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Show PROFITS INCREASED BY SILO HOLD MOISTURE IN THE SOIL j SUCCESS ON DRY LAND FARM Dairyman Should Bo Ready to Take Ad van tags of Opportunities to R dues His Expenses. J. E. DORMAN.) Tf a dairy farmer were told that he could roll silver dollars down a hill and then pick up two dollars for every one he rolled down, and this statement was verified by soeae of his neighbors and hundreds of other dairy farmers in the country, that farmer would sthy up nights and roll the dollars. Bnt when told that he eonld double the profits by the um of the silo he beQUALITIES OF THE AYRSHIRE comes very Indifferent and keeps on In the same old rat, feeding dry feed, Animal Is Quits Intelligent, Quick to wasting nearly half of his corn crop and doing a lot of unnecessary work. Lsars sad of Retentlvs Memory In these days of close competition, Easy to Milk. dairymen should be ready to take adTbs general appearance of an Ayr- vantage of every opportunity to reshire, as yon look at her, is striking, duce the cost of production, and It will be found that it la easier. If the being alert and full of life and energy. She is a healthy cov, rarely haring ailments of body and adder, and yon seldom see an Ayrshire oow bnt that has four healthy quarters in her udder and gires a uniform quantity of milk from each. She is a very persistent milker, giving a uniform quality well up toward calving, and many of them are dried off (By FOR' USE Invention Stave Silo 14x28 floor. feet; Most Important (Vy K. B. HOU8K. Colorado Experiment fBv W. II. I.ATCK, Irrigation Investigation, fulled Slates lVparliuent of Factor Is Supplementary Irrigation Practice Limited to Water Supply. Station.) well-know- n There are many things that make in the proper methods are used, to do that than to raise the selling price of the dairy products. The results are the same; a large net profit In the corn plant about 40 per cent of the feeding value is in the stalk and 60 per cent in the ear. When the ear alone is fed, nearly half of the corn crop is wasted. Where the dry stalks are fed, at least half of them remain uneaten, while If stored in the silo the loss ia almost nothing. Every dairyman knows that cows will do their best on fresh June pasture. The grass is succulent and pal- MILKING field. Man Provides Vertical Partition Between Milker and Animal. The Scientific American in describing a sanitary structure and milking appliance, invented by G. M. Lummis of Fort Myers, Fla., says: This invention provides a vertical partition Interposed between the cow and the milker, and constructs the same with a large opening over and in which a flexible screen formed of rubber, skin or fabric, and having holes for insertion of the cows teats, is applied so as to completely exclude foreign substances from access to the milk paiL Thus in place of taking a scription to the COUNTY Name Emil Carlson it h 2x4-lnc- h ' Electricity C. H. BANKS I Mailtos Mis. g tylillir)ery How to Use tho Field Roller. Never use a roller Immediately after a heavy rain. But It should be used as soon as the surface becomes dry enough to pulverize easily without packing tightly. The roller should he used in dry seasons following the harrow to keep the moisture in the soli Of course it Is not jiossible to use DISTRIBUTION OF THE WATER JOHN HAZKLCREX, Prop. the roller to any extent after plants 140 So. State St. are well up, but It can always be Important Part of Supplementary IrriMURRAY. in the prepused to great advantage inUtl alyh Fra? gation ae Seepage and Evaporaaration of the seed bed. Very often I make that GOOD BREAD. tion Must Bo Reduced. RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. one rolling will not mash all the clods, Cakes, Pies and Pastry. SEALS, STENCILS, ETC. and if the ground la particularly rough The distribution of tie water Is an A line of Groceries, Candles, Cigars Modified Wisconsin Silo Capacity it should be harrowed and rolled and Important part of supplementary IrriSalt Lake City, Utah. 150 tons; size 18x30 feet; cost, $230, and Tob&ron. harrowed again until the soil is gation, as seepuge and evaporation 85 W. 3rd So. St. Phone Was. :!01 We serve Coffee and Cakes. complete with roof and concrete floor. pulverized. loss must be reduced to a minimum. Itiihlu-- r Stamps.) make (We PHONE 311-R- . The canvas hose, made by stitching stable and the conditions for a maxicanof a mum milk flow are Ideal. These conof The Yearling Colt. the edges strip together Look out for the yearling colts. vas, wide enough to pass around the ditions, however, do not lost very Dont let them get back as spring ap- outlet pipe to reaervoir. Is the most long. The silo comes as near to supplying proaches. practical and economical method of A stumbling habit may be caused the ideal conditions as anything that distributing a limited water supply. can be found, and It is available