Show I B 19 -- It Would Be Easy to Turn a Tent— Boots— Tackle Into THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING Cash! Need Decoration Day Cash? A FOR SALE (Continued From PrecedlngPage) PKEWfiRTOrrSAir from these prices It your home la aired lor: an electric rantQ HOTPOINT— Lata style automatic Cray and white porcelain finizh! 96 14 EDISON— 4 plates laree oven WBSTINGHQUBE— AU tray porce-lai- n 14 WE8TIn6hoOsB Comb electric oven new larce coal and 9 platea '149 lust lice new ' WESTINOHOUSB Apt houn model 9 (brand new) only 2 led TERMS: 15 down email monthly pay- ment on- balance UTAH POWER & LIGHT 188’ os - South Main CO 500 Wa BAR AND CAFE FIXTURES BEER novelty boxes back bars count-or- e cash register complete Uno ot bar tlassware Majestic restaurant ranees ateam tables counters and stoola cof- -' lee urns dishes silverware etc WESTERN 155 Bouth COMP A NT FURNITURE stale 8152 Was HOME LOANS ti: iW- ANCHOR LUMBER CO prepares your TOestimates and extends to you all the service poesihli that a corps nt experienced mechanics can perform In ob-talalne your horns loan 9250 8 Main Tours tor Good Lumber Hr 4540 Eden Marta Easy drlerj Meadow Lark Easy Model M Whirl-Dr- y (Apart- ment) h p motors 2 AUERBACH CO Washer Dept Downstairs LUMBER We can Rroeram ware Co heljMrou Inane Lumber yourbldf ft Hard- - 9220 Bouth State fly 1303 ELECTRIC safety WASHER finest quality balloon wrlneer rolls fast waetiln-abeoluAe with ONLY 169 50 KEITH-O’BRIE- N EAST TERMS INC ELECTRICAL DEPT 5th Floor SPECIALS REFRIGERATOR Leonarcb4!4 ft floor sample 1105: Ms- Jestlo 514 slightly used 195 Radio Btudlos 135 “ dROSHELLS— CASH add-REGISTERS In machines boueht sold axchaneed rented repaired 349 State at Oroshell-Lov- e Bid Was 31114 Est 44 years ItiTOMATIO copper' tub "washer 11300 - Radio Btudlos 135 E Broadway VACUUM- cle antrs 11 makes New and used cleaners ISupT Vlrway Sanl- tary System 433 Ness bide Was 6028 FUMP8 electric water factory prices 9905 So 8'ate street IS" ICE Refrigerators 14 50 up Birealn basement Western Furultur Co 135 So State FLAT-TO- P mahogany office desk Just like new and 315 arm swivel ettair 33 bookcaaes ?or 11960 each Call 135 B State BRAND new electric refrigerator stand make gWeu ft All porcelain insli and out Reg 1345 for 10Q cash B ’ ft today 1454 Stats St boat and trailer or will trade for light used coupe Hy 3483-- R WILL accept temple work or genealogy work as part payment on new eleotrl washer or vacuum cleaner Dodge’s LARGS Burroughs bookkeeping and adding machine electric 390 Wgs 990 60-- ft 1 qt auto 5c Johnson can 75c: wax oi can 33c Shaler hot patches 4Bc can RYDER BTEIN-IT- E 1175 VALVE LUBRICATOR 33 3 AUTO RADIOS per cent discount! LACQUERS except red and maroon teg 1160 per at for 1125 line of standard colors Complete BRAKE LINING and cylinder head gaa-’- ’ cars cheap Complete lor get compact camping utensil kit fqr4peo- Pie service Reg price 19 60 SPECIAL at 35 50 Ad Will Turn the Trick Moa-Tue- s 50 TYPEWRITERS SWAP MILLER LOAN buys limswatchee PHONE ADS— -- WASATCH 590 trades loans plTjioldti W 314 CO PARTS South Btate 1324 MalnforegrjHloaisvllleveJcondl- - CADILLAC sedan new six ttresood 1048 W 2nd Bouth 10 00 1 00 229 EAST 3ND SOUTH lay Clearance CARLOAD NEW RANGES and eleetrle ranges also L water heaters 65: gas 25: 105 electric all porcelain tangs tanae automatic all porcelain 50: L ft H kitchen heaters reg 34 50 for 1360 These are all jiew standard makes and real buy Charter Oak Tappsn and L ft H : also some good buys In used ranges Bee them today at 1484 State st W H ADAMS Coal 6 ly gaa kltpl REFRIGERATOR ft Leonard practically 150 table new former- 20 00 39 50! 9 501 Priced for quick disposal— INC "rmrmmr- 927 South Btate LARGE ASSOORTMENT new HOoeler 13 50 KITCHEN CABINET Tampan Co K4 SOOTH STATE REAL BARGAINS EUHN1TORE CO range (SSlfawa' basement western Furniture 550: Majestic radio coal range Fniidtnre all itanriard Some m skea Many just like new price as low as 13 60 GRANITE complete china closet 6 95 enamel 122 5 white enamel Clark Jewel gas range with 24 60 HOTPOINT elfMJjc regulator DAVENETrC range 17 60: g5A New 4ixdsotTllglnroom-tn- 6 dining room suites at giveaway prices $7950 HOME EQUIPMENT Sale HOWARD PIANO mahogany case 1(9 50 HOP'S BROS PIANO walnut case 59 00 EMERSON PIANO mahogany case 42 50 IRANKLIN PIANO mahog case 559 00 29 SO VELOUR riUITE velour suite 11090: DRESSER 35 75: rm beautiful 'walnut dining suite MO39 50: kerosene stove 4 50 35 00 BET HAIR Valley battery 275 walnut dining rm 075 charger 4 75 89 00 BABY BUGGY suite 24 00: sewing Monarch electric range 90 violin and case machine 750 19 00: 12 50: oak dining rm suite ICE BOXES (3 00 coal range 39 50: 15 50 9x12 CONGOLEUM RUG pool WAS 859 Bargain Co 135 Bo State wheels'" 1933 CHPV used end tlrei good condition 303 East 2nd Bouth n FURNISHED GOOD Guernsey cow fresh 30 days reas 3381 South 2nd East Utah Typewriter Ex 30 E I Bo W 4638 3 FRESH Jerseys Ruaaet ave Redwood rd This advertisement Is written for one 3 blka north 83rd South L O SMITH and Corona Typewriters Inc Brown New and used typewriters rentals 40 PIGS— weeki purpose only— that being to Induce you 9 old tl 50 also feeders 65c- to rent one of our epts We offer you West 3nd South Wasatch 3938 east mx ond house Union ave exceptional values and reliable service M D HOOOAN TYPEWRITER 8ERV exp THOROUGHBRED Call Was 650 snd ask for Rental Dept Jersey cow for sale 375 repair on all makes 337 2nd ave W 45C0 Marlon at Was 1878-- J TRACY LOAN ft TRUST CO delicious - rich PRETTY location new buildint close tn Store Office Equipment 58a YOUNG 609 Bo 5th East milk 330 "THE ORAYLYN’ at 205 2nd ave Emart ultra-modc3room apt U &e 4 GOOD solid work horses cheap up to 1700 OFFIc2Vmfipuuatrdd1TkinsnTTT!es eervlce now $35 sk 8228 So State street pound AND ANNEX 832 50 and t25 1 YOUNG Guernsey cow Will be fresh In NEWallSUTTON furn newly few days 2065 South Wh East everything Inch except Farm —Carden Produce 59 lights laundry free 230 E 3rd Bouth 3 2 PRESH cows W each L young pigs PEONIES and cut flowers good condition E TRENTON 544 So— Beautifully furn let Sharp Midvale Junction 21fd E Sfi'h So Holladay Redmonds’ str mod Frigid 82250 825 327 50 ” ases CARPENTER have tubular frames bicycle rubber pedals “applies with spring saddles Large rubber tires GUTHRIE CYCLE CO 69 APARTMENTS For RENT 115 APARTMENTS For RENT 116 UOUSES FOR SERVICE ft REPAIRS on suite 2ndBo rWEwftITEiS'itano'iuerr offi'cTcqulpm’t artificial flowers and basketa for cash aroceriet etc 636 So 6tate ANY radio repaired 1 or what have you? Sam