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Show KOLTIIKR.N SALT LAKH J nifty patterns in all grades and material. DRESS PARADE and Two Step Stockings for Girls. line of Star Brand Stockings for Children and Infants. Full TOM BOY HOSE, 4 pair for $1.00. Guaranteed four months. New pair or money back. Our Fall line of Dry Goods and Woolens are in and we have some special bargains in DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, run-nin- GENTS; RIBBONS, OVERALLS, FURNISHINGS. needs a school waist. YOUR BOY tllflll l'tir Wo have FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. Fresh iiml Cured .Monts. All grades of Tomatoes, ('iieumhcrs, Onions, Etc.. Etc.. for pickling. line of Vinegar. Ileill's 1ieUles. Full line of 1'ickles. Full line of (.'rockery mid (llassware. prices on (llassware. Special Rend us in IteniB of news each week of things happening in your neigh- ttWe guarantee everything we sell to any one d'vsatisfli-d- . and borhood. them. will Refund Money (loods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. See our annonnemcnt. each week. UTAH NOTES One of the interesting developments the summer at the State University 4s the withdrawal of professors to enter outside business, ranging as of t J. Abbey. Assistant Professor of liot-anwho has just relurned from a five weeks' trip through lie Northwest ami will later go to Washington to practice farming and fruit growing on a big scale. A. Duddy, instructor ill English and lielialing Coach, leaves the Uulvi rally to take the position of city editor of the morning pnper at WilKenneth lloreiium, Montana. liams. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, has gone into practical metProles-o- r It. 11. Kelchiun, allurgy. who during the Hummer lina been consulting engineer for the Oregon Short Line, will probably return to his widely as mining, farming and newspaper work. A man whose place will lie especially hard to fill is that of Theodore P. Holt who yields hia position ns Assistant Professor of Mining and Milling to become the Superintendent and Manager of a mining. company organized to work some mining properties in Fark City. The process to he pat into operation ia one that Professor leaching. Holt and othera have lested out in the laboratories at the University. Other pinna for the Summer school Another man to go, in this case to for next summer, already well under enter practical agriculture, is Myron way, are associated with the conven- - California The Ideal 2 DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN SALT LAKE AND UTAH COUNTY POINTS. For Your Vacation DAILY EXCURSION RATES. Tickets on sale daily to Sept. 30th. SUNDAY gladly publish ' NOTICE. Kotice of assessment, Alta Oxford Mining Co. Principal place of business, Salt City, Utah. Notice ia hereby given that at a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Alta Oxford Mining Company, held on Wednesday, July 31, 1912, an assessment of one mill per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, issued and outstanding, due and payable immediately to W. D. Kulire, Secretary and Treasurer, Sandy City, Utah, Any stock upon which said assessment may remain unpaid on the 27th day of September, 1912, will he delinquent and will be advertised for sale at public auction; and unless payment bo made on or before Monday, November 25, 1912, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, will be sold at public auction at tho office of the Secretary to pay the said delinquent assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. W. D. KUIIRE, Secretary and Treasurer Alta Oxford Mining Company, Sandy City, Utah. First publication, August 28, 1312. o LOCK AND GENERAL REPAIRING I make a specialty of general repairing, expert saw filing, gun and revolver repairing. Bring in your broken articles to he repaired. I keep in stock second hand sewing machines in good condition from $2.50 