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Show - advantages to s limited number A time making an extended tour, and South Wale, was mads governor, BriGAE8AR. tish GIRL STUDENTS. ofequaled girls sf the woman's cottage where from there to Auatralla, traveling 27,000 high commissioner and the girls reduce their expenses to a' mile In all, and gleaning important InBut the two did not pull minimum weU houseown by duingthelr formation from etery point. - PRETTY MISSES WHO IMPROVE work. together. The prime minister was . ECU- - RHODES WILL DEFY THE 1 the Mr. Laura Dayton Feaaenden betmanaging director of tho British CHICAGO LADIES WHO ARE THEIR MINDS. LION'S EMPIRE. The woman's cottage is supported by South Africa company, acting under ter a as in east tbe known, possibly, FAMOUS AS WRITEHS. the Woman- Educational Aid society. tho motherly eye of the queen, and had correspondent than in the west, having annexed Matabeleland and Mashona-lanIt Is Just across the street from the 11 I been on the staff of one New York Koutia ef th at Daily Uf a to Boots Establishing Republic and belongs in Mr. Miller dohall, killing a few thousand natives paper for several )ears She is editing of Ae Hurt Organlzad a I !so the womans page of the North libtnlt; Th HkM at th main. but is under the direct guidance Africa Similar I Our Own- - Wn te and a king or two Sir Henry Loch became jealous of the prime minister's Cot tag ad Ho lie Its First President sad May Worker The Only Shore News, and Is at present the corThey PaM Away of a matron -- Mr. E. J Hudson Fifty-tw- o tin great Influence and greater fame, and U UHIN. girls lte at the cottage. A11 the of th Kind la th responding secretary of the league. Organization tbe result was the triumph of Rhodes. Mrs. Fessenden's paper, which was read rough wurk-- , suih as scrubbing and I ullrtl Kiatn Their Specialtls. Cecil Rhodes is a man whose greatwashing, m done by two hired girls, befure the White City club recentlv In . (111 ) Correspondence.) (Evanston but ttie sweeping, daily care of rooms OMING EVENTS est amusement consists In political Indefense of Florence Maybrick, the Amerm AT I HE GIRLS ican woman In an English prison, has cast thetr shadow trigue. whoa greatest pleasure is the gnd waiting on the table Is all attended Northwestern Uni- to by the girl themselves. Thta takes (Chicago Correspondence ) th game of chess, with nations ... In the been received very favorably, and Is before." aay very only Shoot an hour's woik a tdaw iff the Ivory'tilecejL, ,HJ versity lead Socia-bltirs and thl saw. and old Jo tf J HE C H I C A a O being reproduced In many different day y life. a TerrcatToirtTiaix of bA' accepted 2)f fiu-- '' iS.yeimitff'affe, tall, well built and with mor pleasant laskjNIpL-frfes- ' Mentions, is , League wiihoUt bvers, tinge of. aposlrsy nvhi complettioa- - -t system In iter ft h , th TeresaXWm le rme-tif said to be the only the Twtr Strewn Hla face Is full and florid, his hair and 0;'. 'tn Aid r" "The gift's recall of Sir Henry ftsid froth organization in the j writers tn.e'bleagfe-ta-kicl- g mustache sandy and bis eyes small and the motto. Jtm!edufwW'5tlv is, as ciety same to confuim rules here the d they ttie "first her governor the Loch, the thattseom-posecountry privilege of signing blue and exceedingly penetrating. His Tba-- women .tu-den- ts do St the hall Their hours are just a of Cape Colony, voice is full entirely of name to AM articles comtrig from her form on and. resonant and when anEach here strict as over girl was there. which , to a active newspaper Pen, privilege seldom accorded in debate or oration overtops sisterhood, has some employed Thus large do. to work other nounced the To be women regularly engaged writers She laughmost vocal organs. - Ho Is phlegmatic and that odious seven girls particular wash the dishes In the mornday mDsITbe taken in temperament, cool and calculating glble the applicant ingly savs that It must have come about of organtendency attends tables.onfe two on the wait the ing. to mean that for membership through the poor editor not daring to" Hi' izing Into cliques W to th lamps and so on until each girl lifelong: ambition of Cecil Rhodes, the and possesses magnetic "nerve. take the responsibility of her "stuff must be, . or hat much wife is one of the noted beauties of are We not her. to Expenses has something assigned of the colony, ts on the minister prime within the However that may be, her chatty Snap lowerprevalent. Orthan is generally believed. have a tory pleasant time here. We aro eve of realisation Vhat .thatmbb Cape Clonjr. year, a regular en Shots" and "White City Chips" have dinarily thej run from $175 to $600 a - It, is.nan timrliCIS'lold in ycfy few 'words what 'TVttal Is the ambition of Cecil Rhodes? ..family.,-jolwJUege