Show 4 THE SALT LAKFTRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING MAY 27 r' A 1934 I rested with the cabinet However it seemed clear that it was formulated by Foreign Minister Koki Hirota conversation recently suggested by Sir John Simon British foreign minister One'ln teres ting phase of the program was that calling for study of naval needs by areas Such a plan would divide the world into sections and if carried to its conclusion would result in an agreement whereby various nations would be permitted definite naval strength in given areas but perhaps would be forbidden to concentrate all their strength in any ona region Some followers of w possibilities of naval negotiations much controversy in that proposal In suggesting that total tonnaga be emphasized Japan ones more is advancing the plan also favored by some other nations of setting a total tonnage limit for naval strength but permitting each power to build whatever classes of ships it desires to build within that total limit Japan is un-- ' derstood to favor light fast cruiser as a naval weapon best suited to its own needs T Dlicau Weapons Elimination of purely Offensive Weapons will bring to the forefront of discussion the atatua of auch ships 11 aircraft carriers Many naval experts consider them of purely offensive Importance Th United States and Great Britain particularly have been interested in adding them ' to their nsval forces The Japanese foreign office It is understood prefera that first discus-slon- i under Sir John Simon'a proposal ba carried on between individual nations Later these discussions could ba axtendad However it was believed that if Japan’i program be accepted as a basis for discussion Japan then would agree to a single formal conference in London ARMSMEETING iv SEEN AS WORLD jEACEMENACE t' Distrust Discouragement ’ - — Paramount at Session ’ Nears Opening — "By United Press GENEVA — Tht world’s arms conference its failure foredoomed meets t Tuesday in an atmosphere of and distrust for what probably will be its last session ! discour-efemen- TOKYO — Japan facing a possible arms race with the United States puts out a feeler tor total tonnage arrangement which would permit Japan to match American battleships with a big fleet of lighter vessels ROME—Mussolini announces Italy wilt spend $88000000 to modernize Its ilr force and will build the 70000 tong of ships allowed under the Washington naval treaty -- —r ' Alaskan Forts Urged to Ward Funeral Rites Arranged To Attend Special Course For Mrs Mary A Reunion MV-Repo- d 1 a ’i son-in-la- h By H C HUNTER Aaseelated Frees Staff Writer May 28 — Jap-nesdemands for naval parity with the United States and Great Britain and assertions that tha Orientals have made military 'surveys of some of Islands today Aleutian Alaska's aroused Delegate Dimond D Alas ka) to renewed demands for forti fication of the northern territory Praising the attitude of Secretary Swanson who was quoted" as saying that in the event Japan builds war ships in excess of the London- treaty allowance the needi of additional American bases in the Pacific coast region would be considered Dimond charged that "in many cases ws have been eternally tooiate and we have sacrificed many lives and billions of dollars bscaust we did pot maks in tima adequate provision for our dea - Observe Golden Wedding Northern’TerritoiTr Delegate Sees Danger of Nipponese Invasion LlUa Seminary Staff war Looting was reported in Hodeidah by Saudi soldiers who were said to A t special course of instruction for Funeral services for Mrs Mary Ann have become dissatisfied because L D S senior seminary teachers will Sharp Bennion 78 widely known L' their pay is long overdue rt ADEN Arabia May 26 and will D 6 church worker and mother of Dr open in Sait Lake June-1- 2 a of renewal of warfare between continue four to five weeks an- Adam S Bennion will be held SunSaudi and Yemeni troop reached Mississippi Good-Wi- ll nounced Dr John A Widtsoe church day at I p m in the Taylorsville L Heber J Grant president of here today despite strict censorship commissioner of education Saturday D S ward chapel the L D S church and his wife irn effect in Yemen where peace neDne Z7 Train Regular class work will be held in one Speakers will be David O McKay July Augusta Winter Grant celebrated gotiation! have been under way for of the church buildings under the in- of the council of twelve apostles of the their golden wedding anniversary a fortnight struction of Dr Widtsoe L D S church: June B Sharp bishop with a family dinner Saturday at From Jidda came reports that the The Mississippi goodwill train More than 100 seminary principals of the Thirty-thirward Oscar A the home of President Grant's Emir Feisal heir of King Ibn Ssud which is to tour 28 southern and west- instructors and directors inof L D S Kirkham and Wilson McCarthy Mr and of Saudi Arabia has ordered his ern cities will arrive in Salt Lake et stitutes are daughter and expected to attend Pallbearers will be six grandsons Mrs Clifford E Young at Ameritroops to resume the march on Sana 9 a m on July 27 Gus P Bsckman of Mrs Bennion Lowell Gerrard can Fork Yemen capital which waa interrupt- secretary of the chamber of commerce PEACE MEETNG