upwards. New and second hand firearms for sale nr trade. Ammunition, Hardware, Pipe and Pipe fitting.. Stoves and Ranges, Gasoline and Oil cans, Gasoline and Oils of all kinds. E. L. HORR 23 Nortrf State St., Murray. BICYCLES FOR SALE Return limit New and second hand hycycies for October 31st. sale. High grades of bicycle tires for for the next ten days only. Two Splendid Through Trains Leaving Suit Lake Bring me your old bicycle and let RATES FROM me make it nearly as good as new, or 5 p. m. and 11 :50 p. m. let me trade you a new one for it. I SALT LAKE. sell a full line of bicycle supplies. Re2 DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN SALT LAKE AND BINGHAM, pairing done well and at reasonable THE WORLD'S GREATEST MINING CAMP. prices. Bicycles rented by the day or For Tickets, Information and Litterature see any Salt Lake Route Agent hour. T. H. MANDERFIELD, W. R. HORR. A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City. 91 N. Center St., next door to Odd Feliowa Hall, Sandy, Utah. EXCURSION $.7.00 Phone 157-- J Call Every Day CAPITOL Dr. II. J. SMITH DENTIST Hi! So. Slate Street FALL AND WINTER State St., FRUIT JARS WILL BE IN DEMAND. ESPECIALLY SO THIS SEASON WHEN THE IMMENSE FRUIT CROP WILL PLACE WITHIN THE REACH OF EVERY FAMILY THE OPPORTUNITY TO PUT UP A GOODLY QUANTITY FOR WINTER USE. WE CARRY THE OLD RELIABLE "MASON JAR AT 75c., $1.00 AND $1.10. ALSO THE JAR THAT HAS BEEN IN SUCH DEMAND THE PAST FEW YEARS THE SANITARY GLASS TOP Seal Fast Jar AT $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.60. ALSO MASON AND ECONOMY JAR CAPS AND JAR RUBBERS. COAL, HARDWARE, PAINTS. LUMBER, WE SELL GASOLINE. MURRAY, UTAH. FOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP 9ire (insurance JENSEN & KUHRE MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. Phone, Midvale 148. SEE JENNINGS INSURANCE CO. (GS-otlmrc- State Agents, Tribune Building, Salt Lake Ctly. Dentist i, Seventeenth So. & State Sts., MURRAY, Utah. 8UPERIOR WM. AYLETT, Resident Agent, Phone MIDVALE, Utah 21G-- PHONES 5235 WASATCH 3835 W. 6 RES. HY. does not mean high priced work any more than it does the cheap inferior ratch pruny kind, but it dues mean skillful, careful treatment of Impaired teeth and knowledge and experience in restoring teeth that are gone beyond treatment, und it Is work of this superior order ihut ail patients of Hr. Gotham minim. Good, careful, Intelligent dentistry at moderate prices, i 973-- Wgldorf CLEANING AND DYEING FRENCH DRY CLEANING 351 SOUTH STATE ST. SALT LAKE CTIY With SALT LAKE CLEANING and DYEING CO. Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. in. COTTON BATS 90c Bats, full size .... 73c Bata, full size 20c Bats . 1714c CRAPOS quiit 69c quilt 69c 17FzC lints 15c DENTISTRY THE STORE THAT SATISFIES SHOE BARGAIN COUNTER Men's work and dress $3.00 $1.98 LADIES shoes, $2.75 $1.19 values CHILDREN'S bIioch. shoes, $2.75 values Bargain price . . . 98c We have been unusually fortunate in our preparations for supplying your school needs this As a we are able to offer exceptional values in stationery and school supplies. We year. result, ask you to consider goods and prices only. Judge us by values alone, and we still deserve first place in yonr favor. In fact, compare any goods bought at Crapos with what they would cost you elsewhere, and we will abide by the iesult. Read a Few of the Unusual Values: COLLEGIATE COMPO-SITIO- N COMPOSITION BOOK BOOK, BETTER QUALITY. 10x7o inches, 72 pages, well covered, neat design, fine quality white wove paper, smooth finish, tho I)' inches, 188 pages, COMPOSITION BOOKS, BETTER QUALITY kind you pay JOo for. Our matchless price, imitation black heavy leal her cover, hard finish smooth jia per, writing surface, 2m: seller. Our price, 8x10 inches, 84 and 132 imitation black pages, leather cover, hard finish paper, smooth surface. Our phenomenal prices, 5 cents. 20 cents. 