editorial made her of the claim thousands of readers What has been his dream these years? ' gaged and paid member 4 ear. girts spend fat greater sum ceded that the best and most earnest its realization would mean would The at ft ff of ;i reputable nfvvspaper The daring of th project is worthy of'--Th partieiriav ' mend In pri vate than- - that, but, on the other hand, cases workers the are chaTi a Rhodes is with lis. Cecil They stay columns. life quire committee the she is Mrs W. Lewis Tallman, drtttrmcrtrfglhated in the press master mind that conceive It. It are known where girls under 20 have less wealthy classes, who take life in acler of tremendous weight in the makis the unification of all 'the South Afriof.thc Isabella association, of which wife of a prominent Chicago physi- paid their way through school witht the distinction no earnest live should of he Socially and tf cian. ing history, Miss Mary II Krout was appointed She is chairman of the entertain- out can states and th formation of K" any financial aid. shown The same callers come here tj long enough history will acclaim hint United t hah man Whin It was asceitalned ment committee In the Press league and States of South Africa, the comA woman student nicy live either at invited are to the and as hall, one my has toward go more girls who done Is not ailed the "Ward McAllister" of the the woman's hall or at the woman's cotthat the Iahtdla association was ponent parts being ths Caps Colony, as are tn ol same the out clrrlos autonsociety not tf the disrupting, the Transvaal, the Orange Free State, altogether favorable to the Board of dub. or by special permission may room thetr friends across the street. omy of the British Empire, than any Ratal, Eva Hmdlique is one of the most ver- tage, laidj Managers, to which Miss Krout No matter where a Portuguese East Africa and the with family. domestic privaje to the as When save man. single questioned George Washington, almost numberless native states. Tbe belonged she promptly resigned, and satile writers in the league. She Tan the girls live, all of them are supposed said. Hudson of her Time Mrs. was, not long ago either, when constitution of this proposed republic charges, the rent. under of the committee followed Jump from politics to fashions, from to be under the direct supervision of life T allow the girls their own way as Cecil Rhodes was unknown to fame Is to be that ot our own Hr example It was then decided that prose to poetry, from humor to pathos, That ' must much as possible. Certain rules and still less to fortune. He is his own Is the ambition of Cecil country. an oi ganizatlon of active newspaper and write a dramatic orltl bm as well Rhodes, that needare be obeyed, but the fewer rul s maker, has relied on no mn but him- is the goal for which be la striving and women e formed for mutual aid during as an arth le on art She is Ieg Wofed the better At table, for Instance, self, has used all men as tools and has which be may reach if he llvee another the Wot hi s Fair, and that It should be fington of "Thp Matime Girl In a popdtmot allow any boisterousness, but his beat friend tn himself.. He htt ten years. Cape Colony and Natal are ular afternoon paper, and once a week always interfere as little as possible. fought his way upward from the low- hone too friendly toward the mother Eveijn on fashions, and neatly eveiy Sundays and several days during the est rung of the ladder step hy step, country, and it would not need muoh dv has about two columns on a little of week we hold prayer meetings. This la slowly and gradually, but with a force ever thing without a signature. generally after supper. Sometimes I re- relentless in Its Intensity and tremendGrace DuIIie-Ro- e edits the woman's peat a verse from the scriptures, which ous In Its power. It Is doubtful If page in another old established paper, Is repeated hy the girls. We have pri- there Is another man, excepting the and is another writewof unbounded revate sociable and literary meetings con great Napoleon, who could have accomsources. Her pen irfetures are from tinually, and once In a while we give a plished what the South Afrtean statesgrave to gay, praetieal and mytho-l":-P'aman did. reception to which friend are Invited. the profound enough to read, Some twenty years ago South Africa most earnest and deepest thinker, and Through the kindness of Prof, C. B. Atwell, the registrar, who has collected was In the throes of the diamond fever, again light enough to Interest a child. statements from a number of young and Its population thought diamonds, Hut through all the treasures that come women, the writer gained some Inter- dreamed diamonds, found diamonds, from her pen Is the never falling thread esting Information, "Many of the