Show Buse l Pills Fills the Bambinos Bambino's Place ace NEW YORK April S. S Baseball S. fans packed into the Asheville N. N C C. ball park yesterday saw a atall atall tall slim youngster of much less poundage than the giant Babe Ruth they had come to see drive two balls Into the far spaces Ruth scheduled hero of the drama was wrestling about on a a. hotel bed with another attack of the flu which had knocked him for a homer a few hours previously lie He fainted in the station and had been borne into the hotel in her brawny arms of his teammates teammates team team- mates Joe Dugan and Steve ONeill Just before the game game- a team teammate teammate teammate mate stepped to the great ones one's bedside and delivered a a. promise I will do your act today Babe he said Ill hit one The promise was kept in the second inning inning- of a a. battle baUle which saw the Yankees conquer the Dodgers of Brooklyn 16 to 8 It was a a. lift into the left field bleachers Bob was the theauthor theauthor theauthor author of the hit as well as tho the promise made to Ruth In the seventh hit the pill over centerfield fence a record record record rec rec- ord wallop on this field field- |