cr no chg free Inspect H 7732-- J fine cond ATWATER Kent radio before noon trade for luggage W 9429--WESTINOHOUSE tube radio: modernlg-tl- c cabinet with elec clock almost new: for all or part on light rgr Make me an offer 905 WNpTem W 0113-SWAP for motorcycle bicycle and Vlctrola with 50 records balance cash Must 3146 Green at be bargain TRADE 3 good lota loc near 33rd So and MEMORIAL FOR SALE 58 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE 59a tlon for lighter car Hy 1597 work for paperhanging or auto 3253-- J food N R B AI O cold WTrouFov Hy mspet repairing WESTINGHOUSE FORD coach 135 elec compressor and paint 1481 or trad gun pigeons cash ELEC REFRIGERATOR rLOWFRfi Plant Tract fiQ Stratford ave Hy 7818 Full hermetirally sealed unit ample 1350 HAND-MAD- E electric C good for jrlolln Tree TrlmmtfiiMSnrrp operathelf space silent economical 5845R or Hy washer refrigerator ost outstanding buy today Only tlon double petunias ""’20c E diamond for milch cow or LaHo'e ruffiedand 1139 50 EASY TERMS actera sennits snapdragons dosj hav or what have you? 440 Penny ave KEITH-O’BRIE- N marigolds salvia vcrbenlai le each INC B 3 blocks o of Granite hlKh bet 5 993 Bo 11th East for lumber SWAP ELECTRICAL DEPT 6th Floor painting and papering GARDENS Irises delphiniums cement and building material used or WREXHAM etc 100 var 10c 1 dor 3482 Bo 4th W new Mr Wilson Hy 3253-- 3 TRICYCLE SALE PANSIES lc other plants cheap rhubarb We secured 300 tricycles on a close- SINGER sewing machine and some cash 8383 So 4th West 2c lb for good used ear 786 4th ave out— we pass savings on to you: PEONIES FOR DECORATION at 439 Wll- Front wheel Sale Price Former Price W O ave son Hv (495-8 00 15 96 sir URNITURE FOR SALE 51 CHOICE eutfiowers Sperry 6 00 900 six Including neoniei reas AUTO WESTERN ELEC WESTINGHOUSE porcelain 45c per fts Sac per ft CLEANER All USED WASHERS flit 1916 reg woven brake lining 2’z-l- n 3‘4-l60c per ft JOHNSON’S POLISH AND 25: for ANTEE 25 HOSE GARDEN Atl of then ranees are thoroughly reconditioned wad carry a lull GUAR- r 45 LETS TOR SALK ELECTRIC RANGE BARGAINS Ads Sell Stoves Cars— or Rent Cabins ReadHyr uiyiMtaw 45 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS HOTS— Deduct -T a ia -- i MAY 27 1934 Waa 8352-- ROOMS FOR RENT it 110 RICHMOND FURNISHED Day HOLLADAY 310 Lawn Carden Fixtures 60a All rms HOTEL quipped Wltb Ill lffriSS0rtatDt5' PHONE APT mo 2250 to 30 Was 518 kitchenette lXARCJlfroom ov p r st uf feT? urn it ur e pm 446" E CLAIRMOUNT bath parking apace 5K2nd ve Bdway Lovely fiTlCE rms in private home with or with- attractively Ium reas Hy 8778 SHUBR1CK APTS— 3 rooms elec ranee out boant nearvu” Hy 70S ia! retrlgeratora 72 West 4th So Wes 4(82 SELWOOD 4W""E 1st 50c up— 2 3 32 week up Week mod furn apte 315 up Clsud-An- n Apts 8250-8- 5 N 1st W Tourist specialty 5 LOVELY cool rm for gent every convenience 110 mo 121 1st ate Was 5045 HOLLAND— apts very reasonable everything furnished 410 So W Tem BEAUTIFULLY furnished rm I blk east 11 1 DB UtahT 2 VON mod So Hotel 50 457 E 8th E — ol 8 Temple II lots of shade and light 32 EAST front rm running water lg closet PARKWAY 621 S 'ith E Beautiful gent rets gar 483 E 1 S W 6310-lots of aunshlne fresh air tastefully decorate dexcluslyereasonable IN HOTELS ROOMS m HIGH CLASS exclusive Yale district ‘ apt all-elphone garage all eleFOR RENT t 7615 ctricity paid for 60 HOWELL "355 East 5th Sol Was 6330-- R reas close In Homelike frig Clean and comfortable COOL rooms LE NOEL 305 3rd Ave— 2 rms bath kit at- winter rates Hotel Little In the 813T-W semibasement Was heart of the city 10 COOL 1 2 3bim apt5 Weal lor couple to 25 O B turn 87 E street WILSON HOTEL 1 OR 3 rms strictly mod elec stove refrlg “Itf the Center of All Activity” reas prlv home 687 2nd ave W 8181 Cool comfortable 38 E 2nd 8 Was 96 PICCARDY 115 S 3rd East Hew furnlahed MODERN— CLEAN— QUIET or unfurn 2 and 3 rm apts Reas TOURIST HOTEL 48 W First South 1 59 week 18— Summer nates mod apt dls bed nicely turn up 125 E 7th So Plenty hot water KANE HOTEL— 241 So State outside rms hot water 3 50 single OXFORD 360 doub APTS 119 W North Temple— 1 2 3 rooms atr mod 118 up Was- - 1837 TUXEDO HOTEL 44 S Btate Wag 10291 One of the nicest family hotels In city PETER PAN 445 E 3rd Bouthj- -2 and Clean reputable comfortable Decidedly strictly up to the minute 330 aod up reas rates to transients ft permanents IsTno W TEM 3 rms kit closet prlv INDEPENDENCE Hotel 31 Wt 3 S 50c up 25 bath heat light gaa phone wk 2 60 up h k rms Marrom Mgr 234 E 5th So mod quiet ROSLYN HOTEL 54 'A So Main Cool new-l- y BROCKBANK 2 rmao sL furn gas Frlgx gar rets decorated rooms 10 up PEONIES for decoration on sale at 33rd So and Highland drive and at our farm 2060 E 45th Bo Order now T E FlowersJihone HolladayJM POTTED plants cub flowers for Memorial day reasonable Jonet Floral 030 W t 8?u th -- W58 8 787-- J Js BROWN FLORAL CO— For-- superior gar 214 X 3nd JL1 So-Jden plants rlv ’ " PEONIES for "Decoration 443 holladay blvd Waiter Clark Holladay 61 PEONIES— Extra choice trtnh Prices right Howard’s Peony Farm 2240 E 48th Bo ORANDI FLORA GARDENS 3408 Highland drive opp Wasatch Lawn Burial nark Peonies other (lowers (or Memorial day CHOICE perennials 10c ea: all bedding Bo plants 10c doz ljth W- - bet 7th-8t- h SPECIAL transplanted California giant aster 2 doren (or 25c Charon Floral plants 1075 Harvard ave Co Hy 1962 FINAL CLEANUP BALE— ALL WEEK All varieties bedding plants 12 dox ROOMS 112 25c HOUSEKEEPING tl giant fringe petunias 3 dot E0W‘ U 0l4V? FOR RENT PEONTES 50c doa up for Decoration day CLEANED 1 and 2 rm aptsV 82 week up bath phone laundry rm lights gas 3308 Highland drive (Goldberg) 408 B 2nd Bouth Hr 4877-N- R PEONIES PINK OR WHITE BUDS EXTRA LARGE ROOM WATER GAS LIGHTS FINE SID LAMBOURNE 1681 £ 45TH SOUTH wk E Unfurnished ”heWTO TO GO APARTMENT HUNTING SEE ’ THE APARTMENT DIRECTORY Managed and Supervised by ED D SMITH ft SONS up ELAINE APARTMENTS 440 East Third South St 5 and 6 room apartments with all four exposures facing a large flowered and lawned court Playgrounds for chilDECOdren VERY ATTRACTIVELY RATED AND FINISHED Garages 34250 4 del'roya apartments East Third South St 335 2andJ room apartments now available Many modern conveniences tiled bathroom elegantly decorated and Rates 35 and 40 LINCOLN ARMS APTS 242 East First South St unfurnished apartment walking distance to Main street nicely decorated and equipped Only one apartment vacant on first floor 32 50 CORNELL APARTMENTS 111 South Sixth East St large light a tinny corner apartments with front and rear