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Show 8onthern Salt Lake COUNTY JITTER PRISE .... iSl.i MEET THE COME BACK OF IT DEATH ID itEPUOUGJUIS WIN IN MAINE W. D. 8. Barrincton, Usnsging fcdito. SANDY, E MEXICO ITTAH ing Control of Leg stature. UTAH STATE NEWS Governor Spry has Issued his formal proclamation providing for the general tate election to be held November 5, TRAGEDY MARS THE SABBATH WHEN MACHINE GETS BEYOND CONTROL. nest. Jerry Daly, a conductor on the Denver & Rio Grande, dropped dead on Riders and Spectators Alike Victims When Machine Going at Ninety-twbis train near Green River, death betrouble. Mllee an Hour Mowa Down a ing due to heart o The National Ffed "ration of Post-Offic-e Clerks, lu convention at Salt wees, voted against the eslast lake tablishment of a pens5 oi for superannuated clerks. J. S. Berry of Brigham narrowly escaped death by accidentally taking dose of bichloride of mercury. He Stas taken to a hospital, where prompt tnedical aid saved his life. Prank Romeo and Robert Zaffy, convicted murderers of "Ab Jenkins at tSunnyslde in February of 1911, must pay the death penalty for their crime, e according to an opinion of the court Annie Mitchell, negress. who shot and mortally wounded Ollle Burn, her dusky admirer, at Salt Lake on the night of August 10, was exonerated of murder In the first degree at her preliminary hearing. Work on roads iu Weber county is being pushed before the stormy weather. Not only will the Wilson end Riverside roads be macadamized, but the highways of Plain City and Hooper will he placed iu good condition. Indianapolis, Ind., is to be the 1913 convention city for the National Federation of Postoffice Clerks, that city having won over Cleveland, b., its most formidable competitor, at the convention held in Salt Lake last week. Christian Madsen, pioneer resident of Mt. Pleasant, died suddenly while at work In fte field. Mr. Madsen was G5 years old. He was horn in Denmark. coming to Utah while a mere lad, crossing the plains in Captain 111 gan's company. At the close of the first day of the 1912-1- 3 school year, registration In the twenty-nin- e public schools of Salt Lake had reached 16,017. os against 15.S53 for last year. It is estimated that the number will reach 17,000 by the end of the week. As the result of an assault made upon aim by Leofia'rd Washington, a negro, whose home is in Salt Lake, Charles Walker, aged 15, of Ogden, Is suffering with concussion of the brain, and Washington is in Jail, chargee with assault and battery. railroad from The the Black Hawk coal claims In Emery county to some commercial center is about to he realized. The Utah Construction company of Ogden has arranged for the establishing of two grading camps In the country. In order to give the fruitgrowers or the country districts all the aid possl ble In harvesting the peach crop, the board of education of the Weber county school has decided to open the schools on Monday. September 23, instead of September 16, aa originally planned. That Pearl Connor, aged 16. daugh ter of John F. Connor, proprietor of the Connor hotel at Stockton, whose disappearance mystified authorities, rame to Salt Lake with the purpose of eloping with Joseph Hames. has been established, and a search la now being made for the couple. An organization of the retail drugfor gists of Ogden has been perfected Nawith the of affiliating the purpose tional Association of Retail Druggists. It Is the desire of the local pharmacists to Join in the movement to secure more favorable legislation and to better general conditions. While the labor situation at Bingham may become strained any day, it Is believed the calm counsel or tlie will prevail and a strike be averted. The operators recently raise, innounced a voluntary but the men are in favor of a much-talked-- Elect Governor and Carry Three of Four Congressional Districts, Gain- Line of Men and Boys. Newark, X. J Six persons wc-tkilled, six are dying and ililrtten more were seriously Injured Sumla at ihe Vailsbnrg motordrome when the motorcycle ridden by Eddie Hasba ot Waco, Texas, got away from him and the Jumped the railing separating and grand bleachers track where the stand join. The cycle, which was going at 92 miles an hour, mowed down a line of men and boys who were leaning over the railing at i lie edge of the track, killing four and injutlng many. Hasha was thrown against a heavy pright. His