra, given by Poitum Co., BatU Creak, hsag aaB Advertlaamenta When Anxw;-!n- g Mich. derwriting syndicate which was to PM0a 101 MM. SALT LAKE CITY Thla la another Illustration that handle the Part end of the shipbuildKindly Mention This Paper. where all other food falls one ean ing combine. If he to meet RICHARD E. 1VASS. back to health and tha French financier with bo brought or pistol S ciiiti. Fib J Stf Mi ImibBiUi Th ora's a straagth on Orapa-N'utword on tho field of ifnor. the AmerAn Cut Flani r Ba season." ican steel me star win. if da Rognlat MALT LAMM CITY. MAIN MT. M Look in ascii pkg. for tba makes good hla threat, have a run la Koad Uttla to WallviUa" "The book, with tha French law courts, being Wa N. Uo Salt Lakw-N- o. 9, 1QQA. chargqd with libel. Charity. hips Leaded With Explosives and Sant Among Rurefan Vessels Failed to Do Any Damage Except to Right ef Free Speech In Philippines. Representative Williams Tins Introduced a resolution requesting tho secretary of war to Inform the house "whether and to wliat extent since the close of the war tha right of free speech and of free political action prevail In the Philippine Islands, and particularly whether any laws are In force which deny or In any respect abridge the right of tbe Inhabitants of those 'Island to advocate through the press by petit Ion or In orderly public of their meeting the lndcimndenre country by peaceable separation from the United States, and If aiieh laws are still In force, why they are necessary In lima of peace. To Fill Hanna'a Shoe. There hM been considerable discussion Indulged In around the annate and the house shunt the proliahle successor tn Senator Hanna aa chairman of tha Republican National committee, and the names of Senator Scott of West Virginia, Senator Penrose of and Representative Pennsylvania, Dick, who Is slated to be Senator Hannas successor in tho senate from Ohio, are most frequently mentioned. A suggestion also I made that Senator Aldrich no doubt will ha connected with the committee In some capacity. RUSSIA Prove what WILL EXHIBIT. Swamp-Ro- ot Tha mild and Immediate affect of Dr. tha great kidney Kilmer's Swamp-Root, 11 Bad bladder remedy, it suoo realized. siaoda the hlghrst for ita wonderlul cures of lbs most distressing caiea Swamp-Rowill set your whole ayitem right, sod tha best proof of Ibis ia trial your water frequently eight and day smarting or irritation In passing, brids-duor sediment in lha ttriea, beadacbw bschacbw lama back, diiiioess, ilirplna ness, neivousneas, heart dinurbane due to bad kidney trouble, xltia eruption from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, diabotaw bloating, irritability, wurnout feeling, lack of ambition, ha of Hash, sallow or Bright's disease. If your water, whea allowed to remain undisturbed in n glass or bottle for twenty-fou- r honri, forma n sediment or settling or has a cloudy appearance, it ia evident that your kidneys and seed immediate attention. Swanip-Koo- t is tha great discovery o Dr. Kilmer, tha amineot kidney and bladder specialist licwpitala ass it with wore derful sucres la birth slight and sat era Duclors recommend it to Ibeir cases. patients and ns It ia thsir own familiar because they recognise ia Swamp-Rotba gieaumt and moat successful remedy. Swamp-Roo- t is pleasant to taka sod la for sale at drag store tha world over in bottle of two sizes and twa price fifty cents and ooa dollar. Rrmemher tbe Swam name. Dr. JCdmrr'a Swamp-Root- , and tbo mddrtse. Sing bamton, N. Y., an ovary bettio. st ol Eut 14 St, noth Msw YosxCnv. com-pinio- n, Oct. 15th Ml here reffnfnr mrel hem )Um tnilita, All nneptam. w. m bandi airfurni.r I cmiI k.idlr Miwinh .mi ponr had Ml alufi. Kvmi but bsi.I cacaru u dr. I wulud I! dia. li wa tlia. and ufiM am, Iiviu a ad vailiaa maul a t ymna la a Na Yen paid aujr aiiaailva la it ytaar. bat wnuld not Bad it But stoaioad a luaianiaa mil .vary Du Bill 'I had m kt mi Umlaut four luedirina, aiHiliui lh.1 rout Swaar-Koo- t ia