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Show BOYS ARE SURE TO REVOLT. Cruel Scheme Proposed to Render jfl Them Immune to Germs. When tho purely scientific investlga-tor investlga-tor introduces us to a now variety of BJ germ nnd leaves ub alone with it whilo 'B ho plunges Into pastures now to scam BJ up germs of nnothor feather wo maj feel Bomowhnt down in tho mouth, but BJ we can contemplato tho gormy schonia BJ of things in sorrow rather than -tn BJ anger. But when n magazine -write! BJ gets possession ot tho facta tho union- BJ list hns dispassionately unearthed nnd 'B tries to frighten us Into attempting to BJ dodga tho mlcrobo by executing fentn BJ compared to which tho tanks of Her. BJ culea would bo mere calisthenics, we BJ hnvo every right to resent it BJ A scrlous-mlnded contributor to an BJ altogether serious periodical urges BJ that whenever children return from BJ playing In tho streets they should h BJ treated thoroughly with u powerful B germicide. It Is difficult enough to ' 'BJ catch llttlo Willie nnd hold blin down BJ whilo scrubbing. tho shadows Jroio. to- " "BJ Kind his cars tin'd hdrd'enougtr tipon BJ Willie in the opinion of any man who BJ remembers tho days, many and full of HJ trouble, when ho waB pounced upon BJ by a merciless being with six times his BJ strength and nono ot tho tendornotw BJ that should accompany might ami bold HJ In a iBo-llko grip whilo nn attempt BJ was made to rub his back hatr out by BJ tho roots with a rough. waBhrog. It to difficult enough to circumvent BtUo Willie onco or twico a week and get him into n healthful but bntod tub. To Inaugurate a policy of spewing a germ. HJ Icldo nil over him whenovor bo cometi Into tho halls ot his ancestors, would bo to nllcniato blm .utterly. It UtiJM not crystnlltze "nlli "latent drffc'riiito. H lion to becomo a boy highways ot causo him to drown hlmsolt In the ruin barrel ho would surely strike out tor himself as a street sweeper, a garbage cart driver, a Junk dealer, or in one ot the several honorable callings which appeal to the imagination ot the street- HJ bred urchin. Of courso, somo uplrlt- less and superlatively good children might tamely submit to tho ordeal ol Bfl tho medlclno bath, but whom tlio gods HJ lovo dio young in any event, bo why make them miserable during tho brlct period of their Btny on earth? |