porches Will decorate to suit Elec refrigeration 35 FRANCES APARTMENTS ifi7 East Fourth South St - -- room rooms large elec refng and good gas ranges WILL REDECORATE $25 and $2750 APTS WHITE FAWN APTS FURNISHED ' 167 (forth West Temple St furnished or unfurnished apt s' walking distance to town NICELY DECORATED and FURNISHED MODERN CONVENIENCES Rates $27 50 to $35 VEL BR0N APARTMENTS 316 South Fourth East St furnished and unfurnished apartments with indiv elec refrigerators and gas ranges good shopping center and Schools $2 50 nr 0AKWO0D rms bath newly dec 16 up 153 Pierpont ave Was 4394-- J 577 South Fifth East St ROBtYN APTS 54H So Main real mod or unfurnished furnished rms- - with kitchenettes linen gas with buzzer system for free apartments 12 workers Conv for temple up lights telephone service Many modern conST FRANCIS— 2 small rms front for 2 peo-Pveniences $25 16 Inc Hghta 269 E 3rd Bouth efTs BEVERLY JANE 4th £— Strictly UP 550 South Fifth 'East St to the minute 36 furnished apt with BROADMOOR 930 E 3rd South Beautiful 5 bed and bedroom just newly papered rms Lots of aunshlne fresbair Taste furniture good Only one fully decorated Exclusive Reasonable $37 50 BIOELOW 225 8 4th E— (Strictly up to the minute 2 and 3 rms- - 33250 and up 25— BRAND new furniture living rm tile 48 E&frt Seventh South St bath nook kit Marjean 432 So 3rd E furnished apartment nicely decorated and furnished 32750—338 4th ave convenient mod apt- - 2 $22 50 elec refrlg- - new furniture H 4189 HIGH class !urn Hv rm- - bed nook All DEM-ZA- t" elec kit- - 326 furn- - 330 254 South Third East St unfurn- - 30' Capitol Hill Apts 417 Wall 3 and 4 room furnished or unfurat Where It's cool Op Capitol Bldg nished apartments walking distance to NEW WILLARD-3- 16 and up Overttuffed town excellent condition large well- turn- - gas lights Incl 11314 Regent at 25 to 40 arranged room 4 ROOMS 3 large closets inclosed sleeping Managing Agents PIERPONT APTS 3 RENT-FURNISHED 11 WILL "leaTImjTTomerNoT 528 EastSouth furnished for the summer Temple Three bedrooms and sleeping porch Breakfast nook garage One of the coolest homes In city Call Was 1347-mornings or evenings for appointment to inspect Rent 75 to right party FRATERNITY house 1371 East 8o Temple Reas rental for summer mo 7 rms and large sleeping porch completely furn end equipped HyM85 turn- - elec range gas completely 50 mo for water heater tar- - lawn 3 or moa 1566 Harvard Hy 7523-320 — modern house gaa water heat prlv bath nw furn 397 K st 3 ROOMS bath alp porch clean and cozy nice yard garage 120 42 S 9th East’ 20— mod duplex cool overstuffed nicely furn- - clean 568 2 ave W 40Q5-234 Douglas tl- 65 NEAR UNIVERSITY modern Was 10442 duplex gl pch- - cool clean quiet or unfurn Janitor furn beautifully gar 1926 Lincoln it 20—1072 E 17th So— sip pch- - base-me- nt W 3330 garage- - o'stuff furn -- ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow completely furnished on Uth East near 3rd So Phone Hy 6360 com- 7 RMS with double sleeping porch pletely furnished including piano gag furnace garage 920 East So Temple Cairws 730 Gaddis Inv Co mod- - cool 109 So 339— CLOSE in ' 5th East Was 9123-- J 10 3 RMS partly turn thoroughly clean (136 West 1st North tar- - yard 3 ROOMS modern furnished 835 Edison street 15—4 ROOMS 324 clean -and homelike and ave Adults 15— THREE ROOMS furnished modern garaje 1227 So 7th jist 2 baths 6 RMS beautiful yard adults Was 8154-- J On H street 65— NEAR FEDERAL HEIGHTS one ol the better B L homes 9 rooms completely E B WICKS furnished for summer CO- - 336 So Main Was 2040 over320 — duplex newly decorated s stuffed furniture and lino578 West 4th North leum 325— mod bunialbw nicely turn-s- ip porch gar 352 Milton W 10498 8 RMS- - maid’s quarters complete In every detail stoker heat Will sell W 6267 MOUSES FOR RENT APARTMENTS R0SEDELL” APARTMENTS 3RD SO 2 RMS nicely turn h k gas light 3350 wk: I h k rm- - 8260 124 6th East 1 OR 2 furn rms everything turn parking space 323 fl 1st West Was 4685-BEAUT front suite private bath lg porch alio single rm twin beds r "water board optional 635 E 3 B W 6501-ONE room kitchenette and sleeping porch 820 3rd ave 312 UP— 1 3 rm cool new clnd frt elec cooking E'thing turn Adults 553 E 3 S 3—2 RMS lights gas hot water parking apace 514 2nd ave 325 WEEK— Single clean rms everything furn phone plenty hot water 337 8 4 E 35 UP gtrlctly mod H K apt Its gas front exceptionally porch north-ea-1 235 th East gar Adults to Sept 1 cool June Low rate to 12—ONE room bsmt everything turn No 4 Vernon Apts-4desirable persons nice for 2 adults 169 2nd ave K 3rd Bo Hy 7765-rms gas and light furn 12 UP— Very cool HOUSEKEEPING rm- - overstuffed 317 Owen place rear 331 B 3rd East furn- - day wk mo Bt Regis 341 E 2 8 16 29— NICE ROOM and kitchenette gas and light m apt with private bath per month 866 East Bouth Temple clean cool 1452 Westminster ave 23— MOD porch garage everything FLORIDA 320 6th ave— 5 rms- - large gl sip furn 330 J gt Waa 7916-porch gar- - lovely gr 3750 THIS Is the place Furn phone ldry rm MECHAM — m clean cool overlooking front corner rooms 1101 B 1st South capltol gr- - reas 26 E 2nd North 1 OR 3 h k rooms light and furnished fa furnished apartment lor summer 1150 gnd up 859 3rd ave Wasatch 8439 350—1 RM kit newly oleaned everything 15— modern light airy newly furnished 254 8 4th East painted desirable location 122 W 4th 8 one-roo- m 16 NEWLY decorated 1 3 RM apts- - newly cleaned apt papered light 111 Close in 37 308 n 118 UNFURNISHED mod col- - maid's rm- - oak’ firs tile bath elec outlets furnace garage water haater complete In every detail 1027 Herbert avenue 40 09— oak firs- - 4 bedrms- - new paint paper garage furnace 25 Q street with stoker 30 00— mod brick sip porch bung ogk firs- - firepl- - built-ln- s elec outlets wired for elec range Uno furnace garage 785 Emerson avenue col- - 1 acre coops 600 hens 222 50— 1620 E 45th So garage etc 325 00— duplex bung- - hdwd firs gas furnace nicely papered and decor- - lino garage 1319 Green street 32500— brick oak floors furnace gas garage gQStffamptoa ava 3000— brk duplex hdwd ed lor elec range furnace 333 Elizabeth street 2000— duplex bung- - hdwd firs- - Uno gas furnace garage 1800 So State 2000— brk duplex fllcrpl- - fur304 8 12th E nace garage 1700— cottage walking distance S E 410 E 4th So 50 00 Party leaving city must sell gt once ROSE trellises arches fences gates seats ACT QUICK lg display Nasner 2377 HI dr Hy 704 Dining room set buffet COLLAMER APARTMENTS 3 dressers vanity mirror rocking mattresses beds and closet chair china LARGE