CALLED Kenneth and Howard Harker All daughters of President ed by the declaration of a trues was informed Saturday The Utah Council fdr the Prevention and Richard Y and Adam Y Bennion Attacks on Y e m enl mountain Grant and their husbands attendwill 8 The train remain here until of War will meet at 830 p mH Sunday Friends may call at the family home ed the dinner with the exception strongholds were said to have been p m the following day During the at the Twentieth ward Joseph at’Tay lorsvlTle Sunday from 1J a m of Mrs Isaac Blair Evans of Pas- (Started and large forces have been stopover the travelers will be enter- J Camion will review chapel the sear basin of services Burial will take adena CaL The distinguished concentrated at Manakha and Zebid tained by the chamber of commerce situation while George Pearson will until time in the Taylorsville cemetery place couple drove around the Alpine by the Imam Yahya of Yemen civic and other The apeak on Ibe socio psychological study organizations aceme loop through American The British sloop Hastings was or- party will leave Jackson Mias July of the attitude of high school pupils toA liner recently carried $9300000 Fork and Provo canyons Satur- dered to stand by off Hodeidah Ye-- 17 in gold from South Africa to England ward war day morning prior to the din-- ’ ner Following the fomily celebration President Grant left for Fillmore with Dr George W Middle-totnd a nephew Leslie Midgley They will motor to Ceditf" City early Sunday morning where President Grant will dedicate the 'new First ward chapel Mrs Grant visited her home town pleasant Grove Wife Off Japan Peril - WASHINGTON Arabia Warfare Renewal Feared Church Leader which the Saudi forces captured in th first offensive of the men port 1 n -- and gathered other pertinent Infor- mation This Information can be verified by th officers and men of the U S S - PARIS— French sea air and land Surveyor ""who were doing survey forces to hold gigantic maneuvers on work in that part of the territory in fense" 1933 In many places the survey Sunday simulating gcnaral attack on With Colleagues Disagrees - discusses Davis Norman Europe stakes of tha Japanese were found Although the delegate agreed with by these men The government school disarmament with Foreign Minister statement attributed to Represen- teacher on Atka island in 1032 also LottJs Barthou tative Britten (R 111) that tha only can verify the fact of the landing of ’ RAT G MARSHALL r conclusion possible iq view of the the Japs on that island and on othaer Japanese demands is that the Orien- islands in tha vicinity thereto and Frets Staff Cerreependent tals plan to ultimately dominate the Russia Seek to their activities while on the TOKYO May 28— Tha Japanese U S Pacific ocean He diaagreed with the ialands” cabinet Tuesday Is expected to ap- To Halt Illinois member that the Philippine Adjournment Alaska Attack Plans prove aa part of the nation’i definite islands should be developed as GENEVA “ May 28 (U?)— Despolicy on disarmament four lections SirovicbiD N Y) airbase powerful t of a program which has perate attempts to postpone the fu"The Philippine islands would be in a recent interview said that he neral of world tentaefforts minformulated the peace been by foreign hard to defend either by saw Japanese maps and documents tively sat for the reconvening of the extremely istry water eir or land” Dimond declared while in Russia last summer giving The foreign office program la un- arms conference Tuesday ware made “and informed men have been quot- the plan-e- f attack on the Aleutian tonight under the leadership of the ed as derstood to be: saying It would be suicide to islands and Alaska In case of trouble 1 Disarmament discussions with United State and Russia send our navy there As a defense between Japan and this country foreign powers shall be restricted to Maxim Litvinoff foreign com post for the United States they would The New Yorker demanded army m Issey of soviet Russia ' and Nor- :e useless because of their distance fortifications all along the island naval matters only 2 Naval tonnage-quotof all man H Davis representative of Alaska and Hawaii would occupy the chain while Dimond has pending a were credited strategic positions in case of trouble bill providing for the establishment powers shall be reexamined with em- President Roosevelt phasis on the total tonnage rather with planning to prevent indefinite in the Pacific and I would suggest of an army airbase manned by apadjournement of tha conference and that halt our Jhan' upon categories army be based in the proximately 2300 officers and men 3Regional nival naads are to be the turning back of its Job to the former territory with a large portion and equipped with about 100 planes studied with attention to the require- council of the league of nations of the remainder in Alaska” of all types In the vicinity of Fairments on the Pacific tha north At where it originated banks tea Letter t Quo Henderson Arthur lintic south Atlantic and European president' of the Sirovich recently announced he conference was reported to be against Dimond sees Alaska as the focal would introduce regions a kill for It All dispensable offensive weap- sine die adjournment