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Show 'Weolny INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS. Fair and Juat to AH. No partiality ahown to any poraon or totality In Southarn Salt Lako County. Southern Salt Lake VOL I. NO. 22. Y, UTAH,) SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. -- u Southern Salt Lake Employees of the Progress power COUNTY ENTERPRISE. company saw the accident from the windows of the plant, aud they dePubliahed every Wedneaday by clared that the street car was running UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO.. at full speed and thut the danger arose W. D. 8. Harrington, Manager. so suddenly there was no time to avoid 99 Eaet Main St. the collision. P. 0. Box 177 SANDY. UTAH Salt Lake Office, 17 Eagle Block. Sheriff Sharp and posse tracked J.W. Hill, otherwise known as Jack Murphy, Subacrlptlon Ratee: one of the two of the bundlts who ure One year in advance . .$1.0 C months to have murdered Marshal CO alleged S mouths ,40 Coldough, to the snake creek drainage 1 month 15 tunnel 8 miles northwest of Heher City where he was a mile and a half Single copies, 5 cents. in the tunnel operating on ore drill. He was arrested and brought to Salt Entered as second class mall matLake where be was identified as the ter, April 17, 1912, at the post office of Jack Callahan and Chas. accomplice at Sandy. Utah, under the Act of Ganunett, by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilosle March 3, 1879. of the Palace restaurant and Paul Selierlch bar tender at the Vienna Saloon. Will Hughes, William Reny MIDVALE. and W. T. Vincent. i . TRAGIC DEATH PROMINENT MIDVALE OF CITIZENS Miss Jessie. Steiner after enjoying a two weeks vacation Is back at her the d(k again at the telephone office. Robert - Booth member of town council and manager of the Booth Mercantile Company, and Slme. on C. Ilazelton, Superintendent of the United States smelter were almost Instantly crushed to death Friday night at about 8 o'clock on State Street opposite tlie Progress Company's power paint. W. B. McGinnis owner and driver of the automobile and W. T. Vincent a saloon keeper sustained Injuries that will not prove fatal, In a colleslon between the auto, mobile and a Midvale car. The accident occured while the four men were on tlieir way to this city to attend a meeting of the Western Black Marble company directors. Mr. McGinnis was at the steering wheel of bis flve.passenger car, and when reaching a point opposite the Progress power plant he turned from the roadway to the west of the car tracks. A south hound Murray street car flashed Into view and Mr. McGinnis discovered a wagon coming from the north on the w$st side of the truck. Unable to tarn farther to the left on account of poles and a deep ditch, and seeing that a collision with the wagon was inevlL able he took the desperate chance of driving full speed ahead in the hope of clearing the tracks before the car reached the machine. Within the next Instant there was a crash followed by the rending of steel snd splintering of glass the crushing noise almost drowning out the death cries of the victims. Immediately after the crash the gasoline in the automobile exploded. There was a flash of light from the street car when the circuit was broken and then darkness,. was reduced to The automobile scraps. Mr. McGinnis and Mr. Vincent were thrown about twenty feet north, the former being knocked unconscious. Tbo two men who were killed were found near the wrecked machine, their heads close together and in a pool of blood. Their skulls had been crushed nnd the upper parts of their bodies broken and brulBed. Mr. Hazleton was sitting In the front seat with the driver and Mr. Booth and Mr. Vincent were in the rear seat, The street car was in charge of Con. ductor E. C. Clare and Motorman T. A. Frederlckson. The car. No. 639 was a to nearly within its stop brought length. M. M. Taylor, in charge of the Taylor undertaking company at Midvale, was on the front platform with Mio. I urman Frederlckson and both escaped injury, although glass w'es thrown all about them. The motorman was momentarily stunned by the terrific im. pacts but quickly