mash lacks suitable for lunch AND FERTILIZER 62 168 be seen Co can at Hardware Scott cloths dish towelg 10 for ft 'Was 911 Bo Main ask for Mr Hansen THITNEY baby carriage full lined lsree WE BUY sell and exchange new and used BLAWCTsonrTrsoToadrgciodTertiTiir tires hand brake very reasonable -- 13 sand gravel hauling reas Hv 4722 furniture W 3nd Bouth APARTMENTS BuoARHousi Exchange store BEER equipment etrem tableg cerbonatore 1084 East 21st Bo Hy 3690 AND CRAIN 64 Low prices O Btenxol Mfg 149 E 1st B NEW high-grad- e HAY turn traded for used NEW Hamilton-Beac- h vacuum la Fura Co 121 E Bdwy W 4269 " lc'dT"drTi ve r c d i tl cent more powerful than former 66 LEATHER davenelte good condlton 1)250 NEWIlsyTba models Rug beating sweeping brush cd amount Holladay 238-Co 1050 E 21st So Orsnlto Furniture (eta all grit and threads: Send ua your old vacuum and 30 and It'g yours or LEATHER couch Very gnod 8 00 Granite S ' Furniture Co 1050 fc 21st So A Baby Chicks 65 fend 110 with order pay 10 C O D balance 6 a month Money back auar- JACKSON BELL radio 7 tubes 115 00 Oran-l- t pOULTRY aa saw antee Dodge's 345 Blate St Furniture Co 1050 E 31st So Main Floor Newhouse Bldg Was 3221 GADDIS INVESTMENT OO HATCHED CH! 13 5d 837 So Main St MEAT counters storage FRESH DAYB ED— 1250: electric washer Was 730 boxes Martin CALL FOR OUR FREE PRINTED Kraals Refrl Co 643 N 3 Vf W 6561 Hi Singer eewlng machine nice cabinet IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR ie 50 Western Furniture Co 136 Bo RENTAL THE ENJOY UST PLEASURES USED refrigerators 3 upi new refrigerator While they last White Leghorns 8 State 365 W 8 Temple 2Q up 9 Waa 1234 per hundred most heavy varieties Of an apt In the summer time No 31500— -r home 2 bedrooms lurnace and er hundred turkey poults 30c each garage Available June 1st 447 Marlon LAWNS to worry about an ICE COLl BAROAlNSt— Maytag other mskeg washers ufTO DATE furniture like new No dealer! 449 80 2nd East II street wk old White Leghorn 0000 Apt in REFRIGERATOR kitchen Gables LQ and 135 rear your E 8 3rd — Oarage -r 2750— colonial hdwd floors tile drain or for later Immediate of pulletg room MOHAIR water delivery lulte hot at your disposal living perfect plenty BEEN end bet tqulpt—Bode lountalna gtm furnace and garage Inside cleaned and bedroom Take advantage of these conveniences cond 13750: walnut teblee elec carbonetors RAMSHAW HATCHERIES Easy term redecorated outside same FREE e painted 1747 Park 139: Wilton 31075 eulte the 8:3xl0 at be and time from all rug Moser ft Hartman Co 68 P O Place street the duties around a house PHONE MURRAY 474' Many other bargains at 37 Richards 2750— 5- -r and sleeping porch on east ICE BOXES— Many to chooee from” Borne as PETERSON LET US HELP YOU B State Balt Lake City Utah 3687 Bo 612 Co State Furniture bench furnace and garage Available 40W M We Invite yout Inspection of any one Granite Furniture Co eelit for leae also buys furniture 9 week old White Leghorn pul-le- te SELECTED 1050 E J360iBo June 2 1336 Kensington of the following very MODERATELY WHITS enamel coal range with Jacket cost from Sales and Cannons Hatcheries CONSTRUCTION SECURITIES CO JUST new 76 overstuffed set will gell for PRICED Apts 125 will take 132 95 South 5th East OUTBOARD M OTpR3il will pay youto tea 1114 Newhouse Bldg Alvin 744S-- J Mur- Barker West 50 cash Was 4145 Taylorsville Hy road KEARNS -Canyon 409 1st ave EMIL JOHNSON— gas phone 8 bteakfaet get pastel shades like reg I and 4 rm furnished Lots ot ventUa aiNvilE li k luuu ball ligllLi lilRil COOL clean nicely turn mddTTTms -- FOR BENT Havliand dinner set 15 alter motor UOLD-ban- d new 35 60 Ill E Bouth Temple 8TATErWltlli gar 5837-- J BABY chick Mrs Carlson tlon 350 2250— oa£ firs- - furHy dinner place plates - 65 needle-poiMODSTLY dlahea priy ent- - 2 wk 151 8 2nd E turkeya ducks beat strain tmSO light gae lncl 420 S 7th East So 5th East Bend lor price 55 nace garage E bench Irrigating pumpi brand new at' QA8 and electric Poultry euppllea chair stool 45- etc 803 Belvetaugel' Many to choose cottage apt- - well furnlahed ground LOVELY living rm- - aleove al porch- - kit POPLAR Wae no morntne 2509— bargain Thomas Electric Co Bailey ft Sona Co 8 L O- - Ut w 365 dere Apt STLY MODERN BRICK from Buy them now at Greatly Ka- 706 B West Temple floor' garage 4 rme unfurn Close In Bleeping overstuffed gas gar AU 20 Adults oak floors very nice home ducei Price I ONLY Westlnghouse iplnner Washara Granite Furniture Co DINING rm set rugs dressers beds other WANTED— Live poultry Will call for and 527 Mortenson ct 6th 8 bet 2nd-3r- d 470 4500—7 RMS- - FURNISHED STLY MODE porches Mrs Taylor Hy 1323-1050 It 31st 80 Your chance to bur a good washer at a pay top prices E L Madsen Murray 30 film 758 Arapahoe ave E 3rd South AND BOARD 113 35— ERN In fine res dlst low price ISO pierpont ave nicely furn- - tile bath refrlg Btelnlte redloTIjO 757brnlte Fur NEARLY new Bimmona 8 bed coil soring PULLETS 8 and 8 weeks old blood tested ROOM STEWART See us for rentals gas phone gar 587 1st ave i a ford rumble seat 5 was 3 and 4 rms unfurn and selected satisfaction guar Stanley niture Co 1050 E' list'Sa Model solid oak dresser 408 Down- Cool balconies LAUREN W GIBBS CO- - 32 S Main W 123 Sattress 6298-N-l B 15 523 SIXTH AVE APT BATH LTS- - GAB Neff ft Sona Sandy Ut Mid Mrs SaviUe W 7041-273 First ave DUCO Lacquer paint apralTequIpmeni and Real Estate Insurance Securities MO- 662 BOUTH MAIN 4 WK NELSON A PEW”brand"new iceboxes cloaini out for desks and DIREO-TOR- SPRING fries for sal at 1909 South Wait rented repaired A O MAHOOANY flat-to- p one-ha- lf RMS- - fur and gar blk 4 rms unfurn All apts have front 825—5from LARGE beautifully lurnlsbed room In one 13 while they last Whittaker 648°ldj Bo Stele Wee 4360 TABLE: also large stationary 140 Pierpont ave Temple Liberty park 942 Denver et aide and rear exposures Lots ot ventl- - 125— of Balt Lake's finest homes Tennis cabinet rest 409 Ezra Thompson Bldg 1700 FINE White Leghorn pullets 3 months IOYbTaLL Iceless refrigeration Ideal refrig BEER equip atore fixtures meat counters S E brick 957 21st bungalow 9770-347 Mrs W 3 E latton S 10059 court garage etc Waft Taylor 910 E Was 6543 old 3345 E 50th Bo Hoi I78-- R Welkin coolere 33 Richards Waa 3310 25— for use when lco or Have 3 beautiful 2 and 3 rm front brick fur and gar 2020 S 11th are not EL VIGO South Temple ' available Freeses leaelectricity Was 8193-East apts- - fine location cubes 3 and 4 rms unfurn dessert BARGAINS In used electrio motors Utah USED Iceboxes as low as 13 Horn Appli QUALITY pullets at popular