Show to 10 have a good i I. I o f J wi cc Yes Yes t thank you GOOD appetite means a a. cheerful cheerful cheer cheer- A A 11 ful disposition You You may h have ve a 3 good appetito appetite it if the blood that goes constantly to your vital organs Is pure purifies the blood blood blood-a a good appetite follows and you will have a clear I c complexion and will wUl be strong cheerful and healthy Dont Don't go on feeling up one ono day and down the next hardly next hardly sick but n never Q e v e r well well losing losing pep punch and ambition Hearty eaters aters are the red-blooded red men and women En Enjoy i 0 y your food tood Get back your strength and energy I Reclaim yourself before It Is too toolate toolate toolate late People In n a a- physically rundown rundown rundown run run- down condition are aro an easy prey to disease is what Is needed Your Tour blood needs purifying Your blood blood- c cells supply the tho energy w which hIe h keeps your body well and fit tit aids Lids Nature In supplying new red red- blood the cells the spark that your system Carefully selected I I If f scientifically proportioned a and n d prepared herbs and barks make up I SS the the great blood purifier purmer which gives Nature a helping hand band I Get back the lost appetite the missing vitality the keen sparkling spark ling hog eyes that look of ot tion S SS SS S. S will give you ou moro more energy vitality and vigor vigor- and a amore amore amore more up hp and going appearance S S. S S. S S. S is old fold at all aU rood good draz druz tores in i two o ii Ines The e larger aise ize i is more e economical I fakes fake You Fed kc ke Yourself II J I I I e Sa SaI I I t S I IO Ir I Ip I II II I I r L iI I i p I iI I O 0 0 I II II I o al I U I P 1 i r ry 4 II I i ir r I II r I Special All This W tm ively Closes I The biggest saving money stove sale ever cond conducted in m our store positively com comO comes come 11 c to a close Saturday evening at 6 j O 0 0 D 0 W N The e Free Gifts and a all other special offers made during t this is sale will then be a with with- drawn Talk it over w with your husband an and to tell him how ow easy we have made i iI ifor it economical saving labor-saving Universal G Gas as s Combination om ma maTen for you to secure a bright new I tion or Coal Range at unheard-of unheard prices terms term s and special offers Then Ten prepare 24 Months to Pay a y to come to our store tomorrow an and secure your new range Have the factory representative rep rep- Two Full Years Years' demonstrate the Universal You'll have to hurry hurry all all special o offers I withdrawn Saturday S F R E E J F R E E Piece 13 Gen Genuine ne Pyre J 1 Transparent Ovenware I A with each Range purchased pur past This White Whito Enameled I i chased during thia Stove sale Sale i If you prefer r It ins Instead ad ot of the H d IT Handy Kitchen Itchen Table an S y Dishes or porcelain Top Kitchen sf 4 r Table CI Porcelain Top Free with each Universal Uni- Uni 1 r Universal Uni i 1 down do wn brings s an any y l' l vernal versal Ran Range g o purchased during this thin versal vernal Range and the Set of Stove Sale Pyrex Ovenware both r iti C CI I 4 Here is is a regulation size N Kitchen Kitche Table able for the those se who 5 FREE r i prefer it instead of the dishes s I 1 I I b or Pyrex Ovenware Handy t tn I n al II I. I I t h height with roomy drawer draper and 1 42 42 p. p Di Dinner S Set e t tI I I ij I porcelain top top- with each Universal Range purt purchased pur pur- 4 chased during this thin Stove Salo Sel Salo- Salo vi t down bran brings an Universal If you prefer It instead of r any Ver X Transparent Ovenware e sal I D and the or Porcelain Top Kitchen Talo is sa Range ge Kitchen Table Ta a 4 rM t a For a family of or elx will hare harmonize har liar s bl ble e both b 0 th monize with most any table deci decorative decorative dec dec- i 4 42 P Piece Set Am eTl can Lupo a s China scheme down I brings any Universal Universal Uni Uni- ir i vernal versal Range and the Set of i both i. i i Thou Tho Thousands u sands iRi of WO women m men e n Universal rr r. r r 4 Gas Range 0 rr r will attend t jt jr i ir ch u r c h on r 7 1 a Easter Sunday Sun Sun- ti d I 1 A perfect h i I z day content baker Terms 5 5 down i with knowledge knowl knowl- r 24 2 Months to t edge t that h a. a t 5 Pay dinner will willbe will i We install I- I j your range be r ready e dy V free this week when m ili they 00 r Iva s I return homo home f Universal if ii the their i r c Combination n S Will You ou Have ave to Rush us Home ozna 1 kitchen is ise Range From Church Easter aster Sunday e equipped q qu u ip p p ped e UNIVERSAL 00 t A T PORCELAIN COAL RA RANGE q with and modern modem a new Will You Have to Rush Home Terms 21 24 Coal Months and ad 5 down gas to Will WIlY 1 You OU H Have ave to R Rush US h Home H Orne 1925 1025 Universal model F From rom from Ch Church h E Easter as astier t e r S Sunday un d ay Pay F From rom Church Cure h 1 1 Easter S Sunday un av Model Universal Coal Range 00 Wo We install e GAS GA S your range rang AT 1 free this Q T. T Terms Tenn 5 50 oo Down 2 24 1 Months to Pay L f RA A N G week I f bR A T A N Ci E We w. install your range rang free tree this week I 5 Down 5 Down Z 24 Months oat t to o Pay a Y 24 Months oats to Pay a f Two wo Full Years ears Two wo Fun Full u Years ears D 1 |