brought the car to a stop. Conductor dure ran to the Progress power plant and telephoned to Murray for medical aid. Physicians were on the scene as quickly as possible, and Messrs. Hazleton and Booth were still alive but died within a few minutes. The bodies of the two men were taken to Midvale, and McGinnis and Vincent were also taken there under the care of physicians Mr. Booth was 45 years of age and leaves s widow and children, five brothers and his parents. His mother Is seriously 111 ss a result of the shock from the tragic death of her son. The flags in Midvale were placed at half mast. The body of Mr. Ilazelton was sent to Washington D. C. Funeral services for Bert Booth were hold Monday afternoon at his residence In Midvale. Rev. C. R. Neel uf the Central Christian rhurch officiated. Burial was in Midvale cemetery. I- A BUSINESS INVES MENT. Advert! n tha County Enterprlaa and reach the leading people In every part of Southern Salt Lake County. George CaBparl was appointed night marshal by the council at the last meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Aylett gave a delightful Orpheum theatre party on Saturday, August 31. J. B. Swenson the surveyor is laying off the place for sidewalk extensions. John Denton, wife and son from Gllmar, Texas, visited S. S. Reynolds and wife on Sunday, September 1. Mr. Reynolds drove them out to Rideouts farm In Draper and they were sur. ptlsed at the quality of fruit, etc. and went back east with a good Impression of Utah. Jack H. Pierson has been sick with Lagrippe, and for a few days of the busy season Mrs. Pierson has taken bis place at the Famous'S tore. The Magna ball team of Garfield will play a return game with Midvale team Saturday next. Thomas Smith was delegate to the Republican State Convention. J. II. Waters of the Kenyon Hotel and E. Kl. Althroff visited Mr. and Mrs. William Waters last week. At the Commercial Club meeting last week tlie following house commit, D. John Bloem, tee was appointed: Wm. Waters, H. R Phelps, Dr. J. H. Brown and J. A. Alcorn. Will Reynolds of West Jordan was shot in the leg last week by an accidental shot from his own gun John Bloem, cashier of the Jordan State Bank, is captain of the Blue Army ajul Wm. Waters, merchant, Is Captain of the Red Army of the Com. merclal Club contest for members. The blues are away ahead in the score but Captain Waters Is marshaling his men for a "grand coupe" and will try to shoot the reds aliovethe blues. NearD. ly 50 new members have been added so far In the contest Don't go to Salt Lake for goods you In your own town, just as good and juBt as cheat). ran get W. R Waldorf of the Salt Uke ('leaning and Dyeing Company Is doing business in Southern Salt Lake County. HO makes regular trips to all the towns in tills section and will call for and deliver your work. See his advertisement in another column. - O- DRAPER. Mr. and Mrs. John Rasmussen are delighted over the arrival of a fine liaby girl at their home last Monday morning. They now have 3 lsiys and 3 girls. John says he doesn't play poker but wants to know if 3 pair" beats a "full house." The children's dance in Commercial wns Hall last Thursday afternoon folks attended little the largely by who enjoyed themselves to their hearts content. Music was furnished by Sam's orchestra. Mrs. C. G. Stlgall has relumed from a six weeks visit hack through the eastern states. She spent the greater part of her time with her parents and Ir. Stlgall's relatives In southern Kentucky. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. , Mr. Ben Meek and family ' $ave Born. