Show MAII NEWS SECTION — Ssconl Par! THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING MAY 27 1934 d week-eniLi-u- lialt Lake SDITDROPPED COURT BY church left Salt Lake Triday for ference this week-enat Mesa and at Mesa Aria He will speak at sessions St Joseph stake conference at Lay-to- n of the Maricopa stake quarterly connext Cloudy Skies Promise Rain in S L None Falls DESERETBANK Pare B Y citizens looked hopefully to the skin Saturday but the promise of rain to break the unprecedented drouth had not been fulfilled at a late t BWtJL One Day hour The cloudiness was caused by a low pressure aria over thewestern part of the country which produced a substantial rain in only one section Spokane Wash reported a tall of 66 inch There were light showers at Denver Grand Junction Reno and Yellowstone The mercury rose again to unseasonable heights reaching a maximum of 87 degrees - The minimum was 63 and the mean of 75 exceeded the normal by 15 points ’ Judge Holds' He Has No Jurisdiction in Action for Damages a said -- K-OT- in all “Isn’t the cash customer In the average store sort of penalised for paying cashT He gets no better price he gets no better service than his I neighbor who has a charge account and pays In thirty sixty and sometimes ninety days" a The case in which J Palmer Sharp sued the Deseret National bank for $27900 representing the value of stock held by him in the bank was dismissed Saturday by Federal Judge Tillman 1) Johnson GOES TO CONFERENCES The court held he had no right to John Wells second counselor in the hear su j for damages against a na- presiding bishopric ot the L D S tional bank that this is a matter for the comptroller of the currency He ruled appoint appraisers but allowed the that in any event the plaintiff could plaintiff to come on the law side of not seek relief in the courts the court for a suit for damages At Sharp brought suit originally on the that time"5harp filed the suit on which equity side of the court under a United the court ruled Saturday after a hearStates statute which gives the right ing on a demurrer' “ " to a national bank stockholder to dis’ Fixes Valuation sent to a proposed merger get an apat his stock In of value the arriving praisal of his stock and turn it in lor Sharp claimed a book value of $25210 its Value in money a share plus $100 a share for goodwill — to Dissents Merger He asserted that the Deseret National In this case Sharp' dissented to the bank was one of the best known banks merger of the Deseret National bank in the state had a reputation for proband the First Security bank which fl ity end this justified placing a goodnally resulted in the formation of the will value of $100 a share First National bank and gave notice It is said that this is the first time requesting the appointment of ap- the questions involved in this case praisers He contended that he gave have ever been brought squarely on notice according to law but that the the statute giving national bank stockbank refused to carry out the request holders the right to dissent to s whereupon he brought suit merger For this reason it is considAbout two months ago Judge John ered likely that it may eventually get son ruling on the equity case held to the supreme court of the ynlted heart W Wallac’e McBride Hasel Peterson R H Stringham and that he had no jurisdiction to issue a States should the plaintiff see fit to W Lester to row Leonard (1 Winegar John M Sharp Front r): writ of mandate requiring the bank to appeal Dr Arthur good friend of I give this query considerable thought and came to conclusion that the giving of 8 h H green stamps answered the argument Cash and prompt payment customers for each lOe purchase or more may receive these' smaU discount tokens which are redeemable for merchandise in any department of the store This discount belongs to our customers We are glad to the it give ’ Social workers who have just completed a course of instruction under the auspices of the extension division at the University of Utah Back row (1 to r): Samuel Park William T Igle- - Mangum Beeley Kate Williams Mack Nicolayson and Social Service Course GUILT DENIED SL MUSICIANS Presents New Pattern IN LIQUOR CASE BLOOD EKilSES Governor Honored at Last Performance Festival of Public Welfare and Emergency Relief Probk Session lems Studied in Two-Wee- A pattern for social service work designed for adoption throughout the west and on® that may even become national in scope wag the theme of a short intensive course for social workers that endW its two weeks’ session at the Stewart school on the University of Utah campus Friday evening The course is offered by the extension division of the University of Utah at the request of the state department of public welfare and emergency relief in conjunction with the university department of so- Credit for the successful completion of this course which is believed to be the first of its kind is given to Dr A L Beeley of the department of sociology at the University of Utah who is a recognized authority on sociological subjects in this sec-tioof the country President George Thomas of the University of Utah -- Selections by the combined high school choruses aqd the Eist high school orchestra featured the final per-music fesformance of the three-datival at the Salt Lake tabernacle Saturday evening X B Kesler of the executive com- mittee Introduced Governor Henry H Blood the guest of honor Governor Blood complimented the directors 6f the festival end the students who par- ticipated Dr L John Nujtall Jr superintendent of schools In Salt Lake also spoke