Show S 1 1900 THE DAILY TRIBUNE SALT IRAKS CITY UTAH MONDAY 8 ic fiailif 4 ISSUED EVERY MORNING METEOROLOGICAL REPORT Record at Local Office of yesterdays the Weather Bureau I Salt Lake Clly Itah Juno 3 lOCp minimum Maximum ifinperaiiire SI reg I11 temperature BC dcg n ean temperature mum ture 70 deg which Jb 7 deg aboo tno normal Accumulatea excess of temperature sluca the 1st of tho month 31 dog Accumulated excess of temperature liilnce January IB 5W dcg 1 Total precipitation from G p m to e ijicli p 311 Accumulated detlclcncy of precipitation Elncc let of month 12 Inch Accumulated deficiency of precipitation ahiQC January 1st 33S Inches LOCAL FORECASTFOR TODAY Fair weather stationary temperature L it MURDOCU Section DirectOr |