Show t Pate D I THE SAtT LAKE TRIBUNE SU NDAY MORNING MAY 27 1934 Business --Where Modernization Exhibition Is Being Held - -- motor cars street cars and transportation of all types thousands of residents from a widespread area are heading toward Broadway and State street where the Modernization exposition Is now In progress Matchirig strides with a general upturn in trade business men and manufacturers backed by the chamber of commerce have assembled tinder one roof a complete and modern business center designed to stimulate buying and Increase employment Hundreds of attractive exhibits all containing materials for use In modernizing the home or business establishment cover many feet of floor space Modernization is evident the mo- exposition building auditorium Feament the Visitor enters the exposi- tured programs include those- of the Utah the Brigtion At the door an “electric ejre” ham Agricultural college the Uniter-sitYoung uniyersity and of outmoded systems replarjingthe of Utah Independent authorities checking records everyone who enters on social and economis subjects also the building have been engaged to speak in the au-- ‘ Nearly 3000 Visit Exhibits ditqrium Educational motion pictures Opened May 12 nearly 30000 haVe are daily features attended the exposition and officials Exhibits of handicraft and art work estimate that 200000 will see it by by local artists line the walls of 'the June 30 the closing date Represent- auditorium Officers of the Modernization exing an expenditure of $50000 the exHampton president position is 6aid to be the only one of position are L Hs kind in the country president J J Many cities R J Ashton vice treasurerand J G King have requested the Salt Lake cham- Kelly ber of commerce to furnish details of Directors including Mr Hampton the show with a view of staging simi- and Mr Ashton ere C C Bintz B W lar affairs Delegations from several Butler R H Butler J D Carter S Idaho fbwns have announced their in- E Cowan F S Cundiff H M Fergutention to attend the exposition in a son R A Hart H S Jennings J A body School and university groups Kahn Paul F Keyser J B Mullins Blair Richardson S C Sorenson and also will attend J S Taylor Through the efforts of Dr Orin t head of the of the University of Utah “The House of Magic” great attraction last year Cost Not Excessive at the Century of Progress ' in ChiIn Fixing XJp Home cago is drawing large crowds daily Demonstrations in “The House of Magic” are conducted by Dr H T Plumb of the University of Utah But we'd have to spend a- - lot of Architectural Features money on lU "' (i The exposition from an architec That’s the argument that kills the tural standpoint shows the application t old house of modern materials in structural sale of many a work— insulation wail coverings Sometimes one can do surprising floor coverings decorative features things at small cost to restore an old and modern methods of merchandise house and get more value for one's display all in a wide range of selec money than when you buy a more tion Various exhibits show latest devel modern property A Smart owner will never let his opments in all utility appliances for the home such as electric and gas property show signs of depreciation new lighting He will keep it fresh and modern in ranges refrigerators systems and plumbing fixtures Thirty appearance and will prevent decay by per cent of the second floor area is sup- timely application of paint plied with cooled washed air through mechanical air conditioning equipOne of Edison’s first lighting equipment Store fronts in simple modern ment was the installation of a complant on a steamer styles and defined by contrasting plete generating New York around the from sailing a on colors occupy large space bright Horn to Vancouver the main floor Three modern homes erected In the exposition building are complete in The first electric generating staevery detail Visitors linger many mo- tion was established in Detroit ih Noments in these exhibits vember 1886 with two horizontal Of wide interest to the thoasands engines each driving 60 k w Edison of visitors are the programs in the bipolar dynamo Tug-ma- eb'g?