Show I I I WOMEN OI THE PHESS I CMICAOO LAI > IDS WHO ARC r FAMOUS AS WRITERS 1 they II o tlrinnld a lene of Ap Ill e eptet kProTh Italy Orianlisllon ft lli tiled In lb I lied I tlnlTheir > ecliillles i f Chicago Correspondence f 7lrJ HI CIIICA00 1 lrewm league k I l mid I to lie the only f m O organization In the + b t I country thntlscom i toed entirely of j nethe neN mpnPer fI 1 M wt men TII Ie eli 1J Klble the applicant for membership r must be or have I 1 been within the yeah n regular engaged en-gaged unit imM member of the editorial lair iif a reputable newswper The league originated In the prone committee I of time lahelht association nt which I Alin Mary II Krout was appointed chairman When It wee ascertained Hint the Inabell oclallim wan not Hltmrelhor favorable to the lloanl of Icily Minmier to which MlM Kn > ut tielittigfd she prompt renlgned and the remainder of the committee followed her example 1 It was then dm hied Hint HII ontnnlutlnn of Retire newspaperwomen newspaper-women I c funned fur mutual aid during the Wllrlrl ii Pole and that II should U J lit a i l I I I II I I j1 2 2 f Ifr V k I I t If r MIPS KVA imonLIQtli tnitcndcnt nf bolts the Isaliclla nc It II r Jmclathin the Hoard of Ijidy Manager nnil all other nrganliatlon min 1 which nhould I l > n mean of entertainment moth 10 r rl tl II n Iwneflt to liltlnit newspaper women iKith American nnddurlng the Vorlrt Inlr foreign Thl was accomplished m during the spring of 1S3 tithe Krout will Hindi precldcnl Mini Mnrthn Mown Davidson ticeprrsldent alter Hta llrodllquc corresponding secretary v tin Virginia Lull recording secretary niul Mm Wnkoman treasurer When the organisation wan perfected n plan of work win Immediately outlined which wan carried out uccissfully Thor tu the opening of the World Tulr n movement wax begun to make the league nn olllclal organisation nux Illury lo his Hoard of Lady Manager 1 While entertaining perfectly friendly lojal sentiment tonanl the boon I which the also represented Miss Krout strenuously l opposed thin plan arguing that n newspaper organliall should Inn e io amilatlon with any oilier body that It attitude an will n the reports nnd writing of Iti individual members must be I given to the public perfectly unbiased Jho hail held I the amo attitude atti-tude l an regard the federation of wom irnH clulxi In nil of which tho majority of the league hate fully concurred Allen Knmt with thin league wa however how-ever willing to mako certain coneen Ion Klmt that In cane the league worked with the Hoard of Lady Man niters the oHlcer coiutltullon and bylaw by-law should not bo changed and that no new member should be proimscd for membership who wa not eligible under the Miming rulaIh rule particular l of being a paid writer on the itaff of n reputable pu > er Thin agreement ova naturally declinedand the lrea League and the lloanl of Lady ManuRer maintained main-tained It Independence which It hat olono ever lncc All Krout was rUo made chairman of the Woman llranch of limo frees ConRrem the commltrie being almoit exclusivity made up of member of the Irem League Uiirlni m the Wotlda late the l + Jiu rm meral brllllint rscepllonj lo fn tlelttug l Journnllm and another at too openini of the 1rMn conKren nlu > n wet followed by one to lime American women orrepondint and another mill more nntable to tho foreign women In Clikaco during that memorable um AIM III I Wf Y 1 r 1 01 i Mji > x d f I 1 t r F l l I MISS IVCIR VON NKVAU met Irom A membership of six tho league to day renlten fiftylive name name of women writer living In Chicago and suburb and enRaged an the starts of tho dally and weekly pupor and a Chicago correspondent on outride out-ride publlentlon MM Mary II Krout of the Inter Ocean Is I widely known a a political and icclal writer Verbal her mot Important work of late has been her article editorial and ipeclal on affair fair In the Sandwich land Through pronto corrnpondenco she wa kept wcll pouted In regard to the trouble brewing and wa about the licit correspondent cor-respondent reach the Paine after the rebellion became open warfare