briefly The chorus Saturday evening numbered 800 voices with 50 pieces Ih the orchestra The entire festival used 3500 voices The East high school orchestra Was under the direction of Arthur Overlade while the complete per- formance w!s conducted by J Spencer Cornwall director of music in the public schools A feature of the evening was the combined capella choruses under the direction of Virginia Summerhays Howard and comprising students from East South and West high schools Their final number "Hospodi Pompilui” won much applause The performance closed the festival which began Wednesday ' y '“ 4 FAMILY REUNION SET A reunion of the William Reynolds Terry Family will be held at the Draper amusement halt Saturday at 10 a m All persons connected with the family are urged t9 attend the program and take box lunches for the party to follow M B Andrus president and Venus R Rossiter secretary are in charge of arrangements (- ciology Starting May 1 courses were offered each evening at 7:30 in the Stewart schooL Courses included orientation to the general field of social work the principles bf social case work problems of admlnistra tion of public relief In Utah problems and social resource a symposium and a panel dispom-munit- toie cussion Take Fall Course Seventy-eigh- t social workers took the full course An additional 22 attended the 9 o’clock lectures and panel discussions Six workers came 78 from Utah county (Provo Payson and Pleasant Grove) every night for three weeks ' and six came from Tooele and five from Farmington At the close of the course each registered student received a syllabus of 200 pages containing a resume of the material presented during the session - ti-x Wi L’l Owner White Silks -- LeRoy Dean 48 alleged operator of what is believed to be the largest still ever seized In Utah pleaded not guilty Saturday to a federal charge of operating an unlicensed stilL Gould B U S Commissioner Blakely before whom the defendant was arraigned ordered him to appear Thursday for preliminary hearing and released 'him until that time on a $1500 bond still was seized FriThe day night by police at 126 West Fourth North street When police started to dismaptle the apparatus Saturday they found it necessary to use blow torches and remove the parts through a tunnel dug under the house The still was located two stories under ground It developed Saturday that on April 6 1930 firemen combated a $1500 fire on the premises without discovering the still Officers said Dean told them he began operations int 1929 Police expressed the opinion that Dean’s outfit was the source of great quantities of contrahrand liquor used in Salt Lake in recent months k Let this and Acetates BEAUTY MIRACLE for yout summer frocks ’ ? cent 3600-gallo- n Values to 159 PRIII ROSE Crinkle Crepes Silk Piques Rough Crepes Crepe Satins Suede Crepes Faille Crepes A HOU S E SENSATIONAL f !V RE S E MTS t HEW CREAM :i A Y Once in a blue moon comet a truly revolutionary advance in beauty science Primrose House has spent years search Ing for some Ingredient to duplicate the patural oil of the skin and Its rejuvenating effect Second Floor the result of that research Delv Is o delightful new cream that literally creates a new skin texture — makes the complexion at fresh and dewy at spring cream for the daily care morning It it a baiic of the tkin — one cream to use — one cream to pay for DELV Is APPOINTMENT Keith-O'Brie- OF JUDGE HItI other Pony Express monument will be dedicated Jjine 12 George Albert Smith president of the Utah Pio- Reno Attorney Opposed neer Trails and Landmarks association and John D Giles executive With Closed Connection secretary are expected to join the of ceremonies in be and charge Banks Cited party on this occasion annian Further plans including versary celebration for old Fort Hall RENO Nev May 26 (IP)—A formal In Idaho will be announced later protest against the appointment of Dr Howard P Driggs Out- William Woodburn Reno attorney as r United States district judge for Nelines Itinerary vada has been filed with the senate Dedications judiciary committee and other governmental agencies in Washington by the "Depositor’s Protective associaDr Howard R Driggs of New tion of the closed Wingfield banks’1 Citizens of Salt Lake Saturday con- it was disclosed today York president of the Oregon Trail tributed about $1750 for welfare work Woodburn was nominated by PresL l&morial association and professor among needy war veterans and dent Roosevelt jo succeed Federal Disof English education at the Univer- widows and orphans of war veterans trict Judge Frank H Norcross in the That figure was on the basis of re- event Judge Norcross is elevated to sity of New York Saturday outlined an itinerary foe marking etationa on ports by workers in the annual poppy the ninth United States circuit court the old Pony Express trail between Sales conducted in the business dis- of appeals Salt Lake and Sacramento CaL trict Saturday by the auxiliaries to Judge Norcross’ nomination to the With Mrs Driggs and their two Salt Lake post No 2 American Le- circuit court bench is being studied sons Perry and Wayne Driggs Dr gion and Lieutenant Clarence E Aliethe senate judiciary committee and by No 409 Veterans of For- an Driggs is spending his vacation in the n-Post early recommendation concerning west largely in work connected with eign Wars it is expected from that body the Oregon Trail Memorial associaThe organizations expressed appreWoodburn The protest against tion) A native of Utah he is nation ciation for the public cooperation in signed by W E Barnard as secretary ally