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Show PARALLEL STORIES if FAMOUS CRIMES By HENRY C. TERRY THE CRIMINAL Tells How He Planned the Deed and Sought to Close Every Avenue of Knowledge Leading to His Guilt. The Detective Shows How Futile These Efforts Were and How the Old Adage, Murder Will Out, Always Holds Good. hr . L. tialioa A $3,000,000 PLOT THAT FAILED. in the wall waa hidden at such times by a large screen. It took nearly two F all the thieves whom It has weeka to get through the stone, and been my lot to know inti- then we found that we were about mately 1 have the kindliest three feet above the big money bos. recollection of Mono Vogel. This was made of heavy Iron plates, There was something in- and on top there were several layers tensely human about the of railroad Iron, wedged In place so man; a whimsical, humorous way, that that they were shout as solid ss a made you forget that be was one of mass of iron. We got rid of part of the iron, and the most desperate bank robbers ever dealt with by the New York police. then It was arranged that Dave was He was closely associated with all of to do the outside work and give us the best crooks of the world in his warning of danger signs. We had no day, and his shrewdness and pluck fear of the police, but there were a made him in great demand as a part- lot of secret service bugs flying ner, even though it was well known in around. They were not up to our the under-worl- d that Mose had been game, but they knew me and Dago born under an unlucky star. He met Frank from a couple of tricks done in with more reverses than any crook I other places. Dave threw us down In great have ' ever known, and as I do not but I never blamed him for it. shape, of the course, credit, infallibility of the little Goddess of Luck in guiding the He waa always on the level, but inlives of the knights of the dark lan- clined to take chances. Instead of tern and jimmy, I am willing to offer keeping tab, Dave so he told me Moses misfortunes as cumulative evi- afterward used to drop Into Taylors hotel and play billiards. He could dence of the final futility of crime. He has long since passed to his beat about any one that bandied a final reward, but I remember as clear- cue, and would play all night If he ly as If It were yesterday his Bitting could get any one to stay with him. In the old Mulberry street station and Our work went on, and we reached telling me how he and his gang al- the top plate of the money box. Then most cleaned up $3,000,000 from a Jer- It waa only a question of drills, acids sey City bank. But I will let him and jimmies to get through the plate. With good luck this would take only tell the story as he told It to me. a few hours. I could almost feel the crisp bills In my fingers. MOSE VOGEL'S STORY. Then came the end, suddenly and It was along back In the seven- swiftly. We were In the pit working ties, said Mose, that Dave Cum- by the light of candles, and supposed mings, then In the height of his fame that Dave waa In the building someas a crook, met me on the Bowery, where. 1 was swinging a sledge, Johnand we went together down to tha old son was holding the chisel and Dago Atlantic Garden. Dave was resting. I heard a slight comSuddenly turned to me and said: 1 think you motion In the room above and thought are on the level, Mose.' I felt that that Dave had come In for something. this was a big compliment, coming A second later I heard a strange voice from Dave, for he was an Independent, shout Into the fireplace: Throw up your hands! g fellow, who would pass I looked up and aaw two policeup a thousand thieves without giving men'! heads and two guns covering one the nod of his head. I told Dave that I had always tried us. We threw up our hands. . Then 1 to be square and to live up to that said to Dago: Are you heeled?' He s wheeze in the about hon- replied: 'No. So secure did we feel esty being the best policy.' He didn't with Dave on guard that we had all im mmm- tv ) With OT left our guns in the room. l am 0ii even let out to me what was In his tn make a nrisa mind. That wasnt Daves way. But said. 'Im with you,' said Dago. JohnI knew he had his eye on me as a son only cursed. 