girls," bought diamonds and tn more than one that always tills you of her own gentle said Prof Atwell, earn good wages by case, stole diamonds. It was "Diaself In private life she is Mrs. Robert typewriting. They get from 20 to 33 monds, diamonds, everywhere, but no Bnylan, the wife of a Jourcents an hour for that. Many of the man Imagined for a moment that the nalist girls procure good homes by taking countrys brightest diamond had at Mis. Luele Van'Nevaf." another care of children. Waiting on table pays about that time set foot upon the soli valued member qf the league, came I for board. I know one girl who earns of brightest Africa. It was when the from the south Just before the World's her room rent by taking care of a stu- diamond craze was reaching Its reshe where Fair, had been the successful dio. There are two girls in school now splendent zenith, when fortune of mil of a publisher paper of her own. The EMILY II. MILLER, Hons were made' and lost tn a day, that World's Fairwasthemagnet whichdrew Cecil Rhodea, a younger son of an Engher to Chicago, and almost before she the principal ef the womans halt. Mrs. lish clergyman, arrived at Capo Town. knew it she was so busily engaged in Emily Huntington Miller. When living Ill health, hla lungs being rather weak, the daily routine of metropolitan press with private families they must sign a liad compelled Rhodes to abandon his work that she has never been able to paper stating that they will conform to MISS EVA BRODLIQUB." at the hall. studies for his prospective profession, tear herself away. She Is one of the the regulations In force buildThe hall is a Urge, three-stor- y Independent of both the Isabella ths pulpit, and he nought the salubrl-ou- s few who write rapidly with pen the Board of Lady Managers, and workers ing. accommodating 110 boarders. Every climate of the Capo in the hope of ink never a and after word and all other organizations, and which It is down. - ' change MRS. CECIL RHODES, girl has her own bedroom, which is tasbeing benefited. Like everybody elae, should be a means of entertainment and to produce a serious and permanent he caught the prevaUlngdlseaseand Mrs. Isabelle O'Keefe was society re- tily furnished and supplied with everya benefit to visiting newspaper women, porter on a thing conducive to comfort. There ara at once plunged Into speculation with rupture. It Is to affect such a state of morning paper for some four both American and during the World's time, two for the girls in genera daring, a skill and a foresight that affairs that Rhodes la now laboring, andr parlors In now busHy engaged' the members of the senior one Fair foreign. This was accomplished writingandls for al, and amastd the gamblers when ha succeeds in this his path will confounded for Catholic several different pipe during the spring of 1891. Miss Krout publications. She is also president of class and one for the faculty. Amusic-rooand and Investors. He did be clear and his road smooth. Then it promoters whs made president; Miss Martha Howe the Catholic Woman' halves and "plunged", in the will no longer be Cecil Rhodesprime Mrs. organ, fifteen pianos and eleven nothing by League. Miss Eva of n at tire Davidson, testify to the musical fullest sense of ths term. In an almost minister of Cape Colony, but President Kate Reed is one of the editors, with secretary; her tvtM cf Brodllque, corresponding Col. Reed, of the Banner the students. Incredibly short time lie amassed sc few Rhodes husband. Mrs. Virginia Lull, recording secretary, of The girls sre kept under very strict millions and then looked about for new Africa. Rhodes has th ambition of an acis a and considered Gold, great Metter-nlcWhen and Mrs. Wakeman, treasurer. o'clock In the morning worlds to conquer. He had made hie Alexander, th diplomacy of a to the club. Miss Vesta Bev dlaelpllne:"AtY a be at the and Grant house of the the must the organization was perfected a plan quisition in determination every a girl Diamond-is Chicago correspondent for headquarters at Kimberley, sucof work was Immediately outlined, erlnghaua After breakfast they polls, and before long began a series the luck of a Rosebery. WUI he anan Atlanta paper. Mrs. J. Harrison breakfast table.o'clock recitation at the t which was carried out successfully. of financial operations that equal ths ceed? Will he fall? Only tlms can White, another beautiful woman, edits pass to their where Prior to the opening of the World's the they generally remoBt daring schemes of the late Jay swer the question. university, ; the of National woman's department main during the morning hours. At 12.30 Fair a movement was begun to make Gould. He needed lieutenants and be auxo'clock comes lunch, and ( oclock Is the the league an official organization Women at chose