every by ioor shoeing, or It may be caused Tbe slip Joint pipe is also a good Be a tailored man or woman and command more respect. I have a full method but the first cost is the chief day in the year. It provides a uniform by ignorant or careless hitching feed for every one of the twelve A colt appreciates the companionline of PROVO MILLS WOOLENS at from $22.00 up for Men's Suits an4 to it. objection months. The method of irrigation most comship of man, and should have it. es$25.00 and up for Ladies' Suits, which I will make to your measure In tbs Highly sensitive dairy cows resent pecially during the first year of his monly and profitably used Is the furlatest fanhion. Men's Own Material made up from $15.00 up; l.adiea' Own row method. The plants should be any sudden or violent change in feed, life. Material made up in Knit $lii.o,Jackets $11.00, Skirts 15.00. When order and will show it by a decreased milk set and seed planted along the edge ing a Si.it see tnp first. Orders left at COUNTY ENTERPRISE Office will How. The change from fall pasture of the furrow. Rcvia for Late Summer, be promptly a'lcmled to. 1 do alterai Inns, repairing, cleaning and pressing to dry feed is always followed by a The flooding or sprinkling method riant snap licaim to produce table In tLe neatest manner. milk. in the more to cultivation shrinkage keep the vegetables late In summer. Beans requires In changing from the pasture to the should have a moist, rich soil so that rruBt from forming on the soil and is silage, the change is not so great, and growth will be rapid. The pole va- wasteful of water. often the cows increase the flow of rieties are good, but as a rule the milk when started on silage. Several dwarf bush types are earlier. 631-3CONSTITUTION BUILDING, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. dairymen have recently made the statement that the incerased profits paid for the silo the first year. PHONE, MURRAY 81 Murray jakery thor-oughi- y Patronize Homc Industry CIIAS. W. IIUIIL, Tailor 2 It is common sense that a masow will produce larger and more ture Cows that are on pasture should boot. perfect offspring. have free access to salt. How much per bushel can be made Why should the hired man be exDon't hesitate to Increase the grain from wheat by feeding to' hogs? In pected to work ten hours or more ration to keep up the milk flow. In the harvest field and then while hot The heifer whose first milk period what way should It be fed? and dirty tackle the milking Job? 'l h ? clover seed crop depends very is long, frequently develops the habit ! of long periods. With soiling crops and some grain the dairy herd should maintain a profitable production. Green feed fed to milk cows will insure larger profits, and as a good aid to this result is a silo. When a dairyman learns to use the Babcock test he is started on the way to economic salvation. One paper says: Clean up fre It would be better for the quently.' Cow Testing. dairy farmer to keep things clean all The universal Interest in the prob- the time. lem of increasing dairy profits through Among the men who have been shows phenomenally successful on the farm the cow testing associations that dairy farmers are willing to learn those who have followed dairying better ways when they have convinc- stand out If the calves that are in the pasing proof to sustain a theory. ture are experted to do well they should have plenty of shade and plenCare in Spraying. Ia spraying the cows, be careful ty of good clean water. that a generous quantity of tho soluVitality is a very Important chartion Is put on their backs, especially acteristic in the dairy cow or any Just behind the shoulders, since at other farm animal. If weak along this these points it ia difficult for the ani- line the best returns cannot be mals to brush off tho flies. Our Long Suit r Cruelty to the Cows. Th milker who will thump a cow for squirming under the attack of flies ought to be hoisted out of the barn on the toe of the dairyman's Prepare for Future. It Is imperative that we provide some means of tiding the dairy herd over the season of failing pastures. Instead of vainly regretting that it has occurred. The dairyman who depends upon the pasture during the summer and hay during the winter to feed his cows is treading on treacherous ground. Peter Pierson it . asanwwsBHni Appliance for Milking Cow. pail or milking machine to a cow when tied in the open or in a stable, the oow is taken to a particular structure and is confined therein while being milked. The engraving shows a cross section of a cow stall or stable and an adjoining compartment where the milker is located. ENTERPRISE. u COW of Florida for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) sub $ Capital Pliancy farmers. IN Enclosed find -- 1 Some years ago one of the representatives from the Agricultural colfarmer lege was visiting an In the country, and the farmer showed