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Show Time!- - Om of Um Principal DlRM ancf AdruUN of . fbi The Pen PREPARE FOR WINTER WHEAT Grain Farmers Plow Immediately After Barley or Oata Is Harvested Prevent Evaporation. A ThatBie Men Use" ELECTRIC LIGHT Oata and barley Btubble land intended for winter grain and to be seeded to grass should be plowed early and harrowed soon after plowing. so the ground can settle. Heavy land should be plowed with three horses. We nse the sulky plow, set to cut an even furrow and w good depth. Harrow and roll before the plowed ground dries out. A fine, mellow top soil will prevent evaporation of moisture and it can be put in nice order for drilling with a second or third working with the spring-tootbarrow and roller, says a writer in the Baltimore American. Land plowed lust before sowing is too spongy; it should be plowed at least two weeks before the train is drilled. Expert grain farmers plow immediately after the barley or oata la harvested and then harrow and roll. When oats or barley precede a crop of winter wheat the land Is much dryer than a properly managed summer fallow, and if the season should be dry and hot it is difficult to get such land mellow and moist enough for germination of grain, fit barnyard manure is to be spread over the field it will pay to hire a spreader for the manure can he spread so much better, aa the spreader cuts the manure fine and spreads an even and a regular coat over the entire ground. Two active men with a spreader will haul and spread a large pile of manure in a day. The regular price for the use of a spreader Is 50 centa per day. If a spreader cannot be had, haul and spread direct from wagon or cart. The manure spread one day should be harrowed into the ground the next; there is no loss of plant food from the manure drying out from action of sun and wind. Spread 12 e wagon loads of rooted manure and drill the gain in with 250 pounds of a good animal bone fertilizer to the acre. The manure and fertilizer will give a larger yield of grain and a better quality of straw than either manure or fertilizer used alone. IN DENMARK Every Town in That Country of Over Has 5,000 Population Public 8ervlce. According to recent Information about the progress of electric light and power Industries in Denmark, it appears that all the towns of 5,000 inhabitants and over are now provid-ewith public electric service, says the Scientific American. As to towna d h having between 5,000 and 3,000 inhab- itants, there are only three in which electric mains are not installed so that it will be seen that Denmark la one of the most progressive countries in this respect. The largest sized electric etatlone are to be found at Copenhagen and at present there are three large plants in operation giving a total of 27.000 horse power. Current la supplied for the city mains, as well as for the tramway lines. As regards the Danish stations in small towns, in general each town has its own plant, and there is but one example of an intercommunal This is at Skovshoved, near Copenhagen, and the central station extends Its power lines over all the suburban regions, also supplying the tiiways of Hellerup and Klampsnbuig. In most of the town electric stations the Diesel heavy oil engine is used. eight-year-ol- Brooklyn Man, the Sufferer, Sends Head to Pasteur Institute, Fearing Rabies. By J. W. BITES 0, d Whether a fish can have hydrophobia la a question that Fred lienry of Hancock street, Brooklyn, would like to have settled, and (or that reason he Las sent to the Pasteur Institute lu New York the head of a pickerel that hit him at Swarts-woolake receuily, soys a Newton (N. of tho New York J.j etrreKkpmlent small-seede- d Press. Henry was fishing lu a boat that w'as a trifle leaky and be took off his shoes and socks. His first catch was a pickerel weighing three pounds. When he yanked the fish It flopped around in the bottom of the bout lu a lively fashion. As Henry was baiting up again he felt a sharp pain lu onu of his feet, and, looking down, raw that the pickerel had made a jump and fattened ita teeth in his toe. He trhd to kick the fish away, but the pickerel held on and Henry had to uee the handle of his landing net to pry open the fishs jaws before lie got free of it. The toe started to swell where the teeth had punctured it, and Henry bein and difference flavor any quality, came worried. He says he thinks it texture, the large one excels. The dry beans are just the same possible- that the pickerel may have as those just matured, the only differ- hud hydropboLla and, as a precautionence 1b, there is a greater per cent ary measure, lie sent the head to the of water in the green ones than there Pasteur Institute. is In the dry. This water may be returned to the German Farmer Good Business Man. Under a seemingly generous offer beans by soaking them over night in lukewarm water. In the morning the of hospitality, a North German farmbeans will look just at. they did when er has managed