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Show ! KJTXH 'STATO flEWS Weber county farmers have contracted con-tracted to :plant M.OOO -acres -of sugar ! beets this season, Utah and'lho western States In general gen-eral will ndt'bo affected !by tho Increase In-crease In freight rates. While tho family were at church Iho residence of S. S. Worthlngton of Grantsvlllo was destroyed by flro. As a result of an outbreak of diphtheria diph-theria at Grantsvllle, the schools, churches and amusement places have been closed. Tho factory site and real estato of tho Sanpeto & Sevier Sugar company havo been purchased by tho Utah Sugnr company. A largo canning factory Is to bo erected at Syracuso Junction, In tho very heart of the tomato and fruit dls- Itrlct of Davis county. Somo one with n spito against dogs scattered poisoned meat nt several planes at Lehl Junction last week and got six dogs In one day. Edward j. Yard, chief engineer of tho Rio (Iran do railroad system, died of pneumonia at St. Mark's hospital, Salt Lake City, on Saturday. John Ripley of St. John, Malad valley, val-ley, Idaho, suffered tho loss of his left kg at Brlgham City when he was at- ! tempting to board a moving train. Salt Lake City has a population of 1,602, according to an esttmato made by the census bureau, but tho citizens S of Zlon think this figure is much too small. That pneumonia Is still tho victor In Its number of victims ovor tho whlto plaguo In Utah, Is shown by tho Fob-ruary Fob-ruary bulletin of tho stato board ot health. Tho skeleton of a man found nt Ougway, In tho Deep Creek country, Is believed to bo tho remains ot Chas. Larson, who has been missing stneo last June. Crazing fees for tho uso of tho win ter rnngo on Anthro mountain In Uio Uintah national forest, Utah, will bo returned. This has been decided upon a test case. Among tho sundry civil expenso bills of the government passod last congress wns tho Item of $2,000 for 'tho improvement of tho old Fort Crittenden, Crit-tenden, Fairfield, Utah. At Lowlston tho big cattle barn ol A. L. Hyer was wrecked by a wind-Btorm wind-Btorm last week, but his line cattle, In somo miraculous way, escaped Injury. Thoro was a great electrical display V during tho storm. ' In an opinion handed down by tho supremo court, tho judgment ot tho lower court Is alllrmed In the case ot J. D. Skeen, appellant, vs. Thomas 12. Drowning, chief of police of Ogdcn, and the chief Is permitted to retain his position. Tho Commercial club of Monroo hold Its Initial meeting last week and appointed a committee of four, consisting con-sisting of Ixrcuzo Llsoubco, Austin Ycrgenson, Martin Slmmonscn and Olof Mlchclson, to draw up a set of by-laws for tho association. In Mendon tho house of David Lowo was unroofed by u windstorm, and tho members of tho family had to tako hurried refugo In tho collar. A low minutes later tho wind snapped tho root off tho collar and tho thoroughly thor-oughly toil Mod people lledi to tho barn, but tho barn was blown across tho street. No irao wns hurt. While employed In tho assay office of tho Daly-West company, at Park City, Oscar Jensen was badly burned by acid, a bottle of the liquid having broken while It was being handled. Jt Mr. Jensen sustained Injuries about , tho head, shoulders and feet. Tho master plumbers of Salt Uiko havo declared they will operate nothing noth-ing but open shops from now on, as a result of tho walk-out ot about sixty journeymen plumbers, upon tho refusal re-fusal of their employers to raise wages from 1 1. CO to $5,50 and $G a day. J. C. Ilutler, a car repairer, of Og-den, Og-den, was struck on the hend with a sledgo hammer and hud Ills skull caved In, Ho was working with a helper, who was wielding the hammer, when It glanced from the cIiIboI and struck Butler In tlio base of tho skull. According to ofllclals or tho stato health board, tho legislation recently otiacted, authorizing Inspections of slnugliter housos was not only sorely needed, but is woefully Inadequate to meet conditions that uro described as ' rovoltlng and a menace to the public health. David Shlolds, a miner at tho Napoleon Na-poleon & Maghera mini1, in tho Siena Mndro mountains, ueur Ogden, let u heavy loaded tunnel car go over the dump and wont with it. The dump Is a precipitous clllf, and lie foil with tho car forty feet, sustaining bad y' bruises. ' Itobort H. Paine, a member of the Ogden City council, will havo to vacate va-cate Hint position, according to a do-clslon do-clslon of tho supremo court, l'alne, whilo under Indictment of receiving Illegal fees, resigned from tho council coun-cil and wus reappointed by his follow mombors. Tho'liastern I'tah" Telephone company com-pany is preparing to lustoll a local tolophono system In tho town of Cas-tledale, Cas-tledale, which will connect with Salt Lake and all tho Carbon county mining min-ing cumps, and the main Hue connection connec-tion to Oram! .lunrtlon which will umux bo completed.' |