- -- "pH ip: ATTIC PLUMBING FIXTURES’ PIPES— VALVES BUILDING ' ‘ to RED TOP y MODERNIZE Build That Garage Heated Porch or Extra Room We do the whole Job— draw plans figure estimates contract for labor furnish materials and finance if necessary Yob aave all the fuss and bother 7‘Why not call us In for an estimate and for suggestions? There’s not a penny ef obligation Of course Cumber Cement Plaster Sash Doors ' Masonite Wall Board Beaver Vulcanite Cerlalnteed Roofing USE PHONE WASATCH Mil WEST 4TH SOUTH ST T MATERIAL UMBER COMPANY ‘ 333 West RED TOP (UTAH PIONEER ROOFING CO) First South Street Wasatch 2003 Z INSULATING WOOL efficient low roit lniuUtlon TbO highly “IF IT ASK US ABOUT IT f ' V Many thousands of Salt Laker and visitors In the city are entering thla building weekly to vier he exhibit which show what qm be done to make old homes and old rooms new STATE DIRECTOR EXPLAINS EMERGENCY COUNCIL’S WORK By ALLEN T SANFORD National Emergency Council The national emergency council was created by President Roosevelt through an executive order of November 17 1933 for the purpose of coordinating and making more effective and productive the work of the numerous field agencies of the gov: emment established under and for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the National Industrial Recovery act the “agricultural adjustment act the federal emjer-- ' gency relief act and other emergency legislation Frank C Walker is at the head of the council as executive director The council itself consists of ten members four cabinet officials 'the administrator under each of the three acts designated above: the chairman of the Home Owners’ Loan corporation the governor of the farm credit administration and a representative of consumers’ council The members of the State Director &L 'Vi 12f So 5th West phcr Weather Strip Crlotex Sheet Rock pensation A field office of this council has been set up by the state director in each state The state offices act to coordinate Ihe function of the different emergency ageitbies in their respective states and also serve as a governmental clearing house for information and complaints on emergency activities Information regarding the setup and functions of all the emergency agencies is made available to the general public at all times Detailed through the state office charts showing the complete setup of each governmental department or establishment are also available for reference purposes in the state office Complaints Investigated The state director for the Emergency counoil also serves as state N R A compliance director and is directly responsible for obtaining compliance with the codes of fair competition approved for the numerous Industrie? When complaint is received from any source setting out a case of noncompliance appropriate investigation is madeand necessary action is taken to makevthe provisions effecSince of RIODERNimiOH EXPOSITION Whether you plan to modernize your home in a complete and thoroughgoing manner or just to add incidental touches of newness and color Fuller Paints and Fuller Wallwill themselves to your program papers readily adapt sure to visit our interesting booths— two of them —in the Exposition building An expert in home decorating is in charge and will cheerfully show you the products— uses—and advise you on the economical way to proceed with the work of beautifying and preserving the Be -d- emonstrate ’ One of our booths is‘a model STORE FRONT achieved with Kawneer Construction and Pittsburgh Plate Glass Every merchant will find this display educational and inspiring There is a FULLER Paint for every purpose— and FULLER wallpapers for every modern use You are always welcome at the new— Street Fuller Dealers Everywhere OGDEN FULLER PAINT STORE 2130 Washington Avenue 4- - BUILDING WE SELL ”" T IT” :: faint Mill Work Shinslet Hardware liMulatloa Sash and Door Cement SUGAR HOUSE the on opening of the Utah & ROMNEY LUMBER CO Modernize Your Home - Hardware Co BUILDING SUPPLIES Wasatch 3525 55 North 1st West St Hyland 555 1164 E 21st South ‘There’s Life in the Old House Yet SEE McFarland With that sturdy old home as a basis we can create a modern dwelling replete with all conveniences and thor oughly repaired where it shows signs ot decay We’ve done it before for you? neighbors we can do it again for you LUMBER & HARDWARE 103 alleged violations have been investigated 86 of them settled and 17 n hy pending settlement In many of the bases the question of payment of backpages STATE ST has been involved and several hundred dollars restored to employe where violations of the provLsiopsbjf Hyland 1303 the codes were found In addition to these complaint proceedings several hundred matters complained of have been adjusted without formal proceedings An adjustment board of five members with equal representation for employers and employes and an impartial chairman has also been set TraRR0CKPAPE up in Utah to hear the facts and recr PROOUCTJ FOR ommend action to be taken in doubtBULONG PURPOSE5 ful cases Dr Dorsey A Lyon director of the Utah