Hla support-er- a point of any possible attack in case the fortification of theproviding islands and said there la at least a chance of hostilities between Japan and tha coast If tha ons shall be abolished ' territory 84 Continuance and enlargement that Litvinoff and Davie supported United States and based his chages of the nonfortifiad arete mentioned by the small powers would preeent that the Oriental - nation already new proposals to keep the conference knows more about the Aleutian isIn yie Washington treaties lands- than tha United States on alive ( Bargaining Lea mi Davis who arrivas tomorrow was letter from tha John W Jones AmerThe cabinet la expected to approve believed ready to propose interna- ican Legion post 'at Cordovia Alastha first tour points as definite pol- tional of the traffic’ In ka which said in part: supervision icy The fifth point may prove to arm "We have received reliable inforLitvinoff waa expected to opbe $ trading card in Japan’s bargain- pose mation that during the summer of of the conference adjournment ing for naval strength on a par with recommending consideration of se- 1932 a Japanese vessel landed parthat of the United States and Great curity measures based on agreements ties of man on many of the islands ’ Britain for nonaggreision and mutual assist- at the westward end cl the Aleutian Under it the Japanese government chain and that these men surveyed In event of the threat of war la expected to suggest that Hawaii ant Chanees of their success ware high- the islands upon which they were Business Men Wait While and Singapore be added to the placed took soundings of the harbors problematical howtver areas Tha United States ly Tha opportunity to obtain a real armaent afforts Premier Benito Mushaa- important naval establishments Magnate Shows Exhibit In Hawaii Singapore is the location disarmament treaty is gone and solini informed parliament today that chances for an arme truce or stato Youngsters of Great Britain's largest naval bilization of military establishments Italy would proceed with an extenIn the fer east and one of tha la and naval building program sive air virtually nil Such is tha opinion largest la tha world caaa of tha delegates who for Italy will modernise her air forces CHICAGO May 28 on billion lire ($85000000) he to an alternative to thle sugge- 28in any month! have wrestled by peiaimlatio stion Japan might propose aha be ac- with said and will “use the 70000 ton al- Ford dam out to th World’s fair tothe political problems standing lotted to ua under the Bos corded added naval strength in tha between the Washington day and got a job A Idea and realization of ton boy offered him a chance to Pacific naval treaty" on earth Close students of the situation read organised peace Confidence in the Italian war spirit serv as guide around tha Ford ex Into tha proposed program another Negative In rasulta the work has it war must coma and preparation hibit and Ford while his secretaries glvan delegates a positive opinion: If worst eventualities with a complained took him on a personJapanese bid for acceptance of the something is not dona soon tha world for tha principle of equal armaments among will ba pitchad into tha maddest arm prophecy that th "good old times" ally conducted tour Before it was over it developed the powers and also a suggestion that race ever witnessed will not return waa Mussolinl’a aninto quite a job A half dozen other swer to today’s troubled world Japan la ready to forego equality In "It Is necessary to abandon any visitors between 9 and 15 years of battleships if she can be accorded It is the light cruiser classifications Italy to Modernise hope of a return of former times" age accepted Ford’S services and fell ho said "Wa must not however get in with the party Meanwhile sevProgram Net Official business callers The program was not advanced of- Naval Air Forces alarmed because recovery will sure- eral important ficially and it was stressed when it ROME May 28 (UF)-- In the face ly return U pending political trouble waited became public that the final decision of tha general collapse of world dla- - are solved Tha problems art repreUp tq that time Ford had gone sented by disarmament the Saar the through th exhibit unrecognized by Far East ate Europe must be re- the first visitors H arrived shortly after the fair gates swung open juvenated ' Ford' employer was young GeofCites V S Japs a frey Berman Tha auto builder saw to w "Otherwise have will yield aa he was inspecting some : to the dynamto forces of the United Geoffrey The two struck forges up an acStates and Japan ' War is to man quaintance and the boy plied Ford what maternity ia to a woman with questions about this exhibit and From th philosophical and doc- that trinal viewpoint 1 do not baliavt in “Mr Ford" said a secretary "you perpetual peace Only a bloody ef- are not going to get any place today fort can reveal tha great qualities of going like this W can give these peoples and th qualltlea of the hu- boys some books which will give man soul them all th statistics" "Tha work of reconstruction with “I'll give the statistic said which wa are engaged mskee us wish Ford "Th boya com myself" first What for serious peace but