him a field of wheat which Illustrated this harrowing In a remarkable manner. A storm had passed over that section of the country and about one and a half inches of rain had fallen. It had been a dashing shower and had packed the surface of the ground considerably The grain was from four to six Inches high, and the farmef had been advised to harrow the ground to He sent his prevent evaporation. hired man to do the work, who hitched on to the harrow and dragged it diagonally across the field of wheat, and then around (he outside of the field some five or six times. He then became disgusted wlih the work because it appeared that he was dragging out so much of the grain and reported the fact to the farmer, who ordered the work discontinued. By the time the grain had headed the marks of the harrowed lections could be plainly seen. The place where it had been dragged diagonally across the field produced grain at least eight or ten inches higher than that on either side which had not been harrowed, and along the edges of the field the grain was in a like condition. The grain of the field that had not been touched by the harrow was not to be compared with the harrowed grain, either in appearance, size of plants or heads of grain. The yield from the harrowed portion was practically double that from the unharrowed portion. It simply shows that the harrowing and loosening of the surface soil, even though it did destroy some of the plants, conserved the moisture and benefited those planta that were left in such a marked degree that it materially increased the yield from that field, and shows that this practice could be employed to advantage by all Capacity 80 tons, size cost $132.. No roof, clay COUNTY ENTERPRISE: for success on a dry land farm and State home. The moat important of these Town Is supplementary This irrigation. 1 year, $1.00; 2 years, $1.50 Anywhere in the U. S. not conflict In any way with the but rather assists work, by j utilizing one of the resources which nature has provided. However, the extent to which the practice may be applied la limited to the water supply available. TIN AND METAL WORKER. One of the first and most important things for the dry land farmer to asGuttering, Roofing and Copper Work. SANDY, UTAH. certain la whether a water supply can Good Work Guaranteed. be developed from the underground In Business for your Health. Repairing of All Kinds. water, or stored durlug the torrential rain storms. N. E. cor. 1st North and State Street. Where a water supply cannot be deour Prescriptions Specialty. veloped, the homesteader soon beSandy, Utah. comes discouraged and he abandons his claim. The proper location for the well can NYAL'S 100 REMEDIES, often be decided upon by studying the All Good, Good for All. wells in the immediate neighborhood. Capitol Pharmacy, Agency Where the distance is too great for this method, test holes may be put down with a two or three-incauger Wc have the only Soda Foun- BICYCLES and AUTOMOBILES and light derrick, made of tain in Sandy. Call and let us timbers. General Repairing dona The points desirable to know are: serve you. (1) Depth to water level; (2) material if you waul a good Automobile buy 3 Wes Main Street. encountered In sinking test well; (3) the Michigan. 1 have the agency. amount the water lowers in the vwjll J'lione, 4 7 So. State Street during pumping; and (4) kind of well most desirable, whether drilled, bored MURRAY, UTAH or dug. With this Information, some Idea of the amount of water which can be expected In the locality ran be formed, thus deciding to what extent irrigation can tie practiced. Supplies Many Hot Weather After water has been located, the Comforts. method for making the well must be decided. Where competent well drillers ran be obtained, the drilled well is the moat satisfactory, especially if it is necessary to go to any great depth. The moat Important thing to ascertain in a drilled well, as in other methods, is the size of. perforations In the THE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. strainer the water bearing gravel will LICENSED EMBALMEU permit. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. This can be determined in the test 347. 