Show t TTTE A WAGNER LABOR BILLREPORTED BY COMMITTEE ’Oiatice Sa£t LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING BAPTISTS BACK Republicans Warned to 'Sit Upand Take Notice’ of Sloth PEACE CROP In National Organization ' Convention Commits Itself Observer Asserts That G O P Needs to Reorganize to Economic and if It’s Going to Provide Democrats With Social Reform at for Passage i An y Real Opposition Present Session Held Remote MAY 27 1934 and Clinton N Howard former chairman of the world peace commission and prominent Baptist layman tried unsuccessfully to amend the pledge to read “except for purposes of national defense” Jn addition to the resolution m war and peace the convention committed itself to a progressive social and economic program to temperance education and prohibition legislation to protests over the extension of governmental authority over religion and to more regard for Sabbath observance “A regular love feast" wu Presi dent William S Abernethy’a comment on the session which vu in marked contrast to heated debate the recommendations were subjected to yesterday A proposal to merge the religious snd Christian educational activities ot the denomination under one head wu passed unanimously A plan to merge the fqur missionary groups of the church wu passed yesterday of the recommendations Other commission which received favorable action today were Formation of a council for world evangelization simplification of administrative agencies and amendment to permit inclusion of the of commission's recommendations ROCHESTER' N Y May 26 war there ha been no successful diover the objections of a voto the of attention public recting Tribune Correspondent ciferous minority the Northern Bapin men of scores of shortcomings WASHINGTON May 26- -It Is Lme a resohigh office whose deeds or whose tist convention today adopted B T ELTON C FAT for Republican leaders and for the words would hardly merit public lution commending to its members AaocitUd Brew Stall Writer rank and file of the Republican party commendation The Republicans as personal noninvasion pledges WASHINGTON May 28 -G- reatly to ait up end take notice when the charged have been asleep at the Aa adopted by the convention the and the Roosevelt tram has disputed pledge reads titered by Its long atay in committee staid old Saturday Evening Post de- switch “Reserving the right of national rushed merrily forward and the many operations performed scribe the party as suffering from is for new bloody and for by such means as may The cry t there the Wagner labor Bill emerged aleeplhg sickness diagnoses th cause younger men in control The Demo- seem to me wise effective and Christian 1 from now on definitely reputoday to seek congressional sanction as utter collapse of the party leader- crats ever since the 1932 election diate all the have been aggressive war I will crow actively organizing before adjournment ship snd calls for Its reorganization young voters in every state in the boundary line to kill and Despite the renewed pressure put into a "virile fighting unit reformed union they have been Interesting the to destroy nor will 1 support mv behind the bill by the administration and reconstructed liberal in the resl new voters in the Roosevelt adminis- government in” sending its army and In its concern at the growing serious- meaning of the word— in ahort an op- tration they hav been using every navy to do so led by the Rev Frank resource at their Command to keep Opponents ness of widespread libor troubles position party that will oppose” the Rev G Sayers of Rochester and alive Interest tha of th would younger of either No party politician T Littorin of Quincy Mass' there was' no certainty the bill would Frank voters less The RepubliJusis end experienced was there that ample deny be enacted In the few weeks remain- tification for the editorial in ques- cans hava done nothing The Repubtion appearing Jn the current issue lican national committee ha been the EenatorvVlsh MeasJ chairmen The Republican party is accused did deadest thing in American politics of the senate labor committee said fold up end quit after the election of for the put 19 months state comhowever that be hoped to obtain en- 1932 aa a party it has not turned a mittees have been just as inert there wheel since Hoover’s defeat Yet It hu been no effort to aroust even actment The party organizations la recallad that four years before county Bemevet Beard defeat el truly hu gone dead and is dead The committee’! report on tha bill when A1 Smith suffered moat as overwhelming hla party took from the top down It wu not ao definitely removed the labor board immediate atepa to rebuild and how with the Democrats during tha four to which It would give congresalonal attested by years ot the(t rehabilitation auction from the realm of an arbi- successfully it built was Unwritten Bale the next presidential election trating body except in caaea whera It is an uhwritten rule of both poLeaders A stalled both labor end capital asked that it erve in that capacity The principal complaint lodged litical partes that the last nominee Walsh said that “all this bill does Is against the Republican party is di- for the pruidency shall be the titular to set up machinery to find lacts and rected and properly so at the party head of the party until the next candefine what interfere with fair labor leaders and the only leaders who didate la named Just as Al Smith practices" The committee report said have had an opportunity to function remained nominal head of the Demothe