Twlco alit has been to the Islands tho second i lime making an extended tear and from there to Australia traveling 17 9W mile In all and glennlng Important Information I In-formation from every mint Mr Laurn Dayton KrvMnden la I tel her known possibly In the east lie a correspondent than In the wet having been on the Man of one New York later for several > ear she is I editing ala the woman page of the Norlh Hint New and la I at present the cor rwpondlng secretary nf UK league Mm Iemenden patwr which wno read before tin While City rlnb recently In tlefene of Ftnrenee MahrloklheAmr lean woman in an Kngllsh prison line keen received very fatornbl and it I llng reproduced In many different pub Mention Teresa Dean I one of the het known writer In Chicago she hating had from the fleet the ptlvliege I of signing hir name to all article coming from her pen R privlleit seldom arvonled to regularly engaged wilier Clue laughIngly laugh-Ingly Pump that u matt lure conic ubnvit through the K > or editor not daring to lake the re ponllilllt nf her stuff However that leap ln liner chat snap Hhiili and kkhlle City Chip have made thousands nt render claim her a Ihelr particular friend In private life she I Airs W Lewi Tallman the wife of n prominent Chicago phsi clan Cite I chairman nf the entertain ment committee In lime lire league and I allo1 the Wanl McAllister nf the dub dubv lcn llniilllquo It I one nf the mast ter alit writer In the league the can Jump from 1lll1ro tn fashions from rune In IHMID from humor to p tlin and write a dramatic crllllm ae well ns nn article on art Hlw I IVK Wof flngton of The Mtlne Hlrl In n imp ular aflernoun taper and once H wiek Kteln nn fashion and neatly iviry day inn almut tnncnliimn nn n little of MerylhliiR without n signature flrnce DuineUue edits the woman page In another old established 11 rand r-and is I another writer of unbounded resources re-sources Her ten 1 ileturr are from grave lo goy practical and intho Ingloal profound enough to antis tin nsnt mrnnt and deeiMst thinker and again light enough In Interest n iblld Hut through all the treasure that como from tier ten la I the never falling thread that nil 0 > tell you of her own gentle self In private nn she Is I Mr Itolnrt Hnylan the wife of n well known Jour nails Mr Iucle Von Near another valued memlier of the lonRue came from the pouch Just l fore the World lolr where she had lava the successful puLlUhe r o t u n v a Paper of her own Tlio Worl I I alrwaMhcmaRiict whlchdrew I her to ChleaRo and ulnxxt bvfore pie knew It I she WIK N > busily eniniRe < l III the dolly roullnc of metrupolltan tryst work that the hiss never been able to tear Item If away Hho I one of the few worker who write rapidly with i > en and Ink and never chango n wont after It I down Mr Innbelle OKeefo wn oclety reporter re-porter on n mornlnR paper 1 for tome time and I now busily eiiRORed In writing for met ernl dirfrrint Catholic publication Hue I alo president of the Catholic Woman League Mr Kate Itcctl Is I one of tho editor with her hunbund Col Itted of the Ilanner of auld and I considered n great ac qulslllon to the club Alt Vesta Bow erlnRhau is I Chicago corre pondcnt for an Atlanta peter Mr J Harrison White another beautiful woman edit the woman department of the National 1 1 ya liI a l 1 r y t 9 e Mrw rniiRSA DRAN TALLMAN Ilcvlew Mis Meta Weller I ivcla1 correipondent for several educational Journal and reerlven a tinted salary from three Altos Katherlno 1rlndlvlllo hn charge of tho social column of n morning paper P and 1 w one of the most popular women In limo leaRue being a woman Incapable 01 narrow prejudice Alit Isabella McDaugall is I artist its well n writer and hno charge nf the art column of nn afle noon paper Mr II I irfa Webster I1 I another versatile writer whoso name appears dally In an afternoon paper Airs Jean Waldron Is I n special writer with rate beauty of thouRht na well as face Victoria Adam compose muslo a well as verse and al the coming reception of the league her illicit of 04 dedicated to The Continental blind will b < played J II MLAD |