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Show Garland North Items. Our boys returned home from shearing sheep Friday, They sheared nbnnj, jy00 head. Mrs. Alice Edmonds returncij Ijqujo Friday from Farmington whero slio has beep visiting relatives for souio tinjo, Mrs, Charles Hasor und chili arc rp-ported rp-ported very sick. A party of young folks gathered at tho homo of IIS Rico Tuesday whero an enjoyable en-joyable evening was spent. Earnest Walker and Ezra Hess of Fielding were Garland North vlsjtors oio day this week. Another pelco of property change bunds here. Tho homo of John Mapping was sold to a Mr. Archibald of Qlurkhtnn Mr, Manning wjll move to Davis Uouiity 1 next week. A birthday parly was given nt tio home of Miss Lulu Luudqust uud a good time was hud LS. |