boafd Would be “strictly judicial since the Roosevelt administration cratic party from 1928 to 1932 just not primarily a prosecuting agency to opened have been the leaders in con- so Mr Hoover remains titular head ferret out offenders” gress Nominally the Republicans of the Republican party until the In defeat One objective of the bill Is to settle have a leader in the senate and a lead June convention ot 1938 points at issue over labor represent er in the house of representatives But Al Smith did not sulk he helped tlon which have snagged strike nego- how many know the names of these along those men who took active tiations in the last year charge of the task of reviving the leaders! He himself did President Roosevelt has expressed In the old days when the mighty Democratic party himself ss favoring the object of the Senator Aldrich wee Republican lead- not direct the job but neither did bill and is reported to desire its pas- er of the aenatet the country knew Franklin Roosevelt nor any of the sage at this session if It can be ob- who we "boa’ -- When Boiae Pen other men who contested with him tained without controversy which rose of Pennsylvania Was Republican for the presidential nomination two would delay adjournment of congress leader everybody wee ewer of it years ago It is not to be expected When th Republicans were led In that Mr Hoover should direct the Debate Looms rehabilitation ot the Republican par There existed however the likeli- th house by Tom Reed of Maine by ty today but if tome new leadership hood that consideration in the senate Joe Cannon of Illinois and even as late a by "Nick” Longworth of Ohio should assume that task he might would entail arguthose leaders were not nonentities reasonably be expected to lend ment hand Leadership in such a moveThe chance of delay on the home everybody knew jebout them read ment would not that the leader side was even more pronounced The about them end followed their careers is destined to beimply nominated for the house labor committee has taken no and tthetr leadership Out through thea residency any more than the actual action on the bill Borne of its mem country probably not one voter in of Jouett emocrfdic leadership bars werer described as particularly thousand could even name the leaders of the present sen- Shouse meant that he was slated to concerned at the failure of the senate and house of representative That bf nominated by the Democrats in to put into the measure penal provia ate a matter ot fact Shouse la the kind of leadership the Repub' 1932 Iona for enforcement of the industrial lictne have had thus far through the while recognized as a man ot ability board dispute Roosevelt- - admin titration and " the was never a men of national promOne of the first objectives of the inence until he took on the job ot resenate bill is to put into the definite very fact that the names are not the Democratic party There form of statute the meaning of unfair known is the best evidence in the viving are Republicans squally competent labor practices Aa explained by Walih world that the leaders are open to unknown to the nation but there ere now no statute defining un- tha complaint registered against equally there seemingly is no on to pick fair practices The temporary national them th right men or disposed to make Slump Aids Benrbens labor board he said waa confronted the attempt l with the task of enforcing something After tha detest of Al Smith in It is a tact that the Republican ladd1928 the Democratic national committhat did not exist in law ers of todsy—lf they deserve thi tee in collaboration with other Dem- designation— are old men nr Repul Company Unions ocrats who believed their party could licane of the old school They hive The revised measure while preservbe rehabilitated and rebuilt started played politics according to rules that ing existing closed shops does not de- on a campaign that long before the would have been understood by Quay mand that all shops be unionized it of 1932 bad all but ruined and Henna and Platt and Reed But ' does not close the door of the socalled lection President Hoover and destroyed his they themselves are dumbfounded by company unions in e general manner chances of retlectlon Of course the the nkw rules that have been injectBut it doee recognise the right of came along and mada the ed into the game by the man now in workers the report states to demand depression task th easier and the the White House They don’t comthat their employers negotiate with Democratic was facthe depression prehend his kind of politics they representatives they have duly named tor in the election ofdetermining Franklin Roose- don't understand his curves they The board would be given the power The people wanted a change can’t seem to see how he gets as la cases Of dispute over negotiating velt the only way to get it wee to defeat far aa he does with his new deal agencies to hold a secret ballot to de- Hoover and elect Roosevelt But the when he li admittedly handicapped termine whom the majority wanted four On of th major contentions of la work years of energetic intelligent by so many ot the new dealers He of th4 Dem- moves too fast tor them shifts too bar was that if open elections were ocraticdone by th leaders party played an important readily they get dizzy watching his held the name of th men might be art end infused into the performance All in all they are picked out by factory operators for de- emocraticcertainly donkey a degree of viril- thoroughly disheartened motion or discharge ity that no