them well. Ills first selection was y' life, delightSport, supper hour.. The literary side of the iliary to the Board of Lady Managers. Out-doin action, the Barney Barnato, an even at is not While entertaining perfectly friendly natures neglected girls' contortionist, who had gone to the .Spirit of sport, have taken hold of and loyal sentiments toward the boart" . this happy hour of the day, for two speCape and had by Intuitive shrewdness American womanhood. Girls of strong which she also represented. Miss Krout cial fables In separate rooms have been made some twenty million dollar Ills physique, erect carriage and energetic in tbe advanced the HUDSON, E. MRS. for J. strenuously opposed this plan, arguing pupils provided second selection was Henry J. Ring, a spirit, delighting In tennis, riding, boatthat a newspaper organization should German and French departments. Tbe who are teaching night school at a sal- former resident of New York. and then ing, walking, are now ths rule; ths have no affiliation with any other body; French table Is presided over by Prof. ts m excepof $40 & month. A great many of the chairman of ths Kimberley Stock feeble, ary as as the well reports chairIts is 'that attitude, Wheeler, while Prof. Freeman the girls are or have been teachers. exchange. With these wo and a few tion; and the result 1 a tall, vigorous taand writings of its individual members, these man of the German girls. At Borne of them find their way into pleas- assistants Rhodea proceeded to buUd race, wtth free steps and cheeks aglow must be given to the public perfectly bles nothing but German and French is ant homes by .teaching the children of up th most gigantic monopoly In ex- with the ruddy color of physl.csl health same attl the held unbiased. She has spoken, and any one caught talking the family, istence. He amalgamated the D and energy. Walk along the avenues 'i wom-jiof federation tude as regards the English la fined. When the fines have LULU MOTT. Beers shut down all the mines of any large city at ths fashlonabla mines, xrlubs, in all of which the majority accumulated to an appreciable sum a savs Beers the De and hy restricting hours, and ths procession of bright, concurred of the league have fully feast is spread. stones of succeeded in doub- animated girlhood which passes befors the howIN BENEVOLENCE NEBRASKA output Miss Krout with the league was, On certain evenings of the week callin a' year. ones eyes give .ample proof of sumdiamonds of ths concesling price ever. willing to make certain , ers are allowed. The calling hour Is mer activity. All over ths country, In of th the shares Consequence Lenders Bobbing tha Battering sions: First, that in case the Teague from 7 to J. When a young gentleman Beers were doubled In where there are men and imin-- y In--to De worked with the Board of Lady Manmust he himself for admission see. f Pitts th presents value and Rhodes was chriztened th start s club and create a Sporting " first show his card to ths chaperon In agers the officers, constitution, and byWhile th good people of the states Diamond Then came the dis- terest.the women also have their share laws should not be changed, and that remain then he until! may charge. and East and South are sending train covery of King. in the Witwatersrand of advantages, and In not a few cases gold no new member should be. proposed for no o'clock, hut longer. Friday nights loads pf Neto in the sufferer district In Transvaal the supplies republic, some their fair share also of the work of set under not was who eUglble callers are allowed to stay later, and of membership of $00 miles and ting ths organisations on foot 'There north our and with Kimberley, braska, heartsthrob rule rules the particularly the existing that privilege free use is always made. are few country clubs, hunting clubs, A clever Rhodes Co,r a by of manipulation, disIn staff our men for on the writer a of being paid fellqw All the lights in the house must be out sympathy tennis clubs or other sporting clubs and soon the probecame was organisers This agreement at 10.30 p. m., and except on nights tress. tho benevolent money lenders moters of over 100 reputable paper. comthroughout the union which have not mining gold Press and the League before examination this rule Is also of Nebraska are dancing the devil's naturally declined, a lady membership. of MRS. unearthed mlHlons TERESA DEAN TALLMAN. pounds main panies, of Lady Managers and the Board strictly enforced. Dancing parties are breakdown upon the wreck: flowing Into the coffers of the combine. . tained its independence which it has Review. Miss Meta Wellers lS special not looked upon with favor and trips to The hankers and money lender are Girts Who Carr Is Wood. done evef since. 