144 State Street, Phone hole or the neighboring wells. UTAH. MURRAY, The openings of the strainer should be equal to 10 or 13 times tbe cross sectional area of the casing or sufficient, if possible, to allow the water to And other appliances are so pass through into the well as readily as through the water-bearingravel convenient and economical. or stratum. Long slots, punched in the casing from the inside, with the Are you getting the most of burr on the outside, are the best in SPRING AND SUMMER or coarse materials, but quicksands comforts from life by using very fine materials often necessitate special wire strainers. them? In some localities it is also neces142 So. State Street, sary to ascertain which water bearing UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY GO. stratum to use on account of the minerals they may contain, and the objecMURRAY, UTAH. F. G. FISHER, Local Agent, tionable water can be cased off. The style and size of pump will be Pioneer Ave. determined by the depth to water and SANDY, UTAH. quantity that can be developed. - ing PUBLISHER Agrl-rultur- It ia a fact that ground which Is kept loose oa top will evap orate much less water than a soil which Is packed on top. The moisture which escaped Into the air is ab pliant soiuteiy lost, so far as tb-rgrowing in that particular field are concerned, and If anything can be done to hold this moisture in the ground so that it may reach the roots of the growing crop, it is of course the thing to strive for. and will prove a benefit to the plant grow- d with difficulty. She is very Intelligent, quick to learn and of a retentive memory, easily taught to take the same place in the stable and, If required to change, will In a few days readily take the new place. She is quiet and pleasant to milk, not easily disturbed, and will as a rule yield her milk as readily to one milker as to another, and does not seem disturbed by any amount of noise In the stable. As a dairy cow she is particularly adapted to the production of milk for the milkman and for table use, as her medium size, vigorous appetite and easy keeping qualities make her an economical producer, while her even, uniform production makes her a reliable supply, and the richness of her milk in total solids places it above suspicion from city milk inspectors. Her milk is particularly adapted to transportation, as it does not churn or sour easily, and when poured back and forth a few times will readily mix the cream back into the milk, which will not again readily separate, giving it a uniform quality until the last is sold or used. It has a good body. Is rich looking and never looks blue. The milk itself being easily balanced with casein and butter fat, la a complete food, easily digested, nutritious, and Is particularly, adapted to children and invalids. Stomachs that are weak and unable to direct other milk find no trouble with Ayrshire cows milk. Practice of Harrowing and Loosening Surface Can Be Employed to Advantage by Farmer. largely upon tho condition of the ground and tho weather. Bee that all the Logs have plenty of fresh, clean water to drink, esp daily during hot, dry days. There Is no better plare for growing pigs Intended either for bri eding or fattening, than tho pasture. ' The localities where some sort of live stock may not pe profitably maintained are few and far between. inEvery breed hus money-makindividualities, also iis scrubs. Cull out the lntter and Improve the former. In seasons when drought prevaila better stand of rlover can be secured by sowing the seed without a nuiso crop. During the last ten years with the growth In the use of automobile the price of horsee has increased T6 pi-g - r cent Plan to plant the land to some crop. Green crops prevent the ground from burning out from tbe hot sun, and the roots of the planta help to loosen no the soil I The average weight of goose eggs ounce each. is about It takes just a little bud cream to spoil the whole batch for butter. Anoint a caked udder with soft soap and rub gently but thoroughly. F. H Grlpman. Summer or winter, a good pays Its way wherever dairy eows are kept. The Suffolk Punch I a type of draft anlmnl that Is bound to gain in pnpu lurity for a truly farm animal. I A good heifer calf or yearling pretty safe buying at any reasonable price whenever the chance offers. When the iambs are weaned put s few gentle ewes with them to keep them ftoni worrying and becoming wild. Ducka are practically Immune from eholera, roup and gapes. Tneir favorite diseases are spinal meningitis and paralysis. The pure tired sire and a dam of the aame type of as good blood as It la posaible to get will uaually bring a desirable colt. Wash and dry the rows udder before milking and keep 95 per cenL of the dirt out of the milk that usually gets In otherwise. If one places hla ear close to the body of a fowl while on the roost at sight, when all Is quiet, he can plainly Bear the grinding of the food In the (lizard. is the expert and artistic work that we t iinii our shirts, col art, ruffs, f.iiiry vests and colored shirts, at reasonable prices. You eujid tell Hint your garments were n't! new If you didnt know they were yonr old ones, l.ea us launder v.iur next bun-tl.- c r! r.t.iled linen at the MURRAY STEAM LAUNDRY We eall for and deliver vutr dry free of extra charge. laun- FREE. THREE WEEKS TRIAL ORDER Plea so semi t ItV COl'NTY ENTERPRISE lo my address for thru weeks Tree of clmrge. if I , mil send word to the cotiinry you may con tiiiiio sending it aittr II. e three wec.ts. and 1 i;l send tho tears sub script ion at an carl) dan-,i-- . Name Town Box Number. R. I). |