Show Baseball League in Eastern Utah to toa May a Be e Abandoned PRICE April 8 8 From S.-From From present indications it looks as If It there will wm not be any baseball in eastern Utah this coming season Working condi con- con di ions di lons at the camps are in such a poor state that many of the ballplayers ball ballplayers ballplayers players have been laid oft off Many of the men have left for other leagues leagues' and and several will be seen in Copper league uniforms It is a certainly that Columbia Kenilworth and Castle Gate will not enter the league and it Is js yer very doubtful whether or not Storrs and I Standardville will compete Helper I Price and Sunnyside are still lining lining lining lin lin- ing up players in the hopes that I they can induce one o of the other teams to enter and have a four four- team league Eastern Utah has alwa always s been represented by by a fast tast semipro league and the fans are willing to todo todo todo do anything to put base baseball all over The games form the chief amusement amusement amusement amuse amuse- ment during the summer months and as no admission fee has been I charred r at the gates large crowds have been in attendance It is hoped some of the camps will be working regularly again before the season starts and see their way clear to enter the league |