Show growers for the two-folI purpose of Italian Crown J"sidenttUckln the poUele Hospital Head Arrested — reducing wool prices and underminRooseMr Warm where confidence in the administration Springs ing After Two Patients Die Soon to Become Mother velt built a borne has become known I think woolgrowira may policy to since state of resident the outlook for feel confident that the' every the president's visits there centered thrilled C ROME May 26 WV-Ita- ly BOSTONrMay " 26 (SV-Gthetrade is favorable Chairman national attention on the place committee of Embach Croft Mattapan state- hospital super- today t the gla4 official tidings the advisory 26 ATLANTA May has- issued V formal- statement' eey visor war arrested- today on man- Crown Princess Marie Jose will pro- IN MOVIES chartes growing out of the ‘there Is nothing in the present Eugene Taimadge is being charged by slaughter ing sent King Victor Emanuel end Queen ' Salt Lak TributwChlnato Tribune Servtea quietnesa of the market that would two gubernatorial candidates with Len- mysterious deaths of twdpatients Messrs STOCKHOLM (UP)— — 26 SCRANTON Pa May victims mistaken of believed dosage Elena a grandchild who If any change in present quoted having opposed the program of Presi- nart and Sigvard Bernadotte former Medical authorities can snort at justify of e powerful drug instead of pre- may ona day be king of Italy wool values' “ who house Sweden's of who calls D royal Roosevelt princes dent Franklin theories of prenatal Influence all scribed salts The announcement was made In gave up their titles and their rights his "other home” ' SETS HELD IN TREE 32 and Thomas F the form of a communiqu they want but the neighbors of from Georgia Walter Lipklnd to tommoners to throne the marry Mrs Samuel Carman wife of a suc- Duke Borea Dolmo 33 of Boston Is a candidate for pro- Jr Connolly Taimadge of Last a on TRUMBULL Conn the be will (UP)— newly payroll Pittston coal miner will point to cumbed despite the efforts of hospi- feet of the royal palace to the presiDemocratic lib known bunch the a fall Gutowskl prilost here film started company Stephen blue the two and a called immediately dent of the chamber of deputies of keys when he was thrown from mary of September 12 Claude Pitt- as the Nordic Film studio Sigvard tal- physicians eagle on the lorehead of Baby medicine was Administered Count-Cienafter the Ed court and a man crank will an his automobile in accident Lennart judge and will direct Nearly superior Rose Carman and stand their It said the child would be bom eight months later they were found A Gillian Atlanta alderman also the camera ground Marie Joso weavers In the Irish Tree in about five months of both add nomination Wages the tree a are the in at seeking dangling high up Mrs Carman' became fatigued 28 August 4 increased be ere State being is Ireland that ate scene of collision warring the Taimadge Georgians t telling and almost fainted while witching an N R A parade in Pittston last September and the eagle a purplish birthmark was noticed ten days after Rose’s birth in When she laughs or cries the eagle turns blue Numerous doctors of the vicin-- ’ ity have visited the little girl of late to view the strange iriark-ing- s Babe Born With SENATE GROUP Senator Decries Rumors on Drop Blue Eagle Sign MEXICO OKEHS In Wool Prices jJL CUIMS PLAN L 11 A THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING MAY 27 1931 Princess' Opponents Attack Georgia Governor d ' uy - (SMC hi to Th Tribun) WASHINGTON May O’Mahuney of Wyoming who was told by the president on May 9 that Ratification of Agreement the administration ii interested to-in maintaining the price of wool for Bloc Settlement day wired Fred E Warren son of the late Senator Francis E Warren and large sheepman: Expected Soon "Am glad to advise Governor W Myers of the farm credit administration is today issuing a formal Washington May 26 w-T- he that there Will be no n bloc agreement' whereby Mexico statement in the established policy of change 63 2 to tgrees pay approximately the farm credit administration with cents on the dollar in settlement of reference to marketing of wool On the $411000000 ‘American claims receipt