Show SAilORS ENJOY REAL HOliDAY AT GOLDEN GATE Officers and Men of U. U S. S SI I Grand Fleet Play Baseball Baseball Base Base- Base j ball and Are Entertained in Frisco's Chinatown SAN SAN FRANCISCO April 8 By A. A P. P The P.-The The city by the Golden Gate set a bit of ot its cosmopolitan aspect b before fore the personnel of the United States grand fleet today Inthe in inthe inthe the shape of of- ofa a reception and en entertainment entertainment en- en nt by the Chinese community community community com com- in San Francisco's noted Chinatown Senior officers of the fleet also are to be guests at a Chinese dinner dinner din din- ner ncr in the district tonight a gathering gathering gathering gath gath- ering that is expected to bring forth many reminiscences beginning beginning begin begin- ning Well Veil when I was out in the The Jewish welfare board has scheduled a Passover seder and dinner tonight for Jewish men mena a aboard oard the vessels The round of entertainment for forthe forthe forthe the officers continues with a luncheon luncheon luncheon lunch- lunch eon at noon by the chamber of ot commerce and Commercial club I Enlisted men are bre to engage in championship baseball competition I at Ewing field and Golden Gate park v The Tho port port program for tomorrow Include includes a boxing smoker at the Civic Center Preceding the smoker the army will demonstrate how the land forces would attack and defend San Francisco Airplanes from the Ninety-first Ninety squadron Crissy field will attack the Civic Center I which will be defended by oy a Ft I Winfield Scott coast artillery y corps detachment I The planes will begin an assault upon the Civic Center while th the tha I coast artillerymen below attempt to locate th thOm them m with four huge s search searchlights arch arch- lights and bring them down If It I the land forces fail fall to locate the ther planes within ten minutes the aviators aviators avi avi- will signal their positions aVi 1 with Very lights and parachute fares flares Th The complete attack will last one hour |