'Miss Krout was also correspondent for several educational Chicago theaters are not allowed except foreclosing their mortgages upon stock, and receives a stated salary on Misses Bwsnn aro three LouisThe and occasions then ,made chairman of the Woman's Branch journals, only special from three. Miss Katherine Prlndlvllle when farms. homes and household furniture, who have made a success as ville girls 'of the Press Congress, the committee sre formed and proper parties of has charge of the social columns of a carvers of choice furniand made women children out and up men, almost exclusively turning designers been .Speakhave being appointed. morning paper, and is one of the most chaperons ture. In 1880 Miss Laura Swann made Into the bitter cold of winter, and even - members of the Press League.the on this subject, Mrs. Miller said: ing women in a the league, being a cedar chest and sold it for $35. Miss Hague popular During the World's Fair that we have any right seizing tbe supplies furnished the woman incapable of narrow prejudice. . I do not see from to ;h Josle tried her hand on the wardrobe, candance ,, , gave stveral brilliant receptions, debts which keep attending girls i starving upon they which was sold for $40. The third sister and another at tne long as we have Written not pay. viiting journalists, riteand' has charge of the art I or theater so counte-columsuite, congress, whkn ns deigned and executed a thetr from parents gtatement, opening of the Press of an afternoon paper. Mra Shylock Is closing out the stores, which was quickly told for $215. The was followed by one to the American amusements. theBe 0f form, naBclBg father then fitted up a shop for the-, women correspondents, and another, H. Effa Webster is another versatile However, we shall not allow any dan- robbing the farmers of all they have girls. They prepare work onljr on orstill more notable, to the foreign women- writer whose name appears dally in an cing here in the h&U or elsewhere In the to make another crop, and feasting like ders, and seek onljr the best trade. No In Chicago during that memorable sum- afternoon paper. Mrs. Jean Waldron Is name of the Institution, when we know a ghoul upon the murdered bodies of " a special writer with rare beauty of that a duplications 'are permitted. The dewho victims. of the bis people majority large thought am well as - face. Victoria send their signs, the construction, the carving, the university era to children conGod A for men to and sight Adams composes music as well as verse, oppose to IL W have in our own pri--. are all done by the sisters. Wealthy and at the coming reception of the vate circle weekly literary meetings; template, families in nearly ail the --eastern . The greedy cormorants Insist upon league her Spirit of 96." dedicated to. musicals and similar entertainments, cities hsvs their work. Secretary Carwill be where the the last cent, and grant no mercy. The Continental Guards, lisle and Senator Blackburn. Starlit, meet a and have pleasgirls It Is discouraging to those who the New York boat magnate, and many played. ant time.' J. H. MEAD. others have specimens In the shape of On the subject of expenses Mrs. Miller would help the sufferers. tables, chairs, sideboards, to ot stands band of robbers cost A not is said: The ready great living Tha Advantage of tba VtheaL stands, hat racks and bed and parlor even the ...pittance that charity grab tulles. The value of fhe wheel as a meant of sends to the helpless. exercise la highly spoken pf by all peryr Tbs railroads will not haul supplies, sons who have used It Judiciously. In f Maoy Ideas, A Womaa .j to 8tate the tbe agents by appointed an exhanstive examination of men who distribute relief are many of them La Favre. the woman of many Carries had bepn riding for varying periods of CECIL RHODES. thieves, and a tangle of "red tape ideas, who never eat meat or Vege- -, years, it was found that the man who About thls time th dormant poIU-e- al tables that grow beneath the ground, cause worthy men and thetr families did not race or overtax himself unduly instincts began to assert themselves whose costumes cost half nothing and to starve while elevators and coal bins was, in every case, benefited, and in no at th next election 'Rhode wa sr models of grace and loveliness, and food and fuel, and are with gorged Instance had he suffered any Injury It ts a sickening spectacle. chosen to represent Kimberley In the who deUvers lectures on health and It has been claimed that the bicycle deCape parliament, Barnato representing beauty, Is a slim little woman with velops the leg muscle only, but this Barkley West, an adjoining district sharp features and a cold voice, which Fnany How Dollars Bomala at Par. la a great error, as good riders those When he assumed his seat the Afrikan- is the reverse of sympathetic. ,Her 1879 on an 448,000,000 raised extent the farmers motions the In who depend to are all ecru and soft browns to party was in conder, or are of wheat and got $497,000,000 or Tor members at once match her hair, which la golden, and bushels its thetr and the equilibrium of body trol affairs, 7 measfound to hsva increased in chest for It. In 1893 they raised 896,000,000 went to work to demolish Rhodea But herakin, which Is pink and white. 