Show SPARKS FROM THE WIRES John Clark Rldpath the historian Is progressing danger favorably but Is not out of Peter Frank a sistccnycarold boy wan shot md fatally Wounded In a riot In St Louis yesterday Gov Roosevelt bias signed the Nceley extradition papers and they were forwarded for-warded to Washington lost night Gen Gomez I IP expected to arrive In Havana Ha-vana early today and preparations havo been made to receive him with all honors President McKInley has cabled congratulations con-gratulations to Prince Albert of Bclfrfum on his engagement to the daughter oC tho Duko ot Bavarlu Henrietta Cr man produced her new play Mistress Nell which Is the story pf Nell Gwyn at the Tabor Grand Den vqr last night and scored one of the biggest hits eer seen In Denver I there rare no farther smallpoxdevel opments on lie tranSqwrt Meade Gem K S Otis and other cubln pa senKcrp will bo released frqm quarantine this morn IlS Now York police at an early hour this inoniiiir chased four 1musebreakers over the rpof tops In the One Hundred and Third street eat fhlo tenement district with disastrous results Two of the thieves ot fell from n thirdstory one was killed another found uneonwious a third was cjnpturcd and tho fourth cseaped 2liu orsunlzallQiv affthaidvlaory coun cU OH tho NatlonaLiClvIo Federation was completed and announced In Chicago yesterday yes-terday The organization has promoted four national coniorcncox on the subjects respectively ot Industrial arbitration municipal retorm policy of the United States and combinations and trusts I |