prices Satischoice disVery — double rm Twin beds ATHENA-ba- th -ance Co 3122 Bouth 11th East Western Supply Co 140 Pierpont ave! brick 428 8th East Motor Shop 540 State Was 4468 faction guaranteed Jamea T Erekson YOUNG man to share trict Bldg redecorated Mrs Lovejoy 20 Nicely furn 2 and 3 rm- - prlv 16— good board 67 8 6th E Was 9195-brk duplex 2028 S I lth East 150 So 7th East 1 FLAT top oak desk 1 roll top 1 wardrobe Was 6107-Pullet Farms Murray R D 5 7th East reas rent 58 North 2nd West 9 ONLY auto radios Come early if you want APARTMENT OWNERS ATTENTION 112— brk 511-J- -l Vine cottage 528 West Capitol st WEEK— Phone light-weig- ht VILLA ANDREA 1 home and food 1 650 class best First with mirror safe Murray m bargain 140 Pierpont ave rug NEW MAGIC CHEF gae ransea fully furn apt- - 17 COOL W1U apt of the above homes In good 4 put 2 any 2 blocks 157 rme and redecoHotel 2 State Utah unfurn Bldg North good condition: swivel chklrs 3 other 30 PUREBRED Buff Orpingtons year old Insulated Lorain controlled ovena fine unfurn- - 22 No children 60 E 1st N LATHE COMPLETE condition for good tenant AU apts ultra modern rated have chalre and several Office other 3228-e prlvl-leterhi659 J CLASS things FIRST 4 East broilers 8 board and home Hy Uth 3490 South Btate Street automatic top burners table 13— the Rent Man Was 7683-- J or modern new rug Imo- - mat-trenorth and south exposures Mrs SaviUe Call Weight for rent 804 Scott bldg reae 434 E 8 Temple Was 9269 top etyle These are the finest range SELECTED F ORIN WOODBURY CO week old White Leghorn HUGHES electrio range perfect condition 269 First ave Was 7041-garage 624 E 6th Bouth values for apartment house owner we LARGE walnut dresser like new 15 cost 1500 for tale Jo Douglas Was 180 44 S Main REALTOR 3641 REFINED young lady to ehare a beaut rm CUMMINGS cheap tor cash Hr 6021-- J gullets to brrn able Pt’ m 1 offer A low 1 73 E Bo Temple i'fveever 30 twin beds 3 rme furn or unfurn Bldg and apts 33rd East iv5a:17T23-Vmlrt0HOZYKAR baby buggy good cond- - mut- RENOVATED 3 35 Installed TERMS Call Waa Bom very choice corner redecorated FRONT rms- - o s fura- - h and c water 3 APARTMENTS For RENT 116 SPRING fries for sale 736P-John 562 throughMorris 10 cost 39 60 W 9278-gnd painted papered berry velour or 1300 Waa Sunday weekday! FURNITURE ol available Mrs Farnow Was all high class - Stratford ave out double garage lenced yard comb meals teas rates parking 277 E 1st So apts now 425 UNFURNISHED PRICED 8136-quick gale barn doors 4x8 on PUMPS motors sold repaired bought and E 2nd South dining room gnd 8 MAMMOTH bronse pverstuffed suit 1914 East gas and coal stove 13th home-cookjorwindows 1ST CLASS meals cheerful deJune -49x12 track! baby turkeys bedroom complete rented Thomas Ilectrln Co I amall building CUMMINGS Brlxen ft Smith Inc- - Was 3039 Hotpolnt range rms very real 934 S 8th E H 2981-- J elec motors beds large cribs like new 2 and 4 rms turn or unfurn llvery 20c each 88 per cent live deltv breakfast set lee box etc Must sell at Bldg WALK dls APARTMENTS 350 FINEST JEWEL ra range cost 85 m mod- - neat clean gas 2046 Will deliver 2 once A 808 East 91st South VACANCY guaranteed Redwing for Hatchery redecorated 1848 room ave board fry and select very Thornton and gentlemen leaving city apti fine condition 1071 a 4th Eftit E Florence ave Log Angeles coalrgt Key 341 E 6th So Hy 6537 13th East Gilmer drive In 1st class home 130 1st ave location Mrs FackreU Was 8543 419 WILL sell or trad good steel harrow power S954-GARAGES HOUSES E South 2nd frea and 100 furn unfurn and wlth-froPER O apts 630 D chicks nt cond room GENUINE NICE drive shaft and pulley and Wardrobe trunk Hooaler kitchen cabl- - t postpaid 0 leather davenport good porch 2 gentlemen junch Hy trana Utah Rental 89 W 8 T W 4682 SANTA CLAIR Dr Smith’s Mo accred B W D 4493-10 431 Deba place Hr 4061-- J 1348 'Blaine ave or 2 ladles board If desired On East net Universal range breekfaet eet Bar- 2 rms furn Redecorated Real cozy HIILCREST Rocks Reds Antigen blood-teste- d 1st Bo Call Waa 9192-modern house all newly papered LIGHTINCI plant practically new 175 coat alng at 37 Richards it 5637-- J cottage Mrs Carlson Hy mixed apts linoleum range furnished 221 Stanley Wyand Orp Leg and Prompt SUMMER vacation home for elderly people BALT LAKE’S FINEST APARTMENT 300 90 T it Hy 147 250 So 6th East 100 per oent alive HATCH-ERIEPLUMHINO complete llneg new bargain 4th-6t- h SMITH WANTED 52 South 2nd East AI330 THE place fURNITURE Sarah Daft Home Hy 1644 BEAUTIFUL dining room get not a mark box 3 Boonvllle Mo TOILET complete 10 good ts new BUCKINGHAM-KEN81NGTON WHEN you move save time expense and on It 50 cost 170 Utah Motor Park LOVELY large cool rm- - prlv home splen-di- d KUSTER boiler alight damaged 19 LA COVEY-hatched DENVER FRANCE from Missouri eggs— Reds need a reliable moving man hire furnTtureyHlth’est’prfces'pa’td your PAINTS all color’ 140 gel) bargain apt 803 loop S Btate before 3 p m meals gar 661 B 2 B W 6103-- J fireakage NY SIZE OF FLAN YOU DESIRB A real home lovely front porch sleep Barred Rocks White Rocks Wyan-1- 6 for furniture City Furniture Exchange' and classification Moving CALCIMINE Moresco KARI-KEEpkga 75c 8 ROOMS EXCELLENT auto trunk and rack cheap 05 cool rm meals 3TO 100 dottes summer Wee Ideal for Leghorns 2028 31 Bo Weet Temple delightful front porch an storage prepaid Call Expert TIflEa new half prtoe all eliei 813 6 State Was 4450 Monday for 1 or 3 2 blks Ut hotel W 9614-- J FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED live delivery guaranteed Certificate No’ apt- - every convenience 135 Also lot RENT— ICEBOXES FOR modern HIGHEST fruit condition tood 4 each CALL WAS 5464 GUARANTEED large 1004 Colorado Hatchery Denver Colo EXCELLENT home-cooksleepFront porches and glassed-interrace (heated) hdwd floors Frlgld-3- 0 SMALL coal range white enamel trim meals cool rms-clo- se CASH PRICEY PIECE OR 60 RMS 25 CASH REGISTER National? Io to 10 and shade 2540 15th East ing porches beautiful tile bath In col Splendid service 321 E 5th Bo 88 B 6th East UTAH In 327 E 1st So Was S501-Nonlegs like new 123 FREE CALL RIGHT NOW 300 A- -I WHITE Leghorn pullets cheap T WRECKING) CO 228 W 8 Temple 18— ore with tub and shower mod except heat gas garage 68th S Redwood road DEEP Wei pump 900-g- al and Brlnghurst COOL new room front tank furniture home OnWaa ALL OUTSIDE WINDOWS heavy CiiL 8559 for highest BPofOABH 6(0 Garfield ave Capson Bowman Co STRATTON 11 1136 First ave tary motor 1 h p cost 1400) will sell REPOSSESSp privileges Was 3787 Lots ol air and sunshine I cost 