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Show JEWS BEING MASSACRED. Outbreak In Roumanla Assuming Alarming Proportions. Vienna. Acordlng to n telegram received re-ceived horo Troni Czernowlts, an Austrian Aus-trian town closo to tho boundary of Moldavia, Roumanla, advices hnve been received there from tho Austrlun frontier pollco stationed at ltzkanl nnd h'uczawu, that tho untl-Jewish out- ; break in Roumnnln is assuming serious . proportions. Pensauts have attacked und pluudorcd Jows nt llurdiizhenl who nro llcolng ovor tho frontier to ltzkanl. ltz-kanl. About 2,000 fugitives, mostly woman und children, nlrendy huv crossed tho frontier. Othor reports declare de-clare thnt further serious disturbances hnvo occurred nt llotosahnl, where the peasants hnvo set lire to the houses of Jows, nud ns n result nlmost the entire en-tire town is in lliuuus. Tho Hobrow til-llnnco til-llnnco of Vienna Is preparing to take enro of tho Roumnnla fugitives. |