puial, vaiatabla. and dwaa nut rentals an harmful drujm. I am aavauly jraara and fuur mouth old. aud with a Bund enaat wiuv I can raceaiairnd EaraaurKout to all auBarar, fiom kuluar liuublri. Fuur man. barn at ta faaiilf bava baan uuiig baaias-kuu- l lor (our dilaiaat kldua diasaaix load iaaulia.rt With Ilia aama With sun thank to ran. I rtmaiw a li at rum Vm KOttBST BBRKES. Ton may hare a aarapla boitla of this Swamp-Roohidney remedy, asal ires by mail, postpaid, by which you ay last it virtue lor uch disorder a hidney, bladder sod uric acid diseases, pur digestion, being obliged to pais famous t, o successEDITORIAL 30TEe-Sful is Swamp-Kula promptly coriug area the most distressing esses of kidney, liver read Ibis fsoerocaaflar yja COUPON. or bladder troubles, that to prove ill wonPlease writ ar til la Ibis nd aa Dr. Kilw.r A Co. arturm. derful merits, you may hare a sample bnt tla Mine rteaile Hretia at " and n book of valuable information, both niil'K. Ureal KUay keresAy. sent absolutely frsa by mail. Tha book contains many of th thousand apoa thouMMaMmmafaiaiiMMSSMa sands of testimonial letters rareired from Bid Ni. SSiISItlBf men and woman cured. Tbe value and is so well known that Swamp-Roear readers ars advised to tend for a sample CttjBrTtwi assa eeos bottle. In sending your sddiaai to Dr. StSftBsaee M eaae a. A Ca, Drogbaintoa, N.Y., be sura tossy V(iM ihla vpr. Tha FREE Hemstiaad OF LAHSa irn Canada Arithi Mxeia Katloul STAR ATTUCTIOKS far 1904. ef acrN Oats. Oats aa aans. The at Wm. Xcrteultun, li.ut, Cww art the Hu am at arm Saadi 1ISMM Sr a" This eras Oai Pretender Supports the Czar. Don Jaime da Ilmirhon, ran nf Don Cnrion, the pretender to tho Spnnhth throne, declare he I ntliiielatllc to give hi sword and life for Russia and tho czar. A motif: other thlp;r ha Russia must win In the fnr aid: east, ss the whltu rare must absolutely maintain It moral and material preponderance over lire xellow race, Tho czar dlil all h muM to prevent the war. and ts deeply grieved at the exwhich rolioily hi Russia pected." rlin. Hom V. of Miolflcisai CrafB and Gras r ky pnrcbiB to bo kad Inf Irn flOB koalWNV COBsMlesM LABdC.NipoiGtijUC OMh i'll uin rttKire la 1 fir.nM boiog AstotiCGNt. Writ to Door mi Njfboncod Govummt Agent for i Hfiiilikii Ai:m a id imi ir.fortnaioo tot tdJrffM Suvt. of lioa fiadON.Oiiawa.f'aiiatla1 HO-i4 M BKNJ. DAVAFS. UUKA AVT.NLR. t.BRAi JAi.Lk MONTANA. (viiftn M kow'i kw'ilntwi. I.WI I lu. St t'i I. lwef curea Spraiua no cl St rain it. ,1 FARMERS Mi STOCKMEN r4 Cb. Uhvs, Bpi AIL 4r al l;p a . i j Pkfr T:a ccnbIom. li iMppg uf r n t i pi wa tr,'nn ui.s ' M , CRT ifi fuv k!y, ivUGga vv.fi '.i I V, .7 Frl lirct'.1-- fltpq. 'wjfw . m V i 'tn i. ftnanlA ! iar.d fpr king t. n. hr'-b-iri ' kypr. a III m. ht-i.a.i-pra i'p ni. ai4 NtB N'iwug :r hi a gin nforal .r rurtU ur Hi fi In:J pg. atoarg ar Om will gpira 'f n..kf vntiti hApMy in!! g'I toMUU t, i,jr p it ak diuire r. P.tv vbn . biw Ii in a in 7 TlIBnTh.'"i,GGG!be N4P I t N f V GtlP. A a ni.-Fit.p.n jf I d Br. m iftp-lb :paa p'nips Id Wasiq of fTAMPN OnA I IS w'N"'P'. rorfte la N'SlTH 'br pep t tsll, K! f- awiauf kr-- t HrMfcTaal ltarna siaA itM i. rHi, fnfro, - f."n knH dt Md,U 1.h;r f fiiiVvig frtilY tC .H y, k il'.hf - f ,. a jHMgi ky harfng may yen n. ig't nl 1 ;g yG'Ja nd M.urtig ar. pf tor gfilN gad BlvCJL 14 R!sert S(nt!ifc ns iBItf N- f-- i rafspfl n nsX lovara. at a i' V'yn v- oi api . Bn i wvmml MM -- i Oil1 MVBm; Jw f N ff iu I i Bapppa I" Mustang Liniment Caair.Utn NgN, IImhnIL n1 4 tuHB 4 not .). i f ff n ft a- - NAT t -r Brrs i rsfiigi lUnA nku. iFBWwiurpiy holm g ire Salffrti MtlJlaa Uallv Grana. 'f fftPFe ;Ml PJ,. TA rnra Nig MH.VICAN and Lwb Slack Swdiaia of tlia ppraNl-'ti- MIG. Nil 1 Lip bi na f ur Fgfmgpt awl, pL,gnMMl,UKr Lii4(a kg yakia fyeUi fCgmcrV AfNNiMt Mt.M lN'krt f i(ipffi BBYf ha. ka. ar i. banw, itlctMfrwn.rd ViwnaU. Wi:i MM I Ml gpflJrM'flO to BISS A E. H0VVAR5. 17) Wsrnn 4. t. . BmIsii. MatX TSms ar. FKI1E to ill tlica. aret'i. p bb.