Show I UQ117ODhtI WITH VAHHAXTH Tile ilinpht ami un elentlllc toy of 1 hamlllntt vagrant qneitlon hao the I poorest 1 remilli It ilooi not punish the decradrd vatrant It fiunUliw him ihulter and foal without the 1IItII for I work It iloprlvet him ol little fur ills ollly In iho winter when outdmir kt 11 In It I fir nun ugrcnible that he It umuilly caught and tvntvnml On the other hand lilt thu rnlnol tellruipixt In thorn whom mltdirtune or rurloilly hai thrown Into tho ranknul tmmrHloHi And flnallr U putt u h a > y bunln on the coiiimunllT tot the tupjiort nl thwui wen I honlvo nothlni In return and the nat cwt 81141 bad rrsnlta ol the renifdy deter court nml iMiumuiltiM fro eiilorcliiK It wnoiulU I The hrtl requltlt 111 c d 1 1luluL l law I it to rvuignlM the throe clantee into lilrli VKgiHiit are lIvhhl l TI tirxt i < that il I hound lay ilown ml r I 1 ivparaliiiK theclsar 1 s and diall ith Iheiii arcrrihlg to their i derla Ihi irainii rUHnt n runiputid I I tuii a knru lilll 111 t 10 I I I d 1111 Jallly men 11110 will not work umltr any I I Hrcnmoane thortof plfrite tfItllllUl t elm Tioe < iefHMN intUiod of ilvalln wltli I theta claw hat ttfc repuialkMi ul MllK the bettalHl IIHMt Mill HtI l III the world The Oral clan it awMed In t I find work the > f ornl It pin In a tooth huts v where under ttilM llwlpliwa few lndu trle < re carried nn awl 1 attempt at-tempt are mad to iwiir Hi IIIIll rm plnymentoiitilde ami the thirl I l II In another workhoiiie where the air 111 rut diwlpllne It maintain and 1 Ito rule II l enlorrnl Ihalu iiinn who will not work hall not eatPest rtnclw II I amlnrr |