'Come out or I'll shoot, was the bright lad that was sure to rise In his He did ask me to step next order, and we climbed out of the profession. down to Murray's with him, saying he hole feeling pretty tough. There needed a little money and was In the were six cops in the room and erery mind to have a whack at Murrays one had a gun. A fellow came toward game. He had Just made a big haul me with nippers and I dashed for the somewhere and had about $6, OKU; so window. I never reached It. A club I didnt think there was any chance of got to me first. Johnson still cursed. him going to work right away. But Dago went through the cops like a the cards ran against him and in less shot, knocked a couple of them down, than a week the whole bank roll had reached the stairs. Jumped over the heads of several cops, and reached passed Into Murray's bands. Seeing how things were going with the landing. A fat cop who was too Dare I sort of held myself open, turn- lazy to go upstairs stood In the hall, ing down several good offers of high and before Dago eaw him, tbe cop got class work. Sure enough he finally In his work with the atlck. Dave was hunted me up. He had a newspaper In Taylor's hotel playing billiards clipping about a big special deposit, when thia waa going on, and when he He did $3,000,000, lying In a bank In Jersey heard It went under cover. City that hed planted, and Just wait- everything that was possible to aid us, ing for somebody to come and get It. and even went so far aa to fix up a It made my mouth water to think of Job to get us out of tbe Hudson county jail. But he didnt have enough all that money. coin. The three of us took our fifte"Dave said the work had to be en-year stretch at Trenton without started right away, before the money a and Dave gave us all tbe murmur, was paid out and so, after taking a look at my engagement book, I told luxuries that money rould furnish him 1 was free to go to work any there. I'm going on the level now, time. We went right up to Harry but It Is not like the old times. Hill's place that night and Dave introduced me to Ed. Johnson and Dago CAPT. MHCRNEYS 8T0RY. Frank, a pair of At western crooks who had worked off several big tricks (.'apt. Edward McHorney of the Jerwith Dave already. sey City police department, who was The next day we went by different the principal factor In the capture of routes to Jersey City and picked out the Flrt.1 National hank burglars, was s quiet boarding house near I'nlon one of the bravext men who ever won Hill. The real work of planting the a silver shield. Captain Mcliorney bank then began for fair. died a few years ago from a disease It took a wiek to plant the bank. that was Indirectly the result of the It came my lot to locate the vault. 1 injuries received during the struggle (id this by going In to look at a direc- with Mose Vogel, and shortly before death scaled his lips told me this tory. I saw that it was an affair, built in the wall on the story: cast side, near the entrance opposite The capture of Vogel, Dago Frank .he directors' room. We decided to and Johnson was due to tbe curiosity Her name was Mrs. go through the wait, and hired a room of a woman. n the adjoining building, whose floor Francis, us I recollect It, aud she ran 1 a boarding house over Narew's oyster whs several feet above the vault. represented to the landlady that I saloon, which adjoined the bank. One was a sculptor recently linded from of the tblc-eVogel, I think hired Italy, nod wished to set i a studio, a room from her on the second floor, t had to pay about three prices for which adjoined the hank on the oust, lie room, as the landlady seemed to and opened a studio as a blind. :hink that a sculptor ought to have Every morning regularly Mrs. nnrrcls of coin. Well, we came near Francis was called Into the studio by the sculptor to clean op the place. letting It. "I sent several blocks of marble to The floor she always found covered he studio and commenced carving out with marble dust and chips of stone, :he busts of distinguished men. Cum- c.iwl r.n elegant screen stood In front mings, Dago Frank and Johnson were of the fireplace. The sculptor always my assistants. I bad n bed in the sat near the screen with a big apron on anil chatted pleasantly with his room ar.d lived there, but my partner slept elsewhere. I had sledges, ham- landlady. mers anil steel chisels to use In the "Things went on for a week or more sculpture business apparently. We In this way. The sculptor kept hammade the attack on the hank through mering away, and Mrs. Francis enthe open fireplace, anil the ringing joyed her morning call. It was along blows that were heard through the about housecleanlng time, and Mrs. house made the tenants believe that Francis started In one morning to the sculptors were very busy fellows. clean the windows on the sculptors We did not do much work while the floor. In passing through the hall with bank was open, but early In the morning and late at night pounded away a step ladder It struck her that it would he a good opportunity to see at the stone and brick. It was tedious work, as we had to the sculptor at work, She heard him go through heavy blocks of stone pounding on stone In the room, and which made up the outer wall of the cautiously put up tbe ladder