307 Slightly used lor quick sale prices for fura kinds ruts stoves for 375 2963 E 3ls Bo High class well arranged tlr ete APPRAISALS GIVEN no obligation IS RED hene for sale 865 Eaat 83rd South BEAUTIFUL room In relined private home Spacious lawns shrubs flowers only 95 See thl today H modern duplex 674 W 2nd No- - large 33250-3to loc minute Fine the up 5 LIKE A HOME" “JUST FRICIDMRE— M ust sacrlf les" Call Hyland anoa Co 3133 8 11th East 136 O at Was 3960 close In HELP! will buy your ueed furniture or 6Q0 basement nice lawn Waa 1995 White I from Leghorn pulleti Inq Apt 1 49 So 4th E ( 9698-- R Enjoy the beet— It costs no more or 1036 13th last rsnee l There la only one “highest 68 iteel'gultar lla case both BEAUTIFUL certified stock L Le Vein box 122 ' I OR 3 ladles exclusive home dec modern near temple 57 Gordon INCOMPARABLE SERVICE HEW Minuteelectrlo washer e 140 tC mile so Taylorsville Redwood road Call mg at Wes 9152 1361 violin fo 7999-- 3 BltCniJ price 335: 36750 Place Main 158 Heatrol North at CORONA like new 835: electric cream separator a wki electrio lroner 320 extra Tfc CO 150 WHITE LEGHORN pullets over 9 Wk ONLY 323 mo- - In new east bench home COVEY INVESTMENT mod- - newly pep- - coal-ga- a range 3 rme- - close In new mod- - bsmt- - 320 120— 25i electrlofana ' other washer are so durably built Pat150 up elee- 90o each 800 East 46th South iiture Holland 'PURmfuRs' CO home privileges Hr 3510-Phone garage 165 4th ave AND OPERATORS OWNERS fir25 1st Janitor serv trlo plates (193 Bava at Dodge’i 346 ented leverless wrlneer model 309 95 Nicely kept 884 So State Waa 8613 SETTING 39 hena 6571 983 and Bo Was East rm 335 ducklings Temple Also mod- - newlr renovated hdwd So 2nd E 2250— cheap furn State Greatest Invention aver made Dodge’ Laundry ( PRIVATE Montague gve (904 So 8th West) firs- - gar Inq 1228 E 6th S weekdays 943 State APARTMENTS For RENT 115 NEW CHESTHOLME APTS 338 E S Tem- mod apt- - heated glassed sip pch-el- ec I Icirrefrigeratori on 1 on 476 333 heaters rang etc Pay more 1300 8FLECTED Leghorn pulletg SMALL mod duplex cement basement range tarage 22 50 Adults 464 10 — etove 32 60 large else lawn 6th ave Wae 6386-N50 FURNISHED £le— 2 and 3 rm fura or 1605 West 33rd South 8TQPI W need furniture: don’t give your 2382-ave 907 Gale street 2nd-3r- d Edith mower tlBOt 1924 Dodg touring 195 10 FINE coal Hy West 9th South one sparkling clean beautiful ewe We pay cash riy 4800 ranges all guar A- -i cond 700 WHITE Leghorn pullets 8 and 9 wka 210 Kelsey ave all newest equipment a big PRESCOTT APTS—Beautiful 15— WORTH more Five-roo7 to 38 gag range mod grounds modern brick 8 666 8 8th East! Want old pure Hollywood strain for sale EIOHT ROOMS-THR- EE BATHS value Was 4873-HousEFULFURNmmE quick— elec apts- - maid's room ROLLTOP desk I14 50 Whlrldry washer SIDEWALK bike duplex sleeping porch lawn front and Frlgldalre PAT CASH POOD PRICE W 0002-- J reas tlrea o k paint good 58 J A Keithley 3983 So 2nd E NORMA DEANE 159 I St furnished complete In all Must see to appreciate new linoleum 67 North 5th West rear range Oorteously IIS 50 Inq whits entmel oil stove 011333835 Green gt Hy 4444-- R 4 large rms snd front sun rm as Murray 195 detail Immaculate cool Shown by aP' caretaker 575 B 2 So- - or call W 4563 With oven $12 60 wicker baby buggy CASJJ OH RANGES FURNITURE RUGS modern sew linoleum sip porch extra bedrm- - colored tile In kitchen and NICE 12 WASH and BEW MACHINES W 6376 polntment 201 Mayflower Hy 7794 rm apts 4 to lo moi close bheepmenTparmersbTi 240 Brunswick pi- - 2nd E bet cirt 2 miscellaneous light cattlemen S 3 160-g- L bath ideal for summer turn el water tank trailers refrlg fixtures 1972 So Main Hy 6822 trench WE buy used furniture end ranges Mlchl-ta- n Waa 865 week days In FOR SALE 67 318— 4872-45 modern A- -l cond- - near 150 Was 5250 unf RABBITS MC1U m WENDELL APTS-'3- 04 W 1st N— Cool SINGER sewing machine Mte model round Fura Oo 439 Bo Btate W 145 — elecrms3 break8259-R COOL E JUEL front all Was 6th South 23 NEW PREMIER S 8th East bobbin good cabinet located everything new 18 765 4th ava YOUR price It our price: we need your lur-nlt- ur fast set refrlg- - bedroom (2 beds) tile 20— Cool m with bedrm and extra wall with slpg pch- - mod 2: 50 lb 33(0 Good con- reasonable rates Oo to too bath locker car 340 S 8th East at once Call Was 3637 WHEEL CHAIR adluetable A- -l condition ICEBOX 35 lb bed Modernistic Interior finish el Liberty park' clean 870 K ditlon Bouth 6th ave-160 MEREDITH— 5008-1st 825 Waa tah 636 W let N frt porch range 3 and refrlg colored tile bath and PETER PAN 4(5 E 3rd South— Strictly up CO with lor WXSATCIpunNrrURE more sip pch- - mod- - near 27th pars BABY BUGGY Lloyd wicker like new cdst blks Hotel Utah Reas rent Waft 3324 U-L- B kitchen to the minute 3 rooms 325 urn So and Main new paper painted Infurniture 357 Bo State Was 898 NEW Zealand Whites breeding stock 81 ea tarage nice grounds Furn capaolty Yukon Ice refrlg side leer 132 60 will take 15 3174 8 3rd East 35350 und 345 Hy 7317-N- R Must sacrifice 244 W 3rd North 342 E 8 TEMPLE— 25 3 lg frt rms- - mod side and out loe-clood cond 110 oak finish Ideal fir Hy 1st ROBINS sip pch ' 35 50-- lb refrigerator LLOYD bab: buggy 01)6rms- - Its- - ht- - gas- STANFIELD REALTY 15 3008 View et BROADMOOR 030 E 3rd So Beautiful 5 In refrig- - clean 251 Center at Garage OR SALE 53 1029 Was Hy 772 rms Lota ot sunshine fresh air Taste cheap 878 Simpson ave 32nd B 0th S RADIOS ICE BOX' 50 lbs side leer very food coo-oltlapts- - 8912 50 Modern newly PRINCETON DOGS CANARIES 68 Reasonable Exclusive 25-l- b decorated 15— block mod- - newly papered fully 7 41 Herbert eve 343 Coatavllle ave pETS Cor 9th E and 1st 8 4 or I rm mod-A- -l painted capaolty refrigerator good 3(0 arton Was 8697-- R north Hotel Utah 39 E N Temple cond- - fine loc Hy 2090 Was 3000 THE EMMA AND DRAYTON 179—A ft F electric hot'water heater LOVELY cool m modern newly deco-rate- d rX Bl£ fon ALB— ADO nTp rom’ c a h "l built-ifrom til n bath Pups ft mod brick refrigeration IVER JOHNSON bicycle new tire features modef tsl PTw'd F lie m a n n‘ tab le’ model' ' ned 1 yr gell for 15 Hy 3876-and private home 17 438 D it you move— save time expense and stock Sourmugg bulldog Chinese chow and alp pche 1119 1st ave Hy 6600 WHEN rate lino 434 Cottage ct Hy 5163-- J pedals coaster brake 316 358 W 6th 8 Btudlos 138 E Broadway ir mod- - grd floor bath basement gar 33 Quick breakage hire a reliable moving man oak dining room eel Pomeranian Scott le Scotch collie Irish KESSLER APTB-2- 04 -- room Hated classification lo 2 and apt MODERN