8he bushels and got only $213,000,000 for it the latter concluded that he did not car has no patience with people who have ure, and the entire muscular system f WOMAN'S HALL, EVANSTON. MISS LUCIE VON NEVAR., developed. In cases Very few of the In other words, for twice as much wheat to be demolished, and before a year had bad teeth, bad complexions or any sre in ner. From a membership of six the was harmoniously way any girls In 1893 they got less than half the passed had the Afrikanders worshiping fault of figure. names where spinal curvatures and some other extravagant! One nice registers fifty-fiv- e evening league to this cause money of 1879. Funny how dollars re- at hts shrine, while the progressive Engmost of names of women writers living in of the disease Itattributed dress will them, satisfy was learned that these and while we have the children of at par all the time! Coming lish element simply Idolized him. This on Were present. New TVomaa of a New Type. fnany main Chicago and suburbs and engaged sudden change of front was due to the papers persons had been In the habit of leaning , wealthy parents here extravagant ward- the staffs of the dally and weeklyon was IrrevoMiss Glider, the editor of the Critic, tn to order Rhodes forward fact that much, up get out very simple not found. t am happy to Bota and as Chicago correspondents to government fro.n Is a new woman of decidedly a new , opposed they termed it it being a the uUtr abnce of cianniBhne on the cably speed, side publications. Strietly Baals. woman's suffrage, street In London. He said in type. She Is down onman this Is necessary in Miss Mary H. Krout. of the Inter popular Idea thatthe part of my girls. We have girls from Traction Official No use talking. We Downing and makes a be, for one, would but works like a that for needed to power as acquire English 1 a order plain -' political stations of but afford Widely can't kpown fenders for ouctroldifferent to Ocean. llfp here, very buy Whatever comes up (hat no be governed by men who knew ab- splendid living by her editorial work, not motion. ' most her cars. caste writer. ' The of is distinction made. , Perhaps and special ley country' needs outside articles and reviews, as well as her Is new ts certain to meet with opposition sororities are sources of a little expense Inventor But, stop. Just figure oq It solutely nothing of .thewere a and 12.000 some Important work of late has been writing syndicate managing who but It is a hopeful sign to many of the girls, but 1 do not believe a little. and desire and articles editorial anjl special on af- and criticism, trenchant atorles. She wears clipped "Figure on It? You have already said miles sway vegetating tn the moldy.and Through of the times that the prejudice against that any great outlay is required to be- that fairs in fhe Sandwich Islands. was hair, coat, vest and necktie, long ulster of the British for$10,000. cost fenders the would wheel and is fast atmosphere is It musty the disappearing, she one them. of kept long to and when the fancy seizes her s derby so. But they will last for fifty private correspondence "Just phenomenal the office. Then began looked best medical ths now by eign upon In troubles famthe to live well posted In retard 'Many of the girls Now take your pencil and paper career of Cecil Rhodes. He was mads or a soft slouch haL 8 he believes In private years. on as of students the and men health corth first ilies in and reduce expense by rooming and see how much you will spend brewing, and was about of the Colony, and Sir bloomers, street dress reform, but not desirable means for symmetrical pairs. Some cook their own meals or. In fifty years just wages for men to wash the prime minister novels. respondent to reach the scenes after the most healthful former governor of New In morbid; a Loch, of Henry ths entire off development the wheels, not counting the manage to obtain free board by other blood rebellion became open warfare. Twice and New un. York Weekly. means."' The" university affords soap." ahe has been to the Islands, the second j muscular system. WOMEN OF BRITISH WITH TIIEHiESS. eomman-der-ln-chl- ef , . . - North-WMte- d, rz N(wir -- pub-Ires- , -- l. well-know- n 1 -- h, or ed Ut I -- ns - six-pie- bric-a-br- cos-tum- ea anti-foreig- to-d- - 1 .. ( |