In front vault. We removed the debris after of the door. The fan light was open, dark, and let the Janltreaa Into the gnd It was this trivial oversight that room every day to dean up. The hole threw down three of the best men In (Copyright high-strun- copy-book- -- hln-hm- s u-- tbe business. How they came to over, look the fanlight I never could under stand, as everything else In the roorq keyholes, cracks and windows were carefully covered. "Mrs. Francis peeped Inside. Nc one was In sight. She could sea the blocks of marble, but no one waa hammering on them. The aound was very distinct, and she wondered what It meant. She could hear voices, too. When her eyes lit on tbe opjnn fire place and she saw a piece of stone fly from It Into the room she fell off the ladder. The noise In the room stop ped. Mrs. Francis picked herself up and hurried away as rapidly as possible. She peeped over the banister and saw some one open the atudlo door. In a moment the hammering was resumed, and Mrs. Francis hurried to police headquarters. I was In charge, as Chief Edward S. McWilliams was In Philadelphia. Mrs. Francis told me her story. I knew at once that a gang or burglars had planted the bank. From the time that they had been at work I knew they must he dose tq the money. I rang for Detective Mika Bowie, and we went together down to Exchange place, where we could pipe the bank. Mrs. Francis told me that four men were In the gang, and arter a long wait we saw two of them come out of the boarding house. In a few moments the two other fellows came out, and they all crossed the ferry to New York. I knew one of them. He was the best looking one In the gang, I had played several games of billiards with him at Taylor'a hotel, and was beaten every time. I found out afterward that he was Cummings. Bowie and I crossed over to Nafew's saloon, and got a small cob ored boy who worked there. We took him Into the boarding house and pushed him through the open fanlight Into the atudlo. The kid Jumped Into the hole In the fireplace, eaw the condition of things there and came back scared half to death. Then I waited at the house until three of tbe gang canys back. They Deemed to be In a hurry, and went to work In the vault late in the afternoon. Cummings did not return. I knew the trick was about to come off, and he had been left outotde to watch. I sent Bowie to the station house for the men, and when they returned, after making sure that Cummings was not on the lookout anywhere, 1 sent two mep to the roof of the bouse, star tloned three others In the bank, and tbe rest I placed on tbe stairs. Bowie and I, with four big nervy men, made for the room. The sound of the hammering was very distinct, but I could not tell whether the three men were In the hole or not. I Stuua nr.i against the studio door, and placed Bowre and two policemen behind me. It wae a ticklish moment, and I'll admit I felt a little uneasy, aa men of the kind we were going up against are very handy with guns. 1 gave the signal In a low voice, and we threw ourselves against the door. It was Important that the locks and bolts should be broken at the first effort, so that tha gang would not have warning. The door flew open, and I landed on my hands and knees In tbe middle of tbe room. The place was empty, and 1 jumped for the fireplace with my revolver In my hand. Bowie, one of the stoutest-heartehoys I ever knew, got there ahead of me and shouted to the gang to throw In the hole were up their bands. three men on their hands and knees and I heard them whisper to each other, but could not tell what they said. I knew that they would not give up without a battle and I felt relieved when one of the policemen shouted: 'Here are their guna. Cap. They were unarmed, and I knew 1 had them all safe. The three fellows climbed out of the hole wlta as ugly expressions on their mugs as I ever saw. One of them kept swearing all the time. They kept their hands above their heads, but I could see that they were sizing up the game as they crawled Into the room. Before we had a chance to grab them, one fellow gave me a vicious kick In the abdomen, and started for the window, "My men would have killed blm if I had not cal'.ed them off. Another of the thieves made for the door. He waa a devil and had the courage of a lion. Why he was not killed I never could understand, hut 1 suppose we got a llttls careless when we found out they had nothing to shoot with nnd gave them more of a handcuffs on chance. But we got them and landed them lu the station house. There was a sequel to this capture which created even greater than the attempted bank squealed at robbery. The thieve their trial uni said that Captain and Defective Doyle, who was McWilliams' confidential man, were