engineering experiment station of the University ol Utah hat been appointed by President Roosevelt to serve as chairman of this board If at any time the state director is convinced that the facts relative to a complaint conclusively establish violation of a code which the respondent shows no disposition to correct or adjust he may immediately hand the case to the United State district attorney for Utah either following JLs reference to the sate adjustment board or without such reference All complaints of violations of wage or hour provisions of the codes are first heard and investigated by F E Morris labor compliance officer and upon his findings and recommendations any employer is given an opportunity to come within the provisions of the code If willing to make necessary adjustments and restoration of wages without formal action secretary of the Salt Lake City Typographical union as a member of the Utah legislature and in other responsible positions Mr Morris has had some 20 years of experience with oon troversial matters and as a consequence has had much success in the past few months in the settlement of cases of violations without making it necessary to call for prosecution by the district attorney Infringements of the fair trade practice provisions of the approved codes are investigated by Alfred A Kinney who haa had many years of experience in trade promotion and commer cial work with the United States de partment of commerce and other government agencies Mr Kinney also t Block North of acta as executive assistant to the state Short Lino Depot director The state director’s offices are in THe mark or room 1103 In the Boston building in Salt Lake City and the public is cordially invited to take advantage of its facilities for furnishing information on governmental activities or to call for TM3FRP0CK PAPER the purpose of bringing FR00UCT5 atten FOP tion any unfair conditions prevalent BUIPNO PURPOSES in thO trades or industries or in an (individual business establishment j RELIABILITY Januaryl7 LUMBER Let n help you figure your You’ll Modernixins needs Bar by doing It now I YOU CAN HAVE A CHARMING HOME AT A LOW COST COMPANY We'll Estimate the Complete Cost ANDERSON LUMBER GO “ONE FOOT OR A MILLION” HYLAND 592 2259 SO 5TH EAST ST 4975 SO STATE ST OB MUBBAY 9 thc mark or The mark or' THE MARK 0£ MIMM TtBOtroCKPATOI bulb PROOUCTJ FOR 9ULDNG PURPOSES PROOUCTJ FOR 8ULONC PURPOSES FOR reliability TrBERroCKPAPO? rasrocKPAPE PROUMCTS purposes RfcUABIUTYl ntUABIUTY HCUABIUTY INTERIOR WOODWORK Building Needs Cabinet for and r Your Home Fixture Work of m- Modern Design lo-o- i : MERRILL MERRILL & FULLER PAINT STORE THE Plywood Cedar 2220 The First Thing You See on 2nd Flnnr INTO Was (434 I state office last GOES RIO GRANDE LUMBER CO President Roosevelt ana the executive director and serve without com- tive PROMTS 331 Sooth Main LUMBER WALL BOARDS SASH DOORS VISIT OUR MODERNIZATION EXHIBIT STORES: Wood Fiber The Insulating Board and- - PDDILILdB —r r ’THE MODERNIZE -if’ MODERNIZE THE INTERIOR THE EXTERIOR THE BATHROOM Do It Now and Save I months Sometimes job finished elapse sometimes years And then comes the time when one moves out of town in a hurry and must rent or H-li- i BUILDERS’ SUPPLY EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER - There is many a slip between deciding to paint and actually getting the - Doing needed painting and repair work iajone’ghomeis oneJteaUy conf structive way in which contribution can be made to the relief of unemployment in the community KETCH UM Lethargy in Painting May Cost Monty n well-buil- home J " r-- Needn’TiBe Unsightly a Attendance Expected to ReacK 200000 by June 30 ‘House of Magic World Fair Feature Draws Big Daily Crowd sell and the appearance of the house eitlae advaoi may be against-doin- g tageously Now is the time to plan painting to make certain that it will be of value t Wall and baseboard warm air need not be unsightly In addition to cleaning they can be enameled to match or harmonize with the wall or woodwork Steam or hot water radiators too can be painted pleasingly to make them seem less obtrusive A small investment for paint and just a few hours’ time devoted to painting registers or radiators will transform the appearance of one’s home interior surprisingly Center Assembled In modem Warm Air Registers GO & I CO r — 4 TP 2 Block North of Short Lino Depot WASw410 THE HARK Or HC MARK or 9 WAS 410 PI THE MARK OP4 MIMM TrBERroCKPAPE TIBER ROCKPAPER PROtlETS FOR aULOUC PURPOSES TPBERROCKPAPER PROOUCTJ FOR DULONG PURPOSES - PRODUCTS FOR 8UUWG 1 PURPOSES! Rf UABIUTV- - BfcUABIUTY |