Show wrjJ JlIUi STUDENTS PRETTY MISSCS WHO IMPROVE THEII1 MINDS Unullo of the llllj lire al Inrh I weleen tnhI1Th Atle st Ihs lntlsgs anal Ilnw They hoar the Ieue iCvanaton 1111 Cnr liondence t UK OIIILH TIt T-It I YULJ Northwestern Unl verslt lend A very I pleasant lite poela j I1 1 tlllly without l overIndulgence 1 1 Indulgence III w I clely la I the mono i i The iimeii ntu dent form one large 1I rhl and that ndlou lendrni of organ ting Inlo ell roues Is I not pittalent Kxpenum are much lower than le I grn < rally l > elleve < l Or dllinllb they run from 11Th to KW II tear Home girl spend far greater sums than that hut on the other hand case are known where girl under 10 have paid their way through UK Reboot without with-out any financial aidA aid-A woman sludent team live either at Ilme womans hall or at the woman cottage I cot-tage or by I uperlal ixrmlwlon oust room with a private family No matter where I tin girl his e all or tin in are > uppnrd to be under the direct ulrvlololl of I ff 1l Ir i t yy tk I RMILYH MlLInit the principal of the woman hall Mrs Cmllj Hunllngton Milter When living with private famllle they must lgn A l > ap < r stnllnit that they will conform to the rcRitlatlon In force at the hall The hall In I n InrRe threestory buildIng build-Ing accommodating boarders 1 vcr Y girl hnc her own bedroom which Iw I lam Illy furnished and supplied with everything every-thing conduce are four parlor tnn for the girl In general gener-al one for the member of time senior chat and one for the faculty A Ill 1 ie eleven must organ fifteen piano nnd eleven music room testify to the musical nature of the students TIm Rlrl are kept under very strict discipline At 7 oclock In the morning every girl In the house must Iw at the hnakfasl table After breakfat they pan to their I oclock recitation at the university where they generally remain re-main during morning hour At 1ZJO oclock come lunch and 8 clock Is I the nupper hour The literary tide of the girl nature 1s I not mgccle even at hilt happy hour 01 the day far two rpm clnl table In separate room hero been provided for the advanced pupil In the German and French departments The Trench table Is I presided over by Irnf Wheeler while 1rof Krreman is I chairman chair-man of the German girl At these table ta-ble nothing but lerman and Krench I spoken and any one caught talking English I fined When the fine have accumulated to an appreciable sum a feast I rinad On certain etuilng of the week call en are allowed The calling hour 1s I from 7 to I When a young gentleman presents himself for admission he must first phew his card In the chaperon In charge and he may then remain until g oclock but no longer Friday nights caller are allowed to lay later and of that privilege free use I always made All limo light In the house must ho out at 10 JO p m and except on night I before examination this rule Is I also strictly enforced Dancing partle are not looked upon with favor and trip to Chicago thcatiii aro not allotted except on rpcctal occasions and then only when partle are formeil and proper chaperon havo been appointed flpeak InK on this subject Mr Miller said I do not are that we havo any right to keep girls from attending dance or theater so long a a we have written statements from their parent countenancing counte-nancing these form of amusements However wo shall not allow any dancing dan-cing hero In tho hall or ilsewhero In tho name of tho Institution when wo know that n large majority of the people who send their children to the university are oppose to It We have In our own prl late l-ate circle weekly literary meetings musicals and similar entertainment where the girl meet and have a pleasant pleas-ant time On tho subject of expense Mr Miller raid The cost of living Is I not great 1 > WOMAN HAIU KVANSTON Very few of the girl are In any way extravagant One nice evening dress will satisfy most of them and while we have tho children of many wealthy parent hero extravagant ward robe are not found I am happy to note the utter absence of donnishness on the part of my girls We lions girl from very different stations of life here but no distinction of caile la I made The sororlllea are sources of n little expense to manyof the girl but I do not believe that any great outlay la required to be hoof to one of them Many of the girls live In private font Ilk and reduce expense by rooming In pair Home cook their own meal or manage to obtain free board by other means The university affords un I f I equaled adtantacm to n limited number of girl at the woman collage where the girt miner their expense In n minimum by doing their awn housework house-work The woman cottage Is supported by the Woman Piluelloiml Aid society It I Just rni the street from tie hall Rh1 I Icing In Mr Miller domain do-main but la under the direct guliUnc of a mtrnMr R J lludsvn nflt two Klrl lite St the cot tn ire All the rough work such as scrubbing and washing M done by two hired Klrl but the sweeiln dally car of rooms and waiting on the table is I all attended In by the girl Ihemkelte Thl take only I afoul Rn hour work n day and It mare of w mntlon than a task Mr 1 Hudson hno a twrfect system In hr l little household Chic mid The girl heir rout rm In the Mine rule xw they do nt the hall Their hour ap Jut n slrlit hen a over there Ituch Rlrl Icon some partliulur work to In Thin seven girls wash the dlshc In the morning morn-ing two t > sit on the tables one attend tn the In mill and no nn unlll each Klrl lion something nlgne In her We hate n vry pleasant here We an > Just like oiu large famll It Is I conceded con-ceded that the lest and matt earnwt workers stay with ua Tly are the lees I wi thy ilnM 1 who lake life In I rarnenl Socially no distinction it I shown The same caller come bent at Ito In the hill and my gurus are Invited out In the name circle nf norlely is are > their friends urou lie street When < iusil > nrd as tn the domesllo life nf tier charge Mr Hudson MidI Mid-I allow the girl their own way no much n hanalhle Certain rules must be I olwyod hall the fewer rills are need rd the belter At table fur Instance I do not allow any botstirowin but always Interfere ut little as polble Hundajs and Mteral days duilng the week we hold prater meeting Thl 1i I generally after sup > er Homrtlme I repent re-pent n verse from this crlplim which Ic I bleated by the girl We Iwvo private pri-vate sociable and library meeting con tlnuall and once In n while wo give n reception In vvhlih friends are Invlled Through the kindness of Irof C II Atwell the registrar who ha collected statements fnn n number of oung women the writer mined ume Inter Mtlng Information Many of the girls said Irof Atwell earn Rood wage by typewriting They gel from III In 16 cent nn hour for that Man of the girls procure gnnd home by taking care of children Walling on table harps for board I know one Url who earn I her room rent by taking care of n studio stu-dio There are two girt I In school nay j c y I 11 r I melt 1 MHH iJ HUDSON who lire teaching nlnht school at a salary sal-ary of Its a month A great many of the girl are or liars been Irncher Home oe them nnd their way Into pleasant pleas-ant home by teaching the ihlldren of the family LULU MOTT |