Moving rooms baths Meal coat range like new 110: tenl- - BABY bed 12 nuraery chair 76o bassinette GENERAL Electric radio very 310 garage elec clean Adults Est gas terrier smooth and fox wire quiet terriers tone NO State Wae 9081 2750 1017 1st ave Wired new painted Storage col No 99 on wheels 5 Hx4676-Also fin etc tary cot and mattress 13 camp cot and GrauIto Furniture good Llewellyn- Co NEAR university 1060 apt garage to PEERY 323 3rd eve front : K 3Ul So Coeker and Chesapeake pupa pointers 19— CLEAN FAIRMONT beautiful apt modern Uno- - garage Ironing board 111 child’s piattresa bucket elevator complete Wasatch 338 Hr 736S-- J summer sublet for 50 E 5th So Very attractive re 3 Kennel 8301 Bouth th East nice yard 2563 Park street large me bed end mattress 16 I rabbit bedrma' glass frame Thomas Electrio Co AUTO radio RCA Victor 19 wks old like 815—3 LARGE rms and breakfast nook and hutches 286 Herbert ave mod excellent cond Was 2638 W 3009 BATCHELOR wants resp couple permanentnew reae 1009 B 11th E Hy 6848-sleep porch dose In: canyon breeze D terrier puppies finest show WRINGER roll and aervle for all makes and modern newly ttr painted See papered Fine before BABY dropald view rentins le Inq bed baby cart amall PARKWAY 521 So 8th E Beautllul stock Blsntyre Kennels 644 E 8th S ly middle aged preferred small three washers Bartalni In used washers and overstated furn water and lights 737 No 9 ice box dropleaf table 2 chairs rooms sleeping porch fine H aero garlota of sunhlne fresh air tastefully vacuum cleaners Apex Bale! and 8erv S 17th South Radio Parts Service 54 PUPPIES— Male 1175 lemales 1 127 K 1218 VA8SAR 848 E 1st 8— Lg decorated exclusive reasonable gL sip den tracti Well fenced Ice Co 171 Eaat 3rd Bouth Waa 4460 cheap Ua HEWkit cupboard res 35 So 13th East 13th South 3 1 and 4 rm apti- - nicely furn- - o NEAT fir- - 35: m bsmt- - 120 135— ISABELLA Beaut West 9th South 2nd cool pch repalrTniRTKda cool homeMCHi't port elec also White Rotary euaKhrTf EEPfjRT grounds close in very reasonable rent Seagull TERRIER FOX 2 each 2790 male puppies cab A--l teas 50 fc 1st 8 H 75f3-W- 4263-Western llkc gas refr- - gar 548 B 4 8 H Electrlral Cortege part 2250— SCARSDALE - Apts- - 315 North West Temple lovely modern home gas B 20th lest MISCELLANEOUS 46 123 South 0th East FILLMORE-UINTArange gar- - nice lawns 847 E 9th So ONE wall tent 14x19 nearly new cheap H ' kit lights phone auto hot discount on American pit bull pupa 2259— 3750—3 rms and nook tile bath and 519 Mh Kaat MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 55 HEAVY WANTED nice and" clean lino 12— 3 W-- 2 So Att small apts Cor fur duplex K 537 water Bo 6th Wasatch Kennels 8301 S 9th East garage Adults drain ample closet space beautllul or unf Reas rates W 9680-- R W 3600 rear 663 E 6th South aOTPOINT ELECTRIC "'RANGE tor much WILL ' FOR8ALK almost new building Custodian FOX terrier and Irish setter pups pay cash for n used light riding 341 strictly modern with garage Frigid less than It worth aocount moving m mod-l- ot cool DE 457 ave- - 20 VON So 709 6TH E— 8th PRICHARD addle English or weetern: must be 473 4th ave Was 6569-- J Hollywood ave 986 1st ave 753 Browning ave- - 2259 of shade and light 82250 864 South 6th East noon reasonable Call Hy 8707 bet 10-SINGING canary female and cage for 959 Ramona ave- 25 apt overstuffed turn gae range all-elrmswasher almost new Monarcb WILL pay cash for torn used 6 4 18—4 decorated 13th or So rms CLUFF good Maytag 2nd X newly 35 50 Leaving town furniture and 1337 Yale ave ft it If your house la vacant or becoming prlv bath plenty h w 2133 So Btate lee range elec portable aew reach Living room els rebuilt In our shop location Custodian Portia email furn Hy 6108-good coal range Hy 4800 ' vacant call us as w have a number Hoover vacuum cheap 03 W wonderful bargain 458400 Termi may FRENCH poodle pur white 3 moe puppy COOL 4 rms well turn prlv apt for gum th Bo E B WICKS CO — 816 8 RMS- - mod- - all newly deco- - prlv of desirable tenants waiting ho arranged moa or longer 162 I st Apt I 83 Good etook 3638 Green 8t Hy 444-- R 336 South Main MATE model Hoover vacuum cleaner 820 MUSTTTave 6 nna of used lurnTilso rang Wasatch 3040 bath gae me 823 So Main BUNGALOW REALTY OO- - W 5266 Odd pieces CONSOUDATED MU8I0 CO Pay caah Wae 6559 822 6th ave furnished VANNAS — Choice Wae 6266-NCOCKER pups some grown stock Prices til— averythln apt apt- - newly decor-gog 15 E lsl South APTS- - 4 rms- - eleo range MARYLAND RMS- 1750—9 redecorated throughout Bo West 122 close in 121 S 8th Temple are cash stock pmciTob rent right Eastman studio camera Century No It guarantee highest Reducing K arrangement real 839 Quality 8 decorated newly Temple large yard 934 Bo 5th B Hv 5336-PURN RUOS RANGES 449 So 2nd WAS 8464 UPRIGHT jUnOjiUit ton bloddllnes paper 1892 Claybournt Hy HIGH CLASS m with stand and rveral attachments front apt- - suitabi 'for East — 4 and modern 30 ROOMS Uno-g- ar glasa 8T79-alp NICE 32250— model LATE J duplex aas rang used electric refrigerator about 12)6 Elgin ave Hy 6785-- J adults plenty bed and closet space rea 14— newly dec- - steam heat lights 367 3rd ave WILL pay easlTforyour used plena" Utah BOSTON Terrier Roper gaa range porch elee refrlg 8 cu ft cap Up to 185 cash Box A-Wag 9065-- J 440 E 3rd So sonable also tNOLIKH DrFFUM 8 lor 35c' leathered and Cocker Spaniel pups free 718 E 3rd BOuth Hy 8108-water garage hot furnished gas Muaic 163 K Broadway plenty Co Reas Russell's Kennels 918 ft 45th S LADY to share apt For detail call Waa 118—4 RMS- - eleo range sip pch- - hot baskets 13 35 ' JENKINS 428 State 540 S 9th East Hy 4362-113—4-ROOmodern 311 South 11th East wanted— chlfferob for sleeping porch BEESLEY MUSIC CO will pay caah for BEAUTIFUL Great Dan pups reel 153 4611 weekday ELECTRIC Iron water pew paper paint gar 1876 Lake I£AH APTS- - 319 E th & modern band Instrument! or pianos Waa 3050 RENT or lease partly tarn Lincoln street Midvale Utah never lose 15c tile 11 AND 15— Number of rme and price er kit Frlgldalre elec rang hdw firs porches elec refrlg- - garage FOR mod UBED KNABE underfeed 81500 atoker residence flea An eicept neat larga lawn st back bath shower 1025 So 11th E grand piano mh earn lust 8ALOONTrout and back bar Cali after’ 3 TERRIER puppie tot sale 435 West' ranged to eult tenant 101 E 8th South BIGELOW— 225 S 4th K Strictly up to the lenced In basement )2o per month Ilk new Owner leaving town will gall FOXminster Trlb-Tdreis Bog B-ave p m Bun or Monday 354 W B Temple ATTRACTIVE 4 rme- - screen porch MODERN 4 rooms new paper coal gas 25 and up 2 and minute 8345-CTl 993 Blaine ave Apply Hy cheap WANTED— Sinter or White sewing machine cool prlv entrance close in 274 Vine et terrier etove partly furn- - gar 628 Center et BEVERLY JANE— 612 Bouth 4th East m WESSON revolver withhol-ete- r M SMITH ft 103 puppies beauttlully PIANO excellent condition 825 Hy 7t43-- J BOSTON 6 RMS new paint and paper gas range Must be reas Mr Julian Hy 3510-810 marked rfasonable 611 1st ave Los Gablet apte to the minute 28 nicely turn- - eleeequtpped cool clean CAPITOL VIEW 146 2nd av— 5 and 4 rm-g- ae 137 Pxton ve new bullt-ln- e up atrlctly gar 929 Kensington ave near “U1 lanltor service 1110 E 2nd 8 BEAUTIFULLY marked toy fox terrWip for 14 garage doors Uou- LOVELY living rm- - bedrm- - breakfast "noofc range Frlgldalre Reasonable l8Ep brick’ 00 "RMS mod- - 3 elp porches coal range Old Gold Wanted piano sold for banker not 4? REPOSSESSED 8445 Bouth Snd West 35 5i iprlnte ‘end’ matuVaaT 3 t! and Luxe 9 De rooms 3280! 