- bo.. Oats 11 rd. fcwi kilurhMbi. sarL I:tn.iSii(.lilL M Unitarian publications can ren.ie I IT Su,lllrMd SM ka., MWoail I W a and Hwta laikota Mali, pm 1 sna,u wt'l rwttlreiraaaswrei re It. air, mis be ooettae in. A Fete Emr tw Ylwldec tlw'. Iwriln Itahy, R1 la. aw L UfGptlaait nllotj idfMtaa, ud woollh ind aflNBM Malrid OMlif. Tbo ppuliuoa of Wofiia fuodt ineroMod mono bv tNiBDiffBPmi d'JIIM Ibo Fill fMra ovtr W wn M a-- I THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Good Crop. Bollfhtfol cIImIg, iplcadld Bcbool ijaitWs porfoct imIrI BoBdlkloMb II clamation for iMith tlie uncxplred and regular terms for United 8lates sen atnr, to succeed the Into Senator Hanna, at the caucus of the Republican members of th Ohio legislature. The name of Mr. Dirk was the only nne presented. As the Republicans have a large majority In both branches. Mr. Dirk's election Is assured, and the balloting on March 1 will lie only a formality. In the caucus ln9 Republican members answered the roll call. tend Kit-m- ar Udi ac- will ot MillioBB Will Be Represented at World's Fair In Spite of tha War. A cablegram lias been received by the architect of the Russian building at tlio World's fair from CommlsKloner General Alexandrovsky telling him to proceed with the erection of the buildhas ing. No further communication been received by the World's fair management but this la taken to Indicate that tho Russian government will participate In the exposition. 8enator Hannas Successor. Charles Dick was nominated by the Great Kidney Remedy Will Do for YOU. Every Reader of this paper May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free hy Mall. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more Sickness and suffering than may other dlseaao. therefore, when through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble la permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow. Your other organs may need attention hut your kidneys most because they do niost and need attention first. If you are sick or feci badly, lcln taking Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Itoo- t, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because ss soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all tbs other organs to health. A trial wLl convince anyone. To e" A: pi -- k ilip'.j. bp, f.r wUIlaJ con-flle- t. Deadly Durl Between Man and Bear. at 1c Word has Just been reeelvr-Ilnwlne of Angeles from Runcer Eoldtick Hot Springs that the body of Damn Martin Von Rchni.j..er was found on the range south of tlio Hot tictr the Spring on Mood.ty dead body of a bear. TI- baron waa undoubtedly killed by the bear. 'In started In the morning on n hunt. On hla body ora found receipts fro: a banks In Portland, Ora. Chicago and New York for over IIW'.OWV Von Behloasar waa an officer In tha Orman army and n baron of that empire rv.-uln- CIPSICUH VISEUKt SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS ; (FT rflW rni.t 4BIV 8 T' fPi A aubM.iiit- - f r ,d iivr iti to.i" niJ w tnv a J Will i;t lha nift Urn. gin ax n. n .sin. Ph cf ik!a bt.ir.lLt tov.-a;- . J . aud r. ia a.Ji iPiM. aii-Tirp.' A a: 4 N.i A 'w OwT tteC' i. CLSr TSLBeMOMB JL HEINECKE a e. sacoina south sr. SOS. SALT LAK1 CITY r. t' A. ,it"in CNfrioB 6CH.VAR2 ( r aaiut if st tt,ril c. rt ualtie anl prca whit rnv!i.LT il ka fcatd tclaii.va1tt" na .uf"i it. N!l i v.a nt ' aMcamhli ' ' Vtlr cf thp pc r J con tl..sv vi i ir piir fiFiiflit. t bv pi i. a n,i ; iPTl' bii;'wo ru" NUn'liA !!- I L.f Wl',1 "L II N I ba Ncrpr i if i.u i : C v i..i ffr, BPN9 FOB CATNLOBUB. pM ktag l.a bal rp.iLiPi'iw.'aut ai wa, i'bo V. m an ai'trna) rtiraov and k.paAr FWESH AND RELIABLE ar;lcrrpff Il siiBji. p.iir'a at u. aitBi Mtetr.N: arhatilK bn . .''1. N fiC il. fitftrtftdi H ISk4li il wp ? L. h bUrM Ca. Ftwo Ja Utangg r,Nb.e fi fr gABM I I fiL-- I Bbf N43aAipl: lAlgfc&rti MFC. CO.. Kent Yo Cm.j FivrU tilNMNtB B i ft.! fi .'l NiNfS. TLe Lee FiDiieirr Seed C& I , IfoMUI ytfMJi hiuui.-- iMUrSK OBUb |