neck wvs broken and his skull fractured. Toe force of the Impact was terrific. The heavy cycle rolled down the steeply banked track, directly in front of the machine ridden by John Albright. Albright wav unable to avoid the other machine because of the great speed at which he was going and when his motorcycle struck lie was thrown a distance of thirty feet, rolling unconscious to tbe bottom of He died three the embankment. hours later at the City hospital. Parts of the broken machine flew Into the grand stand, striking men and boys and badly injuring them. Many persons taken to the city hospital and the German hospital in Newark were so badly Injured that they were unable to tell their names and it is thought that the list of dead will be There added to by at least five. were more than fi.000 persons in the grand stand and on the bleachers and a state almost of a panic followed the accident. TELL OF FATHER'S AMERICAN SOLDIERS MEXICANS IN TWO KILL SENT SKIRMISH Rebels Croat the Boundary and gage With Troopere, Five of Being Killed. Utah Girls Describe Horrors of Situation in Rebel Ridden Mexta. El Paro, Texas! United SlLs Senator William Alden Smith held a special session on Sunday of bla investigation into Mexican conditions to enable Misses Emma and Ella Stevens, daughters of Joshua Stevens, to tell sf the killing of their father while defending them from an assault by two Mexican rebels in the colonies last week. The girls arrived here Sunday with their mother en route to Utah, and told the details of their father's murder and of how he killed his assailant with a shotgun before dying, and how with the same shotgun, he put the other man to flight. TO THE BORDER Talk of Intervention in Mexico Again Revived, Friende of President Declaring Such Step is Possible. Enra The president on General Leonard authorized Stprday Wood, chief of staff, U. S. A.,' to dispatch two more regiments of cavalry to the Texas border. The regiments will he sent from Fort Riley, Kans., and Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming. So far as the president was informed, tere will be no immediate neeu for more troops In Texas, but conditions ng that border have grown worse the last few weeks. InAlthough President Taft will not tervene lm Mexico without the fullest deliberation on a step that would lean war, his friends declared Satur-it5 that intervention Is nearer than It has been since the first American troops were rushed to the border eigh- rebels Arlz. Mexican Douglas, crossed the boundary and were engaged by United States soldiers on the Lang ranch fifty mllea east of Douglas, according to a report received here Friday night. Thirteen American troopers held back twenty-fiv- e rebels, killing five and wounding one of the Mexicans, it is reported. The rebels are believed to be of the command of Inez Salazar, whose men also engaged American soldiers below Hachita, K. M , farther to the east. In view of the critical condition at Hachita, General Steever has dispatched un additional troop of the Third cavalry for duty at that point A portion of the signal corps from Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., also will be sent to assist the cavalry In locating the invading Mexicans. Two hundred rebels are said to be encamped only a half mile from the line, with avowed Intention of making another raid into the United States. There are only five troops of United States cavalry on utyin the New Mexican border, three of these in the vleifiltj i Hachita. DEATH. MORE REGIMENTS Beverly, Mass. y teen months ago. It can be stated on the highest authe thority, however, that, should president decide that Intervention Is the only course open to him, he will call congress in special session and demand of it the authority to send American army across the border. In no circumstances, he has told his friends, would he do an unfriendly act consulting against Mexico without congress. SPRY HEAD8 TICKET. Johnson Makes Eight Speeches. Grand Rapids, Mich. Starting from Detroltjovernor Johnson on Saturday made a flying trip through Michigan on a special train, delivering Roosevelt in Montana. Mont. Woodrow Wilson Helena, ind the Democratic party. Colonel Roosevelt told the people of Montana sn Saturday, had nothing to propose for dealing effectively with the trust problem. Wall street was so well projected with the policy of the adniinis-- an(j reforms in government and civil!