of wir advising that rumors against Mexico for revolutionary were being circulated that alteration of was in contemplatioh Sendamages received unanimous appro- atorpolicy Pittman and I took up the matval of the senate foreign relations ter with the department of agriculcommittee and senate ratification ture the RFC and F-- A Nowhere arly next week waj predicted did I find any basis' for the report The convention for a lump sum "Governor Myers states ‘there is settlement of the long troublesome nothing in the statistical position of special claims growing out of revo- domestic wool tp indicate lower values lutionary damages caused to Ameri- and the foreign wool situation is cans or American property in Mexico beneficial rather than detrimental to from 1910 to 1920 was signed in Mex- the American wool market at this ico Citj) April 24 and brought to time’ l Washington by Ambassador Josephus - “It is unfortunate that eertaln sel Daniels who today explained its sig- fish interests are now busily enLOS ANGELES May 26 UP— Be- nificance to the foreign relations com- gaged in spreading fear among wool cause little June Robles 6 kidnap mittee Held Reasonable to determine precisely the net amount victim of Tucson Ariz assertedly I "This is a common sense Arrange to be paid by Mexico because many was not offered enough money to ment to get this troublesome issue of the special claims had also been assure her future education she will ‘ not make a personal appearance tour cleared up" Chairman Pittman D filed under the over the country-attorne- ys Nev) said after the meeting “While of the necessity to make a careful of theaters for her father announced today at first glance it might appear that check and comparison oil the totals “We were strongly opposed to any the payoff is very low that is not the claimed and awarded all Eurbpean case It must be remembered that governments in order to arrive at an commercializing of the child’s experifori many of the larger claims contained absolute accurate determination of ence unless it guaranteed enough her future education" attorneys for in the $411000000 total are purely the correct percentage of award Fernando Robles said apeculative and in cases visionary Special Board We discussed various deals withl "When the claims are debunked For the purpose of facilitating a Bryan Foy but could never qome to It Will be lound that the legitimate the’ United terms that would insure the child redistribution by claims may get 100 cents on the dol- proper to her citizens of this money ceiving enough money to pay for her lar and those who have not padded States commission will be set up entire education” the lawyers Waltheir demands will be paitjubstan-tiall- ain special the United States to pass on the ter Kibbey and W F Cooper said I the amount of their Josses as all claims So the deal is off” the result of the Mexican revolu- merits of I Mexico agrees to begin payment of — "They demanded too "much” tion” 1 next Hollywood film producer said Foy”1 sum on January Hull explained it wad impossible the lump when $550008 will be paid It was could have made them quite a bit understood the Mexican government of money but not as much as they ‘ planned to liquidate the Whole 'ac- wanted count within ten years’ Deferred The little child who was rescued! payments will bear interest starting May 14 after being kidnaped and at per cent increasing annually at chained in a desert cage for 19 days that rate until 1 per cent annually is was brought here by her parents yesreached terday to visit relatives “to get her! In the event of failure 1o make an- mind off her experience” her father nual payments when due this in- said terest rate will Increase at the seme rate on overdue amounts until it reaches 3 per cent per annum nator i ! -- half-inc- t Robles Family Turns Down Theater Otferl -- general-elaims—a- nd ' -- MAY 4 SPECIAL $75 For Complete Course of Six Months BEAUTY CULTURE Free Finger Waves Free Marcel Waves Dons by Our Junior Student— ALL WORK DONE BY OUR ADVANCED STUDENTS: Finger Wave and Dry Marcel Wave Manicure Shampoo and Finger Wave Permanent Wave 25 40 40 50 $150 Complete PHONE WAS 3370 Victim of Spider ‘Slightly Better’l Teeth Chart Used BOISE (P—Dr William Erkenbeck To Identify Body oftinued Grandview on the Snake river arid in a Unconscious con- SAN FRANCISCO May 26 (P — Impressions of the teeth in a body believed to be that of Arne V Gandy missing New Jersey youth were tak en today and sent to Mr and Mrs Curtis Gandy- of Teaneck N J for comparison with a chart of their son’s teeth made several years ago Although fingerprints have already established to the satisfaction of local police that the body is that of Gandy the youth's parents requestbecause ed the dental comparison hair samples and neck measurements assertedly did not tally The body taken from San Francisco bay and buried in potter’s field was exhumed and an investigation ordered when Mr and Mrs Gandy expressed belief it might be that of their son Utah High School of Beauty Culture m SO MAIN— SECOND FLOOR FIRM FOUNDER DIES MINNEAPOLIS May 2p (—Ferdinand A Hallet 63 founder and president of Hallet & Carey Co grain y firm died here today after a illness ' ten-da- Saturday critical condition from a bite of a “black widow” spider Attendants at a hospital said he wasl 'slightly better” but that his illness remained serious Bitten last Sunday by the insect a black spider barely larger than a pea he first went unconscious and then developed a paralysis which spread to his throat necessitating artificial feed- ing The spider the poisonous female of which is distinguished by a marking shaped like sn hour glass on the under side of its thorax was described by the state entomologist as one of the most poisonous Insects known in this country A scattered few are found in many places in western Idaho and eastern Oregon ©©©©© I e MiLuBS Income Rises PRICES I 1st Awil NEW YORK May 26 (P—Net operating income of major railroads continued to run well ahead of the last two years in April results of the first 43 roads to report showed The reporting roads had net operat- ing income in April of $22001000 an Increase of 63 B per cent over the 1933 month’s total of $13420000 and an increase of 39 8 per cent over the aggregate of $15742000 in April 1932 Gross revenues of the 43 reporting roads in April amounted to $149862-00- 0 This represented a gain of 19 per cent over the 3125919000 total in April 1933 and a gain of 5 per cent over April 1932 when the total was $149095000 March grosi revenue had shown a gain of 344 per Cent over last year the aggregate of $164435000 comparing with $122 311 000 a year ago MORE CAR OWlfe&S BUTTBZUl TUBS FROM CSARS these eemparlseoi then from any other eomyony store or chsfn of stores la the world "Century of Progress Bigger and even more interesting than if was last year the World’s Fair at Chicago win be more than ever the place And rail lares are lower than ever 1o go this summerl Only 13725 for 25day round trip Season round trip (return limit Oct 31) only $5120 coach and $5650 —leaving daily May 15 to Oct 15 first-cla- observation can dining can and - cars (drawing rooms and compart-- ' penis) ra many’ Union Pacific trains this summer JUr’ conditioned all-roo- Examples of Low Fares East and West Hoy IS to Oct IS— Return Limit Oct 31 1st Class Coach St- Louis $5600 $4820 4600 Omaha' — 5000 4470 Kansas City y 10295 9668 Boston rotum limit) y Boston' return limit— via New York) 10485 9661 y 9740 8960 rotum limit) (Standard) New York y 9480 8960 Now Yorlt ntum limit) (Differential) ‘Slightly higher fares lor longer rotum limits - (45-da- (45-da- (45-da- (45-da- Los Jtrigetes and Return For 10-d- 937511 return Hmii lares In eflect to San Fran-cisPortland or Spokane" Sam 31 co (21-da- y limit) Fartt quoted ere from Salt Lake City Similar to u forte from and to mber pointtt Reduced round fartt trip JPullman ’facet additional to firet-cla- u ' For full particulars call City Ticket Office Wasatch 200 Hotel Utah Bldg ’ ' - ’ C H Ballmonh General Agent : titMsto lASteME a i a i EZio Erao Story of 'DICTATE Etoodczchip 22$ saving on ALLSTATE Tires is not in the coet of manufacture but in Sears lower cost ot dotting theeo tires from tho factory to tho cor ownor Sean acll more tirea per tore than any other company o the selling expenie per tire it much leu Most