to include a good of business for himself, in a just full grown and when served like stroke Hanover paper recently appeared difbeans be will the difference green an advertisement that front filieen to ficult to tell. There are many varieties of each twenty women and girls (not under kind the running and the dwarf, or twelve years of age) who needed re.thorn of the bush form. I grew the cuperation could have free bourd anil King of the Garden, one rf the large lodging on a country estate. But in pole varieties, for several years and exchange they would he required to pick peas from eight to ten hours daily. Industrious pickers might also be paid cash for their labor. became known they were one tnd all eager to adopt her. The authorities have placed her in the a distant concharge of an arch-pries- t, nection of her father. BINDER 'FOR SHOCKING Health. The pernicious habit some persons still have of relying on nauseous drugs to relieve stomach trouble keeps up the patent medicine business and helps keep up the army of dyspeptics. is caused Indigestion dyspepsia by what Is put into the stomach in the way of Improper food, the kind that o taxes the strength of the digestive organs they are actually crippled. When this state is reached, to resort to tonics is like whipping a tired horse with a big load. Every additional effort he makes under the lash diminishes his power to move the load. Try helping the stomach hy leaving off heavy, greasy, indigestible food nd take on Grape-Nut- s light, easily digested, full of strength for nerves and brain. In every grain of it. Theres no waste of time nor energy when Grape-Nut- s is the food. "I am an enthusiastic user of Grape-Nut- 'i and consider it an ideal food." writes a Maine man: T had nervous dyspepsia and was nil run down and my food seemed to do me hut little good. From reading in advertisement I tried Grape-Nut- s food, and, after a few weeks' steady use of it, felt greatly Improved. "Am much stronger, not nervous now, and can do more work without feeling so tired, and am better every way. I relish Grape-Nut- s best with eream and use four heaping tea spoon full as the cereal part of a meal. I am sure there are thousands of persons with stomach trouble who would be benefited by using Grupc-Nuts.- " Name given by Iostum Co., llattle Creek, Mich, Read the little book, "The Road to There's a reaWellvIUe,N In pkgs. son." Ever read (he afcovs laltrrf A aae appear from (a (laie. Thrp are araalae, line, (late aii fall af Iibm arr laterrat. Ark-- , I ): uffrd uiiug ever) d e t ti tint m from itrriMo kil my 1 inm-b!- e. iMd Uflt) chi-mid dizzy aprlla, urine nl and my back arlicd cons tartly. I Man's Kid 1M a my "irv. iiihpi mpiHniv and I bard had no ittfn of kiuiuv ounce. Get Doan's st any Drug Store, 50c. a Box lie fat the musicale) That singer seems to be echoing our feelings. She How so? lie Shes singlifg No One Knows How Bud 1 Feel." Doans d Prompt Relief Permanent Curs CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vcvcta- - A the iiver. Stop after d nner distress-cure - -- n JTfti ' ' indigestion, improve, the complexion, brighten the eyes. 1 tl; MfiT Constipation Vanishes Forever - SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL MICE. Genuine must bear Signature cum-pellr- PAUICER'8 SjT VJpri ! . tu BMtai Orf JflilrwnUTail, Ymitliful CotowT Vxl hair falling: eom-pelln- Its well enough to hope, but don't loaf on the job while doing it. AND HOWARD E. BURTON A88AVCH CHEMIST Htariuien prlnMi: iiUU Milvnr. land. 1: ilold. Mitre, im; triiid. KOr: Kiim1 or i'oiipor, L Malting nt oti appllranun. and full prlr Iim (uiitioi a Mil tuuplra work annulled. I.rhdviliwa i'uL Itrienwfl, CirtMwlfl AiBlimud BbiiL Dnini" Successful : U- - iwr fn. uni C. iiu.Il, nuuivui, nu. j IK ITS YOUR EYES PETTITS EYE SALVE i wtml yam umi Writ. Milo XnwnUO)., AUf. Cuba Market for Canada Stone. klJoiJRBuzr si, Wiumusum. Ibusb. IM4. Cuba imports most of its stone from Canada. w. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 37-19-12. Dont Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS I found It very good aa to yield ana quality. The pole Limas are better ylclders than the bush variety, but there is more labor attached in growing the pole variety; however, the difference in yield overcomes thia to a great extent. I find that the best methods of growing Lima beans is to use a trellis. In constructing these trellises, the end posts should be set deeply and well braced. The bottom wire may be of No. 12 or 14 (any light wire will do), but the top one must be of No. 9 or 10, as the weight of the vines Is great Brace the end posts well and set small posts every 10 or 15 feet and staple the wires to these. When more than one trellis Is to be made side by side, the distance between them should he six fec--t and the trellises should run north and south this will give sunshine to each side, and will Insure more perfect fruit AGO almost every mother thought chilfl must have and sold under the names of Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups, etc. You should not permit any medicine to he given to your children without you or know cf what it is composed. CAST0RIA DOES NOT CONyour physician TAIN NARCOTICS, if it hears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Letter from Prominent Physicians Dr. addressed to Chas. ii. Fletcher. cf J. f. Dlnsffale, Chicago, 111., says: X use your Cnstorla 0dTiS9 tig use In all fimllics where Fare are children." and Dr. Alexander E. M.mie, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: l have frequently prescribed your Castorla and have found ii a reliable and rieasant remedy for children." Dr. Agnes V. S wetland, of Omaha, Ntdir., says: "Your Castoria is the best remedy in tl.e world for children and the only one I two and recommend.' Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo R. Y., says: I hare frequently prescribed your Castoria for children a:-- J alwaya got good results. In fact I ms Castoria for my own children." Farm Notes For Shocking Corn, The onlinary farmer will gain by the stalk so the second man has no stacking his grain. trouble in putting a band on a large The clover should be cut as soon shock. as it Is in blossom. d land has a great caTo Kill Wire Grata. pacity for storage of moisture. A heavy crop of weeds will check The wire grasses are many. Such grasses as propagate by means the growth of the clover a great deal. s of creeping The grain binder is the most satisconstantly reproduce new plants at the rooting factory implement for cutting timothy joints, as couch or quack grass, John- seed. son gross, Bermuda grass and memSow some clover; if nowhere else, bers of the blue-grasfamily. This sow in corn after tho cultivation is pasture, if adapted to tillage, should over. be completely pulverized to the depth The most important factor In soil of four Inches with a cutaway or disk Improvement is growing leguminous harrow in July and kept harrowed crops. unco a week so long as the soil reThe easiest way to eradicate weeds mains dry during the remainder of on the farm is to prevent their going the season, allowing no green spear to seed. of grass to get a foothold. Silage made of corn and soy beans By fall the mass of roots will be is more digestible than that made practically lifeleBi if the season has front corn silage alone. One of the qualitici of the soy bean been normally dry and hot Tho whole should then he turned undpr that commends it to the stock feeder ten Inches deep, using a jointer. In is its protein richness. Much of the feeding value of the the spring, harrow every week until time to plant a cultivated crop, then clover depends upon how the crop is keep perfectly clean and the battle managed after it is cut. 111 be won. The best stock pea for grazing in the field is the black. Everlssifng. Kohl-Rab- i. Red and Red Ripper are also good. The silo means excellent fend stored In moot sections of the north a good may be grown If seed In small space. Just what is needed trap of kohl-rab- l Is town not later than the middle of when the grass in the pasture is dry. A arust White Vienna Is a good vaProtein that is grown upon the farm riety. See that the soil is well en- Is often more palatable than that riched with rotten manure before sow-ta- which la purchased In concentrated form and it is also cheannr. the seed. her PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it deep. These drugs will produce and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THtiRE IS NO WARING. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from Railing either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them poison. The definition Cf narcotic l3 ! "A mcdicin o ichich relieves pain CtAfiIEN aid Deep-plowe- r Aden, of t. Louis, Mo., says: I heartily endorse your Cas toria. I have frequently prcwribU it ia ir.y medical practice, and hare alwaya found It to do ail that is claimed f.r 1L" r Clidden, of S-'- Ia;:!, Minn., s:;; ::: My experience as a with your Castoria ha 3 Ikvu highly satisfactory, and I consider It an excellent remedy fv,r the youaj." Dr. II. D. Benner, of I i .'idelybla, Ia., says: I have used your Castoria ns a purnatlve In thecl cLlUrca fer years past with the most harpy effect, and fully endorse it cs a s::fa remedy. Dr. J. A. Boorman, of Konsas City, y.x, eays: "Your Castoria la a splen-di- d remedy for children, known tbe over. I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy in recommending It for the complaints of Infants and children." Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: 1 consider your Castoria an excellent preparation for children, being composed cf reliable medicines ond pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of tha digestive organs. root-stalk- i An Arksniu Case Henry J. White. 