114—IDEAL for kitchen )“ bath" — 20 tile 3 Frlgldalre 25 AND couple dealer value Investigate this offer and 3 room apte- - hd f heater 3 beds new cleaned adults WO I 7th Bouth hot water 160 E 7th B bed gae light Merlean 432 Bo 3rd E It's very nice 315 eleo 418 4th av 'TXSrPArD'ForOLDOLD Hr 3865-- J Btelnway Mason ft Hamlin Chlckering FOX TERRIER puppies for sale reason-abl- e ralrlg clean desirable garage MUST sell late model sewing machine cheap 1773 Yalecrest ave Knabe Baldwin Kimball etc terms to 424 4th ave Adults Waa 9065-- R 83759—4 ROOMS cool new paint paper jewelryM dental erowna bridges eta mod apt 15—3 OR m VERY ATTRACTIVE cottage W 14(7 Roosevelt ave M’CONAHAY JFWFIidt reliable Mr Merrill New Orend Hotel MOTHER Boston terrier snd 4 pupptea Weu furnished $25— BEAU 3 -- room apt- - all electrical free Waa 9144-garage 531 So 1st West refrigerator southeast newly painted snd papered LICENSED GOLD BUYER Waa 468 IC—W-kh-CloM lnWest High Apts- - 360W3 N wks old cheap 567 E 33rd South and coolers 1350 up’ 124 Aprl steam heat Washer 341 Center Adults W 1993-hardwood 820 AND 833 60— 9 and 9 rooms heat hot throughout 4 ’ 6 MAIN 1821 8T WASATCH if Ct BEAUTIFUL floors beautiful yard double garage condi2 RMS andlp porch private bath IIS i5— STR mode water garage 380 4th ave- - one block piano cheap excellent and tPt Frigidalre ‘ 100 PFR CENT CASH PAD? tion No 8 White ra Lease to responsible party Pbons Mr to Lowell ichoolv Was 7368 8898-X ‘d liicLUghtsgs phoneu8(9 E 1st So icer cheap oLDootir tlnesedsleeplng porch w GOLD PRODUCTS CO- - 12 W 2ND BO 38 FOR 1100 FOR SALE 69 819 and" Kaul Moxum hotel 244 evt 5th Bouth-112—3-ROOlike new leaf LIVESTOCK new and King trumpet sip WESLEY APTS— 317 3rd ave rme- - newly apartmenti hTidgley midgley maynell ’ CASH old for 1387 7 town gold Ing Jewelry dental crowns 621 S W Tempi 9 AND rm- s- newly decorated close In 29 CENU INK 'Blue Jladu ”od 'for II 12 25c Yale ave 4 r turn- - unf- - re furn or nnt Inq 88 Weat th porctl dec- - atr mod- - elec refrlg- - close In IKS' loaU anything Davidson 0 I 1st 8 W 9640 and 2750 264 E 4th South Hy 2049 illSST'jKff'fMrenffure South or 2328 Marguerite court PCX) For MUST SACRIFICE Gem postpaid porch 199 1st ave- - 3 4 CLEAlf cheerfupl rms- - front and glassed MEREDITH— Reaaonable 2280 Lake street HIGHEST prices paid for old gold Diamond 150 like new Chlckerln grand piano rent Was 3224 25— Bale RMS- - L peb- - first fl- - o a- - hot water Reae modern Hotel blka Utah 3 B3 bungalow gas E 4 550 teas sleeping porch apt et- - 3rd 8- COW 824 cash for MILCH 57 consider Shop 116 Bouth Main 5 Will E Weat av 343 only Denver V" cheap your range water heater hardwood floors Shelly garage $3— NEAR Eagle Gate high class -m mod- ALTADENA 310 Bo 3rd trui-tu- r Plano 1367 Sherman ave Hy 7760-- J 38th South and Main FRAME cool and shady 18B9 8 3th East 163 North State m lg ft long 13 ft wide CASH lor old void vhd allvrr old U a cool 32 50 tor this homelike ONLY apt tip pch apt 5104 W pchs- - elec refrlg- - reas Adults fine for workshop living quarters etc M Fast 1st Smith HEAVY waro Til bath ahower 3 beds tat refrlg 25— mod brick hdwd firs gar ’ gal plow and other Imple0 quinn Apts Hr 1443-- J 137 Paxton ave VERY CHOICE apt- - cool and well ment 751 Arapahoe ave QTORE AND OFFICE range etc 216 L it- - Hv 3981-- J gar Hy 2040 379 South 7th East elec refrlg hdwd firs ventilated and FOUR 196 09 tires and 8 tube HORAB3 1859 14 S 1th East— 4 rms 35 mo rent this sprint cleaned 48 wagons harnesses 3033 89 31st YORK APTS front brick cottage dean gnd attractive Clothing Wanted front rear and sida exposures Mrs EQUIPMENT rOR 8ALR Redondo ave Hy 7990-- J E- - Ond So East st 1750 bath hallway large bedroom and back pchs Very reas Homelike Dooley et- - th-9WILL pat hi8hpv prict lor used men7 SIBtXPHONrTarTSrTsoT Jorgensen 801 Park at Hy 763-BURROUGHS living room elec refrlg Apand large aadm machine I clothing each' I 25 — fir- - front rear YOUNOIOS West mod brick gas furnace range 33nd 318—LOVELY let and 58 B 8nd So aptW modnew " (th range joaiQ - porches 1 strictly No )5 nilmeoerraph IJO Rem typ type Ilk new tell eet for !34ft or will Apt ply 72 Beat Bouth B nee 69 bsmtcem Post of 8th South - gar phone it W 9141-porches Adults 74 E 2nd Bo Hy 434 ecll eepsrately 26 3i Bouth Bate Was 3(23 refrlg Hv 3248-DIB GREEN Py highest Cftxh P PUREBRED spot Poland Chin tows wean- - 3380 — STRICTLY a bench 2 bedrms mod 150— SEMICOLONIAL front apt TiftrD OF YOUR HOT 8TUFFY Af‘ clolhing ghofs luggaKO Was i( ' Moivi Y TALKS— Will sacrifice full eet “La Tribune-Telegraera B lb cockerels 3938 So 3rd E nlceir turn couple aduiu 709 amusement and maid’s rms- - tile bath 8th Turn to The apt- - fresh' Then tee this unusual m e" Modem Salesmanship books shower every convenience Ik wn paved 78 U street 11 Vincent court riding and driving hors saddle and 819— Want Columns and see how many ly cleaned 350 adults alp pch nicely furnished all Junk Wanted Today maybe the chance of your SMALL 49 lifetime cheap corner reas to right party Ret Owner Call Waa 8833 bridle 777 B 2nd South modern house-Jiold rmsfloor iIsm very is FIRST t to meet you in The IySuNO Jeraeyltlvlna 3 gttractlve housewives are appealing for Waa 7957 waiting eewlne machine salt milk also 2 "RMS turn- - rms unfurn 1250 'each porch front and rear porches Juxt aiaea condition ?71 A 9th 8-(Singer) “ sleeping aiKjjfvJl'Tribune-TelegraiWaat Columns - apt ft (Continued on Following Page) new hr decorated 887 4Ut ava helper 855 Center street Jersey heller Both tor 839 gm E 41 S0L IlWCAmEHHOTTS n I’5:rnke f n rlt f steIWay gmF Sar! - ° t i Smith 9 |