leading manufacturers market their regular brands through 20000 to 30000 separate itorfcs and dealers— a coitly method which create expenses that add nothing to the value or quality ot any tire The ALLSTATE Meets Every QUALITY SptcUlesUon In Dynamite Probe This Year at Chicago s JH tba ta Twratjr salSlaa ALLSTATE Tlrat bar beanboesht by raatsrlsta rtslaal aqulptaent ata their cars? Tba average material baa Kttle te say abavt the t&nd of Urea that eene wtth bla4ear fivt'wbea it ooaosto Ituyins NXT7 Tires bewerer tba star? la dUfereat When a thrifty earewaer MAK23 C23 he eareluUy OWN CHOICE paye eat M own rood money far tires 1 Alter msfclag claims e and me bee Hirers' numila gaaraatase eectaeree prises Auto Owner Arrested Many New Attractions ®m& §jj ©EJZMLEW Rail Operating PORTLAND Ore Msy 26 U- PPohn Bitte 29 an unemployed electrician was held in the city jail without bond today while police detectives! made a painstaking examination of an automobile load of dynamite and a home-mad-e automatic twitch found last night near the waterfront The automobile was owned by Bitte He said it was stolen from him by two men he did not know The car when found by police after Bitte had reported it stolen contained 204 sticks of dynamite strung with many feet of wire and the home-made switch Bitte denied ownership of any ol the material found in the machine tell &W0X&9& are fully governed by the maximum specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers (S A E) ALLSTATE TIRES’ also conform to these specifications 100$ ALLSTATE Itei All Laisst Teefszss - For years past ALLSTATE Tires have incorporated tho vory footures tire manufacturers advertise today as brand new! ALLSTATE Tirea were designed years ago to meet todsfo driving conditions with more tread on the road for longer tread life d deeper PLUS the axfra' protection against Blowouts Cords offered) by Sufrritic Buy ALLSTATE Tires with fuU confidence that you are getting1 as fine tires X as safe tires' as money and science can produce -- non-ski- ALLSTATE Tire specifications are recognized as among the moet rigid in the tire Industry When you hear claims about new standards tread depth broader huskier tirei of etc just remember that these measurement non-tld- d Gum-Insulate- d I Our SO Month Oettory The finest battery you can buy at anywhere near this low price! It’a a big husky extra-powerf- 1 Allowance 2 leakproof construction with epecial heavy duty insulation of genuine porcelain and long life electrodes that ALWAYS deliver a powerful spark Two-piec- e ZEPPELIN HOPS OFF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN Germany May 26 (P— The Graf Zeppelin left at 8:30 p m today on the first South American flight of the year Sixteen passengers including t United Stales marine officer and an engineer of the Goodyear company of Akron mum ) EACH tail- -' erod‘ vrtH-litt- in la Yor Coscbes 155 Sedsss 1 55 Container Ec in a wide variety of 13-pl- Dayi Only 10 Cent Allowance on your old plug "8 83c tly ul CROSS COUNTRY Sparkplugs as Fine as Money Can Buy NIS EATIC01ERS Universal Brand SLIP-O- N Seat Covers battery full of surplus power for quick startingthe kind usually sold for $1000 or morel Salt Laker Appointed U P Courtesy Directorl Ed Marksheffel of 1115 Second ve-nue has been appointed Union Pacific system courtesy director according to information received Saturday) from Union Pacific headquarters at Omaha Mr Marksheffel has been a railroad conductor on the Salt Lake and Los Angeles railroad since 1907 He will have headquarters atl Omaha Mr Marksheffel who Is a I past system president of the Old) Timers' club will be the guest of honor at an outing of the Salt Lake and I Ogden clubs which will be held June 15 at Lagoon S AVBBOmO CROSSICOUNTRYiBATJERIES Bumper Guards luggage Carrier Sendr It’s the perfect motor oil' made from finest 100$ pure Pennsylvania crude It will not sludge has tremendous will not form hard carbon and ability has tremendously superior lubricating power due’ to its greater natural oiliness Saves you upto 50$l heat-resisti- ng POSITIVE MONEY - BACK GUARANTEE f Folding Easy to httadv Nd holes to drill I Folds fiat against ’running board v 4 f |