Show FUNERAL OF JOHN JAQUES I SERVICES IN THE TWELFTH WARD ASSEMBLYROOMS I I The Spacious Building Filled to OverflowIngPleasing Decorations Burial in City Cemetery John Jaques assistant church his torlan was fold l to real In the City I cemetery yesterday afternoon The services I ser-vices Preceding were hold In the I I S Twelfth ward assemblyrooms beginning I i begin-ning at 12 oclock and the spacious I building was filled to overflowing I Aiming the prominent people of the I church present were President George I Q Cannon President Angus M Can I non Apostle John Henry Smith Charles W Pen rose Bishop Whitney Bishop Roinuey Bishop Clawson A M I Musscr and others The music was very sweet and was I furnished by a quartiHle composed of Sam Donelson Waiter Pyper Mrs Donolson and Miss Elma YounG The ball was tastefully and pleasingly I pleasing-ly decorated In green and white and I there was a notable absence of the uqual emblems of mourning aside frontS S I I ff i I 7 1 c I I Zt3vA 5 I I I S John Jaqucs the faces of HIP relatives and friends who sensed whkt they had lost In the departing of the deceased Bishop 71 B Clawson presided and the opening prayer was offered by Bishop TSomnpy Short speeches wero then made InS In-S W Richards an oldtime friend and acquaintance of t > e deceased Angus M Cannon George Homuey with whom the deceased worked as a carpenter car-penter soon after his arrival in this valley A M Musser whose long assocIation as-sociation with him in the historians office riualjjled him to speak of the man as he found him and whom he said was always loyal and true to his friends and Just to all inunlcind Joseph Jo-seph F Smith whose position as an apostle of the church had brought them Into almost dally contact for nearly a lifetime Charles W Penrose who had labored with him for a longtime long-time anil who was thus enabled to tell of his virtues as a man of Integrity Industry and honor and George Q Cannon who had for years had erIn er-In Innate business and other relations with him All of these uttered sentiments senti-ments that impressed those who heard them with having come from the heart Among the audience was a neighbor of the Jaques family who had lived thero for years This man paid as great a tribute to the deceased as any of the speakers when at the close of the services he said to a group of people peo-ple standing near John and I never did agieo In a religious way and he and I have had many friendly debates in the years gone by and while he was positive and pronounced In his own views and would defend them If necessary nec-essary at the peril of his life he always al-ways had the most supreme respect for the v hews of others I have lost a good neighbor The cortege was a long one The pallbearers pall-bearers were six stalwart sons of the deceased |