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turner ure fn moved from Draper to Logan. Jah. To Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christens, in, Cache Valley visiting friends. Tlieir many friends regret the los of August a baby girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Evan O. Jensen, u such estimable inhabitants but trust Janies Roherison lias gone to Mason Valb-y- , they will find happiness and prs-perit- baby girl, August 25. Nevada to make a permanent ' In their new location. To Mr .and Mrs. Victor Seiihinson, a home. ij A boy, August 29. Mrs. Orson Sorensen of Garfield is Mrs. George Haricll, mother and Neils Neil sou aged fil years died1 baby have gone to visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Quincy, 111. Mr. from Tuberculosis. He leaves a wife Hun ell will join them later. Isaac Dunyon, for a few days. two sons and two daughters. J. R. Rideout, manager of the Com.Mrs. .Milan Bentz was given a bundle mercial Co., met with a painful but Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olson, of Croscenl, shower on Monday, September 2d. not serious accident a few day hJ:o. was visiting her brother In Sandy, A cheese cutter dropped on his ha'jll Sunday, September 1. Mrs. Wni. MeCleery and son hav ai:i cut one of his fingers almost : returned Irom a visit to the coast. t . Mrs, Frauk Nelson ami wife were tl'-Thu 3 performances given by visiting friends here on Wednesday. Ur. Gnthard and Kil. Covington wert Walter's Slock Company In Comoat dove limiting last week. mercial Hall last week were attended Miss Violet Rosengren and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. (billiard spent a few by small but appreciative audiences Green, of Salt City, were visitors' at home In Sandy, Sunday, Sept. 1. days with friends in Little Cotton-wotdmove 1 (). I). Ballard and family their household effects to Granite last Edith Harper of Michigan has re. which h of as the' to take up her duties as teach turned school, Mr. G. II. Wright from Nevada ix Saturday cr in the Sandy school. is principal, opened. Monday. home visiting his famjjy. e Miss Meta Rasmussen, who hu Clara Hosmen and Anna Jordan A baby girl was born to Mr. and charge of her fathers store In Lark, of Michigan have returned after their Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Saturday, Ang. 31st. spent Saturday and Sunday with he; .vacation and will teach the young week Mr. and Mrs) George parents, Hr. nnl Mrs Peter Raw' Sandy idea how to shoot the coming Brown became the proml parents of a mussen. school term. Sadie Miller from Mississippi has re. buby lioy. Andrew Day returned a few days turned and will take up her duties at Mrs. J. A. Jones lias been quite ill ago from a two weeks visit to hie the school. for a few days, but 1s improving old home In Idaho. "Dick" says this is the first vacation he has had in i Miss Sarah Peterson and Eliza Jen-o- f nicely. seven years. Ephraim will taeh school here Mrs. Geo. Simpers lias been quite ill. ,gain this term. Tom Burnham is out again after a rather serious illness of several days. ,A11 the teachers look refreshed and Master Vernon Robinson had a very His happy smile Is now the daily at- seem to have enjoyed their vacation. pleasant surprise tendered him on traction behind the counter at the e Thursday, September Sib, by his Commercial. Mrs. Wm: Hughes was surprised by young friends, it being bis tweirth fifteen or more friends on the evening birthday. Mrs. Will Heward after a few weeks i t he? birthday. A pleasant time was Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Proctor have Is. stay in Draper recovering from an tn joyed refreshments were served. sued cards, announcing the engageattack of. inflammatory Rheumatism, has returned to her home In Garfield. , A RobL Larson and Charlie . Lynn ment of their daughter Lonalne to spent four days at Pelican Point fish. Herbert F. Robinson. The marrlnge "Dick" Boberg haa been a frequent Ing , for bass and catfish. They will take place the latter part of this week end visitor to Salt Lake for some rronht home three hundred pounds month. m t... 'lu-jf- Irff-lctime. As yet wc have, heard, no jeduOptrixrs- for 'J d. bells. Etchet mile around. died of lend had of a George time ding They jolly John Day, while at work on the new it. poisoning at the St. Marks hospital, school building, was painfully Injured lie was 41 years of age and worked a few days ago from stepping on a Lars Monson had a gang of thrash- in the smelter. He leavps a wife and nail which entered the ball of his foot ers on his place last week. Forty seven children to mourn his loss. The going almost through the top of his bushels of oat to the aero Is the funeral was held at the First Ward shoe. He was confined to