4!t N. Ini st.. Ft Smith, West No Place for Consumptives. Phisiciaiis in all of the eustcrii stales will be aekeil hy the National Axsiicluiiou for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis to stop semi-fuconsumptives in the la-- stages or tuberculosis und without sufficient funds to the southwestern part of tlr United Stares in search of health. While it is impossible to tell aecu-ratelhow many consumptives tlie'e are at present living in the states of Colorado. New Mexico, Arizona, southern Ualiforr.la, and wtmteru Texas, it is probable tlv.it no less than ten per cent of the 6,(100,000 people In this territory have tuberculosis themselves, or have come to the west becautc some n embers of their family have had it. Kvery year, the health autiiori-ti- i eMimute, not less than l ti.oiio eoiiMiniptives, hopelessly eonte west to die. For these eases, the climate of section of the country run do nothing, and they are to die in strange surt ou.u J Slid thousands of mill s Irom lmiue The Love In Fiction and Life. und friends. The National A foliaA periodical devoted to the drama tion points out further that from 50 pleade for plays based on some emo- to till per rent, of these advanced tion other than love. The difficulty In eases Hre too jioor to provide the of life, and tinwproducing such plays Is that every proper iicressm-lel play muBt have a hero, and In mak- are either starved to death, or to tho meager charity ing a hero the playwright, as well as bis audience, almost inevitably adopts which this part of the country the view expressed 2.0U0 years ago hy scribbler of the dead walls of Pom"He who has never loved a Electric Fans in India. peii: woman Is not a gentleman. Although it costa but 0 cents a day in India for men to wave funs to keep The rzar of Russia has 10! vust pal- the air circulating in bouses, they are aces, employing a staff of 32.000 ser- gradually being replaced by electri fans as eheaprr and more reliable. vants, with an annual payroll of A golfer A FOOD CONVERT Good Food tho True Road to cure backache than anything else. Twill tell you whether the kidneys are sore, swollen and aching. It will tell you in that case that there is no lire trying to cure it wl'li a plaster. If the pnssages are scant or too frequent, proof that there Is kidney trouble is complete. Then common sense will tell you to use Doan's Kidney Pills, the best recommended special kidney remedy. d CORN Little Device Contrived by Nebraska Golfer's Grand Army Score. Man So That Band May Be Put ' playing hie first game of on With Much Ease. the season reported dowtown the next day that he had made a Grand In deacribing a contrivance for Army score he went out in 61 and came back in 65. Chicago Evening shocking corn, a Nebraska man writes in the Missouri Valley Farmer as folPoet lows: I have worked out a little device to In Gotham. "I know a policeman who alwaya help with the large shock, so that the puts by something every week of band may be put on with ease. The device consists of a tapering shaft 3 Vi what he earns." Humph! I know one who always feet long to which a crank is attached. puts by every week more than he C and D is a crossbar or washer through which a rope passes after beearns. ing attached to the other end, and fastens to the crank. E is the loop Much Grazing Ground Required. It Is computed that It takes twelve in the rope to fasten to the hook after acres of land to graze on head of the rope has been carried around the shock. The operator takes hold of the cattle on Texas range land. crank, reels in the rope and pulls up Soda to Brighten China. Soda will brighten china that has been burned or darkened by long use. WHAT WILL MY BACH? CURE Common sense will do more to GRIFFIN.) two-hors- tune AN ECHO. ANGLER The Lima beans, both the pole (those that require poles or trellises for support) and the dwarf or bush forms that do not make any vine are row of the best vegetables that ' or In the garden, either for If" I for market There are many varlo'SPtreachj varieties By some, the are preferred, aa the flavor la finer and the bean la not ao large and coarse. I think this rather a matter of custom, for I was very much In favor of the small variety until I tried the larger ones and 1 find If there Is two-hors- e Childs Popularity Explained. A winning lottery ticket of in connection with the Noblee Bank, waa recently presented for payment at the State Dank in St. and it now transpires Petersburg, that the owner is an orphan, and inmate of the orphanage t Pskoff. The lottery ticket wae her sole possession. Her relatives have hitherto done nothing for the child, but when the news of her good for3100,-10- Dwarf or Bush Variety la One of Beet Vegetable! That Can Be Grown for Homo or Market FISH J J Ml ANGRY I IldeaJI b that you have a pea that ' will alwaya respond immediately wherever you want to write. The I Spoon Feed regulates an oven and J steady flow and prevents overflow. Cold Pena to auit every hand. CULTURE OF THE LIMA BEAN rrae-titlon- s - w.-r.- OEHUIHB CASTORIA always Boars the Signature of ftcSimle Sifnawreof a NEWYOKK. WTT In Uso For Over g CM-,-?, Ta'fLt'f.'fr Bi'gg.m 30 tt mawvaniuT. new Years. wro n |