- - 'ho is elected Republican, Democrat ration, he said, that it was praying m!ou which give the United States or Bull Moose. said Eugene V. Debs, world leadership, which pledges fur-- ! Socialist candidate for president, in a speech here Saturday. ther progress and achievement. The ticket follows: Electors Mrs. Presidential For MRS. ERAMWELL BOOTH itcher, bait Lake; Margaret Zane Ei!i Homer, Utah county; John M.. I)u vis. Uintah county, and Edwin D. Wuuliey. Kane county. For C'oncressmcn-at-Ijarg- e Joseph Howell. Logan, and Jacob Johnson, Spring C'liy. For Governor-- - Wil'Nin Spry, Salt Lake. For Justice of the Supreme Court J. E. Frick. Salt Lake. For Secretary of State David Matt-- j son. Ogden. For State Treasurer Jesse 1J. Jewkc. Emery county. For State Auditor Lincoln G. Kelly,; jicrease. Millard county. Oomer Thomas, a resident of Sait For Attorney General A. K. Barnes,. Lake City and well known as a coal Sal; Lake. mine expert, died Sunday. The imFor State Superintendent of Public; mediate cause of death was liver Instruction- - A. C. Nelson, Salt Lake. been not li:ul Mr. Thomas but trouble, j well since the Scofiild coni mlpe div Negroes Attack Deputy Sheriffs. ssier eleven years ago. when 300 minEleven negro, Btooksville, Florida ers were killed. from three prisoners were rescued Guglit-ImGuiste, an Italian employmtlM from here' sheriffs eight deputy ed at the Galena mine. Bimtliam, was Sutiiiav afternoon by a hand of armed ' seriously injured In a blast. Guiste tired and slightly m gro s which Mulai Youssef, the younger brother went into a slope to eat hiB midnight the officers. A poosej two of wounded lunch not noticing a blast had been of Mulal Hafid, who recently abdicatl as gone in purruit of the negroes and received He : set and tbe fuse lighted. ed, was proclaimed eultan of Morocco, a verious flush is feared. The wife of the new general of the the full force of the explosion. One having been named ae hie successor Salvation Army haa had charge of the socket. Hafid. Tha proclamation Nevada Cattle Owner Drops Dead.. by Mulal eye was torn from its of the organization since rescue work Carson City, Nev L. L. Bradley, 1884. She waa born In I860, the daughLafayette Farley, probably the best was recaived without onthuaiasm by j the aeveral and population known barber in Ogden, fell dead Just pretender son of the lute Governor Bradley and ter of Dr. Soper of Plymouth, and was as be bad finished shaving his brother are preparing to diepute hie throne by one of the wealthiest cattle and land marriad to Bramwell Booth in 1882. Asa Flat icy. He was born in Ogden force. The new eultan ia described owners in tlie state, dropped dead In They have two sona and five daugh-th- e ae a man of courage, but docile and forty-seveyears ago. lobby of a hotel here Tuesday tcrti night. Former Governor James H. Brady of without much ambition. Warning Given Campa. Idaho, newly elected president of tbe Lynched the Wrong Man. Thirty-fivInjured in Wreck, conCommercial Nogales, Arlz. An official warning I'rinci'tnti W. Vn. That a mistake Cleveland Thirty five persons were gress, predicts that the Salt Iake sesFrom Washington has been sent to was made in choice of victims in the sion of the body will prove more fruit- Injured, five of them fatally, when a Emilio Campa that Americam a Walter of Johnson, negro, ful thin any previous meeting in work special Lake Shore electric car. with lynching American or properly must not In moon a trailer attached, crashed into a following tlie ullac-to be accomplished. The lested. message was sent Sat nr now held Is belief the White. liy Nila four miles west iff The Midvale Commercial club seeks brewery trucknear day. tlie authorities here. here. Sunday. to emulate its larger brother In Salt Rocky River, Cananea Expecting Attack. Jeffries' Mother Left Fortune. McNamara Has Appendicitis. Lake by inaugurating a membership Mexico. Another alfack been has Cnnanea, Tbe Alr membership Rebecca Los Angeles, Cal. campaign. San Quentin, Cal. James R. Mae-- ! j Rods ia expected daily. Ilataol ou Cananea divided Into two camps, tip Jamea J. of Jeffries, mother Jeffries, life for sentence Nantara. serving a and the Blues, and earh will strive i murder in connection with the dyna-- j the former heavyweight champion Campa, the rebel leader, has sent word to secure more now members than tha mltln-- ; of the tats Angeles Times, wa pugilist, who died