his home result. Meeting House. Burial was In South Cottonwood cemetery. only a short time and is aBle to be on the job again. Albert Marriott of Ringham backed A new firm was formed on Saturday the Sandy firemen ut Eureka and won Mrs. Isaac Dunyon made a short a bunch of money. to engage in the Automobile repairing business. Mr. llodell and Carlson ure trip to Garfield last Sunday. Lars Monson wsb a Salt Lake well known In Murray. Mr. llodell Is an expert at the auto and motorOwing to the new school house not visitor on Saturday. ocwill the students cycle repairing ntul the linn have nl being completed The Democratic State Convention ready established a good business. cupy the Commercial Hall and basement of the church until further ar- will be helo In Garrick Thealre, Salt They liave a garage and are agents for the Ford Machines. Your patronLake tomorrow. rangements ran be made. age Is solicited. See tlieir ad. in nn-o- i Mrs. G. II. Cottrell has returned to tier column. & Co. some have Oldham, Powell her home in Salt Lake after a few inducements to offer you this week Inviintions are out for the wedding days visit anion); friends and relatives In dry goods and groceries. Sec them here. of David Schwartz, of the Leader about it. Store, and Miss Charlotte Mrs. Arelius Rasmussen had & sudSchool days have begun and the Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben den and very severe attack of acute boys and girls are flocking Into ('ratio Cohen, a merchant of Ogden. The indigestion last Thursday night. For- A Sons Company for stationery un.l wedding wjlltake place at the Cohen residence In Ogden, Sunday, Sept. 22. tunately, her illness; was of shoitt school supplies. duration and she Boon regained her usual good health. Mr. and Mrs. R. White entertained Ttie relief society of Grant Ward Mr. J. N. Whites from sister have collected 853.01) for the refugees Newark, 0 from Mexico. SANDY. George Bateman Is resting at his fathers Two small children of Albert Watts home, but is suffering with h:s Mrs. John Berry has now quite reof Grant Ward aro down with typhoid legs. from the infected blood covered fever. poisoning in her right hand, narrowly Mrs. R Cushing was surprised by o escaping amputation, she only recently her friends last Wednesday evening having been confined. The case creat- Refreshments wore served and an JORDAN SCHOOLS WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER NINTH. ed great anxiety at the Judge.Mercy enjoyable evening spent. Dr. Viko In Lake Salt City. hospital o Every thing fs in readiness tor tlie perlormed the operation very successMURRAY. fully. opening of schools oil Monday, September tub. Mrs. Joe Kemr was visiting with her Chas. A. Crapo is home from the During this week the teachers are Idaho ranch, lie brought in a string husband in Bingham last week. meeting In Institute in tlie High Si bool ut. Sandy. Besides tlie work of horses and will return this week. Ray Atwood spent Sunday with her being done by our local teachers and A ball game between Jordan school relatives returning to Bingham Mon. principals. Prof. Howard it. Driggs amt Jordan South the day and teachers disirirt morning. I)r. Joseph Peterson of Die Unteam resulted In a victory for South iversity or Utah will deliver lectures Miss Goldie Brown hat) returned and Mrs. Ella J. Pile of Wayne, NeJordan. Scoring 7 to . from her vacation at Fnirview where braska w'ill give instruct ions in Prishe wsj$ vPUihg with relatives. is Petersen wagon Arnold driving mary Occupation Work. for Oldham, Powell & Co. The music is under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Erekson and Stanley Johnson of the Union School. Mrs. Rchini.1i. of Pioneer Drug children enjoyed their summer vaca- One half hour each day will be Store, with her children will take n tion on their ranch in southern Utah. devoted to practicing and singing the Old Favorite Songs which are to lie trii to Leg Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cave spout a made a feature or this year's work. The public iu general anil especially The Utah Light A Power Co. are plcuaunt week visiting relatives in the tiatrons of our schools are cordialcontemplating