if other alter- did you say Geoffrey?" natives should occur tha Italian peoLater Tord said: ple educated in fascism will meet "We don’t need to be afraid of anyevents" thing in this country if we train our Ha announced that the 70000 tons boys right I don't get a chance like of new naval construction alloted by this very often” the Washington treaty will be built 1 A Quality Group five-poin- tight — out of the 1934 StgletSooh w This wonderful outfit can be secured on Madsen’s Easy Terms r Stylish-Depen- dable V : - as and Artistic JfcZiU 7 Two-Piec- e 1 -- - Henry Ford Gets Job GuidingBoys any color may so as to harmonize with any Almost xbe selected — At World’s Fair room decorative idea can’t afford to this opportu overloiblT - nity ita-tio- ii -- WV-Hnl- ry TERMS—$600 DOWN You may rest assured we are offering the finest value the market affords in this $500 MONTH Billing Boom Suite 1 “Radio Headquarters? for Latest creation and right up to the minute ii$ style Six Chairs nicely upholstered Large Bufall in beautifully finished fet Extension-Table — walnut TERMS— S500 DOWN S 100 WEEK Out Bedroom M 1$ an outfit extremely delightful value at— Selected 075 1 by X wonderful opportunity to get a Radio for your summer cabin A largo selection to choose from Take a Look at These Bargains! Isle! Orl Table R C A Eadiola— - Model International Pocket Radio Atwater Kent— ' Table Model Stewart Warner $12500 1500 12309 7 -- Tube 123vw Tibli Model Spartan lTube Walnut Console 12350 - Simplex BUdget Dynamic Speaker Minuet Midget— Dynamic Speaker 2300 2350 - ’ Emerson 1 Walnut ' ‘ ‘ Console Screen Grid Tubes Dynamic Speaker 32350 i StC A Eadiola Walnut Con- sole Screen Grid Tube Dynamic Speaker 14350 EASY MONTHLY TERMS Cam plats 1940 News Glances "Industrial workers wilt obtain work of a military nature at this time when disarament is tslked shout so much and ao little done" ha said "W must utilise our present capital ships and also avail ourselves B Auoclatod Prtw of the 70000 tons allotted by the WASHINGTON Washington treaty I think Industrial workers will SEATTLE May Hading-tofind orders forthcoming for our mili13 kept- - tossing ’em right down tary machine This wilt mean sure the middle In the finals of a steady jobs for them tranquillity for pitching contest at the Coast their homes and bread for th mouths league ball park her last night and e o$ their children" when it 'waa all over th youngster had chalked up 34 consecutive strikeouts Bolivians Claim if TEXAS General Victory name CAMERON— Fere was th LA PAZ Bolivia May 26 (AT— Bo- given a little Mexican girl by her livian army headquarters today de- father Cisto Belmares a relief workin appreciation of the help given clared its forces were winning a gen- er him by th federal emergency relief 'the eral victory against Paraguayan in this section Th girl was attack in the "Canada Strongest” sec- agency :born yesterday tor of the Chaco Boreal KANSAS The following communique was isMARYSVILLE — What to do when sued: "As an indication of tha magnitude the canary escapes it cage and setof tha disaster which Paraguay has tles in tha branches of a high tree: suffered in the Canada Strongest secTurn a stream of water on the bird tor is the fact that the total 10th regi- with a garden hose The warbler ment of iiifsntry was destroyed It flutters to earth with wings water-soake-d commander Major Cesar Lopes and and Is easily recaptured John Wsdham tried it here and it those who remained alive in hi com’ ' ' were worked mand captured Regiment Destroyed ROMEO FALLS v "Destroyed in the same way was the famous 9th cavalry regiment whose BELMONT Mass (UP)— Amazed chief Captain Flores Avalos with spectators who saw Lucien Romeo 60 fall from the roof of a house many of his men was captured "The 3nd of May1 regiment wu he was painting thought he was badly cut up and ont of its battalions killed but ha showed them that it ignorant until tbs last moment of the took more than a 40 foot fall to end Bolivian action was esptured with Its his life Although Romeo was taken commander Captain Pampliega to a hospital for observation a slight "The heroic Bollvltn sir corps per- scratch over his eyebrow waa the formed brilliantly in the battle Among only Injury ' its innumerable feats must be menmenu London’s 100’s an this year calls tioned the complete destruction of f tons of monkey - enemy artillery battery Air bombs de- - for six and nuts 184000 bananas and 19800 eggs stroyed four heavy field piece” Bollywood Style Vanity Chest of Draw era Bed and Bench Al) in well selected snd finished walnnt TERMS—5400 DOWN $100 WEEK By States' We can assure you if you do not investigate we both lose 26-R- obert Hardwood city-wid- K ' Breakfast Dots’-- ''' A M ' O)50y Generous In size and very well finished Special at— si Fully Enpclci Csicra 'Baas Well designed and a- - fin performer You will marvet at its quality and fin appearance Priced at - 1109 $400 DOWN $1 WEEK f DOWN v 'X WEEK dividual items amount to $21800 but by buying the complete outfit we lower the ' price tot your benefit to $21000 ur name on OnrBodksr P 17 llADSEi 1 I lr 504 You will notice the total prices of these in one-hal- ts Suite for this FURNITURE CO 51-5- 7 EAST TOST SOUTH |