10c and 15c jxTi at the PHARMACY, SANDY, Utah. The Only Fountain within Five Miles. Drink here Stationery to suit every taste and every purse. Packed in boxes with beautiful cover designs, letters. We were certainly fortunate in securing this j enough in each box for twenty-fou- r assortment, and have made the following low prices: 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, and 35c per box. COLD EXPERIENCE IS EXPENSIVE Tin Finest ('undies mauufac-- 1 when you ride a wheel that needs tired in the State. repairing. Life and limb may lie enALL TRAINS AND CARS dangered, end when by a little foreSTOP AT T1IE DOOR. sight and small cost your wheel can be made as good as now if you bring it to f'arlsnn'H. We will keep your wl.ei in good cu.'idiiiou at a small BODELL & CARLSON, Props. (Iltlsy. If you have one that needs hi it to us. mg Ml So. State St. repairWe also handle Automobiles and do MURRAY, Utah geiitial repairing. Wc have new and second hand Automobiles from $250.(10 Automobile and Motorcycle Repairing. Oil and Gasoline. Diamond Tires. up. Tire Vulcanizing. EMIL CARLSON, Second Hand Automobiles Bought and UTAH. Sold. MURRAY, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Murray Garage 47 So. ii- NOW COMES THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN State Street, School Shoes MURRAY, Utah Soda, Cold Cream Drinks, Sundaes, True Fruits. coPVkn,Hf -- JVHLLIieY 142 So. o to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. OF will ASSESSMENT Oldham, Powell & (q., UNIVERSITY Wc Appointments for sittings at flowers photo studio at Murray may be made at the ENTERPRISE office. Our prices are right. 10G tlon of the National Association which will lie held in Sail Luke City during Professional Cards the session of ihe Sommer school. 4r4444444 Under the ordinary conditions which school Summer have prevailed, ihe Drs. ROBERTSON & PETERSON hus been in size and ill the variety Physicians and Surgeons und excellence of Its work among the 3C2 East Main St., lirst three or four summer schools SANDY, Utah With the impetus of in the country. Hours, 9 to 10 a. in., 12:30 to 2:30 and Phono the presence here of 10,000 or so 7 to 8 P- - m. teachers from outside the state, the Summer School of the University DR. K. M. CHRISTENSEN ought In 1913 to take first rank among the summer schools of the country. DENTIST Two thousand students have been preKearns nuilding, dicted. 474, Sait Lake City Phone Ur. W. U. Ebur.gh, who ha been on a leave of absence for a year studyA PERI ECT BATHROOM ing in Germany, returns to tho Dela essential in every home where partment of Uhcmistry; Professor water is obtainable. Obtain our Milton iieunlon has a leave of absence estimate on and will study during the year In the PLOWING WORK University of Wisconsin, giving his You will find it surprisingly low and in- when yuality of work and materials attention chiefly to tho Bot-ia-l dustrial aspects of education; Miss used are considered. No Job is too too big for us. Untie Iiurch, Assistant Principal of small or FRED ALEXANDER, the Normal school, will u'so be on a Sandy R- - D. No. 1, Box 15. leave of absi nee during the year and East Side State Road, 4th House will rtudy at her home University, the South of O. S. L. Crossing. Phone, 12C. University of Nebraska; to take Miss iturch's place, Mrs. Lois Miller, critic leacher of the Training school, has been promoted to the rank of Assistant. Principal. A few appointments are yet to be made. 6-- We have some YOUR GIRL NEEDS A SCHOOL DRESS. ol'NTY KNTKHI'RISK New Purse And New Penny FREE Wit hevery purchase of school shoes we will give a new purse and new penny free. This is just an effort on our part to please the little folks, and demonstrate that our school shoes are better. Bring the children in and fit them out. This offer holds good until September 14. - C. C. CRAPO & SONS 118-120-12- 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. co: 1 |