tlie extension of tlieir American Fork. electric car lire to Draper over the ly invited to attend any or all of the Mr. and sessions. and Martin two Mra. road. State dnugli. The folowing lit n list of the teachter have returned home after a tong ers and tlieir assignments to tlieir Many changes in conduct rj nnd visit with relatives in Chicago. i on motormeu will bo made ibis respective schools. & Mra. tlie lines of tlie Utah I.iglit Samuel Cook of Garfield visited Power Sandy High Enoch Jorgensen, Co. friends In Murray last week. principal; Rodney C. Alford. Zina A. y i A o. m m - a wi-c- Wolf. Victor Kirk. O. H. Dutton, Aila Hartley. KHa Jensen, laiuU Petersen. Helen Smith. Butler W. S. lliigensuii, principal; Jane A, Robinson, Willia Clanton. Crescent- - S. E. Smith, princiiwl; Irene Griftiin, Eli .a belli Howard, 11. Katherine Howling. Draper -- E. p. Higginson, principal; Melpliu Monty, Margaret Chandlers, Myrtle Klrkham, Fanny Mahoney, Evelyn Rideout, H. Scott Slillt. Highland Buy Eninm McKillican. principal; Kuiberyi McDonough, Kune. Midvale E. L. Cropper, prinetpat; Melissa Buteman, Situs Brady, Oeniin Gardner, Mae O'Neill, Kate Welch, Eva Hansen, Portia Itwltns, Caroline Jensen, Mfnm Gilmer. Bingham High -- H. y. AJstoin, principal; It. H. Ihiw, Amanda Brinini. Bigbaiu Central -- Alice Barmettler, Mabel Grey, Edith Klopensilue, Lcla .M. Moore, Dottle Muckinsoii, Lizzie Mackinson, Katherine Ycrgensen, Mrs. Ella J. Pile, Agnes McDonald, Jessie Robinson, Mrs. Jennie Wilkins, Leroy f McGbie. liluffdale W. O. Johnson, principal; Clifta Maybe, Julia Stevens. Granite O. I). Ballard, principal; Zalda (toucher, Alleen llenrlchsen. Herrinian James Prestwick, principal; L. Kern Cliipman. lank William Edge!, principal; Alice Junes, Muynie II. Mnore, Orleane Winters. Riverton II. J. Quinn, principal; Frank S. Allen, Martha Bihler, Margaret M. Miller, Inez Hheail, Jessie I. Suit, Nora Tangwall. Sandy taints Peterson, principal; Mabel Cartwright, Clara Hosmer, Ada M. llenrlchsen, Eillih Harper, Anna Jurden, Mollie Llndell, Pauline Lewis, Sbudle Miller, A. E. Peterson, Sarah Peterson, Clara hkcllale, Leda Sadler. West Jordan J. H. Greer, principal; Goldie Brookings, Vivian Gardner, Hazel Peterson, Mona Hansen, PJib? J- - . T WeJjhr.-J- Upper HliighVm C. A. InlowprbrtJjV' pal; Thora Johnson, Anna Simmons, V- - . - Loie Hopper. Union P. R. Glover, principal; Helen C. Bowman, Ruth Cox, Elsie Fnrrer, Stanley Johnson, Josie Kelly, Miamle Malstrom, Mary Goff. South Jordan A. J Shulscn. principal; Elizabeth Booth, Katherine Martin Kuhrc. l, o Patronize Home Industry but dont lie humbugged; j on ure Justified In going out of town, when parties take advantage uf tlie Home Industry cry snd give you an inferior article for double the price. Don't lie liotnl winked by such fakers. o Emporium Grocery Co. Reliability Is Our Success." Offers the Following Inducements 100 lbs. Sugar 86.00 Flour St. Or., per sack $1.05 Flour, II. 1, per sack $1.10 85c Wheat, per bushel Soap 25c Crystal White, 6 for Pearl White, 6 for 25c Swift's White, 6 bars for 25c White Borax Naptha, 7 for 25c Diamond "C", 7 for 25c N. B. Naptha, 6 for 25c Wood Chuck, !) for 25c 25c Fairy, 0 for . . . Borax Castile, C tor 25c 3 Cans Corn 25c Cans Milk, large 25c f, Cans 25c Milk, smull 3 Cans Mustard Sardines 25c fi Cans flit Sardines 25c 3 lkgs. Corn Stnrch 25c One 15c Bottle Ammonia "0c 15c- Bottle Vinegar 10c 3 tlis. High Grade Coffee $1.Cfl GOc One D'.ml.c-- l Potatoes 1 II). Enulisli Breakfast Tea, loose 25c 58c Mason Pint Jars, per doy. Muson Quart Jars, per dor. 68c Mason 2 Quart .lard, per do.. . . . 88c Economy 2 Quart Jars, per doz. $1.40 Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz. ... 25c Flour, 5oo po'iiid bus, per UMI.. $2.00 1 package Imported Tea. natural 22'2C Japan 3 llis. lard 45c 75c 5 lbs. lard 10 lbs. lard $1.40 $1.60 Oats, per hundred We also hare a well assorted stock of Fancy Dishes, Crockery, Granite-war- e and Tinware, Cured Meats and Lard. These prices are subject to change without notice. FOR CASH .... 1 ONLY. Goods delivered to any part of Murray without extra charge. EMPORIUM GROCERY CO. 126 South State 8t. Utah Murray . |