known for his western- history the drive after the Legion auxiliary’s of the association covers six typework and also for his series of En- 250 salesgirls and the 126 Veterans written pages It cites Woodburn's conof Foreign Wars’ salesgirls reported nections as attorney for the closed glish text books Dr Driggs will speak at the dedi- the results Wingfield banks and his legal concation of the Pony Express marker Mrs Frank D Anderson president nections with the $8000000 Owl Drug at Mountain Dell June 2 in which of the Legion auxiliary and " Mrs company bankruptcy in asking that vanguards of the Salt Lake council Clem S Schramm chairman of the the appointment not be confirmed will participate He will be joined on auxiliary's poppy sale committee rethis occasion by William H Jackson ported $1000 sales Victor E Anderof pioneer photographer of the west son chairman of the Veterans who crossed the plains by Foreign Wars’ campaign reported ' in 1866 sales of about $750 Te Dedicate Marker He will next leave for Fort Sutter CaL near Sacramento where gold was first discovered In California A foreclosure on the Clift building and participate in dedication of 10 West Broadway was ordered SatPony Express marker June 6 or 7 urday by District Judge Oscar W One or more of the original Pony ExIn a suit filed by John A The annual reunion of the Holy Malia state banking commissioner in press riders is expected to be pres ent on this occasion Cross alumnae of St charge of the Deseret Savings bank A party will then proceed eastward Was held Saturday under The action was brought against along the Pony Express trail stop- the direction of Miss Gertrude Bedke Lawrence H Heath executor of the ping at all the old stations and dedi- general chairman in charge of ar- Virtue Clift estate which owns the The complaint stated that cating monuments They will be rangements and a committee of six building The program began at 9:30 a m the estate was in default on $375000 joined by Dr George W Middleton and Dr W W Stookey of the Utah with a requiem mass for deceased of first mortgages against the Pioneer Trails and Landmarks asso- members' Other events were Initi- building and asserted that Interest ciation who are expected to take part ation ceremonies 10:30 a m business due on bonds and taxes in arrears in a Pony Express and Pioneer day meeting 4 p m benediction 6 p m from 1931 to 1933 totaled $133000 celebration at Mlnden-Ne6:30 June 9 reception for new members Judge McConkle has had the case Two monuments one at the site p m banquet 7 p hi under advisement for several weeks of the first Anglo-Saxo’settlement The Most Rev James E: Kearney The suit was filed last November in Nevada founded about 1855 by D D bishop of the Catholic diocese TRIAL DATE SET L D S pioneers and another at the of Salt Lake was the guest of honor site of a Poiiy Express station will The committee included: RecepPleading not guilty to petty larb® dedicated Plans are being made tion Miss Elsie Gini program Miss ceny Nina Valdez 35 was ordered to feed 3000 people at a barbecue on Grace Hogan decorations Miss Jean- in police court Saturday by Judge this occasion ette Lambrecht door Miss Margaret Daniel Hdrrington to appear for trial Miss Dorothy June 6 She is accused of stealing Many Nevada residents are expect- Anson refreshments ed to join the caravan eastward to Lynch Miss Josephine Dowd was $27 from Edward Douglas of Midvale Deep creek or Ibapah wher® an- toastmls tress early Friday Plans to Mark Sites of Pony Express Drawn nc n 77 Smart women who have used it are enthusiastic about its cooling stimulating effect Its regular daily iise keeps the tkin clean young and vital - s DECORATION DAYlVill Bring D a Rush for These Styles in Veterans’ Poppy Sale Nets $1750 for lHhilil li IKIijjjti' “This is one of the finest extension projects that the University of Utah has ever sponsored I feel very satisfied indeed in putting the entire strength cl the university and all its facilities behind It” Sends Congratulations F W Reynolds director of extension division work at the University of Utah who hgs been attending adult education con ventions in Chicago and Washington D C sent his greetings group at the last meeting Friday and promised further instruction and cooperationwith the state departments of public welfare and emergency relief The lecturers included Judge Hugo B Anderson Hazel M Peterson Robert H Hinckley John M Sharp Kate Williams and Dr Arthur L Beeley The university will repeat the summer course during the session and a still larger course will be offered during the next academic year in the extension division and in the regular schedule of university work of Still Free on $1500 Bond Until Hearing Alleged 500 E LV’I HOUSE PRIMROSE HEtl DW8L18 00 YOUTH Primrose Introductory S e tFREE 1 - - Alumnae Hold Annual Meet - With Norge you will be money ahead and have years of excellent refrigeration service - rJ®ELG G Cutoff istetra liaaafifflaaa 1050 East 21st South Foreclosure on'' Building Ordered n - '1 Witt Every 'w Purcknxe of ' Primrose House Preparations Amounting to $100 or More offer! you a gift During this week Primrose House of their regular $100 Introductory Set with of Primrose House preparations amounting" will find to $100 or more In this convenient set you five basic preparations for making your There is an "air" about linen - it is considered One of the1 every-purchas- and $upersmart fabrics this exquisite linen tie by Jacqueline is being chosen by very smartly dressed women KEITH-O'BRIE- N shin-clea- r and lovely Copy n Inc your Keith-O'Brie- n 't V Inc |