Show I UTAH SILVER OOINO WEST I la In rntrd cur Ct pert I 1In nil 1 hl I llfrjH Thin territory U I nt now seeding airrmldral nf > IUer bullion tot I S to-t an Krjnitoi fur export tit China and Jupnn fur the ration that holler prhee err geld titer Ilimi by I the rumeni u irrtre l The UntKilo and Dtly late been ililiilns weal for ma 101 Ito Add llhe lntlllutt alto take lit traure w aur1 Several other Utah ihlj > nri ok iiMloin market fur thvlr tllvr Ottlil new niovii the bon Franciwn ChIIIe1 eye nilerlemn iiinnlMniiiilcldrtrlpiiiii mid JafMii from ihliiiountrv side limn It did I it yur ago Tho product ol I thus nilxu ul Culurndo halt and New Mfxlni HA fiirmerly fii to the Urlvnl lt tllr ruunilAUiiii muti > bit now II ruiim in tItle UI mid from inU rt Slit in Hi 1lnIIO ilvullnntloit Itt It-t fni rmlini queer bat llvir frmn Ihiin did 1 JnMii rhonld until lately MII from thl eltl ol Die ii 1 > ki I > < fork thtrrto ljiiiln I > ute iii > ntlv Hi llm OliiMlta lwrtt I lit way i > l the 1 Inea mnul loll hat i > Ihe I nniii > OTer Rich II ha lrenhlppl l 1 dii oOltiT uf ilmSelliy luvlllliK coin pnO 1 etsI I ururley Aoin tin iildillM iif InI year furs f run i 1fIIll snd V1 t Lyrae 1 lo mitt lnit IIIMICIIHJJ I he mill Illein HIIIII lur liini > nt lot hin anilJiiuin li I I lute hiiv now bt < ciiipetlii ex tee ter > pity a Iwlier I print I fur It her than these wniild In few York they eon porch it IIIUIHquickly when Illixut to llu > iiiy and IIIUH II 1 rrwt + h Japan ur humus mum entity Ihan by thlpfiln It stn Ixuilon uiul Ihu Suet 1111111 Whin the guv rnnient wu buying turn thug pm I I i duet ul llui Colorud Utah and sea Mexico lillnn w at sent nol IM > CAII < it iiuntl it price iouM bo obtahuil lur It I there ai her The naimalrflrend ol lade win towitrd theeuit mul eiprvti ritnrfte tu Iho out err lower thud lo thin city Vliy 1 the dlKrlmlnullon In nclinrirci ii2nlnit fun 1nnclno hoiiM eslil 10 not know NoUltli alaiiillnii It the price paid lime now It to itmcli letter than In Nnw York tlut thus bullion comet lo thlirlty Ai a cuiiiviUenie slur bullion hue hem ciiinlit horn to be rellntil lately more men arc employed and inure urid and other matvtUli contained Nimo ol the silver which ciimit now Ira the i place inentlonrd I li In bun ready for export Tlio huilnrit Iroin Utah and New Mexico which wo me netting U I almott entirely new to in Uu had tome from New Metlcu before I I but ery little |