In the scheme to rob the bank and were to Lo rewarded wlt'r a share of the proceeds for giving them d i black-lookin- Free To. Our Subscribers. j Every subscriber to the COUNTY EpTTERPIUSB who will pay one yean subscription $1.75 in advance may end in the name of any child or their own name to whom we will deposit one dollar In the Utah State Building A Loan Association Bank of Salt Lake. This will start a savings account which will lead to a fortune. ' .Tpe gouty efiTeipise Utah State Buildipg & hoap Associatiop .. T" By Special J Amngement with the 1 of Balt Lake will furnish to all of Its subscribers who will pay up one years subscription In advance for the next sixty days me of these Home Banks to he used for saving up the dimes, nlckles and bills, ONE DOLLAR IN THE IS WORTH TWO IN YOUR POCKET. 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Senders Name Addresa Chllde Name.. the COUNTY designate. D. S. Harrington Managing Editor P. O. Box 177, leiMiMetiatiiMiMMimiMMiMt Sandy, Utah Or send ns word and n representative will call and arrange for the starting of your savings. ICE CREAM AND CANDIES pummer drinks of ell kinds, coffee cake and cold lunches. Open until 11 p. m. I keep an assortment of canned goods cakes and fancy crackere. Your patronage la solicited. REBEKA RYBERG, 14 West Main St Where the care stop. Sandy, Utah. (Efye 23rtbal picture We HENRY G. MARRIOTT BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER 15 N. First West St near West Main have particular facilities for Bridal Groups NOTHING Is troublesome that we do willingly That is why OUR Photographs are o SUCCESSFUL Equipped with machinery, Wagon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire rePlow Work, pairing, Horseshoeing, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. MARRIOTT, 15 N. First West St Sandy, Utah. a Howj COME TO MY FOUNTAIN Summer Drinks I hare a large cool Ice Cream lor, where you can sit and enjoy 16 So. All Par- Photographer State Street Bell Tel. 379 MUBRAY, Utah KEELEYS CELEBRATED ICE CREAM for rhich I have the exzclusive agency. I also sell Candies, Fruit and Sandwiches. Give me a call. We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle Is a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glasses In accordance to L. L. RADDON; 101, At the Marriott House West Main Street Sandy, Utah. wi ms I 1 1 1 the defecta Satisfaction guaranteed. kU 1 1 U WUi Biorn Optical Company FUNERAL DIRECTORS. g to Teach the Children lo Sate LICENSED MAIN ST. EMBALMERS. . MIDVALE, UTAH MURRAY, We will be M. M. TAYLOR, Manager. Office phone 6. Res. phone at Sandy every Wednesday. 259-- J Open Day and NighL ANY BODY HERE UTAH. Save as You Earn SEEN And you will always have something to spend as you go. Open a savings account with us where it will earn 4 per cent annually compounded in January and July, $1 will open an HccounL SAKDY CITY BANK pro-tertlo- J "The trial of Captain McWilliams Phono. MMvili 128-aid Doyle was the most sensational one ever held In Hudson county. The thieves told of their various meetings with Doyle. A diary was produced FARMS AND COUNTRY H0ME8. containing a record of the conversaRsad a Fsw of Hlo Bargains: tions with him and the convicts swore 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Waout a very stiff rase. A point that was made to count strongly against ter right. Farm House, Eke. $135.00 ruptuln McWilliams was his absence an Acre. in Philadelphia when the trick was to 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Wahave come off, but all the Jury would ter right, good house, barn, flowing not believe the testimony of the men wall, complete set ofimplements, who had been thieves all their lives korses, cattle, etc. $350 an Acre. In preference to men of good reputa10 ACRES, 5 In Wheat and 5 in tion and the jury failed to agree. Mo l Water Right $1,800. Williams spent a fortune In his de- Barley. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE fense. gave up the police business and became a detective at the Astor Office, State St., one block aouth of House. Doyle was ruined and drank Midvale 6wlteh. himself to death. r. O. Address, MIDVALE, Utah. W. W. WILSON, President. HEBER A. SMITH, Vlce-PreA. R. GARDNER, Cashier. Utah. Sandy City, He Sells Land A-- rhone All kinds 37 P. O. Box 33$ rotted Plants Walter W. FLORIST lr$ir)g rilONE Dr. 50. J. H. Brown DENTIST CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL Office, MAIN STREET, DESIGNS. In connection Greenhouses with Over Moving Picture Show, Store. MIDVALE, UTAH. 214 East 2nd South St. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Latat Methods of Painless Dentistry. Leave orders with S. M. Taylor & CALL AND SEE ME Co, MIDVALE. Offics Hours: 9 to $ n. n u. |