Issf winter, left an for Americans to keep away from the firing line anil In Ilia event none will I ptber. T,,ursdiy at the prison estate valued ut $X7,43H, aceori'tag to lie operated hurined iidlcltls. V tpR inheritance tax appraisers 1 j i cool-heade- 25-ec- 50-ce- j i i n ; e i Trans-Mississip- i , ORCANIZE MILITARY BODY WITH VIEW OF RESCUING AMERICANS Portlund, Me. The fight for the control of tbe slate government beIMPERILED IN SONORA. tween the combination of all brands f Republicans and the' Democrats resulted Monday in a victory for tbe Meet Behind Closed Doore and Perfect 'Republicans. The latest available Organization, Are Equipped With figures Indicate a plurality of about Rifles and Plenty of Ammunition 4,000 for William T. Haines, Republican, for governor, over Frederick W. and Are Willing to Fight. Plaisted, the present Democratic governor, the election of three out of conDouglas, Ariz. Equipped with 120 four Republican candidates for rifles and 60,000 rounds of ammunition, gress, practically insuring Republican shipped Into this city Wednesday control of the legislature. Both the Roosevflt leaders, who night an organized body of cowboys is prepared to move at a moments no- control the machinery of the Repubtice Into Sonora, Mexico, where Amer- lican party In the state, and the Taft icans are said to be gravely imperiled. men are claiming credit for success The cowboys met secretly Thursday of their combination ticket. With the ending of the truce prenight and organized a military body. The meeting w'as held behind closed vailing during the state campaign, doors and reports were made relative the rival leaders will take up the to the situation of Americans at the cudgels against each other and fight various mining camps now being for the six electors that each has threatened by marauding bands o! put into the national contest. Orozco rebels on their way west. Millions of dollars' worth of prop- TYPHOON CLAIMS MANY VICTIMS erty In Sonora, the reports said, was Torrential Ralna, High Tides and or In imminent peril of confiscation Enormous Loss Cause Floods destruction. of Life. The country south of Douglas Is to overrun with rebels, who are said Shanghai. Immense kiss of life is be short of ammunition. Rebels visit- reported In mail advices Just received ed Ysubel station, near the El Tlgre front Wen Chow, lu the province of mining camp, an American property. Chekiang. Merchandise valued at $1.010 was Chinese estirajMes give the death taken from the company store. The roll between 30,000 and 40,000 as the rebels then burned bridges and tore result of a typhoon combined with up track on the Nacozari railway near torrential rains and high tides which Ysabel. occurred August 29. Great floods followed and the upper Seize Smuggled Cattle. Wen Chow river overflowed a vast Nogalea, Arlz. Thirteen hundred area. The town of Tsing Tien, forty head of cattle which were being smug- miles northwest of Wea Chow, was gled Into the United States from overwhelmed and lti.UOO of the inhabVarious other Mexico were seized Saturday night by itants were drowned. were destroyed American mounted customs inspectors. towns and villages This is the largest cattle seizure ever and the prefectural church, an importmade on the Arizona border. Thomas ant missionary station, was washed Hester was arrested, charged with the away. attempt at smuggling. Under the law RETURNS FROM THE FAR NORTH the confiscated slock will be sold by the government. Explorer Tells of Probable Discovery of Descendants of Scandinavian Murder Suspect Arrested. Colonists. to said Wl J. Hill, Salt Lqke City. Vllhjalmar Seattle. Wash. be otherwise known aa "Jack Murr, after spending more than of the trio of bandits phy, who are alleged to have murdered four years in Arctic exploration, reNight Marshal Frank Colclough In the turned to Seattle on Monday by Vienna saloon at Midvale on the night steamer from Nome, Alaska, and told of August 7, waa arrested Saturday of his probable discovery of the dewhile he was working an air drill one scendants of the Scandinavian colonmiles within the Snake ists of Greenland who were last heard and one-hacreek drainage tunnel, situated eight of in 1412 and who, when trade w'th Greenland was resumed in the sevenmiles northwest of Heber City. teenth century, had disappeared. See Father Burned to Death. Stefanaaon and his companion, Dr. M. Anderson of Forest