political observed thought State Leader Liated possible after the overwhelming deWhat ie true of the Republican parfeat of Al Smith ty nationally is true in many of the Following Smith’s' defeat which states in most of the etates in fact was the more overwhelming because five southern states for the State Republican leaders are tor the men who have been lead first time refused to support the mosttorpert 20 or 30 yeara they are lead Democratic national ticket the pre- ing diction was widely made that it era who knew the rules ot the old would take 26 years to rebuild the game and don’t understand the rules Democratic party It took just four of this modern day Old Republican NEW YORK May 28 The Democratic outlook in 1928 was organizations have been wrecked in ted companies In tha steel no darker than the Republican out- many instances by the recent defeat ot old leaders As a consequence industry fared better in earnings in look following the 1932 election but state organizations art headed by 1933 than the larger full integrated where the Democrats got busy the e concerns according to a report Just Republicans have dona nothing-noth- ing men who ere "ex" thi or “ex" that men been who have by repudiated made by the American Iron and Steel until Senator Reed roundly - We find ex institute which covers 190 steel com- trounced Governor Flnchot in the their constituencies late Pennsylvania primaries They SenatorIn Moses still the Republican panies New Hampshire Tha report showed that 57 Integrat- have let things drift asking one an- leader ed companies with fotsd investment other “What's tha user They are Watson leading in Indiana Smoot remains the Republican of $4423077377 had ai combined net just beginning to “park up loss of 884798707 in 1933 while 133 Psychology has plsyed a big part leader in Utah and so it goes through nation companies with an investment of in all this The Democrats defeated the 8484688907 had combined net earn by Hoover did not fear Hoover they Senator Borah himself wtU along went after him end they kept after In years and now dean ot the senate Inga of 85104478 for the year Th return on investment for the him The Republicans on the other was first to cry out tor new Republismaller companies amounted to 183 hand have allowed themselves to re- can leadership tor the recognition of younger men Borah a man and elevation per cent while the loss on Investment gard Franklin Roosevelt-a- s for the larger companies wai 078 per of destiny they have admitted by must be credited with keen political cent Stockholders in the smaller com' their Inaction that ha la abler at the perception even by those who difwith him He has never been panics which have only about 10 per gam of politics than they they see fer cent as much capital investment as is in him a man who has unbounded much ot a strict party man during hia career more often than not he reported for tha larger companies confidence in himself and one not long been aligned with th minority received (4 per cent as much in di ally bluffed and his apparent Im- hu video da as stockholders of th larger permeability to attack has left them than with th majority ot his own but never consistently with concerns guessing So until the past two weeks party lection Ot late Borah has Reflecting increases In wages snd the Republicans with very rare ex- either shown unusual signs ot regularity employment under tha steel code to- ceptions have permitted the Roose- and more than once has given evital wages and salaries for th 190 velt program to go through with only dence ot his desire to ace the Repubown companies increased from $173890-60- faint protest all the while hoping in the first half of to year to that sooner or later th administra- lican party made over under new n into virile agfighting $281710313 in th last six months tion will make some big bust and leadership long an increase of 63 per cent This com- they may be able to capitalize on Its gressive opposition party In remains it the minority pared with an increase of about 40 mistake They at least hope someThe if Republicans they snip out par cent In operation over th same thing of the sort will happen before ot It should have V 1936 splendid opporperiod tunity to make heavy gains in the Demeeratl Blander house of representatives and Slight Th Democrats as a matter of fact In the senate at the election jCongrcssman Propose! hava been making no end of blun- gain! November But it nxt they intend Fewer Representatives ders tine they have come into pow- to make any sort ot campaign they er These were not all blunders of the have in mind making a serious itdrive for the most part they to recover many seats president WASHINGTON May 28 VPh-were blunder members ot the controlled in congress ifthey usually intend house of representatives composed of administration by Between 1928 and to put the administrationthey on the de98 members the same six as the 1932 the Democrats watched the Hoo- fensive they have yet to give evi senate was proposed In a resolution ver administration scanned Us every dene of that purpose Up to now which Representative Cannon (D act and magnified every mistake no the Republicans sadly in the minorWia) drew up today for introduc- matter how small Every misstep was ity have blandly allowed themselves 1 tion Monday pinned on it and the country was to be put on the defensive whenever Cannon would elect two member mada to tee these errors as they have dared criticise the policies at large from each atata for four occurred The they only - error of the ot the