Show CHILDRENS CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL CROSSWORD CROSSWORD CROSSWORD CROSS CROSS- WORD PUZZLE T 7 10 t ILc I HOW TO SOLVE PUZZLE The words start In the numbered I i squares and run ron either across or I down Only Onto one letter is placed in each white square If It the proper words are found each combination I of letters In tie white squares will form words The key to the puzzle the the first ls Ia Is given in the drawing Below Belo are keys to the theother theother theother other words RUNNING ACROSS Word Vord 1 In I-In In the picture Used by byan byan byan an artist Word q 3 Abbreviation 3 of ot a a. boy boys boy's s name na Word Vord 4 4 Tempest Word Vord 8 The 8 The capital pity gity of ot Japan Tapan Word 9 I Conjunction Word Worl ord 10 What lo-What What children use to write on In sch school ol RUNNING DOWN Word 1 The I-The The opposite of ot west Word 2 The 2 The second part sung In Ina a Q quartet i Word 5 5 An AH right Abbreviated Word Vord 6 6 Disturbance Disturbance of ot the peace usually by a a. mob Word ord 7 7 Additional A greater amount |