City, la., R. H. Iowa. Rev. Grefe, pasPaulina, ethnotor of tbe Lutheran church In German- made a valuable zoological and Is now on which collection, logical betown, Iowa, waa burned to death with Dr. fore the eyea of hia children and aev- the steam whaler Belvedere, in San arrive will and Anderson, beeral other persona while pinned lu November week first the Francisco neath a wrecked motor car. Tbe blaze American Museum was started from a lantern with which on the way to the Natural of History, NewYork. hia rescuers were working. NEWMAN ERB SECURES CONTROL Kaiser William Recovers. Berlin. Kaiser William has com- New York Syndicate Will Take Over the Moffat Road. pletely recovered from hia illness. He was greatly touched by the interest Denver. Colo. Contracts providing shown ip his welfare. He read refer- for the reorganization of the Denver, ences In the newspapers regarding hia Northwestern & Pacific railroad were health and carefully filed them for ref- signed in New York Monday aftererence. noon, in which Newman Krb and a New York syndicate will take over Baseball Pitcher Killed. the control of the road. Chicago. Coroner Hoffman will In Under the terms of the agreement quire Into the death or Arthur L. the New York syndicate will get fit (Bugs) Raymond, well known base- per cent of the stork of the new comball pitcher, whose body was round in pany, which will take over the propa Clark street hotel. It was reported erty at a foreclosure sale. The bond in sporting cirrles that Raymond had Issues or the new company will lie met with foul play. for $25, 01)0,090. gun-fighte- lf Bold Daylight Robbery. Cowboys Guarding Colonists. are hia at While El Utah. Paso, Texas Cowboys Bitting Ogden, desk in his office Sunday afternoon, guarding the horses belonging to the Mormons from the Sonora colonies, Dr. C. F. Osgood was held up by a daylight robber and lost $.1.1 as a result of which are corralled near Hachita, N. the experience. To add to his cha- M. Forty cowpunclicrs have been grin, the robber gagged and tied him sworn in aa deputies and they have been riding the line to prevent Salabefore departing. zar front crossing and trying to drive Dentist Takes Strychnine the horves into Mexico. The men Salt Lake City. Strychnine taken have orders to shoot the first rebel with suicidal intent caused the death who crosses tbe line. of Dr. James W. Ewin, dentist, shortly Hill to Embark in Steer Trade. before 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Paul. When it was officially anSt. Dr. Kwln bad been in ill health all nounced Monday that James J. Hill summer. s of tbe slock had acquired of the Second National bank, it be Motocycle Rider Near Death. Mr. Ch'cngo. Curtis Edwards, a well came authoritatively known that kitoan motorcyclist, is near death at Hill would establish a company with the Alexiun Brothers hospital, ai a re- a capital of $2,n0(l,000. It Is rumored sult of injuries he received while ruc-in- g that he intends to embark in tlie steel at the Uiverview motordrome Sat- business. urday night. Burns Knocks Out Hogan. two-third- Morgan Offers to Pay the Bill. Rome. J. liorpont Morgan has offered to excavate the ruined cities of ruinpcil and Herculaneum at ills own exiense, according lo stories appearing In several Italian newspapers. Plan Memorial to Booth. tamdon. Bramwell Booth, the now head of the Salvation Army, has issued uii appeal for $7.10. 000 with which to erect, equip and maintain a new training college for Salvation Army officers as a memorial to his father. -- Prison Rioters Flogged. Jackson, Mich. For the first time in Its history, flogging was resulted to ut Thursthe Michigan state prison day. Nine of the iT g'en.ta.M n the recent outbreak vreie 'ux i l.,r to- -, to thirty tal lies. ta-:- e San Francisco. A grudge of long standing was settled Monday when Frankie Burns of Oakland. Cal , knocked out One Round" Jack Hogan of this city In the tenth ion ml of their lightweight battle at llie Eighth street open-ai- Deb' r arena. Cause of Shooting. Toele, Utah. In a d split e over a loan of $1. Dick Xcllson waa shot three times in the left hand and arm. making it. necessary for hi arm to lie amputated. Will Evans was charged with tlm shouting. El Pais Editor D es. Mexico City Trinidad Saiitos. Hi-to- r of El Pais for ten years, sail a uni-cpolitical insurgent, died iteie Sun- day. Santos had been jailed times for political urcru:i" writings. nnin ail |