administration MEMBERS OF Normally the instead of two-yeterm Roosevelt administration about which minority party is the aggressor for it "Why do w need 433 congress any sort of fuss has been made wee the manot ot the hu responsibility men when 10 or IS of them lead the the UNITED STATES of the airmail and even It is not accountable tor the others (round by their noses?" Can- thatmuddling has never been exploited for jority ot accountnot congress non asked DUEWEES’ ASS N what it was worth There have been legislation able for the national policies being no Republicans on the job to stress enforced 4 But 1933 March from COLLEGE HEAD SINKING the other errors of this administra- to date the Republicans have failed SOUTH BEND lad May 26 WT-- The tion there has been no megaphoning to become the DEALERS PLEASE ORDER aggressors in a way ' Rev Charles L O’Donnell presi about the various instances of corFROM YOUR JOBBER OR ot note worthy dent of Notre Dame university was ruption than have been turned up in DIRECT FROM US In a stupor tonight Father O’Don the several emergency organizations Suppression of banditry in the nell has been ill with a throat infec- that have been spending money faster northern pert of Nicaragua has retion for several months and more freely than it was ever sulted in a marked revival in gold La at the point of dying spent before save during the Worldmining them By HABRY (ffj-Ri- ding J BROWN e by-la- Jurors Ask Life Term Postoffice Governor Ross For Slayer Robber Receives Plans Speakings BEND Ore May 26 circuit zdded Sentence court Jury today convicted James Tour Over State ‘U’ ‘Self-Defens- e’ WV-- A James E Mandell 33 of Salt Lake pleaded guilty Saturday in federal court to charges ot robbing the University of Utah book store postoffice op January 13 1933 and received a sehtence of two years The sentence is to run concurrently with a sentence of from one to 20 years which he is now serving in the state prison The latter sentence wu imposed by the state court after he wu convicted of robbing the book store Similar federal charges against Harry A LaFray S3 who is serving from 10 years to life in the state prison for a previous robbery were ‘ dismissed for lack of evidence Indictments against nine violators of the old federal liquor laws were abated by Judge Tillman D John-toThose freed by this action are Theodore Atherly Pete Fernandez R L Henstrom R Stevens Archie N Heath J J Beaudry Melvin Rector Angelo Fontana and Phillip W Page n T Barnes former Californian of first degree murder of H Knut Lundin and recommended life imprisonment Barpes had testified that he shot at Lundin'i ranch in home in southern Deschutes county April 29 The Jury of 11 men and a woman received the case shortly after the noon hour ending the trial that started Tuesday Immediately after E M Wright jury foreman read the verdict H H Dearmond attorney for the do fendant asked for five days to flit motion for arrest of judgment Barnes’ plea wu that he shot in when he found Lundm emerging from a bedroom at the house snapping a revolver self-defen- EXILED NOBLEMAN DIES ount CANNES France May 26 Alfonso de Caserta dean of the roalist pretenders to the thrones of Naples and Sicily died tonight at the house of his 60 years’ exile He wu 93 the oldest member of the Riviera’s royal col- BOISE (TP)—Governor C Ben Rou will leave June 7 for a week's speaking tour that will carry him around the state and conclude et the Idaho Pioneer day celebration in Franklin county June 15 the date of the founding of the first permanent settlement in Idaho in 1860 He will speak first at Kamia June 8 and the same evening at Melrose Lewie county On June 9 he will attend a picnic at CTa'gmont going from of there to Moscowfor-Univfcrs- ity Idaho graduation exercises June 10 The following day he will speak at Kellogg and will then travel through Montana to keep a speaking engagement at Salmon City in Lemhi county June 13 His next scheduled stop is Franklin (Pi-C- long-falle- ony WATCHDOG STOLEN WICHITA Kan May 26 (UP)— Mrs Rufus Martin yesterday tied a vicious dog to a kerosene barrel m the rear of her store to stop a series of oil thefts Today both kerosene and dog were gone ft g w' u - y f ft urn '$ C JJ 4 s ' Beer Is Good For Health Malt for digestion hops for appetite Sugar for energy yeast for vitality Beer Is Good For Agriculture Smaller Firms Thousands of Bushels of the finest Brewing Barley t(from which malt is made) and of American hops' are used for brewing American beer Beer Is Good For The Nation Show Greatest Steel Profits The beer tax is a very present help to the Treasury of the United States and the State in the balancing of the budgets (TV-Sm- all a Beer Is Good For Refreshment Jhirst-quenchin- g heartening' invigorating-beepromotes good fellowship GEER'S u u r ER IS BEST Made in a modern plants superbly sanitary under modern methods— with modern machinery Perfect Artesian water the choicest hops and yeast Intermojuntain selected White Club BarPneumatic Drum System Malt Hause — Fifty Years’ Brewing Exley malted in our perience Expert Supervision ' 1 - WHY SEND YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE STATE WHEN YOU CAN GET BETTER BEER AT HOME — MADE BY UTAH UNION WORKMEN - ' “WHEN BETTER BEER IS BREWED BECKER’S WILL BREW A PIONEER BREWERS OF THE WEST SUPPLYING BEER TO TWELVE WESTERN STATES “ Once-befor- e u rH V BECKER PRODUCTS CO IN OGDEN UTAH SINCE 1883 PHONES 157-158-- 178 IV' - AMONp THE FIRST TO SIGN THE PRESIDENTS ' PLEASE ORDER FROM YOUR GROCER jOR RETAIL DEALER CONSUMERS j ‘ |